《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 145


-The red monster of catastrophe-

-About one hour before "her" arrival-

"M.. Milady…. I.. I can't run anymore…"

An old looking lizard demihuman is trying to catching up his breath.

"Aw,, can't be helped.. There!"


He was grabbed and getting thrown away by his tail.


The old lizard is making a pose like saying "i can't fly" while flipping his arms like a bird.

He was catched mid air by his tail

"Ohh right, you werent a flying type.. Sorry,, tee he~"

A woman with a appearance of dragon demi human which looked at their early twenties flapping her wings in mid air while acting cute and doesnt seems to be feel sorry at all.

"P… please go easy on this old bones,

, i wasnt young anymore…"

"Nyahaha, well it can't be helped!! Compared to someone as youthful and perfect as me,, every one in our clan looked like a old bones after all!"

"Milady, arent you actually the oldest among the clan… OWWW!? I'M SORRY,, MY TAIL IS HURT"

"I am eternal seventeen, kay?"

"Eh? No matter how you looked at it, isnt that going too far...OUCH OUCH!?"

His tail was gripped too hard that a hand pattern is showing there.


"Milady, isnt this too far into the frontlines? Why were we here?"

"Isnt it obvious? My fan is waiting for me, so as a idol i have to show up!"

"Fan?? No,no, milady. They're coming to exterminate us"

"I wonder what should be my first greeting are? Well, only by basked by my majesty is enough for commoners, but since this is my first concert, i want it to be more exciting~"

"Milday, you didnt listen to me at all!, also, is it fine to not saying anything about it to young master?"

"Don't worry, Lakkun should understand ~ i just need to give him a big pat later"

"I dont think that's the problem here!?"

"Ah~ i found them. I'll go ahead then"

"Milady!? Please wai…"

"Become bigger tri-chan~ grow!"

However, ignoring the old man plea, the dragon woman is throwing her weapon.

And that's how she was in the middle of the battle.





Everybody froze

Right in the midst of battle, some unknown dragon demi human is making a loud noise.

It was bizzare enough of scene that no one knows how to react.

"Hmm? hmm? Whats wrong, everybody? Its me, you know, me, the famous idol that everybody know and love. Meidri-chan~"

However, nobody seems to recognize her.

"Are? Is everybody gone speechless from my arrival? Fufu, it can't be helped, as a world class idol, just being basked with my presence alone is enough to make you guys speechless after all~"

Everybody else seems to make expression like saying "who the heck are you" but she seems to ignore them.

"Hmm, seems like everybody is still stunned by my graceful presence. Mou, it can't be helped~ perhaps some good song will help moving your body"

Saying that, her large trisula is changing form into a giant mic.

And then…

"ready, one the one.. On the twoo.. on the three!"



Hell begins.


According to historian, one of the most dreadful and horrific enemy in the war is described as such

Its form is that of a winged monster. Its eyes is terrific enough that it can quiet even crying babies, the tails is in a horrendous form that can even scare a grown up adult.

But, the most terrifying of it all…

Is its scream that penetrates the heaven and splitting the earth into two.

Nobody, not enemies or allies, can be sane after hearing its scream.

Record say the one unfortunate enough to be near that thing and survived once its start to screaming had lost their ability to reason. Their pupils had dilated, their mind is broken, and their ears is refusing any voice.

Because it brings such a devastation and destruction, people even saying it was a hidden boss that appears when the demon king or evil god is in danger.

According to the testimony of those who is lucky enough to observe the situation from outside the range, it was said that the earth itself seems to be screaming in pain.

The guild had designed it to be a unique legendary monster, with a danger level of s, perhaps even surpassing it.

Anyone who met it will have their whole hair standing, anyone who ever contact its eye will start to screaming the name of their family or loved one, anyone who ever hear its scream will met a certain death.

Its called by a lot of name. Walking calamity, absolute disaster, death throes of the end, and the most famous of all

The red monster of catastrophe


It was only for a few second.

The time until the impact is coming anytime soon in less than one minute.

But that second is enough.

Sensing the danger that comes to them, Sally is using everything that she can to defend against it.

Focusing on all of her magic circuit, concentration, and her whole strength, the mage is using all of her whole being for this one spell.

With a speed that even make the time seems to froze, she was working for a solution inside of her head.

The only possible means to survive this, the spell that never been able to casted by any great mage or wizard before her.

Said to be left by the ancestor of the Goddess, a spell that touch the realm of divine.

Sally understand how to cast it at age of five, which makes her a genius. But, she never use it.

This spell, is impossible to be used in the realm of mortal.

If one tries, the mere pressure will kill the caster in a matter of second, like the mage before her.

(Increasing the output of magic to 1200%, removing all of the restraint and safety system, adding a layer of additional defense system, enchanting the output of magic further by paying the rest of the cost with own mana.. Failure. Not enough mana. Adding the necessary cost with the own lifespan. Accepted. By calculation, the chance of successful cast is...0,2%. Calculating another way to succeed, the payment is one own use of limb and eyesight … not enough, converting it into all of the five sense and the lifetime worth of memories instead. ...not enough, changing the payment for the whole existence and converting it into a spiritron being. …..acceptable. Confirming the deal into the voice of the world. The chance of success will become 52%. Once the spell is done, the user will become a part of the system and can never return to the world of man. Do you accept? - Yes.)


"H..hey, what happened.. Whoa, why are you so bright, little sis?

According to what he heard, when a mage had reached their peak of class and becoming a wizard, their bodies is shining depends on the amount of magic they use.

Of course, doing that is giving a tremendous pressure to own body, and he would never thought his lazy sister will ever done something that tiresome or burdensome.

But, thats not what worries him.

The light is said to be made by burning not just the caster own mana, but their life too.

He was trying to stop it, but he cant move his body.

His body is screaming at the coming of death and giving up the chance of survival.

Even if his mind trying to move, his body already gives up.

So Kita cannot move and can only watch this scene unfolding before his eyes

(Warning, the burden for the user is too excessive. The user will lost its life function within 5 minutes if this keep up. Do you still want to continue?)


The mage had been sprouting blood everywhere from her eyes,mouth, ears.

But she didnt slow down her spell a bit, instead, increasing it faster than before.

(Increasing the range into a wide area spell, borrowing the rest of the power from the mana that residue in the world because of the user lacking the method of payment. Caution, because of the effect of the spell, the user will receive tremendeous pain as a feedback. If the user fainted in the middle of casting, the spell might be broken. Do you want to continue? - Yes. Confirmed, please start the spell anytime)

"Heaven, above, earth below, with star watching over us, let us surpass the divinity and become a pillar that protect the people. Land,sky,sea, lend us your power to protect those under the heaven. The distant land that not allows any invaders to reach. Our glorious place, our reverend father and mother, watch us as we become a shield that envelop this world….."

Her concentration and voice is deep enough to reach everyone around her, her palm and forehead cannot stopped sweating.

Finally, opening her eyes wide, the spell that she pours her entire being is being casted.


With a bright light, the landscape had changed.

From a devastated battlefield into a land full of flowers that not allowing any invaders to reach.

A distant land foreign of blood and war, which didnt know any bloodshed.




A crack is starting to formed.

Even this spell, which not even a great wizard in the past able to cast, and manifested as a miracle that only Sally managed to cast, cannot fully defend against the death scream.


Pouring more spirit to her spell, Sally is trying to increase the output.

However, she had already surpassed her limit for long ago. No matter how much she pours, the spell cannot be strengthen any further.


It only means that she wasnt strong enough to fully manifest the spell.

*crack crack*

The crack is getting bigger, at this rate, the spell will be broken.

Sally knows that once the protection of the spell is lost, then everything will be over.


Already tired and having a hard time to stay concious, she was looking at her dumb looking brother.

Remembering the time when she was having a prime in her life being surrounded by the books and games, he forcefully invited her into his party because they lack a mage.

He was fat before, but he was starting to slim when he got a wife.

She always thought he was dumb and barely interact with him. Even now, looking at his expression, he was probably barely able to comprehend what is happening.

(i really hate him...)

He takes her away from her sanctuary, bringing her into a noisy place that she dislikes, and making her work harder than ever before.


She didnt think it was really bad.

Making a smile, she wonders if anyone will be sad if she was gone.

Amy will, probably cry a ton. Despite her looks, she was quite pure after all.

Sylla, she was not sure.. All she knows about her is that she loves money. Perhaps she will if i lost the travel money?

Mamu, she wasnt so close with her but she keeps invading her personal space like they're friends or something. Which greatly troubles her.


I would be laughing a ton if he cries.

I guess i kinda wants to see it? Too bad, can't. Bummer...



"I think you look better before"


"That narcissist act seems too fake"

"Hey, you.."

"So… don't be surprised by what i was going to do, okay?"

"Wait, what do you mean..."

"Decreasing… the spell range and focusing the remaining energy into a smaller range, increasing the density and the area of effect..."

At that time, the spell is getting smaller.

It was getting smaller, and smaller, until it was only on the area that Kite was in.


Half of the Sally body is already outside of the spell.


With a satisfied smile that she never shown before.

"Please... Burn all of my old written novel"

With that as her last words, she had dissapeared outside the range of the spell.


Kite is trying to grab her hand, but didnt make it.

"..What the hell.."

He grit his teeth and start to screaming.

"At least tell me where can i find them!!"

He was crying, Even though he replied with a lame screaming.

    people are reading<Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard>
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