《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 142


-That day, i lost my purity (innocence)-

-In the frontlines of the world army vs demons army-

"Haah.. haa.. shit, shit!"

He cut another one.

A young man with a blonde hair and long rapier is slashing down another harpy.

But, no matter how much he cut down.

It doesn't seems like it was going to end.

"They're endless..! Is demons able to generate unlimited monsters or something!?"

He curse and spat the monster that he just cut down.

If only he can get at least a drop item from the monsters, he might be looking forward to kill them at least.


"They're dissapeared again, was that not a normal monsters?"

The corpse of the monster that he just killed disappeared like a after image after some time passed, unlike the normal monster that remains even after died.

"How did it come to this?"

Regretting his decision, the warrior kite remembering his conversation with his comrade a while back.


-Before the war is started-

"Finally, this moment had come. Let us set forth, my comrade!"


After the declaration of the king, Kite is gathering his party to have a private conversation.

His intention is simple, to beat the demon king before anyone else and becoming a hero.

To do that, he cant wait for the king to organize the army. He have to do it right now, when the competition is still low. At least, that's what he believe. He have no time to lose if he wants to make a name for himself.

"Wait wait, this is the demon king we were talking about yanno? Putting aside the three divine beasts, isn't he the strongest in the world? Even with all of this force, it was not guaranteed that we would be able to win. Isn't it better to wait until the king finished organizing the army?"

The thief Sylla is getting nervous.

"She was right, Kite san? Whats wrong with you, you're usually more cautious against an enemy we never fought before."

The archer Mamu is asking him.

"Hahaha, theres nothing wrong about me, my dear. I was still as handsome and beautiful as before. Well, to be honest though, when i received some strange looking flower from a little girl i feel strangely stronger and better than before. I bet the Goddess had choose me as her champion and grant her blessing to me. Oh, it is indeed a sin to be attractive.."

Said kite while showing off the flower that he received.

It have a suspicious looking miasma and the color seems suspicious too.

"..Uh, it wasnt a poisonous flower yeah?" Ask Sylla.

"Sylla, i never thought you would suspect a little girl! True she was wearing a hood and i can't see her face, but i can see that she would become a beauty in the future that will not losing to the goddess. She even said "Good luck, you're the only one who can save the world" to me. What noble i am if i can't answer such a heartfelt plea?"

(Isnt that actually more suspicious instead!!?) Thought his party member.

"H..hey, Amy, come on. Say something to stop him." The archer plea to her friend beside her.

The tanker Amy is getting quiet while closing her eyes. Then..

"I wholeheartly agree!

Shouts her with a loud voice.

"Eh?" The archer girl is dumbfounded.

"To think Kite san is not only strong. But his noble heart had reached a little girl to wholeheartly support him. As a aspiring knight, going into the frontlines more early than anyone else is such a honor!"


"Hahaha, i knew you will agree to me Amy! Together as the vanguard let us fight together! Not to save the world, but to fulfill the expectation and hope of a single girl!"

"Leave it to me! I will mow down the enemy and kill the demon king myself!"

(Why are they such an idiot?) Thought the archer.

"Mm.. well.. if you guys are that confident perhaps we can just try? Honestly i sorta giving up stopping it at this point yanno? As long as i got my payment i have no complaint..."

The thief is giving a whatever-vibe and given up stopping them.

(Useless bitch! Dont just give up that easily! Try harder!)

Curse the archer.

(That's right, i still have my last hope!)

"Sally sally, wake up! Help me convince those guys!"

The archer girl is trying to waking up the sleeping mage.

It seems like she was sleeping this whole time because it took too long.


"Oh good, youre awake. Come on now, say something to stop them…"

The mage Sally is lifting her staff and point it to the archer girl.

"Irritating… become dumb, Confuse ray"

"Hey, what are you!?...fwaah?"

And firing her spell to her without a hesitation.

"Unyaa? Huh! Mai head ish dizzy? Hehe.. oh well, i guess it's finne? Kite san is always righhhtt after all… by the wayy, why are there two of you guyss?"


After firing her spell, the mage is sleeping again.

"Hahaha, since you guys all agree, let us set forth then. I have expected this so i already prepared our necessity."

"Are? Is it fine to leave her like that yanno?" The thief asked

"Don't worry, i got hit by that spell often, it would be gone in a hour or so"

Except he didnt consider that warrior and archer had a different resistance against status effect.

"Uhh, will this party gonna be alright?"

Said the thief that starting to get a doubt about her party members.


-back to present-

(Shit! I shouldn't have made a reckless decision that easily! Whats wrong with me?)

His usual graceful movement is getting sloppy. With this many enemies, he can't mind about appearance like usual.

While regretting his previous action, more enemies is coming.

"More enemies come from the west! Mamu, cover my back...WHOA!?"

He got shooted by a arrow on his back. thankfully, it was lodging in his armor or else it would hit his heart.

"Heehe, so many birdies. I'll kill you all.. heehe"

"Wait wait, Mamu! This is me the handsome noble Kite, not the harpy! Shit! You still havent been released from the confusion yet? Sally, cure her! Hurry!"



Kite is moving as fast as he can to the mage and hitting her lightly on the head.

"..Thats hurt, onii-chan.."

"Ohh, i can do more than just hurting you if you didnt start to help already my dear sister that is not as beautiful as me… just cure her confusion already!"

"Okaay.. Cure!"


"...its not stupid, onii-chan. It was called reversi, the heroes in the past had brought it and it was more complex than it looked, for example…"

"THIS ISNT THE TIME FOR THAT! HEY, STOP SULKING AND USING ILLUSION TO MAKE YOURSELF INVISIBLE!? Aargh, whatever, anyone is fine, Amy, Sylla? Can someone hold Mamu for now? Whoa?"


He didnt receive a reply from Sylla, and when he was looking on his back, a piece of paper is flying to his face.

When Kite saw the content….

(Tee hee, sorry! Looks like this was more than i can handle, and it was more than i got paid for. So i will return to my parents home until this mess is settled down. Don't forget to send my payment to the adventurer guild, if the world is still survived, yeah? With love and money, from Sylla <3)

Kite is getting angry that he crumple down the paper once he reads it and throws it away into the ground.

While Amy…


Her shield and armor is broken, so she was fighting the harpy with her body.

Of course, because of her low accuracy, she didnt manage to hit any at all, and the harpy cannot hurt her much. Thus create this tug of war battle.

Kite realized when she was like that, she won't listen to anyone.

"Each one and every one of you guys…"

Realizing he can't even escape by now, he take a stance against the coming harpy and Mamu.


Preparing for the hardest battle in his life, Kite draws out every technique and strength that he had, since his life was depends on it.


"Haa.. haa.. is.. it.. over?"

Around him, a fallen harpies and unconscious archer.

His equipment is tattered, and he was bleeding all over.

Thankfully his wound is minor, but his fatigue is plain to see.

And most of his wound are made from his confused comrade, instead of the monsters.

(Is this some kinda joke? I almost got recorded as the first adventurer that died killed by my own allies, instead of enemy..)

Then, suddenly…

*Rumble Rumble*


The earth was shaking.

And what he seen from afar was..

"You gotta be kidding me, more enemies? And this time a golem and gargoyles on the mix?"

Despite his party is rank a party and golem and gargoyle is only c rank and b rank monsters, that rank only true when he had a full party.

While his own battle ability is probably rank c alone, and considering that he was exhausted, if he fight those monster in this condition alone he would definitely die.

"Fuck! Sally, this isnt some kinda joke. Undo your spell and support me already!"


He didnt able to see Sally, but he can hear a snore.


He begun to feel despair from betrayed by his comrades.

"Thats right, theres still Amy. Amy! Hurry up and buy me some time at... least?

He saw Amy is being tied up by some spider monster.

"Mmggh..! Mmggh..!" (You cowardly monsters, fight me directly!)


Kite start to make a face like he had lose hope to humanity itself.


He start to laughing by himself.


How equipment is broken. He was on verge of death, and he was alone.

Yet he was still laughing.

Is it confidence? Strength? Or is it something else altogether?

No, its...


He broke.

And he was running away looking unsightly while abandoning Amy and his sword.

But one of his leg is getting tied up by the spider.

He got panicked and start to getting terrified again.


While bawling with a snot and mucus, if any other adventurer seeing this scene they probably won't believe that this was the man that they considered as hero.

Luckily, his party is moving alone separated from the main army, so thats probably the only silver lining that no adventurer saw him

Just when the spider-like monster is going to make him a dinner..

*Stab stab stab*


A rain of javelin is killing the spider.


He saw a silhouette of a group of people coming to him.

And its not just one. Hundred, thousand.. no, probably more than hundred thousands.


He know what this means.

His body is trembling from happiness.

He was saved, and the reason was...

"They're coming! The king must have finished mobilizing!"

Feeling glad, he was running to them.

"Hahaha! My comrades! Thank you for saving me! I,Kite the handsome will be sure to paid you prope..rly?"


The scene that he saw is making him pale.


A group of rugged and muscular tatooed people wearing open shirts and evil looking eyes.

They wear various weapons like bats, spear, knuckles, chainsaw, all with silver color on them.

Some ride a wolf, others ride a elephant like ride.

In the midst of them, they bring a strange altar with a girl wearing strangely unfit nun outfit.

She seems to be worshipped like a god, while her eyes seems dead and out of focus.

Seeing this such out of place scene, Kite was...


His nerve is having too much strain that he collapsed on the spot with only white on his eyes.


"Whats with this guy? He saw us and suddenly screamed and collapsed on his own"

"I guess his bleeding is too severe that he got a hallucinations. Poor guy, must be because of those monsters"

"Say, you think it's because of our appearance?"

"Haha, no way. This was a holy outfit given by those messenger of the goddess themself you knew? They even said that this suit is the strongest equipment that can even resist the demon king attack himself "

"Though i heard the amounts of defense it gives is proportional to your faith to the goddess herself. In that case mine would have the highest defense among us!"

"Haha, what a nice joke. Everyone knows that i was the most faithful among all of us. Just this morning, i had received a lot of blessing from the panties that received blessing from the goddess herself. Look, i am wearing them right now"

"Tsk, i am jealous. But don't forget that while we follow the Goddess, today we follow the saint that is not losing to goddess herself in popularity"

"Of course. How can i forget it? So let us called her together"

"Ready? One, two…"



Their shouts had made a earthquake that the monsters almost losing their balance because of their shouts.


However, their object of worship (sacrifice?) The girl in the altar that they bring is not changing her blank and unfocused expression.

Meanwhile, all Arisa could think of was…

(I want to go home…)

While looking at the scene in front of her with a deadpan eyes.


-Meanwhile, not far from there-

(Ohh, good, good. They finally start to move)

Someone is observing the frontlines from afar.

Normally the distance is too far to be seen with a naked eye, but it seems like this person have no trouble seeing from this far distance.


Tuvalu called that person from the back.

"You're back, hmm hmm~ good work. You can take a rest for now"

She replied in a good mood unlike the usual angry reply.

"No, i still need to observe the movement of the humans-demi humans alliance. If you give me permission Miho sama."

"Ehh, if you say so~ fine, then just keep watch so that the heroes didnt see me alright?"

"Understood. But Miho sama, may i ask why you're worried to meet the heroes? Personally i don't think they would be a threat for us, but.."

"Hmm, just that it's troublesome to explain if i showing myself to them… eh, its not that important. I just rather have less potential interruption for my date."

"I see.. then, why made one of them as the leader instead of the king?"

"Because its funny ~ or so i want to say, but if i made one of them as leader they wont be able to move that freely, and the other two will focus on guarding her. So i can slip into the demon king castle easier while they distract them"

"I see, what a marvelous insight indeed. As expected from Miho sama!"

(I didnt actually think that thoroughly though.. just honestly think it would be funny… interesting)

"Then, i will return to my duties. May fortune of the Goddess be with you Miho sama "

Saying that, Tuvalu dissapears.

(Huh, he got faster now. I barely able to saw his movement)

"Khuhuhu… but still..."

(Blessing of the Goddess he said, what a joke...

After all, if Iskandar, or goddess, realizing my actual intention beyond this... No, its too soon to think about it.)

"After all, right now, i just need to focus on the upcoming battle"

It tooks quite a detour to reach here, but its finally really begun…

I wonder what will happened from now on. Even i cannot predict the end result.

Will we survive, or will you survive? Either way, nobody will be able to stop it anymore. I won't allow it...

Now, demon king…

Show me some entertainment before i kill you, kay?

After all,

Only when you have exhausted all of your card. Being beaten completely and thoroughly, and robbing everything that you had while the only thing that is left is only grudge and hatred. And when i finished the cooking and took away what remaining things left in front of his eyes….

Only then, and after then that can feel alive…


Nobody can stop this devil from getting what she wanted.

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