《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 141


The birth of sacred panties, the legendary saintess

Let's turn back the time a few moments, before the march into the demons territory

-Inside the abona royal castle-

"What's the matter, baa-san? Shouldn't we start to prepare for the march into the demon territory already?"

After the declaration to start the war with the demons, the king called the queen into his private chambers.

(Don't tell me he got strange thought after i done that kissing act? Please spare that thought, we're already too old for that..)

However, the king didnt reply and instead making a serious expression to the queen.


He was making a serious expression and put down his hand into the queen shoulder.

"Yes, baa-san?"

(Don't tell me i am right? This is troubling, at least wait until i prepare myself... Ah, did i take a bath already? Surely he wont be asking me to doing it here right? Oh wow, this takes me back when we were still teenager… wait, calm down. What was i thinking about in this emergency?)

The queen is nervous inside, but because of the dignity of the queen she didnt show it outside.

And yet,

The words that the king uttered next shatter all of that nervousness.

"W..what should i do, MAINEEE???"

He start to make a despaired and panicked expression, while looked like he could cry at any moment.



"I.. i said that because the atmosphere, but now what should i do? Leading such a big army to eliminate the demons? You just have to be kidding right? The burden is too much for me, no,no,no! I want to go home and crawl inside my bed already! Save me, Maine! Waah, mommy mommy…!!"


The queen make a expression like saying "What the heck is this guy talking about this late game already?"

"Furthermore, why should i become the leader anyway? Just because i am the king of the abona? As if i become the king because i want to! I always leave all of the troubling matter to my subordinate and someone else! Making me bearing such a heavy responsibility is arrogant right? Who is the idiot who put me in this mess anyway? Ahh, thats right.. i should just kill those damn representative that push me on this whole mess things right? Guards guard! Kill them all! Cut off their head and put them on displayy! Eh, abuse of power you ask? Like i care! I am the king! Who cares about the mess with the demons anyway? Destruction of the world? Then let me spend the last moment of the world inside my favorite bed and quietly wait for it to be pass anyway! That's right, even without me some heroes or something will save the world without my knowledge right? Just make those otherworlder heroes kill the demons already? No, no, no! I had enough of this!, i dont want to die, i dont want to work, save me, mommy!"

"Calm down baa-san! And mother already died a long time ago! We attend her funeral together didn't you remember?"

"Calm doown, calm down? You're saying it so easily because you're not the one responsible for this! How are you going to compensate for this huuh?? Ah right, woman have it easy. Just shake their ass a little and men will follow them like a bee! But you can't do it at this age don't you? Ahaha serves you right you old coot… *GUBEH?*"

The king started to doesnt make any sense despite he was the one who get excited in front of all of those people anyway, the queen chop his throat to calm him down.


"...i'll pretend to ignore what you are saying just now. Have you calmed down baa-san?"

"Gah.. geh.. you hit me... even my mother never hits me before! Betrayal? So that's it! Why didnt i see it before!? This was all too convinient! I knew it! You must be a fake! Curse those demons, trying to fool and leading me with an illusion! Now that i think about it, your wrinkles is much more than the real one! Guards guardss! Capture this imposter already..! *GHUAAA!!?*"

"I said calm down, you old fool!"

*AAGH!* *GBUEH* *HIIC!?* *STO..*"

The queen finally lose patience and start to slapping him right and left like no tomorrow.

"Hoguh.. i gfet itt.. yofe thew rheal thinngg… shoo chan yhou lhet mhe gho alrheadhy?" (I get it, youre the real thing, so can you let me go already?)

"Haa haa.. as long as you understand..."

The war is not even started yet, but the queen is already feels tired from this.

(Now that i remember it, he was always panicked when push come to the shove. Though today is especially worse)

"Why are you so panicked anyway? Just pretend to give orders from the back like you always do"

"L..like i can do that! The scale of this is clearly different from the things i had done in the past! I can't…"


Some voice like a stomachache is resounded in the room

The queen seems to sense something and start to back down from the king.

"Baa..san, dont tell me you.."

"I..its not my fault! The stress is piling up lately, so it was a natural biological reaction...akh"


Some things start to falling down from the king pants. The queen start to pinching her nose and looking at him with a pale expression.



They didnt speak anything for a few minutes.

Finally the queen start to speak.

"...Your majesty?"

The queen is staring at him with a cold and emotionless expression. The tone feels cold and distant compared to what she was calling him before.

"... Don't say anything.."

"..Your majesty? Are you doing what i was thinking about?"

"Please, stop! Dont say it anymore!"


"Dont say anything else! Don't look at me like that! Just stay quiet and leave me alone! I. Beg. You. *Sob"

"....If that's the order of his majesty"

For the both of their sake, the queen decides to not talk about this any further.

(Should i just ditch this country and evacuate my daughter to devil god army instead?)

The queen feels like giving up before it even started


"I wonder what's happened?"

"Why did it took so long? Where's the king?"

Inside the meeting room, the various representative is getting uneasy

They said they need to discuss things, but the king didn't return from his room together with the queen for quite some time.

The people gathering outside is making a camp, but some are getting impatient and want to attack the demons by themself.


Someone opens the door. It was the queen, but the king is not seen.

"Your highness the queen..."

"W.. Where your majesty?"

Thinking it was strange that the king didn't shown up, they asked.

After seems like she was gathering some breath from nervousness, the queen start to speak.

"We've been had.."


"The king is getting hit by a curse. Most likely, it was the attack from the demons, or evil god"



They seem surprised.

It was only some hours ago, yet the king is already been attacked.

"His life is not in danger, but i suggest anyone to not coming into his room for now. Head main, bring some hot towel and bucket, also fresh pants. The curse is a psychical type, so some mess will spill out. Also, take some caution when entering, who knows if it was spilled by accident."

After some nod, the head maid start to order the other maid to bring what the queen asked for

The others seems wondering whats those items for, but they didnt know much about curse so they didnt ask anything more.

"We're doomed!"

"Ahh, i knew it. The demons are too much for us!"

"Now that they had the backing of evil god, we can't win!"

The people are starting to panicked.

The queen seems troubled by it too, but she wasnt able to say anything to lift their spirit.

So she just let the oldest person in this room to do the speaking.

"Stop yabbering, are you guys bunch of a babies wearing diapers?"

Lily start to speak,

Being one of the leaders, people start to have some hope that she can lead them instead

"What use is panicking before we even start? If theres no leader then we just need to march and kill everything on the sight before getting killed instead"

Unfortunately, her suggestion is anything but brute force.

"Gahaha! I see, it was nice and simple. "

The Granada king seems to agree with her.

Ah, no good. If we were being led by those muscleheads, this war is doomed. Is what most of the people in this room is thought.

The situation seems hopeless, until

"About that, i have a suggestion"

The beastman called Tuvalu start to speak.

"Miho sama had seen this coming and already decide the one most suited among the humans and demi humans to lead this war"

They was surprised that their leader had already predicted this situation.

Devil god Miho, who is that person actually?


"And thats why, it has been decided that you will lead this bunch of rabbles. My, you really famous now isn't it? I was kinda jealous actually"

"Um, no, that wasn't answering about anything shishou.. if you're jealous can we trade place?"

"Surely you jest, you're the one been chosen right? Not me. Come to think of it, what title should you use for this war? Calling you a saint or a hero seems lacking for this moment of history, i suggest changing your title into grand saint hero or something? The one that will smite all that is evil and guides all that is good? Well, publication is important after all. How about wearing more cooler outfit? In fact, i got this black and red design with wings on the back.."

Lily was speaking like it was someone else bussiness.

Meanwhile, Arisa that had been dragged into this mess without any warning is having a headache while muttering "that's more like a demon king than a saint shishou…"

(What should i do? Pretending to have a stomachache probably ...wont work this time. to begin with, i still have a hard time understanding the situation)

She was suddenly being dragged and lily only give her rough summaries like "we were going to finish off the demons now, so its been decided that you become the leader"

She didnt understand, but she knows some bad things will happened if she just let this be.

But, to suddenly become a leader of the people…

"Umm, how much people i was going to lead anyway?"

"About everyone?"

"What? Everyone in the capital? Or all three?"

"No, i mean everyone is everyone. About all of the life forms aside of demons in the world i suppose? Well with some exception"

"Ahaha, your joke is getting funny lily-chan. I almost got fooled"

"Ufufu, did you think i ever made a joke Arisa? Also if we lose theres no second chance. The world is going to be destroyed, at least that what everyone believe anyway"



Lily just speak about it nonchalantly. Both of them are laughing without changing their expression.

Soon after that, with the speed that is more faster than before, the fastest speed that Arisa ever done before...

"Holy light"

Arisa using non chanting magic to blind her surroundings in a bright light

"Fool! Do you think you can running away from your master! Guards, everyone, catch her!"

Like that, everyone in the castle is starting a hunt.


"You got skilled at running away, i praise that at least"

"Mmph! Hmmpphh!"

After some cat and mouse game with a devastating result, Arisa is getting tied up and chained with iron chain.

Almost everyone in the castle is involved with her pursuit, even the pair of granada royalty and the other heroes have to join together in order to catch her.

The excitement is such that people thought that demon king himself had entering the castle.

Even though people realize halfway that it wasn't a demon spy, but one of the heroes instead, the pressure from the holy maiden is so intense that they cannot stop now.

It was such a harsh struggle full of blood, sweat, and excitement that later generation will write this in the history book as one of the most harshest trial that the grand saint Arisa face among her hardship.

"Umm, Holy maiden-sama, isnt it okay to release her already?"

Shuu made that suggestion. He feels like this is too cruel to force Arisa when she barely knows anything about the situation.

Lily seems dissatisfied, but relents after saying as long she didn't try to running away.

"Pwaah..! Isnt this a bit too cruel, shishou?"

"Then you shouldn't have tried to running away from the start if you're going to regret it"

"A..anyone would be running away if they're been pursued with such a bloodlust and intent to kill! Using that magic is too far just for trying to catch me? Half of the castle is disintegrated you know?"

"Oh right, i guess i got a bit too serious. Isnt that good thing? That means you were growing that i need to use this much force to catch you. You're getting stronger, Arisa"

"Eh, hehe.. is that so. Wait, i am not happy about it at all! That means the number of unreasonable quest you give me will be increased!"

(Tsk, she was sharp)

"Why me anyway? Isnt there a better choice? Like the king of granada, shishou, or even Shuu and Yuya is a better leader than me"

"L..like i thought, i should just be the one to do it anyway. Holy maiden-sama, would you allow me to?"

"Unfortunately, you cannot do"

Interject Tuvalu.

Shuu looks at him like asking why.

"Miho sama had explained it to me. She described you as "useless, indecisive, hopelessly good for nothing, and incompetent goody good for nothing idiot"


It even said by twice to show how important it is

"While Yuya sama is "too suspicious looking, too much loner, and you don't even care anyway, so buzz off. Is added in the comment"

"Is your leader picking a fight? Well that's true though"

"So after process of elimination, Arisa-sama is the one most suited for it"

Arisa seems still didnt understand, so Tuvalu explained further.

"She had the most fan and popularity among the heroes, theres nothing to complain about her looks and personality too. And furthermore she was durable enough to survive despite being thrown away inside a neat full of vipers so she was the best meatshiel.. ahem, pardon me. Anyway, it's already been decided so you have no say to refuse it anyway. Is what she was saying."

"Uhm, is it just me or i feel like a pig that had been decided to getting slaughtered?…"

"It's your imagination. Anyway, how about just try? In case it doesnt work nobody is going to blame you since no one else wants to do it anyway"

Shuu seems wants to make some interjection, but giving up after being called incompetent.

"Is this the words from your leader again? Erm, Tuvalu-san?"

"..No,its just my personal opinion. However, if i must say.."

If its the words of Miho-sama, then it must be the truth

"I see, you really trusted that person wasnt it?"

Arisa close her eyes are in a deep thought

"Arisa, if you dont want to then theres no need you know? Just leave it to m.."

"Shuu, sorry. But can you be quiet for a second?"

Shuu seems to be surprised she didnt call him Shuu-ya like usual.

After seems like making a decision, she was standing up.

"Let me see everyone. They had been waiting isnt it?"


Those guys that had been waiting looked sour and irritated because the king didnt coming out yet.

Yet, when Arisa coming out the atmosphere is changed.

"It's Arisa sama.."

"Just like the revelation says"

"She was more beautiful in person"

"Oh crap, now i get too excited and pissed my pants"

"Finally, the moment is here.."

Arisa is standing in the highest place so everyone can see her.

Yet, before she can start to speak the first words


Everyone is yelled at the same time.


Arisa is surprised that she was almost falling down.


She was confused why they was expecting her, so she didnt manage to get a word to say.

"Aa ano.."


(Why are they getting excited?? Did i do something wrong?)

She was pondering what should she do now, until...

"Ah, there you are Arisa"

Aimi is suddenly showing up from below her skirt.

"Hiyaah? Eh, Aimi chan?"

"Ne ne, i was hungry. Do you have anymore food?"

"Err, Aimi chan, i was still a bit busy right now so.."

"Hmm, sniff sniff.. you had something smelled sweet here.."

"Ah, i did have some chocolate in my pocket.. wait, Aimi chan?"

Aimi pushed her down so she was falling

"Mm i smeel it here, or was it there?"

"Aimi chan? Please dont push me? Ah, wait. Not there, thats not food!"

Aimi start to sniff her breast, and in their position their panties is on full view.

Meanwhile, all of the onlookers are…

"Its the holy panties"

"It was a pair of it"

"A holy..,no, a sacred panties?"

"Oohh.. goddess. I am glad to be alive"

All of the onlookers is starting to prostate and prayed for this view.

Today, the legend of sacred panties that unite all of the nation, barrier, and language had been born. Historian in the future even having a long unsolved debate whetever they must choose the holy panties of the goddess, or the sacred panties of the saint as their object of worship.

Of course, whenever it was according to a certain devil machination or not, Probably not even god knows.

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