《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 4


Chapter 4

- Status... opened! -

The next morning, the heroes gathered inside the hall where they had been summoned.

"Good morning, heroes. Did you sleep well?"

Shuu and Arisa answered politely, Yuya answered "Yeah" shortly. Mika only close her eyes quietly.

If anybody looked from outside, they might think she was thinking of something, but inside her head was only a route to conquer a galge game.

"Good. Then let's continue yesterday’s discussion, alright?"

The king continues, seemly in a good mood.

"First, there is a status in this world. They're like explanation of your strength and abilities. There's skill that only the user can see, and titles that can represent your achievements in life. Try to shout status to see yours. Ah, it can be said inside the head, of course. It would be troublesome to keep shouting status in the middle of a city, right?"

Hearing that everyone speak status and after some commotion like "Harmless jizou? What is this?" "Animal lovers? Tch, saying whatever you want..." "Airhead? How cruel! Arisa-chan is gonna cry." She sniffed.

Seems like everyone was more or less surprised with the titles than their status.

As for Mika...

Name : Ebisugawa Mika

Job : Hopeless pervert (NEET)

Age : 17 years old

Sex : F

Level : 1

Hp : 95

Mp : 105

Str : 15

Agi : 16

Vit : 8

Dex : 20

Int : 20

Wis : 5~30

Luck : 18

(Extra) Moral : -99

Skills : appraisal, language comprehension

Titles : Hero from another world, Lolicon, Foul mouth, Bold, Beauty in vain, *omitted because its too vulgar*

Well, i already read it last night after trying bunch of things.

But seriously, what's up with the title? It makes me seems like hopeless pervert no matter what. Also, I'm not lolicon! My love to Aimi is pure respect! Wanna die, Status? Just a mere status is getting cocky, I wanna see your parents.

Ah, that's probably me huh?

After thinking some stupid things, Mika thought again about her status.

Why is only wisdom variable? Does it means it can get high or low, depending on the condition? Moral seems strange, what's with the -99 number?

Ah did it increase a little because I became friends with villager girl A?

Well, at least I got called beauty, but what’s up with in vain? Doesn’t that means, no matter how attractive I get, it would be useless? Also this title...


If only she made some effort, she could get pretty famous.

Unfortunately, without any intent to be attractive, nobody even remembered her in school.

Mika looked at the title again.

What the fuck do you mean " omitted because its too vulgar?" Work harder, translation skill”


Seemingly given up, mika closed her status.

The king continued

"Did everybody see their status? After reading it, everyone should probably know their respective strengths and weaknesses right? For example, with str and vit you're good as a warrior, with dex and agi, you could become good as a thief, int and wisdom and you could become a mage. Of course, there are other classes and jobs depending on your status. If your levels are high enough, you can reach an advanced class in the temple. For now, just train enough and you can change your jobs."

The king start explaining various things regarding skills titles and so on... After around a hour

“Well, that was it. if there's no more question, how about a little sparring? Don't worry, our knight are well trained. They won't injure you or something like that. Then..."

“About that, I refuse"

Mika interjected.

Hearing that, all of the people there looked at her.

After some time, the king asked, "...pardon me, what do you mean by that exactly?"

"Exactly what I said.

Today, I’m outta here. Thanks for the hospitality. Ah, while I'm here, gimme some money. You got some right? As a king of countries or so, you got too rich, fattening yourself like a piggy with an oily body, so hand over some. Gimme, gimme."

Speaking like a robber, Mika shamelessly asked the king like a villain did their victim.

"May I, ehem. hear the reason?"

“Nothing much, I just want to. Hey, hurry up, will ya old man? Stop wasting time. Hand over the cash."


The king looked red like a street light, and some attendants were even holding laughs. Yuya cannot hold it anymore and started laughing while holding his stomach.

As for the actual reason Mika said that...

Don't speak bullshit anymore, you old pig. From what I read in this nation’s library, I already know you're a racist that only thinks about their own country first, and this is not the only nation in the world.


Thats right.

Mika actually slipped past the guards to find out about this country’s situation.

To each of their room, the king assigned personal maids so they wouldn’t learn anything unnecessary.

However, Mika troubled the maid by saying incomprehensible stuff like, "Gimme Aimi-chan, Gimme Aimi-chan! You crooked, fake maid! You won’t even get paid one yen because of your fake appearance! This is scam, give me back my money! I demand a refund, dammit where's the customer service? Guards, Guards, this is a crime! A scamming attempt to a poor fragile pure-hearted maiden."

And stuff similar to that.

The maid, getting stressed and a headache, temporarily returned to her room. At that time she climbed out of the window and checked various things about this country.

Since the maid didn't want to return to Mika’s room and also hearing only quietness from inside, she didn’t want to wake up the sleeping tiger, so she only stand guard in front of her room.

Of course, that how this situation unfolded.

"So, are you finished? Hurry up will ya? Seeing your corrupted face I bet that money is coming from dishonest means anyway."

The king said, "mumumu...", pondered for a while and…

"Guards, give her the money."

Handed it over without any hesitation.

"Hmm, here here. Ooh, almost a hundred gold. Not bad. You're pretty generous, thanks fatty old man. Seeya."

After counting what was inside, Mika cheerfully walked away.

Not wanting to spend more time inside this rotten country, she hurried up.

Then, she stopped when her hand was caught.


Arisa caught her hand and didn’t let go of it.

"Mika-chan, are you... really going? Aren't we, friends? You're gonna leave me? Alone in this place?"

Arisa looked bewildered.

Mika pondered about it a bit.

Thinking about it, I guess its normal.

She was suddenly in the other world without any acquaintances.

The only ones she knew were male friends from school.

So the existence of other girls from the same school was probably what enabled her to keep her sanity

Although I never even talked to her before.

Even knowing that, Mika...

"Sorry, I have to leave and I can't bring you along either."

"But why!" Arisa screamed.

Honestly, it seemed troublesome to think of an excuse so...

"I want to see this world.

Sure, the situation might be bad and there's a war with the demons. But even if we save the world, there's no guarantee we will be called back to our world at that time, right? We... our being here is close to a miracle after all.

And who can say that we won't die in the middle of the journey? Even if that doesn’t happen, there's a chance that unknown sickness, robbery, crime, accidents happen at any time.

This isn't our world where it's peaceful. We could be dead at any moment. In such place, without anybody we know, without our family or loved ones even realizing anything, a simple and meaningless death.

That's why I want to do what I want, and live and die by my own will instead by what other people decided."

Hearing that, arisa was speechless.

She realized stopping mika was useless.

"I... understand, Mika-chan."


Mika took a breath, thinking it’s gonna take a long time convince her.

"...But! Promise me one thing."

Crap, it wasn't that easy after all?

"Please, return alive. At least, until the problem with the demons are solved. And we can return to our world. Please promise me that."

Ah, it's more simple than i thought.

Well it's fine, I still planned to see the next game of Aimi, little sister "Airi-chan".

No way I'm gonna die.

"Alright, I promise, villager girl A!"

"You still can’t remember my name!?" Though Arisa smiled while saying that.

Shuu seemed worried, but since Arisa was fine with it, he didn't pursue any further.

"How do i said this, uhmm... Good luck, mika-san?"

"Yeah yeah, thanks staple hero. Stay alive, alright?"

"S..staple?" shuu looked confused.

While Yuya...

*Shake shake*


Silently ruffled Mika’s head while smiling.

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