《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 3.5


Chapter 3.5

- Behind the scenes-

"So, what did the appraisal show?" the king asked his subordinates inside his private chamber.

"All of them have an above average status, compared to a normal soldier. Looking at the title, their skills are mostly unique too."

"I see" the king responded.

In this world, the status can be appraised by people with appraisal skills.

Their titles can be read as well, but other than the skill user, nobody can see the skills.

Most titles have a relation to what they do in life, for example, a thief would have the title “thief”.

That's why in front of appraisal, it's useless to hide a crime.

Of course, in this kingdom with so many bad person coming in and out, it's impossible to weed them out completely, even if you know they're bad.

"However," the subordinate said.

"What is it?"

"Only one had titles I couldn’t read. Her stats are not that high either. I'm not sure what this means."

"Is that so? Perfect. We let her becoming the stepping stone then. It’s better to get rid of uncertain factors before we move forward."

"But, sir, are you sure?" the subordinate asked.

He received the next phase plan, but was still doubtful whether it would work.

To make sure the heroes think this world was constantly in danger, they planned to dispose one of the heroes by “accident”.

Realizing that they need to get stronger to survive, they will work hard.

That way, the remaining heroes will try to become stronger with all their might.

"It'd good if it happened like you said, sir, but what if their morale plummets?"

"If that happens, they weren’t worth to become heroes from the beginning. We can just make them sign a slave contract and sell them out as war slaves."


"You sure, sir? Our countries hold the human race highly after all, wouldn’t this contradict our policy, sir?"

"That rule is only for people from OUR country. They are from another world. Do you understand?" The king calmly replied.

The subordinates seemed quite surprised but did not pursue it further.

After all, they thought the same way. Anybody outside their countries was worth less than their people.

"So, how will we proceed to dispose her?"

"It’s simple. Our country is flooded by low-life, who take money and positions for more important than moral. GARON!"

That said, someone came into the room without knocking.

This man was huge, bald with a scar on his face and had a fierce look in his eyes.

"You… call?"

"I have a job. You heard the conversation, right? Deal with her as you fit. Make sure the other heroes don’t realize."

"Got… it. What should I do then?"

"Do whatever you want. make sure her face is intact, so at least the heroes can recognize her face."

Hearing that, Garon nodded.

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