《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》Chapter 1


- A pervert descends -

Averunks kingdom.

It was the first kingdom build by humans in this world, “Horun”.

Even though it was the oldest kingdom in humanity history, it was rather small.

But the people there were proud of themselves.

They persistently claimed, that humans are the only important race in the world.

Of course, inside this world where the majority of demi-humans already became a part of daily lives, their opinion are considered a madman’s rambling.

Even fellow humans from other country are thinking of them as troublesome fellows and ceased to consider them as fellow respectable living beings.

Without anybody paying attention or even caring about them, the country already became a lawless area.

Since nobody wanted to get involved with them, trade from other countries has halted and they barely got any supplies.

Trying to find a solution, the higher-ups of the country had a meeting.

At the moment, their bishops declared a revelation to the higher up.

"Without a doubt, it is the demons fault. The demon king brainwashed our fellow human to make us fight with each other".

The demon king.The existence that threatened humans and demi-humans alike.

Ever since the demons declared war 200 years ago, all of the other nations are busy to fend off the demon invasion.

There were periods of peace in between, for example, when a hero defeated the current demon king. So it wasn't exactly a complete 200 year war.

The demons only attack after a newly crowned demon king rose in power.

The latest demon king was crowned around 5 years ago, so both human and demi humans started their war against the demons again.

Of course, within that time they wouldn’t have any time to hear a madman rambling about them.

As a result, they are mostly being ignored. Some of the nation even assumed they already fell because of the demon invasion.


"But if that's true, why are the demons attacking the demi-humans too?"

One of younger higher ups asked. Seems like the younger generation still has some sense.

"The demons think they're the only important race in this world! Of course they would try to wipe out the other races too! Or perhaps those furballs are too STUPID to be brainwashed, so the demons think of them as an annoyance as well."

Talk about a pot calling a kettle black. if other nation heard this, their opinions about Averunks kingdom would plummet even further.

"Hence, we must join the war against the demon king and defeat it by ourself. That way, every nation would have no choice but to recognize OUR nation as the supreme nation it is."

"But, how? Our nation has no manpower to join the war. Not to mention that we barely maintain order inside our country."

One of the older higher up suggested with a smug face.

"This is not a problem. Actually, we have found an ancient scroll from our ancestor. It's a ritual for summoning heroes."


All of them sounded impressed.

"Wait," The younger one from before asked, "Even if we called the heroes, they're still people from another world right? Is there any guarantee they would join us instead of another nation with more power and stability?"

However, the bishop still maintained his smug face.

"No need to worry. Although they're heroes, the record states only young people before reaching their 20's can be summoned. We can convince them that we're the only nation left in this world and need to send them to places where only demons live. Thankfully our countries has been ignored so brainwashing...conviencing them until they're ready to kill demon king will probably be enough. At that time, they would already become a part of our nation and won't think of moving to other countries."


The higher up who asked seemed a bit worried about hearing the bishop mentioning brainwashing. But he agreed, that if nothing was done, their country would be ruined.

“What if they want to return to their world? How do we explained it to them?" the younger higher up asked.

"It's fine. The summoning is one-way only. The heroes won't know that, so we can just say that the demon king is the only one who knows how to return the heroes to another world. Any further question?"

Everybody remained silent.

"Then, if everybody agrees, we will start tonight. In fact, I already finished the preparation for the summoning and we could start at any time".

“Damn old crook, so he already knows this would happen,” they thought.

But the idea was tempting. And leaving it to the heroes is not a bad idea as well, since they wouldn’t have to fight themselves.

-On that night-

Inside the king’s hall, a bright light came out, and four silhouettes showed up from inside.

“Welcome, brave warriors from another world.”

The king of Averunks said.

The first to come out was a tall, handsome boy with brown hair. He looked like a dependable type with a confident look on his face.

The second one was a boy with blonde hair. He looked like a hooligan punk from street. With intimidating eyes he glared at the king. His height was shorter compared to the first one.

The third one was a cheerful type girl with short and brown colored hair. She looked like an idol in school, one of the most popular in school.

The heroes looked at each other first, recognizing each other.

And when the fourth circle appeared...

Everybody looked speechless at the fourth one.

The fourth was a girl with long black hair and tall height. Appearance-wise there's no problem, but different from other three, she was still playing on some PC console from the original world, probably because she held the pc when she got summoned. And it seemed like she was still immersed into game shown in the monitor with a cool-like face.

However the problem was...


The sounds of the game could loudly be heard, even though she was wearing a headset.

A few second later, the pc started to disappear. Probably because only heroes could be summoned.

"Huh? Wait!? Aimi, where did you go? No, console the onii-chan more! Noo, AIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!"

After a few minutes she realized she wasn't inside her room anymore.

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