《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 2: Sis-con? Appearance of the Bathroom Goddess!


Pov Shiro

After what seemed like forever, 47 minutes, I finally decided on my avatar. The mini-hologram in front of me displayed not my appearance, but a (should I mention terribly handsome) Vampire. Jet black hair stuck out in an unruly fashion, covering most of my head, my crimson red eyes glistened with a mischievous glint. My body is of average height, with lean muscle peeking out from the plain starter set: simple travelling clothes; wich consisted of, well, a simple shirt and shorts with a fabric vest. The most eye-catching feature were my sharp fangs, poking out of my mouth, contrasting with my blood red lips.

I had decided to set my starting town as Hetra, a small town known for its surrounding hunting grounds to be filled with undead, and undead, and even undeader undead. The reason being I wanted to become a Necromancer. Yes, you heard me right, Necromancer. The unpopular job that nobody ever wants due to the constant stench of rotting flesh. And the game developers, trying to keep things as realistic as possible, disabled the sense toggling function, causing the smell of rotten flesh to forever stimulate your virtual noses, leaving players no choice but to delete their characters and restart. But to someone, completely normal and definitely sane, like me, such a smell is easy to ignore. After all, for me, who has lived a good portion of his 16 years in a rotting cellar, thriving on decaying rats corpses and other things that 90% of the population has probably never even dared to touch, such a smell could even count as a reminiscence of the old days. Like I said, completely SANE and NORMAL.

Back on topic, there is a reason for everything, like why humans were created, how English people are generally bad at cooking, and how I'm off topic again and probably just offended a majority of the English population, there is always a reason. Well, except the English part. But there is a reason, and it's simple, giant evil armies are cool and you don't have to do anything while your minions do the job. Therefore, my first job shall be Necromancer, my second job maybe beast tamer, my third job, um, spirit user? Whatever, I'll deal with it when the time comes.

Another thing to mention is my race, Vampire. It may Physically stronger than the puny humans, and I just managed to not just offend the English but mankind as a whole. And it may by exceptionally talented in magic, especially dark and blood types, and have many unique skills such as drinking the blood of others to gain HP etc. As well as gaining a 30% power boost when at night or in dark underground areas, such as dungeons. Or, let's just stop, I'm far too lazy to list all the pros. There are numerous demerits, the main one is the 50% debuff when exposed to sunlight and being extremely vulnerable to light based magic. Vampires are all genetically allergic to garlic causing food to loose a good ingredient, I will miss all my garlic flavoured chips in the game.


Not that you can even get access to chips in the game.

Ah, I forgot about that blasted retorting roommate, or should it be body-mate? Such a bad personality, his face must be ugly.

Haha, very funny, you took so long to finish that stupid avatar, I actually fell asleep. Even Rane fell asleep on the floor(? can you call that floor? It's just whitness though.).

Yeah yeah. Oh right, there was her.

"Nee-san (a/n cause big sister is too long and sounds kind of odd and this a/n probably defeats the purpose of shortening big sister because of how long this note is therefore cancelling out the number of letters I typed less due to shotening the word and probably gave me more work and I should stop because, just stop.), I can't eat anymore. So good. Mmmmmmnnn."

"Rane, can you please wake up and send me down?" I shouted to the goddess in the frog suit, her reaction not failing to entertain me.

"Wah, huh? What? Rane the Great Frog Goddess on the scene." The Frog Goddess jumped up in shock and did a summersault before landing in a Hero(? I don't think any Hero still uses such lame poses, but who knows) pose and passionately reciting her line.

A full moment of awkward silence and dumbfounded staring later did she finally broke down and turn as red as a tomato.

"Uwaaah, let's just get this done with." Seeing through her obvious attempt of escaping, even more, humiliation, of course, I wasn't going to let this go.

"Then, Oh great frog goddess. My I add you as a friend in my friend list?" Her face showed yet another comical expression.

"Oh! Here, I'll send you a request as you have not yet completed the tutorial."


The Goddess Rane Hersilia Klytaimnestra Ashtoreth Cybele Kagoung has sent you a friend request.

Please select. Y/N

Oh! So that's how it worked. Of course, I was just about to select yes when something appeared.

"Wait! Wait wait wait wait wait. Stoooop!" And another eccentric on the scene. Ah well, too late, I've already selected yes. Too bad.

Yeah, whoever you are, even if you're the Toilet Goddess, you're too late and rude.

Stu-pid-? such idiotic goddesses don't exist.

Even though there is a God for items positioned on one's head?

Even though there is a God for items positioned on one's head.

"Eh? Nee-san. What? Why are you here?" Once again, the frog girl performs her one-man, or goddess, in this case, comedy act.

"Don't be deceived by wretched mortals like him, they will only trick you and force you to work for them. You mustn't let your innocence be tainted by them." The newly spawned goddess interjects while shaking the frog violently by the shoulders. Ah, now it's a two-ma- no Goddess comedy act. Amusing.


"Listen to me! This is to preserve your innocenc-"

"Excuse me? I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

"S-s-such a rude person! To cut off a divine being mid-sentence. Ahem. I am, Kasilyas Gróa Silvia Agaue Bakhiz the goddess of B-bathrooms!."

Waaah, she exists, and the Deja vu.

Waaaaaah, she's here, Yeah, the Deja vu

Pov Kuro

Waaaah she appeared (a/n when it's Shiro pov the italics are Kuro and vice versa)

The Goddess of, pfft, bathrooms, pfft, flushed red with embarrassment. Her long white hair mismatches her teenage appearance. At least this ones dress in a goddess-esque dress. Or is it just a piece of white cloth? On the bright side, we are the first human, or vampire, to discover the legendary bathroom goddess.

"You! Don't think I don't know what goes on in those dirty little minds of yours. Don't think you can trick my adorable little sister. She's MINE you hear!"

Waaaah a siscon.

Indeed, a bathroom sis-con.

The strange goddess pointed her index finger at me with her other hand resting on her hip, continued her tantrum. "If you refuse to comply, then, huhuhu, I will curse you with endless bathroom misfortunes. You would be terrified to even come close to a bathroom, let alone use it. He he he he, ha ha ha, Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

The goddess, threatened, her evil giggling transforming into a full-on villain cackling. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" And as much as I'd like to deny, her threat does sound, well, bad.

Yeah, toilets are an indispensable part of daily life. Though I'm seriously starting to question her mental health.

Yeah, me too.

Seriously, I hope she doesn't influence us in any bad directions. I request protection for our innocent, normal, Sane minds.

Well, considering we've lived in a mental hospital for 8 years, it says something right?

Just because be live there doesn't mean we are crazy, the nurses are plenty fine.

Yeah but, I don't think there are any normal patients. Ah! I got distracted again.

"Please, I mean no harm." I plead in my most innocent voice, "I just wanted to be friends, do you want to be friends too. To watch over your adorable little sister?"

"Nee-san. You're being rude to my friend. You shouldn't accuse people of things. We are friends now, so you should become friends too!" The little frog girl says with sparkling eyes.

"Eh? Well, if you say so, Ran-chan," The Bathroom Goddess, what was her name again? I'll just call her Kasil cause it's too long, replied, practically melting from cuteness that only she sees."But I'm still worried, you're so adorable, I'm sure he has, um, Ulterior Motives."

Yeah Yeah, I'm sure you're the only one who thinks so. She's cute in a pet way, though.

That confirms it, she's a sis-con. A veteran at that.

The Goddess Kasilyas Gróa Silvia Agaue Bakhiz has sent you a friend request.

Please select. Y/N

And now that I've got two goddesses on my friend list,

"Um? Can I get started?"

"Hmm? Oh right! That was why we were here in the first place. Well then, off you go!"

And with a "whoosh!", the world faded away with a blinding light. When I opened my eyes again, I was greeted with the starting town, Hetra.



You are the first player to complete the following feat:

Talk to two God/desses during character creation. Fame +500

Have one goddess send you a friends request. Fame + 200

Become friends with a goddess. Title: Divine beings friend.

Become friends with two goddesses. Title upgrade: Divine beings friend 2.

You have received a small blessing from Rane Hersilia Klytaimnestra Ashtoreth Cybele Kagoung, frogs will treat you as a friend. Frogs will be easier to tame and your frogs will be a bit stronger than others.

You have received a small blessing from Goddess Kasilyas Gróa Silvia Agaue Bakhiz, the toilets you visit will always be cleaner and functioning. Cleaning magic will be easier to learn.

Title: Divine beings friend (Very Rare)

Divine beings will see you as a friend,

The more divine being you befriend, the stronger the title.


Fame + 500*divine beings befriended

Gains 25%*divine beings befriended boost to Holy/Light Magic power

Gains 25%*divine beings befriended boost to Holy/Light Magic resistance

Gains 25%*divine beings befriended boost to power when in sunlight

Gains skill Holy Magic Lv1

Gains skill Light Magic Lv1

Gains Unique spell Healing Light

Gains Unique spell Holy Burn

Gains Unique spell every time a Divine being is befriended

May summon divine being for help in battle once a week

Ps: Don't you dare call me, I'm not helping you. I'm just watching over you so you don't do anything to Ran-chan! You hear me! -Kasilyas

Waaaaaah, all of a sudden I became an OP vampire.

Still can't do anything about the garlic, though.

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