《How to become an evil overlord!》Chapter 1: The Cunning Prince and the Naive Frog Goddess


Pov / Shiro


so smooth... and glossy...

Sparkly... smooth... feels... so... nice...

Aaaaaah... so... smooth...

Nice... and... cool...

Such... smooth... metal... surface...

WOULD YOU JUST SHUT THE BEEEEP UP! Do you have a smooth surface fetish or something? It's hard to sleep when you keep thinking about the SMOOTHNESS of the bloody capsule.



It's so smooth...

Great gods above! Why don't humans come with a mute button?


I get it

I shift my consciousness away from where Kuro is trying to get some rest and smoothly slide into the controls of the body (a/n this is pure fiction ).


I guess I'll just play the game...

Don't you dare. Look at the clock.

That evil brother of mine. Sh*t! It's chore time!

As if she was eavesdropping, the usual nurse, Amy, knocked on the clean, wooden door to my room.

"It's Chore Time! Please finish mopping the hallways in this section before heading to the cafeteria. Today's menu is! Lamb Tagine with Steamed Veggies and Apple Pie for desert!"




Finally finished waxing all those hallways. Why do we have to do this? We're patients, aren't we? We PAY to be here!

Well, my inheritance pays...




Out? Up? Is there even a word to describe the movement a consciousness makes when waking up? There isn't, is there?

Stop worrying about useless stuff. What now?

Let's play legacy!

Fine I guess. I don't really care.

I know you'll love it.

What do you know?

I am you. Remember?

While we have our little mental argument, I lift the lid of the (should I mention how amazingly smooth and shiny it is) capsule and slipped into its padded bed-like-thing.

Putting on the helmet inside the capsule, I settle into a comfortable position and say the opening command, "Legacy, Start!", like how I saw they do it on the Y**T*be videos.


We were caught by surprise when the dull view of the capsule walls was covered by a blinding white light and faded into a brand new scenery.

Waaaaah! Bright!

Blinding Hazard. They should seriously consider a warning.

Yeah right.

The VERY blinding white light faded away, replaced by a pure white room containing, well, nothing. Oh, wait. I stand corrected. In the middle appeared a, goddess?

"Why is that a question!? I'm a true goddess you know!"

Yeah but, You're wearing a...

Frog Costume...

Is this cosplay?

"NOOOO! Don't insult frogs! I am, Rane! The goddess of -"


"S-s-such a rude person! To cut off a divine being mid-sentence. Ahem. You are correct. I am the goddess of frogs."


Such an unpopular god.

A new record on my list of lame jobs.

It's pretty interesting, though.

"It's not Lame!" She tried, and failed miserably at defending herself.

"Actually, I consider it pretty rude to read a person's thoughts, you know. It's and invasion of privacy." I smirked, staring into her eyes accusingly.

"E-eh? T-t-t-hat! I never thought about that. Um, I'm sorry. I won't do it anymore..." Stammered the frog goddess, her expression transforming into full on panick mode, a comical look.

And she bit the bait.


This girl is hilarious

I wanna be friends with her.

Her reactions are way too funny, that facial expression.

Seeing as she bit the bait at record speed, I decided to push it a little.

"It's actually extremely rude to read someone's mind, you should have known." I b*llsh*ted. "What if I just happen to think about one of my secrets like my bank details or something? Do you know how bad that is? It could almost be considered breaking the law, you know? An invasion of privacy" Not that I know any law.


"Waaaah. I'm so sorry! W-w-what can I-i do to make it up to you? I promise I'll never do it again." She begged like a lost puppy, her emerald eyes tearing up.

This is way too funny.

Gyahahaha! Her e-expressions, the way she's so worried and naive, and the patchy frog suit. Too much! hahaha. My stomach! I give.

I know right! Bwahahahaha! She's way too funny to let go.

"Be my friend."

"Huh?" She looks at me blankly.

Gyahahahah! That clueless face! My stomach! Painkillers, please.

" I said: Be my Friend. You did tell me YOU would make it up to ME." I jab my finger at her accusingly, just for effects. "Or should I go around telling everyone about the frog goddess who invades everyone's privacy?" The poor frog's face instantly fell into despair. You could almost see black lines forming on her forehead.

Gyahahahaha! She an open book! That expression of despair! I.. Need ... An ambulance. My Stomach!

Bwahahaha. Her expressions are to comical! What is she? An anime character?

"Eh? Ah, um, uuuuh. I-i-i guess you S-should be proud to b-be my first and only friend. It's a great honour to be a friend of a divine being!"

"Eh? Thanks! Let's stay in contact ok?"

I flash her my best smile. I'm proud to say, I'm pretty handsome, with my fluffy, dirty blond hair and well-sculpted features. I'm pretty tall too, with fine muscles. If I had a good personality then I'd be the perfect boyfriend. Not that I'd want something that troublesome. I'd much rather spend that time and effort training a German Shepherd, those guys will never dump me and are pretty useful too, when they are trained to feed on humans. Ah, I was getting distracted again.

"Y-yeah, let's start character creation!" She says, all hyped up, holding her little fists up in the air. "This Is your current character, what would you like to change? I don't recommend changing the height and things too much or it will become difficult to become used to."

A hologram of my suddenly popped up in front of me with a lot of options surrounding it.

Ooooooh, this will take a while...

Hehehehehe, my perfectionist side is oozing out.

This will take a loooong while...

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