《How to become an evil overlord!》Prologue


PoV Shiro (a/n hey, don't we all love anime)

Dark, so dark

It's always dark

I can't see anything

I can never see in here

Sound! Footsteps..

Which means...



The hunger is unbearable...

The tainted water dripping from the ceiling barely keeps me throat moist

I'm tainted too







I don't want this

Not alone

Alone BAD

I want friend

I Hate Life

But I want to live





So bright,

A dream?

Ah yeah



Did you have that dream too?

What dream?

About when we first split, back in the cellar, before we were rescued.

No, I didn't have that dream. Guess why.


Because I've been stuck here listening to professor sloth's lecture about how been alone is not helping our condition while you dozed off!

Ah! Right. He's so slow I fall asleep almost immediately, gotta leave it to the smart one to stay awake in a lecture. Teehee

He is so going to kill me later.

Firstly I can hear all your thoughts, and yes I am going to kill you. Secondly, Sloth claimed being alone is bad so he's going to make us play the new game, yanno, Legacy or something, to interact. I don't how I feel about this. Making friends is kinda hard when you've been a shut in for 7 years. I haven't left these concrete walls in so long.

Nooo! Suicide is never the solution! Wait, I've always wanted to play that, it's so cool, fighting monsters, becoming a hero. Let's become a heroic evil overlord and take the head of the demon lord! And then become the demon lord! It's like my dream! Don't worry, we can just be a solo player, like a necromancer, that sounds so epic. An army of little skeletons! Yaaaaaaa!


Slow down...

BTW you're going to take over for the cleaning duty for the next week, punishment for dozing off.


Kuro = meanie

Haha. I hate how good you are at mental images.


Good night...

I'm handing over control...

Wait, what? No! Don't leave! Dammit!

Huh, this capsule is so... shiny...

(A/n More comedy, more evil. Muahahaha *cough cough* Dammit)

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