《Silverscale Paradise (A Yandere Harem Adventure)》Chapter 2 – Meeting The Family
Chapter 2 – Meeting The Family
I sat in a long limousine. There was space enough in this section of the car for 10 people, and yet...
"Um...Diana-san? Do you need to sit so close to me? It looks like there is plenty of space over there..."
She looks up at me from her position glomped onto my side, her head nestled on my collar bone, both arms wrapped around my waist tightly, and her legs over the top of mine. She is sitting next to me, technically, but might as well be sitting on top of me.
Diana looks up at me and smiles before saying simply, "I like this," and then returning her head to its original position.
'Don't sigh, Zen. Don't sigh. You don't know any better and you can't give any hints that you do.'
"Alright...so what is our family like?" I ask, trying desperately to think of something to distract this clingy girl.
"Well..." She says. her voice muffled by my chest, now refusing to move, "We are all dragons and pretty normal. Momma is a bit overprotective, but she is super duper strong. Daddy is also super strong, but Momma often sends him flying through walls when they argue with each other. The mansion's underground basement is huge and there are large piles of gold for all of us to lay on. It's suuuuper~ comfortable. Momma saved a pile for you as well for when you visit. Daddy kept trying to steal from it, but after Momma bit off his tail, he started behaving. The cooks usually prepare us a couple of cows or sheep a day, and on Saturdays, we meet up in the lounge to watch movies! So yeah, pretty normal stuff."
Oi! What part of that is normal!? I haven't even been to this dungeon they call a mansion and I already want to leave!
"D-Dragons?" I say sounding surprised.
"Un." Is her simple reply. Great. Thanks. I can really use that. Worthy of a writing prize, that answer.
"Say Nii-sama, momma wants you to stay home for a couple of years to make sure you are okay. I am gonna drop out of school too so I can spend all my time with you."
Double Oi! Years!?! What!?! No way. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Instead of responding to her, I decided to ask another question.
"Why do you call me "Sama?" You can just call me Aniki or even nii-san if you want?"
This got her head up from my chest...and...there is a wet spot there now...please, please tell me she wasn't licking my shirt...
"...Can I call you Onii-chan? And can you call me Diana from now on?" She asks, looking at me with big hopeful eyes.
"Sure...but you don't need to be so formal if I don't. Nii-chan works fine"
"Onii-chan." She says with conviction, ending the conversation then lowers her head again.
Okay. Onii-chan it is. I think this is an improvement! If I can get her to consider me her actual brother then maybe I can ween her off these more... intense feelings.
"How long is the drive to our parent's house?" I ask curiously. I know the answer, but I gotta keep up appearances. Driving slowly like this reminds me I am a fucking dragon now. I feel like my back is itching every time I think of flying.
"We are almost there. Momma said she will be waiting for-" She shoots up again and looks at me with wide eyes. Lucidity finally seems to come back to her for the first time since I broke her contract, and she all of the sudden turns very serious.
"Onii-chan, whatever you do, do not show momma your scared face."
*Internal Sigh* 'What is she on about now...'
I cock my head to the side in confusion and she bites her lower lip, her eyes quivering. "That one is bad too, but not as bad as the scared one. That one is more cute than anything dangerous..."
"Diana, I don't understand what you mean," I say patiently.
"Mu~. Okay. Try and think of a small animal being afraid. What do you feel when you see that?" She tries again after pouting for a second.
I humor her and think of a little bunny shaking in fear and feel...
"Hungy?" I ask uncertainly.
"Exactly! That is why you can't make that scared face!"
"Diana, I still don't-"
Just then the car comes to a stop and the door next to me is pulled open revealing an old man in full butler garb.
'His name is Sebastian, isn't it?'
"Greetings, young master Zeneff. Your mother has appraised me of the situation. My name is Sebastian, and I am the butler in charge of the manor. I am at your service during your stay."
'Called it. God, this world is unoriginal.'
I smile up at him confusedly but he just stares down at Diana who doesn't seem to want to move.
"Young miss, would you care to step out of the car so that young master Zeneff may exit? Your mother and father are waiting for you outside the entryway."
Diana grumbles under her breath but gets up all the same. She shoots me one last warning look and steps out of the car. I follow shortly after and Sebastian closes the door behind us before tapping the top of the limousine twice. It starts to take off down a long cobblestone path away from the entrance to a mansion I could only have dreamed of seeing in person in my first life.
(A/N: Rather than describe, it, I will just show you my idea lol)
I gawk openly and don't even need to hide my real reaction. "You...you live here?" I direct my question to Diana who has already latched onto my arm as soon as I exited the car.
"Yeah...we have bigger mansions around the world. Even a castle in Germany, but this is where we are most of the time." I stare at her in disbelief.
They own...multiple of these houses? Why would you ever need more than one? What is the point of all that wasted space? As someone who grew up scrounging together every nickel and dime I could, this is nothing short of a slap in the face to those in poverty. It actually makes me a bit angry, to be honest, but I obviously can't show that to her. Instead, I just show a look of wonder as I silently decide I need to leave here as soon as possible.
'Maybe I will even sell my mansion and buy something more...practical. I sincerely doubt I am using all of that space...hmm...'
No... I lived my life practically before. I did everything I could to get and save money, and where did that get me? No. In this life, I was just going to take it and run with it...at least once I got out of the criminal side of things. I am eating steak, lobster, and mashed potatoes every night from now on! No more instant noodles!
These thoughts of food made me salivate and my stomach grumble. Diana "Fufufu~"'s and I blush a little.
I follow Diana as she leads me up a short patio to the massive columned entranceway. 2 giant wooden doors stand before us and just outside those doors is a mega milf and dilf pair.
The woman I can only assume to be my mother is tall, has long flowing black hair, two massive...eyes, and a great figure. She wears a white blouse and a grey pencil skirt. Her eyes are steel grey and she smiles worriedly at me as I walk up the few remaining stairs.
My stepfather is a refined man. He stands just slightly taller than my mother, with brown hair cut in a mid-length part, like a 90's pop star, pale blue eyes, and in a red suit. He is very charming and I can see why my mother likes him.
Xerith Redscale
I am about to ascend the last step when I am suddenly engulfed in a hug and ripped away from Diana who was thrown to the ground with a, "Hey!" I am not sure how I ended up here, as it happened too fast even for me, but my face is nestled between two somethings that are soft and I feel my feet spinning around behind me.
So, in summary, mom rushed me, pulled me into a hug, and is now swinging me around like a ragdoll. Ah. Now I get why he didn't like to visit.
"My Zenny-baby has returned home~! Oh, how I missed you, I missed you so much! I heard you hit your head and lost your memories but, don't you worry, momma is gonna take care of you until you are all better. Oh, my baby has come home~!"
And so on. For the next 5 minutes, I am flung around helplessly, suffocated, and bombarded with how much my mother missed me.
Honestly...I didn't mind it and I had to focus to not cry. This. This is what I always wanted. A mom to come home to and a family to love me. My sister, my old sister, never loved me. How do I know? Because she told me that to my face several times. She would curse me and beat me saying it was all my fault she was poor and single. I had very few friends and was picked on and was always a loner...all I wanted was the warmth and kindness of a family. So I could deal with this. For as long as she wanted.
Finally, after it dragged on a bit too much for her liking no doubt, Diana spoke up. "Momma, you are going to kill him if you keep suffocating him like that."
Oi! Let the woman have her fun! I am in heaven right now, thank you very much.
She finally puts me down and I am surprised I am not dizzy at all after all that spinning. Seems dragons are harder to make nauseous. Who knew?
"Okay, Okay, so tell me what happened sweetie. Did you really lose your memories? Do you know who I am?" Mom asks.
"I...I did. And no, I'm sorry, I don't know who you are...but I was able to infer you were my mother, yes?" I answer and I stare down into my mother's grey eyes. Even though I am staring down at her, physically taller in this form, I feel like I am staring up at the peak of a mountain from its base. She is not the Dragon God for nothing. Also...why the hell is the main villain in this story related to the Dragon God? Aren't I too OP? How the hell was the hero supposed to beat me while borrowing powers? It doesn't seem like this world was very well thought out...
She just smiles warmly back up at me and says, "Don't you worry, sweetheart. You are safe now. Momma will take care of you~!"
I smile back at her and feel tears welling up in my eyes. 'Dammit, hold it together Zen!'
"Ara Ara~ you don't need to hold back your tears, I bet you were very scared...weren't you? Waking up in a strange place, not knowing anything." She reaches up and wipes a tear that started to fall before...licking it off her finger. Odd, but that's okay.
"Onii-chan is doing much better now! We should head inside to eat. I heard his stomach growling earlier!" Diana says with a note of...panic? in her voice.
"Of course, you will sit with your mother for dinner, won't you dear?" She asks.
"Sure! I would love to...I need to get to know you all better...ah! That reminds me," I turn and look at my stepfather who was standing passively in the background. I walk up to him and offer my hand for a handshake, "I am assuming you are my stepfather, Xerith Redscale? Diana told me a little about you, but I am excited to learn about you again!" I say smiling at him.
He looks at the hand held out to him and disregards it as he pulls me in for a hug. "It is good to see you again Zeneff. Yes, we must catch up."
I smile at him, but his smile back seems a bit...strained?
Ah! Right. We were not on the best of terms after the last time we met. I got annoyed by something he said and, like mother, threw him through some walls of the mansion. It looks like he is doing his best to put that behind us. I am happy for that.
We all enter into the lavish house's doorways and through some winding and elegantly decorated hallways. We enter into a large dining hall with a long wooden table and many chairs set up around it. I can see Diana's hands opening and closing from my peripheral and I can tell she is holding herself back right now. Most likely because mom has one of her arms around mine. One thing I remember, you don't fuck with Mom. I never had an issue with this rule, but red dragons tend to be more arrogant than others and both Xerith and Diana had to be reminded of this...through swift and brutal violence. Just the way of dragons...I will ignore that for now.
We all sit and it ends up with Mom on the left side of me, Diana on the right, and Xerith opposite from us. Dinner is served...and Diana wasn't kidding about the amount. Literal pounds of medium-rare steaks are laid on the table. Sides including mashed potatoes, salad, and bread with butter are also set out and I immediately help myself remembering that there is no rule or custom about waiting to eat. The food is absolutely amazing and I end up eating 15 steaks the size of my torso, the entire gallon size bowl of mashed potatoes, half of the salad, and 2/3 of the 30 something loaves of bread.
I guess I will need to get used to eating a lot...I remember I would always pass on lunch as to not give my identity away. This world is one of those "Hidden World Just Under The Surface" types. So while there were a ton of supernatural beings at my school, we all played nice and pretended to be human.
When the meal was calming down and we had an hour or so of catching up and polite conversation, Diana spoke up.
"I have decided that I will become Onii-chan's mate."
I spit out the goblet of wine I was drinking all over an already not amused Xerith.
I look at her in horror but Xerith speaks in a calm voice, wiping away the wine,
"Diana, you can't mate with your brother. Pick another dragon."
"He isn't my brother, he is my step-brother and I love him! Hmph. I was more telling you out of courtesy than asking for your permission." She responds with a huff.
"Now, now," Mom says softly, but there is an immense pressure in the room all of the sudden. "What brought all of this on?"
'Shit. Remember Diana's warning. Don't look scared.'
I went with a confused look instead, "I don't understand...aren't we family? Isn't that not allowed?"
"Onii-chan, stay out of this! I just need momma's approval."
Oi! You can't just decide this on your own you little shit! Who is gonna mate with you? Not this dragon!
"And what makes you think you are worthy of Zeneff, hmm?" She says with a sharp look in her eyes. The pressure redoubles and Diana is forced to her knees. I am fine, but Xerith looks like he is sweating a bit.
Yeah! You tell her mom!
"I love him!" She shouts, "I will love and cherish him always and we will have the most beautiful whelplings together!"
Sorry, Diana. That is not going to happen.
"And what if I want to claim him as my mate instead?" Mom says.
Yeah, what if she wants to- Wait. What the fuck?
I turned and looked at my mother in shock and horror, afraid to even think of the prospect. She is my mother! Not step-mother, but real fucking mother! Yea, I came out as one of 7 other eggs, and sure it happened...a really long time ago. But that doesn't change anything! So what if mating within the family was not seen as weird to Dragon culture, it was still a big no-no for me! Ew! Mega Gross! Much nope!
"Of course, I am only kidding I wouldn't dream of mating...with..." She releases the pressure and smiles in a teasing way at Diana but her smile fades trails off after seeing my face.
It was at this moment I knew, I fucked up. The one thing Diana told me not to do...I was looking at my mother in shock and fear over her statement.
"Ara Ara~," Mom says, cupping her cheek with one hand as a wide smile takes shape on her face. Her steel-grey eyes seem to sparkle and glow with a bit more color to them as the pupils expand ever so slightly. "But don't you just look...delicious today..."
I wipe the expression from my face as quickly as I can as my whole body erupts in goosebumps. That look. I have read enough hentai back home to know that look. Thank fucking God I am not a shota right now...
I hear a loud growl behind me as Diana moves up to my side. The pressure comes back in full as mom stares down Diana who is only standing because she is holding onto my arm and putting all her strength into it. Feels like I am carrying a bag of groceries, so I don't even notice. There are much bigger problems at hand.
Xerith chooses this moment to clear his throat, *Ahem* "Ladies, please. We are family and we shouldn-"
*Ssh~* *Smack!* *Boom* *Boom* *Crash* *Boom* *Boom* *Thud*
Xerith is launched through several walls of the house as a long black tail erupts from mom's skirt and hits him square in the chest. She did it without taking her eyes off of Diana or even twitching any other muscle on her body. I wince because I know that has to hurt in your human form.
Still, this seems to bring mom back to reality. She laughs once, then twice, then all the pressure disappears as if it was never there and she is suddenly back to normal.
"Sorry about that Zen, just a little joke... As for your Diana, if you wish to mate with him, then do so. I will not stop you two. It has been too long since I have had a new clutch of grandchildren."
Diana, whose knees are still shaking, smiles brilliantly up at mom and thanks her profusely.
I wave to a male attendant nearby and just ignore them as they talk about children. I continue eating the new food provided and drinking as much wine as I can. I dodged a bullet there and I don't want to risk it anymore by talking with mom more than I need to. When she asks me things, I do my best to give her calm, reserved answers and her smile grows wider and wider each time I do, so I think it is working out fine.
This is fine! Everything is just fine. I can still have my loving, normal family I always wanted. I am stronger than my Yandere step-sister so I can always win out there, and my mom was just joking. It's cool. It is all just swell.
Xerith rejoins us bloodied and limping soon after.
Yup. Big happy family. This will all work out fine.
* | * | *
I wake in the middle of the night to a strange sensation on my face.
I had left the family to 'Rest' after dinner and had gone to bed in a room that, I was told and remembered, was mine anytime I visited. It seems the rest of the family wanted to sleep on piles of gold tonight, but I chose the big comfy bed instead. I have never slept on anything so comfortable in my past life and I was out nearly as soon as my head hit the pillow. I did make sure to lock my door and seal it with the magic before I went to bed, however...
So now the question becomes...why is it raining in my bedroom...?
I open my eyes and freeze, my breath stuck in my chest. Standing above me, naked as the day she was born is Diana. Her sapphire eyes glow softly in the dull moonlight that filters from the window next to my bed and her naked form is half covered in shadows.
She stands, or rather squats, right in front of my face. Her wet slit literally dripping onto me as she furiously plays with herself. I make eye contact with her and her hand's tempo increases further, messily entering and exiting her body.
The *Shluck* *Shluck* *Shluck* sound is the only thing I can hear and her wide eyes and broken smile are the only parts of her I can focus on.
I should be terrified. I should push her off me. I should beat the shit out of her and teach her not to mess with me either...Strangely, I am not grossed out or upset by this at all... As I look into her eyes and smell the citrus musk of her sent, all I can think is,
"Beautiful," I growl out in a low voice and she freezes this time. Her hand slowly is pushed out of her and her eyes shake something fierce.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. ImsorryImsorryImsorryImsorry!" She starts chanting this like it is her mantra.
I raise myself up to my knees, going under her as I do, and spin around to face her from behind. I'm feeling...different. Weird. Confident? I am not sure what, but something is different now.
I stand on the bed, ignoring her chants as she looks over her bare shoulder at me.
"What are you sorry for?" My voice is playful...alien to me. I don't have confidence with women...how am I talking like this?
"I'm sorry...f-for sneaking into your room." She stutters out.
"And?" I say trailing a finger on her bare shoulder and down her arm.
She shudders violently at my touch and her eyes follow the tip of my finger that lightly brushes her skin up and down her arm. Goosebumps rise on her where my finger traces and her breathing is coming out in small gasps.
"And...and for touching myself over you." She finally gets out.
"Yes...you made quite the mess didn't you..." I wipe a bead of her drippings off my chin and look at it. Then, quick as a lightning bolt, I grab her neck with that same hand applying light but firm pressure as I force her head backwards to look at my face, to look me in the eyes from upside down.
"Clean. It. Up." I lean in and whisper the command against her ear. I swear she had an orgasm from that alone if her body's squirming and shaking was any indication.
'What...? What is going on...why am I being so...aggressive? I should be shooing her away, but...I...I don't want to. I want to claim her. Show her she is mine. I want to dominate her...I am in control...but I'm also not...'
I release my hold on her and she falls onto the bed on her knees gasping. I casually sit on the edge of the bed and lean back with my hands behind my head.
"Well?' I demand after a moment of her not doing anything. She looks around frantically before grabbing the bed sheet and approaching with it held in her hand. I slap the sheet out of her hand and scowl. "With. Your. Mouth," I say as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
Diana's eyes start bugging out and she approaches me on shaky legs. Her face moves up right next to mine and I can feel her ragged breath and still see the light of madness in her eyes, but there is something more...purpose? Hope?
"...Can...can I really?" She asks, her voice small and lost.
"Yes. I told you to, didn't I? Take responsibility and clean up your mess." I say with a smirk at her.
She doesn't hesitate any longer and her long pink tongue is on my face, licking anywhere and everywhere her juices might have been.
I should be weirded out at this. This is weird, right? But at the same time...it is natural. Animalistic. Just a...a dragon grooming her mate-
'Holy fucking shit fucks. Is this happening because I am a dragon? Is this a manifestation of my pride? I can control myself...but...I don't want to...I am going to fuck Diana tonight. Claim her. Mark her as mine. It is so certain in my mind that it brooks no argument. I can stop this at any point...and yet...it has already been decided. Why would I stop it? Why should I stop it? She was mine the second she went all Yandere for me. This wasn't love...it was primal and ancient lust and instinct.'
I was absolutely terrified.
I was absolutely elated.
"Diana...wait...stop," I say to her shoving her back and staring into her mad-with-lust eyes. Pushing down this weird feeling and holding back as best I could, I continue, "Listen, something is happening to me. I have no idea what, but I feel like if we continue... I will not be able to stop what comes. I...I can't control this well..."
Her eyes gain some semblance of clarity once more and she stares down at me. She smiles and says softly, "I know what you are feeling. I can feel it too, radiating off of you. You're a commanding and dominating presence...It turns me on and into a fucking waterfall. I don't care. I want this. I want you. I need you inside me. Lose control and take me Zen...Or are you not the kingly dragon I thought you were?"
*Snap* The last threads of hesitation break in my mind.
Welp. She was fucked, literally. That comment threw me over the edge and I let instinct fully take over.
I just hope there will be something left of this comfy bed when we were done...I really was looking forward to sleeping on it...
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Bnha little space oneshots DISCONTINUED
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8 169