《I reincarnated as an octopus - There has to be a mistake》The Village


Who that? I frantically look around to find the source for the noise, wait I heard something, didn’t I?

(Yes, you heard me)

Okay, I’m not going insane, or am I already insane… I turn towards the little gathering of people to my right and there seems to be an elderly man. Is that the person talking to me? I slowly edge closer towards the elderly man then a wall of spears is raised towards me. The elderly man tells something to the leader and the wall of spears comes down.

(It’s okay they won’t attack you)

Yeah right, like I’m gonna believe that.

(Fine, you can stay there if you’d like, but I was wondering what a reincarnator like you would be doing her)

Wait, how did he see my title, I couldn’t see anyone titles or skill?! [Inspect]

Name: Isaias

Race: Homo Orcinie

LvL: 47

HP: 150/150

MP: 67/80

Class: Shamen

Status: Normal




Okay. What the fuck is this, 150 HEALTH, and 80 mana, holy shit this guy could snap me out of existence. I’m left flabbergasted as I looked at the insane stats he has in comparison to me. I call bullshit, this has to be some kind of joke.

(Thank you for helping the children, we were negligent in our duties to look after them)

The old guy and the leader in unison bow down to me, the guards seem as confused as I am and follow their leader in a small bow. I guess there thanking me for saving those kids?

(Please, come with us back to our village as a token of our gratitude)

I’m still processing everything. Someone is talking with me, that someone has insane stats and now they’re inviting me to their village. I’m worried that they’re going to ambush me once I’m in the heart of their village. No, that doesn’t make any sense, if they wanted to kill me they could have killed me from the beginning, I’m mean holy shit if those spearmen have stats anywhere near that old dude I’m literally fucked. My heart starts to fill with excitement and hope, I’ve made contact with civilization though they’re not human I’ll take anything at this point. I’m not going to be hunted down as a horrible monster. Yes, wait hello? Can you hear me?

(Yes and thank you for accepting our offer)

The older man started to laugh as he started to swim away, the leader says something to the spearmen and they slowly lower their spears. Okay, what do I do know? Hello? HELLO? Still no answer, the group slowly starts to break away and they start swimming away. I guess I have to follow them. I grab two guppies and I grab Leo as well. Welp, I will just be following you guys in the back.


We continue swimming for some minutes and slowly a huge wall comes into view. Woah, is that their village? Or is that a town? I can’t tell at this point. As we come near the gate I can spot many people looking at me intently. I’m a bit anxious out as I pass through the gate. Leo doesn’t seem to share my anxiety and looks around at everything intently, this is all very new to him, for some reason I kinda expected something like this. I spot little houses attached to the Giant kelp stalks and others made on the seabed. Upon further inspection, it seems the houses built on the kelp seem to serve as some sort of storage unit while the house on the floor has people going in and out of them.

(Please make yourself at home)

I noticed right below me they old guy was putting something up to his mouth. Is he eating?

(Want one)

I wonder he keeps talking in my mind… oh well, it couldn’t hurt to try. He holds out some sort of grass or algae of some kind and hands it to me. I’m around nearly twice their height. If the average person is 160 cm I’m around 280 cm tall from tentacles to head. Holy shit I’m massive, I start to think about the other massive monsters I’ve encountered…. what the fuck is wrong with this world?! The elder continues to hold out the tuft of something towards me. I reach the elder's hand with my tentacles and I swear I can feel more eyes watch me. I toss the plant into my beak. Cough, ack, what is this? Cough, COUGH. What did I just eat? Right across me, the elderly man starts to laugh. You knew this would, Cough, would happen, didn’t you. He gives me a toothy smile and chuckles.

(I didn’t expect that you’d eat the hemp)

You didn’t expect it did you…. I immediately squirt of a cloud of ink right at the older man. The old man starts to laugh as he wipes the ink off his face. Leo seems to very confused and moves closer to me. The elder stopped laughing after some time and looked at Leo.

(Who is this little fellow)

The elder moves closer to Leo and reaches something from a pouch attached to him. He pulls out a small bit of meat and tosses it to Leo. Leo snaps at the meats and eats it with one bite, unsatisfied with the small piece he moves towards the old man trying to find the meat. The old dude smiles and he says something to Ava who I didn't notice the whole time, Woah, was she there the whole time? The elder hands her the pouch. She grabs a handful of meat and tosses it to Leo. Leo more than happy to oblige quickly starts to eat the pieces of meat and starts to play with Ava. I’m a bit worried he’s gonna end up butting them like me, he’d better not ditch me this quickly after everything I’ve done for him. I starting to think like a parent, stop.


(It’s okay, Ava is quite mischievous but she’s anything but harmful)

I look back at little Leo and the new friend he’s made, look at my little boy, already making friends, sniff. The old man starts to swim in front of me and waves at me to follow. Will Leo be fine on his own…

(Come on, are you coming or not?)

Leo would probably be fine, he can swim away if he has to. Children and adults alike come out of their homes to take a peek at me. Haven’t they seen monsters before? I mean there’s literally a treasure trove of monsters swimming about and killing one another. I see one child point at me saying something, I stop to look at him. His mother quickly comes out and drags him away. I continue moving to a small hill of some sort. Around me are fields of some kind of fruit and I see large dolphins… are those dolphins? They look kinda fat…

(Well here we are, welcome to my home)

Hearing the older man’s voice in my head, I stop gawking at the… fat dolphins and turn towards him. Wait how come he can speak to me but I can’t seem to understand anything when he’s talking?

(My skills relay my thoughts to you in whatever language you speak)

Ah, I see. I’m not gonna try to think about how that works, let’s just say magic… I see the tall girl with the staff in the old man's house, she seems to be reading something. I slowly move towards the house to inspect what’s she reading. The girl looks like she’s completely focused on reading and doesn’t seem to notice me. She says something which I can’t understand and finally notices my presence. She panics and tries to grab her staff. The old man starts to laugh and she frowns at him. She says something again and swims off to the rest of the village.

(Please excuse my apprentice she’s has a hard time taking a joke)

He continues chuckling for a good bit until he finally finishes and clears his throat.

(I’d never thought I get to see a reincarnater as a monster ever)

Wait, is this kind of thing rare, please don’t tell me that I’m a one in a million case when it comes to the reincarnation. This has got to be some kind of joke if everyone one else who has my title is human.

(Well yes and no)

What do you mean? Yes and no?

(What I mean is, no, there are a lot of people who reincarnated as monsters and yes, since most of these reincarnaters are mostly either dead or have gone insane)

That… sound horrible, death sounds pretty shit but going insane… I can see where that comes from but still… hold up, what does reincarnater even mean?

(You seriously don’t know?)

I shake my head.

(I see… Well reincarnating means in a basic sense, when you die your soul is reborn in another person body)

That makes no sense.

(In other words, you can say uh, for example, your soul is a fluid and your body a container. When you die the container breaks. Reincarnation means your soul, the fluid has moved from one container to another new container which is the body)

Okay, starting to make sense but what is a soul?

(You seriously don’t know what a soul is? Well there are many explanations to what a soul is but the one explanation my teacher taught me was that the soul was our life force, our will, wishes, and hopes)

Okay. Wait you said other reincarnater, does that mean you’ve met others just like me?

(Well not one that was a monster but I have met two human reincarnaters. The first I met was 50 years ago and he was the previous hero. The other one was just some months ago…)

Lucky bastards, how come they’re human but I’m stuck as an octopus monster, not that’s there’s anything wrong with being an octopus but I could have come back as a human. Wait, what is the abyss anyway? The old man gave a light chuckle.

(You’re just like my apprentice, always asking questions and unwilling to the ride the waves of life. Come now, it’s getting dark, we should be having a village gathering today)

I don’t see how any of that has to do with me though…

(There’ll be food if you)

Say no more.

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