《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 22


Al runs up to Darretta, worried that she was injured by the bandits that attacked her.

"Hey, are you alright?" Al asked.

"Yes, I'm quite alright. Just a light wound." Darretta replied as she walked over to the dead bandits to search for anything valuable.

"How is that a light wound?!" Al shouted as he now notice Darretta's bleeding shoulder. "Here, let me take a look."

"It's ok. Don't worry about it. Besides, we have healing potions." Darretta replied nonchalantly as she continued her looting.

Al grabs her and lift her up to her feet. "Don't worry?! Healing potions only numbs the pain, it doesn't magically heal it. Let me take a look." He then proceeded to rip the shoulder of Darretta's shirt to better see the wound. "Now, how is this a light wound. I'll bandage you up, then we are returning to town to seek a healer."

Darretta pouted before replying this time. "Return to town? There's only one left, and he's on the run. Can't you just cast Minor Heal on me and we continued on?"

Al shakes his head no. "I can cast Minor Heal, but it'll do little to no good on a wound like this. And we have yet to find the bandit camp in this wood, so I doubt we can find it before nightfall. And who knows how many more of them are around. It's safer to return to town for now. Besides, with you injured and me still recovering, I doubt we can win against any more bandits." Darretta looks at Al as if to say something but he returns the look with a firm no. She gave up and relented.

"Fine, but let's at least loot the dead bodies here." Darretta said as she then continued her looting. Al didn't reply and instead walked over to the other dead bandit to loot. Once the pair finished, they made their way back to town. Along the way, She told Al about the bandits, and how they were deserters.


"A captain turned bandit?" Al exclaimed. "What in the world happened for him to do so?"

"As if I would know." Darretta replied. "And I don't care. All I know is I nearly killed him until you showed up and distracted me, giving him the chance to flee."

"I'm... Sorry?" Al replied, unsure of what to say.

"Don't worry about it. I was just teasing you. It was a rather hard fight. It could've gone either way." Darretta replied with a smile.

"But if he deserted, he should've lost favor with the Divines." Al said quietly. "Makes me wonder how strong he was when he was still in the army."

"I nearly had him, so he wasn't all that." Darretta proclaim proudly. "Oh look, I can see the gate now." She runs ahead towards the gate entrance. "Last one there treats for food!"

Al just stood there surprised as he watch her run ahead. A few seconds past before he chase after Darretta. After Al paid for Darretta's meal at the guild hall, the two split up, Darretta left for the temple to treat her wounds, while Al stayed to make his report. As he waited in line to make his report, someone tapped his shoulder. He turns to see a group of familiar faces. The Protection Agency.

"Hey buddy, how you been?" Astra said smiling.

"Hey everyone. When did you guys come back?" Al asked.

"We got back yesterday, but we didn't see you." Luna replied. "Did you go somewhere?"

"I was out hunting bandits with another adventurer. We had to camp outside yesterday." Al replied. "Did you guys need me for something? What of the demon sightings?"

"Oh we were going to ask if you wanted to join us in destroying a bandit camp. The sightings were false alarms, so they told us we could leave." Luna replied.

"A bandit camp?" Al asked. "Is it on the Eastern Path?"


"Yes. Do you know about it Al?" Astra asked.

"I was just there for my bandit hunt." Al replied.

"How many did you killed?" Poku asked.

"Three, one escaped." Al replied. "They were deserters of the army. At least that's what Darretta, the other adventure with me told me."

"How many did you spot in the camp Poku?" Ahmu asked.

"50 on a quick count." Poku replied.

Al looked at them in surprised. "50? Can we take on that many deserters with just us?"

"They are deserters who lost the blessings of the divines. I doubt they would pose much threat." Poku replied.

"No, Al is right." Astra spoke up. "We may need to proceed with cautions. Even though they lost the protections of the divines, they are still trained soldiers. With numbers and tactics, they could give even a gold rank party a hard time."

Just as they started brainstorming a plan for the bandits, Maria at the receptionist desk called out to them. "Next!" Al walks over and made his report, adding that there may be more bandits and he and the Protection Agency are going to go deal with them.

"Well, if that is the case, I will extend the quest and merge it into the bandit camp destruction quest." Maria explained. "I will run it with a supervisor." Just as she said this Kreyg appeared behind her.

"I will give approval for this." Kreyg says as he tapped Maria on the shoulder. "Al I wish to speak with you. Can you spare a moment?"

Al nodded, and Kreyg motions him to a table. They both sat down, and Kreyg started.

"So, seeing as how this Bandit Camp Destruction quest have quite the large number, I will have to put it up as an Silver rank quest. However I will allow you to do this quest as your promotion to Iron test."

"Really?" Al replied excitedly.

"Yes. However, because it is a silver quest, I will have to be there to insure your safety." Kreyg replied. "I will mostly be watching but will interfere if it seems too much for you and the rest of the Protection Agency. However, should I interfere, it does not mean you have failed. As long as you perform splendidly, you can still get your promotion."

"You mean you'll be going with us?" Luna asked excitedly from behind Kreyg, surprising him. "Sorry for eavesdropping, but, you know, we have long ears for a reason." She said with a smile.

"Yes, I will be coming with you." Kreyg smiled. "But seeing as there are a lot of enemies, I will ask that you take as many people as you can from your Protection Agency."

"Oh that's a great idea." Luna shouted. "We should ask Amma to join us if she can."

"I don't think Tarlach or Nagro will be available" Astra replied. "Seeing as they are too far away at the moment."

"Can I invite the previous adventure that was with me?" Al asked. "I doubt she'll be happy to hear that we are going off to finish the bandit she fought with earlier without her."

"Sure." Luna exclaimed. "I would like to meet this other adventurer."

"Ok, I will let her know." Al replied. He pulls out his guild card to send a message to Darretta.

"Let's all meet back here tomorrow to discuss more about this." Astra said. "For now lets all go get prepare for it."

The group said bye to Al as they leave. Al thanks Kreyg once more before leaving as well.

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