《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 23


Al awoke the morning after discussing with the rest of the Protection Agency, feeling completely recovered. He swings his runeblade with his now healed left arm. "A little sore, but other than that, it is completely healed," Al commented to himself. He geared himself up and then made his way towards the guild hall. Once inside he found that Darretta was already inside sitting at a table and made his way over.

"There you are!" Darretta shouted, surprising Al with the sudden outburst. "Hurry! Let's get ready and head out! I'm itching to finish my fight with that guy!"

"H-hold on!" Al managed to utter out before Darretta could drag him outside. "We still have to wait for the other members."

"Ah, right." Darretta let out. "You mention something about others joining us."

"Is that ok?" Al meekly let out.

"Yeah! I don't see a problem with that." Darretta answered. "Who are they anyway?"

"We're the Protection Agency." A voice spoke out from behind Darretta. She turns around to see a group of elves.

"Hi there!" Luna greeted. "I'm Luna Fiera, the leader of the Protection Agency. Are you the adventurer that Al mentioned?"

"Yes," Darretta answered. "I'm Darretta, an Iron rank Slayer." The rest of the Protection Agency introduced themselves to her. After a short introduction, She finally brought up what was on her mind. "I have unfinished business with one of the bandits, so he is mine if we encounter him."

"By all means, he is yours," Astra answered. "I understand that feeling well."

Al notices the sullen look on Astra's face as he said it. He was about to ask if something was wrong when he saw Poku shake his head telling him not to pry. Al has never seen the rest of the Protection Agency look so glum before so he kept quiet on the subject. A moment of silence followed.


"Well," Luna spoke up to break the silence. "If everyone is ready, how about we get going to the orphanage to find Ammalinde." The group nodded and left the guild hall for the orphanage.

Once they reached the orphanage, they told Ammalinde what they were going to do and she said she will join them and went inside to get her gear. Carne walked out to the group once he saw them from his window.

"Hello." Carne greeted.

"Carne!" Luna said out excitedly. "How are you doing?"

"I am doing good milady," Carne answered. "I just came out to see what everyone is doing out here."

"We are about to go out on a bandit hunt!" Luna continued with her excitement. "You should join us!"

"Forgive me, milady," Carne answered. "I have to head out to Sentros to visit Ireene."

"Oh... Ok." Luna's face went from happy to sad in a blink of an eye. "Say hi to Ireene for me."

Carne smiled and pat her head. "I will. I'm sure she misses you too." Luna reply in a smile.

Ammalinde came out in full armor covering her head to toe in thick steel. Al was surprised and puzzled at her armor. "How.. are you able to move in that?" he asked.

"I can move fine in this," Ammalinde replied as she lifts her face mask up. "It slows me down a little but it's fine." She then turns to Carne. "I'm heading out dad. You think Natalie can handle the orphanage on her own?"

Carne smiled as he replied. "She'll be fine on her own. You stay safe out there."

"I will, dad," Ammalinde replied as she approached the rest of the group. "Ok, I'm ready."


The group then made their way towards the East Gate, discussing their battle plan.

"Why am I on the front?!" Poku exclaimed. "Wouldn't it make more sense to place Ammalinde in front considering how much armor she has?!"

"We need you in front to spot any traps that they may have laid out," Astra replied coldly.

"What if they ambushed us with arrows?" Poku shouted out worriedly.

"I'm sure you can dodge most of them," Astra replied, again coldly.

Poku hung his head in defeat, while the rest of the Protection Agency laugh. Upon reaching the East Gate, they spot Kreyg who was already waiting for them there.

"Is everyone ready?" Kreyg asked the group.

Everyone nodded and the left all went out the gate. As they walk towards the forest, the group made small chatter with Darretta to get to know her better. Mainly Astra and Poku were asking her question as she was also in the frontline with them. Finding out what each other strength and weakness was key to good synergy with each other.

On the other hand, Al was mainly talking to Kreyg, as he loves hearing of past adventures taken by strong adventurers. Kreyg entertains Al with his stories. Many were of great adventure through dungeons and unexplored ruins. Some were of hardship that his party endure. He told a story of his first encounter with Hudsonus, and how with his great leadership led the group to victory against impossible odds.

Al's opinion of Hudsonus shot up after hearing of his feats. Some he couldn't believe, while others he could see Hudsonus doing. Hudsonus leading a charge against bandits laughing away he could see. Hudsonus fighting and winning against a dragonewt with a broken sword he couldn't. Before he realized it, the group had reached the forest.

"Ok, Poku, take the front," Astra stated.

Poku looked at Astra with a sorrowful look as if to ask "Really?"

"We still need you to lead us to the bandit's hideout. Only you know where it is." Ahmu said as she pats Poku in the back.

Poku reluctantly leads the group off the path and into the woods. As they walked through the woods, there wasn't any deadly traps, only simple ones that would alert the hideout of intruders. Poku then motions for everyone to get down low. The group slowly approach the bush that Poku was at while staying low. As they peaked out of the bush they small a small fortification of wooden walls with a gate and stationed guards.

"Ok. From here we'll have Ammalinde lead the charge, once both Ahmu and Luna take out the two guards." Astra whispered to the group. "Darretta and I will follow close behind. Al, Ahmu, and Luna will provide support from the gate and Poku will guard them against any coming enemies."

The group nodded. Ahmu and Luna pull out their bow and was about to take aim when Al stopped them.

"One second," Al stated. "Let me cast some enchantment on you guys first." He then cast Rune of Fortification on Ammalinde, Rune of Power on Astra, and Rune of Agility on Darretta. "As long as I don't enchant anyone else, these enchantments should last us until the end of the battle. Ok. Ready now." Luna and Ahmu nodded and took aim, and shot the two guards, killing them in one hit. Ammalinde charges out with the group following behind.

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