《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 8: Protection Agency
Alderick was walking down the streets of Trisdia in at a quick pace, not even sure where he is going. He was feeling nervous and embarrassing for running off after telling Natalie how he felt about her. A number of thoughts ran through his head, as he pace about. What if she doesn’t see me that way? What if she rejects me? What if I never see her again because of this? Damn that enchantress for pushing me. He continued to have this though until eventually he reached the front of the guild hall, and he came to a halt. Thinking that he might be able to get his mind off of the matter if he did a few quest, he tried to compose himself, and then walked into the building.
Once inside, he walked over to the request board and started searching for something to do. Although he could hear some of the people inside whispering about him, he chose to ignore them, figuring they were talking about the promotion test he had taken just the day before. He only saw some collecting request for Bladed Grass and the sort on the board that were for rank Copper, in which he rather not go through that stuff again. In the corner of his eye, he could see a group of elves. He turns to see them better. There were two females, and two males. One of the female made eye contact with him, and waved. She then motions for him to come over. Seeing that there were no quest of interest, he decided to go talk to the group of elves.
“Hi…” Al says as he approached the group. “Hiya!” replied the female who waved him over. “You’re Alderick right? The guy who fought Master Hudonus for the promotion test?” The rest of the group then stared at Al, making him a little nervous and feeling kind of awkward, since he had failed the test. “Yes… but I didn’t pass the test.” he replied, a little saddened by his replied. “Oh, man. That was a great fight you put.” One of the male elf remarked. “Too bad Master didn’t go easy on you. Usually they send people out on an urgent quest to slay a group of spiders or goblins, or maybe even send them as a group to slay a hobgoblin for the promotion test to Iron. At least that’s what they did for us.” He added.
“Oh, pardon me for our rudeness.” The female said politely. “We are a group of adventurer’s who are in a registered party within the guild. We called ourselves the Protection Agency. My name is Luna Fiera.I am the Party leader and I am an Iron Rank adventurer.” [A Registered Party is a group of adventurers who are working together to pull their resources and help each other complete quests] “Astragoth Hashut, Silver Rank, and also a member of the Protection Agency.” The first male said. “I am… Poku… Poku. Iron rank and am in the same party as them.” The second male said, seemingly embarrassed by his name. Al turn to look at the last member of the group for an introduction. “I am Teiki Ahmu. Iron rank and an officer in the Protection Agency.” She said, smiling. Then point towards the ground. “This is Chad, my animal companion. Don’t worry he won’t bite.” Al looks down, but didn’t see anything.
“Oh… As Luna have just said, I am Alderick. Copper rank.” Al then introduced himself. “I thought a registered party needs at least ten members?” he then asked. “Oh, there's more members, just that they are all doing their own little thing at the moment. And before you ask, yes usually the guildmaster is the member with the highest rank, but they all said they rather I stay guildmaster.” Luna answered. “Oh. Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.” replied Al. “Oh none taken, it’s just that most people asks us these questions.” She replied smiling. “In case you were interested, I can tell you about the other members of our little guild.” “Um… Sure…”
“Ok then, well, there’s Nazgro Dil Sealion. He’s a gold rank adventurer. He join the Adventurer’s Guild at the same time as us. He helped us made the party, and then he just shot up the rankings. He’s really strong. There’s also Tarlach who’s a Silver rank, but he likes to travel to places and we haven’t really heard from him in awhile. You won’t believe this, but Kreyg, one of the Head supervisors here, is also one our member. He’s a Platinum rank adventurer, but Master Hudsonus always said he is equivalent to a Mythril. He is mostly busy with the guild but when he has time, he comes to help us out with some of the stronger foes we face."
"There’s also Ireene Stormy. She’s an Iron rank who runs the orphanage in Sentros to the south of Trisdia. Speaking of her, We can’t forget her brother-in-law and niece, Carne, and Ammalinde. They both run the orphanage here in Trisdia. Carne is retired, but he still helps us out when he can. He mostly give us info we need on quest and the such. He was a Mythril Rank. On the other hand, his daughter Ammalinde comes out to help us with the quest itself. She is also an Iron rank like us” Al was shocked to hear that the two was also members of this group. Teiki notices Al’s shocked.
“Do you know some of these members?” “Uh, yeah. I was an orphan in the orphanage that Carne and Ammalinde runs.” replied Al. “Oh wow, Small world.” Teiki giggles. “Maybe this is fate.” “It could be.” “Oh I know!” shouted Poku. “We are about to set off on a quest to destroy a large nest of spiders. How about you join us? We could use a support.” “Oh, that sounds like a good idea!” Luna agreed. “You should join us!” “Will he be able to? I do want to see him in battle up close, but the request is for rank Iron or higher only.” Astra asked. “We’ll talk to Kreyg about it. He might just let it slide.” Luna replied, and got up and ran off to the counter to find Kreyg. Everything happen too fast that Al couldn’t even respond to the situation. But he didn’t dislike it though. Maybe this was the distraction he needed.
While waiting for Luna to come back, Al had sat down and started to get to know more about the group that he was talking to. He learned that Astra was a Slayer like Darretta. His role was a damage. Poku was an Assassin, and also a damage role. Teiki was a Beast Master, and a damage role as well. She was also skilled at using a bow. Luna was a Ranger and again, another damage role. Al began to wonder if a group with nothing but pure damage and a support would be good.
Usually a group compose of a tank, damage, support and a healer roles. But thinking that as long as they are careful, they should be able to destroy a spider nest as long as they don’t encounter anything big. As they were talking, Luna came running back gleefully. “I’m back!” she said as she reached the group. Behind her was Kreyg making his way to the group. “Alderick.” he called out to Al. “I will give you special permission to go with them on this quest. It is only because I know the group that I am allowing you to go.” “Yes sir. Thank you.” replied Al. He and Kreyg made eye contact. Kreyg looked at him as if saying “Remember your promise to Hudsonus.” Al nodded.
“Since you guys are going to go fight spiders, I recommended you guys stock up on some antidotes and torches. You guys might not enter a cave, but the fire from the torch should keep them at bay should you find yourselves surrounded.” Kreyg added before he made his way back. “Is… is it just me or did Kreyg just give Al a loving and worried look before he left?” Poke asked, while looking back and forth at Al and Kreyg. “What?” Al asked, a little taken aback. “An elderly gentleman and a young boy…” muttered Teiki, as her faced flushed red and blood ran down from her nose and she smiled a creepy disturbing smile. Al showed a sour face, not wanting to know what was going on in her mind right as this moment.
“Tei! Keep your fetishes to yourself near our new friend.” said Astra. Although he lecture Tei, he was seemingly enjoying this as he was trying hard not to laugh. The group started laughing, as seeing Al become a target for Teiki’s fantasies seemed to be a good icebreaker for whatever reason. “Well, seeing as the spider nest is near the Village of Villnist, we can all go do our own preparations and then meet up as the East gate. It’ll take us a few days to reach it, so make sure you guys prepare enough rations and water for the trip.” Luna said, before dismissing the group to go do her own preparation. After leaving the group, Al heads towards a magic shops to buy some antidotes and maybe a potion or two. He headed to a different magic shop from The Withering Tree, as he was still a little too embarrassed to see Natalie.
After a little shopping and going back to the Inn to fetch his gear, Al meets back with the group near the East gate. “Alright, is everyone done with their preparations?” Lun asked the group. ‘Yes” The group replied. “Ok, let’s head out!.” The group cheered and made their way out the gate. “Alderick!” someone called out, just before the group made it far from the gate. Al turns to see Kolen running after them. “Hey… did you go to the orphanage?” he asked. “I did.” replied Al, hoping that Kolen didn’t stopped him just to make small talk or to ask about his sister. “Oh ok. As long as you have gone.”
Kolen then took a look at the group that Al was with. “Where are you headed?” “We are going to go destroy a spider nest near Villnist.” “Oh ok. Be careful. Spiders are nasty creatures. I hope you brought some kind of fire tool.” “I bought some torches. They should suffice.” “Ok.” Kolen then took another look at the group and then got a clear look at Luna. He runs over to her got on one knee, and grabs one of her hand. He looks up at her and smiled. “Oh, beautiful maiden! May I have the honor of knowing your name?” Luna was puzzled and awkwardly smiled back. Al could see the anger showing on both Astra and Poku’s face.
“My name is Luna Fiera.” “Ah a beautiful name for a beautiful lady. My name is Kolen, and I am a captain of the guards.” After he introduced himself, he tried to kiss her hands. Just before he could both Astra and Poku kicked him to the side, and continued to kick him while he was down. “Get your hands off her!” They shouted in unison, unrelenting in their attack on the captain. Al could easily stop them, but chose to watch. He was tired of Kolens lame attempt of hitting on any women he sees.
“Um… Guys please let him off with just that.” Al finally said after being satisfied of watching Kolen get beat up. “He may be a flirt, but he is still a captain. We should leave before his guards sees us.” Astra and Poku finally stops. Both the girls just giggle at the entire thing. Al kind thought of what might be going through Teiki’s mind at the moment, seeing that she was starting to have a nosebleed, but he didn’t mention it. “Ah… hey… Al…” Kolen said, while still beaten up and the ground. “What?” “Stay… safe… they… guys are… pretty strong…” he mumbled out before staying silent. “Nut’s lets move out!” Al shouted for the group to move. They ran off leaving the injured captain behind.
After walking for almost half the day, Teiki pulls out a map. “According to this map and our pace, we should be reaching the Graveyard Hills soon.” The Graveyard Hills is a small landscape with hills everywhere and several rocks at the tops of the hills. Due to the numbers of hills, from a distance, the locations look like graveyards, and thus the name. The group eventually reach a cliff. There was a path down the side of the cliff, but from the top of the cliff, you can see the hills. The hills looks like mounds of dirt burying the deads. The group made their way down, passing by other travelers headed in the opposite direction. “Beware the graveyard!” One of them shouted. “Ghost and zombies are coming out!” Some of them started laughing as they walked off. Al knew it was a lie, as the Graveyard is merely a name, no one was actually buried there.
As they drew closer to the hills, Poku started showing signs of being afraid. “There… won’t be any ghost popping up right?” He asked, as he started to tug at Astra’s arm. Teiki showed her usual creepy smile and Al tried to ignore the entire thing. “Don’t be stupid Poku. There’s no graves here, so why would there be ghost?” Astra said as he pulled his arms away from him. “Ah…” Poku let out quietly, as his eyes started to get watery. “You’re an impe- an adventurer! Stop being so cowardly!” Astra shouted to Poku. “We can easily deal with a few ghost and zombies even if they show up.” “But… but… ghost are scary… and immune to physical attacks… I can’t hit them!” Poku cried out, again, reaching and tugging at Astra with both hands this time, and grasping hard.
“Get off! Blessed divines! Give this man some courage! Even if ghost are immune to physical damage, I have an enchanted blade, and Luna has magic arrows. We will be fine.” “Magic arrows?” Al asked. “Ah yes. I have a magic bow that has been passed down my family from mother to daughter. It lets me shoot an unlimited amount of magic arrows. That’s why I don’t carry a quiver.” Luna answer. “Oh, that sounds quite useful.” “It is. It has save me a number of times. Oh and, don’t let how Poku is currently worry you. He may be scare of ghost, but I assure you, when it comes to a fight, he can give even Dil a hard time.” “Oh really?” Al was kind of shocked to hear this. An Iron rank that gives a Gold rank a hard time in a fight is probably much stronger than an Iron rank should be.
Al hears a small growl behind him and footsteps. He turn and saw nothing, only Teiki who was a little behind him. She smiled at him. He has been hearing these sounds since they first set off, but never saw anything just like now. The sun was beginning to set when they made it out the of the hills. “We should find a place to set camp.” Teiki said to Luna. “You’re right. Is there an open area around here?” Luna asked. Teiki pulls out the map and started searching for a decent place. “Just a little bit ahead of here is a small open landscape near a river. We can set up camp there, and refill our water packs too.” “Sounds good. Let’s head there.” Luna said, and had Teiki lead the way. They shortly reached the area Teiki spoke of, and started setting up camp, except for Poku, who looked back where they came from.
“Aren’t we too close to the hills? What if ghost comes to attack us in the middle of the night?” he asked. “There’s no ghost!” Astra shouted. “We just walk through without seeing one! So I can assure you there’s none.” “But… But it was still daylight, they probably only come out at night!” Poke answered back, this time tugging at Al who was standing next to him. “Um… if ghost do come out, I can give you a temporary enchant to your weapon to damage them.” Al said, looking at the almost crying Poku. “Really?! You will?!” he asked back, now with hope brimming in his eyes. Al nodded. “Oh thank you!” Poku shouted. He then hugged Al, and looked over to Astra. “See! You should learn from Alderick, Astra. He at least knows how to comfort people.” “Oh shut up you coward.” Astra replied and continued to set up his tent.
“You’ll take first watch then. At least we’ll know we’ll wake up when you scream like a girl when you do see a ghost or something.” Astra stated. “What?! That’s not fair. I was also first to keep watch last time. It’s your turn.” Poku shouted, hugging Al a little tighter. “Well… I can take first watch, since this is my first time in a group, so I’d like to try it out.” Al said to Astra. “You don’t have to do that Alderick. You can take second or third watch.” Luna said, having finish setting her tent up already and was helping Teiki, as she seemed to be distracted with a creepy look on her face. “It’s fine, I want to.” “Well, if you are sure, then I don’t see a problem.” Astra added. “If you see anything out of the ordinary, then just wake us up.” “Ok. That sounds easy enough.” “Oh, and don’t worry. I’ll leave Chad to watch with you. He’ll alert you if there's anything.” Teiki said, seeing as she also just finish her tent. “Ok. You guys have a good night.” Al said, unsure of what or who Chad was, as he has yet to see Chad.
“After a few hours, wake Astra up to replace you.” Poku added as he ran to quickly set up his tent. “What no. You are taking second watch.” Astra shouted to Poku. The two bickered for a bit. After awhile, they reach a compromised and went to sleep. “Goodnight. I’ll see you in the morning.” Luna said as she crawled into her tent. Al then sat down by the campfire they had set up earlier. He then heard something moved beside him and he turn to look. Nothing. The noise made him think that maybe there really was a ghost following them, and he could feel his arms getting goosebumps. Thinking about it, whatever was making the footstep noise could be “Chad”. The footsteps then came closer to him, and stopped right beside him. He could feel a presence there, but still saw nothing. He reached his hands out to see if he could touch something. His hands came into contact with something. It felt like fur, it was a really soothing feeling. He started rubbing it, and then heard a small pur. He now has figured what “Chad” was. Chad was a Shadow Cat, a type of feline that can turn invisible, and are rare. They are only seen in the West, where the elves capital is. They are strong ferocious animals that can easily kill Devil Tusk and other animals. Knowing now who his partner was, Al felt assured that nothing will go wrong during his watch, and continued his watch through the night.
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