《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 7: Magic Shop
Inside of Hudsonus’ office, Alderick and Hudsonus sat in silence. After Al reveal his real class to Hudsonus, he waited to see how Hudsonus would respond. Hudsonus on the other hand didn’t know how to respond either. He has never heard of a human being a Rune Master before. At the same time, he was wondering why Al feels the need to hide his class. Although it is true that usually only demons and other demi-humans become Rune Master, it is not impossible for a human to become one, especially now that he has seen one. On the other hand, it would make sense why Al, who was supposedly a Mystic doesn’t use a staff as a weapon.
Al, unable to take the silence any longer, chose to break it. “Is it… possible to keep my class hidden? I am capable of using skills that are usually associated with Mystics.” Hudsonus thought about this request for a bit. “Only on a few conditions. One, all the supervisors and above in this guild hall will know about your true class. Two, should you move on to a new guild in another town, all the supervisors and above there will also know. Three, you MUST learn to control your skills so that they will not kill you.” He paused for a bit.
“My… oldest friend died with that skill. I do not know how he came to learn it or why he learned it. He used it to save me and my group. He never learned to fully control it, and when we were surrounded by the enemy, he died using it to save me. I was stabbed in the heart, but it was his that bled.” He removed his shirt to show a large scar on his chest and pointed to it. He then puts his shirt back on, and then another long pause ensured. Hudsonus showed a sad expression, remembering the event. His eyes started getting watery, but he wiped the tears with his hands. “So, for me to keep this secret, you will have to promise it to me. Promise you will not use it unless it is absolutely your only option left, and that it would not kill you in the process.” Al remained silent. The room fell into another moment of silence. “I promise. I will accept these conditions, and learn to fully control these abilities.” “Good.”
Al walks out of the office, but stopped just right outside the door. He turns back to the door, and heard what sounds like sniffing, but chose to keep it to himself and walked to and then down the stairs. There he saw all the supervisors still at the counter. He walks over. “He wants you guys to finish all your current paperwork and finish closing the hall. And once you are done, he wants all the supervisors and above to go see him. Everyone else is to head home.” Al told the group. He then bow slightly, and turned to leave. “Wait.” Kreyg called out. Al turned around. “Although it was not a quest, you still defeated a Devil Tusk, and is to be awarded. The reward for a Devil Tusk is usually around eight gold coins. But we have already split the reward, and given have of it to Darretta. Here’s yours.” Kreyg then put four gold coins on the counter. Al walks over and pick them up. He then bowed again, and the left the hall. Once outside, Al notice that it was already sundown. It is much too late to go back to Gendrol for his item, and to go visit the magic shop. He decided to call it a night and headed back to the inn.
Al reaches the inn, but paused outside the door for a bit, before heading in. The dining room for the guest was empty, except for the innkeeper that was working on paperwork at the counter, and the girl that was cleaning the tables. She looks up and sees Al. “Oh, Welcome back Al.” She said. This girl’s name is Tabita. She is the innkeeper’s daughter, and helps cook and clean the tables for guest that stays at the inn. She is a little older than Al, and is the reason why there were people who constantly stay at the inn, even though they had a house somewhere in the town or just a village not too far from here.
“I haven’t seen you for a few days, I thought you had left.” She said as she runs up to Al. “I’m back.” Al replied, showing a half-hearted smile. She could see it, but chose not to ask about it. “Are you hungry? We still have some leftovers from dinner. Grab a seat and I will reheat it for you.” She said, as she tried to guide him to a table. “No it is alright, I had already ate today. I think I will just take a bath then go to sleep.” “Oh, ok. It’s good that you are back, we were about ready to pack up your stuff in your room.” “I guess I came back in time.” Al said, showing a much better smile this time. “Al, come here.” The innkeeper called out. Al walks over.
“Yes Jaiden.” “You had payed for a month’s worth for you room, but disappeared without any notice. Is everything alright?” Jaiden asked, showing a concerned look. “Yes, everything is alright. I just had to spend a night outside due to being too far from town and not being able to return in time.” Al replied. “Well, ok. As long as you are ok. You are still young so I understand you are still energetic, but please, don’t overdo it. Not only for my sake, but for Tabitha's too". Al nodded, and then glanced over to Tabita. She was like an older sister to him, so he didn’t want to make her worry too much. He then headed up to his room. He put his stuff away, and then headed back downstairs to the bath house that was also run by the inn. After he was done, he headed back to his room and lied down in his bed. He started thinking about everything that happened to him in one day. It felt like a really long day. He soon fell asleep.
The following morning, Al got up and got ready. He headed downstairs. He ate a breakfast while talking to Tabitha. After he finish, he walked out. He decided he should go see Gendrol first. It was a short walk from the inn. After he reached the blacksmith’s shop, he didn’t see the dwarf there. “Gendrol, you there?” Al called out. A short while later, “Aye, I’m here.” A voice called out. Shortly after, Gendrol walked out and sees Al. He showed a friendly smile. “Hey, I thought you were letting me keep the fur since you didn’t come back.” he started chuckling to himself. “Wait right here, I’ll bring it out.” He walked back inside his little hut, and then came back out with a black coat, and a pair of boots on it. “I finish making it, and used the leftover materials to make you a nice new pair of boots.” He hands it to Al. “Go on, try them on.”
Al put them on, and surprisingly, the coat was a little big, but the boats fit perfectly. :How’d you know my foot size?” Al asked. “A good blacksmith can tell with one look. Otherwise, they would have a hard time fastioning armor for every person that walks into his shop. Oh, but, unfortunately, the coat has not been enchanted. The enchantress I knew was busy and couldn’t come over yesterday to take a look.” Gendrol added. “That’s fine. How much is it for both of these?” “Well, usually for these stuff, I would charge two gold piece, but since you brought me the material, I will only charge you a gold piece.” Al pulls out a gold coin from his bag, and hands it over to Gendrol. He took it and smile. “I can’t ever get over the glint that a gold coin shows.” Al smiled. He then saw some armor piece on the counter, and walked over to take a look.
The thought that having some more armor would help him in the future, he started looking to see what else he could afford, but wouldn’t weigh him down. He picked up a small plate of metal, and started inspecting it. “That is a good piece of equipment for a new adventurer. It’s just that it only protects the wearer’s upper body, leaving the bottom half open. So if you choose to wear that, well… don’t get stab in the gut.” Gendrol started laughing at his own comment. “How much is it.” Al asked, deciding that this was good enough for him at the moment. “Since that is just a simple piece of armor that my apprentice made out of iron and copper, I’ll let you have it for thirty silver coins.” “I’ll take it.” Al then reaches into his bag again, and counted thirty silver coins for the dwarf. “Pleasure doing business” The dwarf smile as more coins are now in his hands.
“Oh, but if you still want to get your items enchanted, you can go visit my friend. Let her know I sent you there, and she might give you a discount.” “I might pay her a visit.” Al added, not really expecting to go visit her anyways. “She owns the magic shop near the temple. She is a… little weird at times, but usually she is pretty normal.” Gendrol added. “Her shop is called The Withering Tree. Kind of ominous if you ask me, but it’s just like any other magic shop here in town.” “I think I’ll go pay her a visit then.” Al replied, never realising that there was a magic shop near the inn, temple and orphanage. He walked towards the temple, and started searching for the magic shop. As he searched, he walks by the orphanage, and decided to peek in again. He saw a bunch of kids playing around again, but Natalie was also playing with them.
Natalie looks up and sees Al, who tried to ducks back into the wall to not get spotted. She walks over to him. “Should I called the guards about a suspicious person lurking around the orphanage?” She jokingly commented. “Please don’t. Your brother won’t take it as a joke.” Al meekly replied back. She just smiled. “What are you doing?” “I was searching for a magic shop around here.” She thought for a bit. “There’s only one around here. The Withering Tree I believe.” “Yes that’s the one.” “Ok, I’ll take you there.” She smiled, and ran back to the orphanage. “I’ll be right back!” She shouted as she entered the building. After a short wait, she came back outside, wearing pretty much the same thing she wore yesterday. “Ok, lets go.” She said as she grabbed his hands and started pulling him along as she walk.
As Al and Natalie walked to the shop, they started talking and catching up with each other. “Ah there’s the shop.” She said as she pointed toward a building. They got to the store, and entered. “Natalie, is that you?” A voiced called out from the back. “Yes ma'am, it’s me.” Natalie replied. “Ok, then can you start cleaning the the shelves?” “Ok I will.” Al was confused, and turn to look at Natalie. She simply smiled. “I was pretty sure I told you I work part time at a magic shop.” Al thought for a bit, and remember that she told him yesterday. “Oh, right… you did.” Just then, someone walked in from the back.
“Oh my. Did you bring your boyfriend with you today? Or did you bring a boyfriend for me?” The person asked. Al then got a good look at her. She was a older, mature looking woman, She wore a mage’s hat, and a rather revealing dress that barely covers her chest, and the skirt had an opening that revealed her right leg. She had long reddish hair that covered her left eye. From there, al could then make out some rather long ears. A sign that she was an elf. “Madam, please don’t tease me and my friend.” Natalie replied, but her face was blushing. She turn to look away from Al. He notice it, and blushed a little too, but then decided to talk to the lady to change the subject and avoid anymore awkward situations.
“Hello. My name is Al. Gendrol sent me here to get my gear enchanted.” “That stubborn old fool doesn’t know when to leave me alone.” The lady said. “Well, since you are here now, I guess I have no choice.” Al was surprised by this. The dwarf never said they were on rather… bad terms from the tone of her voice. “Well, come on over boy.” She motions with one finger for Al to walk over. He nervously approached her. “The name’s Evistin Trisdia. Now let me see the item you want me to enchant.” She lays out her hand waiting for Al to give her the item. Al wanted to ask about her last name, but thought it be best to not keep her waiting. He took off his coat and handed it over to her. “What did you want to enchant it with?” She asked.
“I never really thought about it. Gendrol was the one who recommended it, and told me I should come see you.” Al swore he saw a smile appeared on her face, but it quickly disappeared. “Hmph, that bastard sure likes bothering me with these things. What is your class? I can recommend you some.” She asked and she started inspecting the coat. She found a pocket, and searched inside. She pulled out a hair pin that looks as if it was made from silver, with the top in the shape of a lily. She blushed and smiled gleefully, grasped the hair pin with both hand, pulled it to her face. She started squirming, and started stomping in place. Al’s eyes and mouth opened wide as he realised what was going on.
The two were most likely lovers who have not seen each other for awhile. She was probably mad at the dwarf for not visiting her or something. After awhile, she composed herself. "Forgive me for that. Please forget what you just saw.” Al don’t think he could ever forget the idea that a dwarf and an elf, two races that are usually at odds, are lovers. “I’m… a Mystic. Support.” Noticing that he wants to get back on the subject, she thought about some enchants that would benefit him. “I think I know of a good one. It is Enchant: Focus. It’ll allow you to focus on your spells better. It’ll also allow you to cast channeling spells and defend yourself at the same time.” Al thought it would be the perfect enchant. “How much will that cost?!” He asked excitedly. “Two hundred gold.” He was shocked by the amount. At most he only had eight gold on him.
“I’m sorry, I only have about eight gold coins and some silver.” Evistin thought for a bit. “Ok, how about Enchant: Regeneration? It will allow you to recover more mana quickly. It should allow you to cast spells more frequently in battle. It will only be five gold coins. It is usually ten, but I will give you a discount since you are an acquaintance of that bearded bastard.” “Ok that sounds good too.” Having giving up on the really awesome enchant, he settles with the latter choice. “Ok, come back later, and I’ll have it ready for you.” Al agrees, and was about to walk away when she stops him.
“Sometimes, I think men should really speak with their heart. I hate men who can’t.” She looks over to Natalie, then back to Al, smiling knowingly. Al then looks over to Natalie too. He then nodded, and walked over to Natalie. “Looks like I’m done here. I will be heading out.” He told her. “Oh, in that case, I will walk you out.” She replied, putting some items back on the shelves, and followed Al out. “So, what do you plan to do now?” She asked. “I’m going to go look at the quest board, and then probably go buy some more items at the common shop.” Al replied. “Oh” She smiled. Al looks at her and she just meet his gaze. “I love you.” Al says. He then blushes, and walks away. Natalie, was shocked by this and stood there for a moment. She then blushed as well, and the crouched down and hug her knees. “Al you idiot. At least let me say it too.”
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