《A Random story of an Adventurer》Chapter 1: First Quest


In the training arena behind the guild hall where Alderick had just finish his test with Hudsonus. “Alright boy. Congratulations again for passing the test. Soon you will be counted as a member of the Adventurer’s Guild. For now, take this form back to the receptionist so they can finish the process.” Hudsonus says as he pulls out the application form, signs it, and then hands it over to Alderick. “For now, I have to give these guys a lesson on manners.” He added as he turns to look at the crowd that was watching the test. The entire group felt a chill rolled down their spines. “OH SHIT! SCATTER! RUN FOR IT!.” Yelled someone. And the group disperse only to be chased down by Hudsonus. Alderick could only show a nervous smile as he watches the group get beat down. He then headed back inside the guild hall.

Inside over at the counter the receptionist stood there and looked as if she was waiting for him to return. He walks up to the counter and could only mutter a “Umm…” before she interrupted him. “Uh… it’s ok. Don’t let this experience discourage you from trying to become an adventurer in the future.” She said with a sadden worried look on her face. “You can try again in a month.” Alderick looked at her with a surprised look. Did… she think I failed the test? “Umm… No I-” Again he was interrupted, this time by another an older looking gentleman. “Is this the boy who was waiting for his test?” He asked while looking at Alderick. “I have finish my reports so I now have time to test him.” “Ah no. Master Hudsonus have already given him his test. He just came back from it.” The receptionist replied. “Master Hudsonus?!” The gentleman said with a surprised look. Then turns to face Alderick again. His surprised look turns into a sadden one as well. “It’s ok son. There is always next time. When you come again, I’ll be sure to be the one who gives you your next test.” He said, also assuming that Alderick had failed as well. Him too?! Alderick thought to himself.

“Uh.. No.. I had actually passed.” He said finally. “Sir Hudsonus told me to give this form back to you so you can finish the process.” He then hands the application form to the receptionist. “WHAT?! You passed?!” Both the gentleman and receptionist yelled, grabbing the attention of majority of the people in the guild hall. “Let me see the form.” The gentleman said, as he reaches for the form, takes a quick look, and then hands it over to the receptionist. “Indeed, it seems he had pass the test, Master Hudsonus had signed the form. Go and finish his processing.” The receptionist, shocked, also look at the forms, and her eyes widen as if she saw something near impossible. She then quickly walk to the back room and disappeared from sight.

“I am surprised you had pass his test. Master Hudsonus doesn’t usually test people wishing to become adventurers, and the people who he does test usually fails his “simple” test.” Alderick looks at him with a somewhat confused look. “Ah, where is my manners. My name is Kreyg, I am one of the 3 Head Supervisors of this guild Hall. What is your name son?” “Alderick.” “Hmm… Well, let me congratulate you on passing your test. Please forgive my earlier behavior. Master Hudsonus… tests are a little harder than the usual test we give out to people.” “Harder?” Al asked with an even more confused look.


“Yes.” Kreyg replied. “Usually our test compose of a simple gathering a few herbs from the Northern Plains or a really simple Copper ranked quest from the request board.” Al looked at Kreyg as if what he went through had been a joke. He couldn’t believed that what he went through was not the usual test. “Um… I notice that you have been calling Sir Hudsonus as Master Hudsonus... “ He then asked. “Oh, you didn’t know? Master Hudsonus is the Headmaster of this guild hall. Which is why it is unusual for him to be testing people. He only does it when he has nothing to do or he is running away from his work.” Damn that old man! He introduced himself as a supervisor only! I knew that test was a little to hard for a new applicant. Al thought to himself, frustrated by the lie the old warrior had told him.

Just as they finished talking about it, the receptionist comes back with an orb. “Ok, we have mostly finished your application, you only need to verify your class and role then we will be able to begin the process of your guild card.” She says as she placed the orb on top of the counter. “Just place your hand on the orb, and it will confirm it for us.” She added as she smiles and waits for Al to place his hand on it. Al lifts his hand places it on the orb. It started to glow, and then after a few seconds, words started to appear on it.

Class: Mystic


“Oh ho. So you are a mystic eh?” Came a voice from behind Al. Al turns around to see Hudsonus towering over him from behind. “Can’t say I’ve seen many Mystics who carry a short sword as their weapon of choice. Much less knows swordsmanship.” Hudsonus says as he shows a grin on his face. Al showed a sour face to Hudsonus, still angered about earlier. “Ha Ha, boy, you should feel honor for being tested by me. And even happier that you passed.” He says as he laughs loudly. Gee… thanks for putting me through that “simple” test. Al thought to himself, a little too intimidated to say it aloud for fear that what happened to the group outside might happen to him.

“We have finished your process. Please come back tomorrow to receive your guild card." Al nodded, bowed, then made his way out the guild hall. “Master, did you go easy on the boy in order to let him pass the test?” Kreyg asked Hudsonus. “Hmm? No? I simply let my guard down and read his next attack wrong.” Hudsonus replied. “He did a really good low kick. They are my worst enemies.” He added as he exploded with laughter, and proceeded to walk up the stairs to his office. “A… low kick?” Kreyg asked quietly to himself.

The following day Al came back to the guild hall. He walked up to the counter where the previous receptionist was at. “Hi, excuse me… I’m here to pick up my guild card.” he asked. The receptionist looks up, sees Al, and then smile. “Of course, we have just finished making it. Please give me a moment to go get it for you.” She replied, got up and walked to the back. A few moments later she came back. “Here you go.” she says as she handed him his guild card. “Congratulations again. You are now a member of the adventurer's guild. You are ranked copper. Please note that you can only accept requests that are at or one level above your current rank. Feel free to take a look at the request board to your left. Once you have decided one which one, please bring it back to me for me to confirm that you have taken on the request. Do you have any questions?”


“How many ranks are there in the guild?” Al asked. "There are eight ranks. It goes Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mythril, Orichalcum and then Adamantite." "Ah ok. Thank you." He said as he started to walk towards the request board. There are several quested posted but only a few were his rank. He started to read the Copper ranked quests.

Goblin Slaying

There’s a report of a lone goblin stealing chickens at a nearby farm.

Please slay the goblin and return with it’s ear as proof.

Reward: 10 Copper Coins.

Rank: Copper

Bladed Grass

We need more Bladed Grass to make more potions.

Please bring in as many as you can.

Reward: 1 Silver Coin per 10 Herb

Rank: Copper

What. A simple gather quest for one silver coin? It’s too good to be true. I will also take the goblin quest since they both are in the Northern Plains. Al thought to himself. Satisfied with the two quest, he takes them and brought it to the counter. “Have you decided?” The receptionist ask. “Yes. I would like to take these two quest please.” Al replied, handing the two quest to the receptionist. “Oh. Oh…” She said, with a kind of worried look on her face. “This goblin quest is ok for you, but this Bladed Grass… Might be a little tough.” “What?” Al said, shocked. “It looks like a simple gathering quest. How can it be rough?” “Hmm… well you can take it, but don’t feel like you must complete the quest ok? Most new adventurer also take this request but usually can’t finish it.” She said.

A gathering quest that most new adventurers failed at? Maybe it is in a fairly dangerous location in the plains. “It’s ok. I won’t abandon this quest. I will make sure finish it.” Al says with a confident look on his face. “Hmm… Ok. Well then theres no problem from what I can see. So good luck out there. Be careful though. One goblin is easy to deal with, but if there's more than one, it is ok to pull back and report it to the guild.” “Ok, thank you very much…. Um… I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve gotten your name yet.” Al asked, only just realising this. “Oh, forgive me. My name is Maria.” She answered. “Ok. Thank you very much Maria.” Al says as he smiled and headed out the door.

Al headed towards the North Gate. In the Northern District is where most of the commercial buildings and trading happens. He gives a quick glance around as he continued walking around. “Hey! You boy!” Someone shouted. Al turns to see a short man, with wild long orange hair as if it is on fire, a crazy beard, and even crazier eyes. A Dwarf. “How about you replace that rusty looking sword of yours with a newly dwarven forged steel?” He said. “Nothing beats dwarven steels.” “Oh, I can’t replace this sword. It’s a… memento of my father.” Al replied, but still, he walked closer to the dwarf. He looks around the forge and then turn to look at all the weapons on displayed. “But I do think having a second weapon available would be good.” “Gwahaha. That is true.” The Dwarf said with a huge smile on his face.

“The names Gendrol Goldensmith.” He introduced himself. “Alderick. You can call me Al if you like.” “Hmm, do you not have a last name lad?” “Ah no… it’s a custom in my…” Al showed a sadden look on his face, then he continues. “ In my village, you don’t receive a last name until you are of age.” “What… you not old enough to bed a woman yet lad?” The dwarf remarked, with a smirk on his face. Seeing the smile somehow cheered Al up. “Oh no, I am old enough now. It’s only because my village was raided and destroyed before I have come of age.” “Oh…” Gendrol cursed at himself for saying such a thing. “I am sorry for your loss lad.” “No no, its ok. It has been a year since it has happened. And it is because such a thing has happened that made me wish to be an adventurer so that I may help protect those who may need help.” Al replied, trying his best to show a smile. “Good on ya lad. Good on ya. So have you succeeded in becoming one?” Gendrol asked. “Ah yes. I have just finished joining yesterday, and I officially start today.” Al replied. “That’s great. Congratulations lad. Tell you what, as a gift. Feel free to take one of these Iron weapon here in this barrel. They aren’t the best quality, but they are still dwarven-forged. Durable enough to last a while for new adventurers.” Gendrol said as he walks over to a barrel filled with all sorts of iron weapons.

“Oh no I couldn’t. That’s much too generous of you.” Al said as he shook both his hands and head. “Its ok lad. Take it as both a gift and an apology for bringing up sad memories.” Gendrol said as he pushed the barrel closer to Al. Al smiled and took a quick look inside. He then pulls out a small dagger. Gave it a few quick swings to test it. Even though it was supposed to be a low quality weapon, it had a good grip and great balance on it, even for a dagger. “Thank you. I think I’ll pick this dagger.” Al said, as he shows it to the dwarf. “Good eye lad. It’s a good blade. Although all my weapon are good.” Gendrol says as he lets out a laugh. “Come visit me again in the future. My forge is open all day.” “Thank you. I will.” Al says. He waves goodbye and continued on his way to the gate.

A few minutes after leaving the dwarven blacksmith, Al reaches the North Gate.There were many kingdom guards, inspecting people trying to come into the town. Luckily for him, there's only an inspection for going in, not for going out. He walks past it and followed the road north. After a mile, he has reached the Northern Plains. It was a vast area stretching far and wide. Far Into the distance, you can make out the mountains of Dragon Peak and a little of the top of trees of the forest, covering the base of the mountain. Al stops to take a quick break. As he sat down on a nearby rock, he decided he should look up what a Bladed Grass look like. He flipped through his Book of Medical Herbs and searched for the name. He quickly found it. And then he throws the book to the ground. “No wonder new adventurers have a hard time of finishing this quest!” He yelled. “They look just like the regular grass that's everywhere!” He stood up to go pick up his book, a little frustrated that Maria didn’t tell him the reason for why new adventures couldn’t complete the quest. Then also blames himself for not asking as well. “I guess it's a good thing I also grabbed the goblin slaying quest…”

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