《A Random story of an Adventurer》Prolog


The town of Trisidia is a major trading town of the Kingdom of Crolotia, crawling with many kinds of people. It is not only known for its Merchant Guild, but for its Adventurer’s Guild too. The adventurer's guild is a place for people seeking jobs to do, or for people who needs a job done. It is also the place where people find a new life for themselves.

The guild hall, as always, is filled with adventurers, drinking and talking about. The doors opens and a young boy steps in. The young boy has black hair, long enough to touch his ruby eyes, but not enough to cover them. Wearing a simple wool shirt and leather pants and shoes, with a short sword strapped to his waist. He takes looks around the hall and them proceeds to make his way towards the counter. At the counter was the guild receptionist who seemed to not pay any attention to the boy and continued on working. "Um... hi, excuse me?" the boy said meekly. The receptionist stops working and looks at the boy. "Hi, how can I help you?" she said in a tired soft voice. "If you want to put up a request, please sign this form and then hand it to me after you are done." She hands him a request form. The boy lifts up his hands and motions a no. "Ah no. I want to register as an adventurer." The receptionist gave a confused look, and reply, " I'm sorry, but you look a little to young to become an adventurer. You must be at least 18 to apply." "Oh, uh, I... I just turned 18 today." The boy said, while rustling through his bag and pulling out his ID.

The receptionist grabs the id from the boy's hand and check the birthday on it. "Hmm, indeed you are 18. I reckoned you were 16 from your looks. I will notify a supervisor while you fill out this form." She then hands him an adventure application form and then proceeded to the back.The boy sits down at one of the open tables and started to fill out the form. A couple of minutes later, he hears someone ask, "Are you the kid applying to become an adventurer?" He looks up to see a middle aged man, with short golden hair and a small beard. The man was built like a bear, his shirt looks as if it was ready to burst if the man so much as moved."Y-Yes... I'm trying to become an adventurer." The boy replied, feeling intimidated by the huge man that easily stood over him as if a giant looked down on him. The man grinned, knowing he terrified the boy. "I'm Hudsonus, the... a supervisor of this guild hall. I will also be the one to give you your test." As he said this, his hand motions for the form. The boy hands it to him.


"A test?" The boy ask, confused. "Yes, all applicant must go through a small test to show what they are able to do for the guild." Hudsonus replied. "So... your name is Alderick." "Yes sir. Al is also ok too sir." Hudsonus laugh. "Well, aren't you a polite talker. I haven't been called sir for years. Well lets head out back to do your test." He motions for Al to follow him though the back door. Hudsonus leads Al into the backyard where there is a arena with multiple training dummies layed out in a circle. "Everybody, CLEAR OUT!. I've got a recruit to test." Everyone that was currently training quickly got out of the way and cleared the arena. "Ok Al, the test is simple hit me one and you pass. Failed to do so in 10 strikes, and you failed. Easy enough right?" Hudsonus says as he grabs a training sword from the weapon rack. Al nods, and pulls his swords out but with it still in its sheath. Hudsonus showed and smile. "What boy, you can't pull your sword out of its sheath? Need some help?" Al looks at him confused, and replied.

"I didn't want to cut you by mistake." Hudsonus laugh. Thinking to himself, that Al could just easily grab a training sword from the rack as well, but maybe he was accustomed to his own sword. "Hey Hudsonus! I think the boys confident that he'll hit you!" Shouted someone from the crowd that was around. "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! OR HE'LL CUT YOUR ARMS OFF!" The crowd laugh loudly. Hudsonus glared at the crowd and that laughter stopped. He turns to face Al again. "Don't let them distract you. Alright, remember, hit me once out of ten tries, and you pass. Ready?" Al nods. "Ok good. Go ahead and move fi-" Before Hudsonus could finish his sentence, Al dashes forward, with his sword aimed low getting ready for a thrust. Hudsonus, although surprised by the speed of Al's attack, easily deflected the attack off to the side. Not missing a beat Al tooks a quick step back and then jumps forwards, this time aiming for the head with a quick sweeping attack.

Hudsonus ducks to dodge the attack, took a step forward, and then shoves Al hard enough to send him back and to the ground of where he first stood. Al gets up and took a low guard, planning his next move. Hudsonus looks at Al, and then also ready himself in a low guard. Al slowly advance, one step at a time. Until he was within striking range of Hudsonus. Al unleashed three quick thrust to which Hudsonus easily parried all three. But the last thrust was a bait to switch Hudsonus into a back right stance, leaving his left side completely opened. Again, not missing a beat, Al does a quick spin right after his attack was deflected to do a quick sweeping down strike on Hudsonus left side. Hudsonus reacted quickly and also did a spin and raises his sword to block Al's attack. The blow from the attack was strong enough to knocked Hudsonus down to one knee. Seizing his chance, Al tries to disarm Hudsonus. He aims for the sword hand, and swings down hard and fast. Hudsonus quickly rolled back, then lunges forward, aimed for Al's sword and succeeds in disarming Al. And for good measure gave Al a good hard kick to the stomach, knocking him back a few feet.


Al now reanalyzing the situation. He's in a rough spot. Back to where he's started, three strikes remaining, and no weapon.Hudsonus looks at the short sword that Al has dropped. And then turns to look at the worn out boy. "Losing your weapon could be the end of you boy, always be ready for a disarmed attempt. Although it is good that you are learning this lesson here and not out there." Hudsonus said this as he stood upright and stares at the boy, trying to see what he plans to do next. "Come on. You got 3 more tries. Come show me what you can do." Al looks at Hudsonus. Thinking long and hard about his next step. He is much stronger and faster than me. How can I possibly land an attack now that I've lost my weapon. I could probably lung in at him and use a feint. The moment he backs off will be my chance to reclaim my sword.

Satisfied with his plan, Al dashes forward. He stops just within striking range and throws a quick high sweep kick. Hudsonus dodges but did not moved away. Realising this, Al had to do another kick, but this time aiming for the lower body. Hudsonus then grabs the leg and then swings Al away. Al lands on the ground. All he could do was look at Hudsonus, knowing he had almost no chance of passing this small simple test. One more strike. No weapon. Down on the ground. "Ain't no way for you to pass now boy! Best to just give up!" Came from the small crowd that was still watching. "You are just wasting our time! Just go back home boy!" More shouting from the crowds. Al couldn't even make out what most of what the crowd was shouting about. "The adventurer life is not for you kid!" This one sentence made Al quickly get back on his feet. He stares the crowd down. But his intimidation attempt had no effect on people who had pass this "simple" test. He looks back at Hudsonus, who had already prepare himself in a middle guard. What can I do at this point. Maybe I should just give up. But... where will I go? What will I do? My village was raided and burned down by bandits. This was my only other option.

Al just blankly stare at Hudsonus, who said nothing. His usual smile that he showed even in the middle of the fight was gone. I guess even he thought I had wasted his time. I have done my best, but it was not enough to pass this simple test. Will I even survive as an adventurer if I had pass? Al straighten himself up and looks like he was about to give up. Hudsonus showed a face of disappointment. Wait... What if I tried... that.... Would it even work on a seasoned warrior like him? Its my last shot... I might as well try. Al then takes a step forward. It... just might work... He takes another step forward. Hudsonus now showed a small smile on his face now that he's seen that Al hasn't given up yet. Al then dashes forward with his fist clenched and raised. Hudsonus focuses on the hand and then drops his sword to get ready to catch the punch. Al swings his hands. Hudsonus reaches out. And then Al pulls back his hand, and then does a low kick, and hits the back of Hudsonus' knees, making him lose his balance and forced him to fall down to his knees. Hudsonus looks down at his knee, then looks back up to Al, and smile. "Congrats. You passed.”

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