《Do Dungeons Dream of Goblins?》Mini-Boss Life


The group went down to the second floor this was another annoying floor as they could only traverse the area with the floating lily pads that existed on the floor. Also Beka could not control them so they were at the mercy of the floor.

“Even though Barry is gone we will continue in defensive formation throughout this floor we will be relying on Matt to clear all the frogs we come across, as there is less stingers here we still need to be careful for the ampigator attacks.” Warned Beka

On the opposite end a certain dungeon gargoyle was currently arguing with the new mini-boss who was created.

“Tell me why you don’t want to fight?” a certain gargoyle said conveying the thoughts of the dungeon to the large Ampigon.

“Why should I fight in an experience that could possibly kill me? Huh?” this Ampigon was the newly appointed boss

Blaster and the gargoyle was obviously Grey

“Because if they destroy the dungeon core you would also die” Grey said

“Well that is a problem… tsk this is annoying fine I’ll attack them but I’ll run away once they take half my health.” Blaster answered

“Fine there is no problem with that” Grey answered

“Why do I have to risk my life for this dang dungeon couldn’t I just sleep peacefully.” Mumbled Blaster

The gargoyle soon left leaving Blaster alone in his cave, ever since he was born he remembered the darkness before and after gaining light he became innately afraid of that darkness. He didn’t remember much from his early days but he did remember he and his other ampigators would many times fight over territory. He himself didn’t fight as he didn’t want to risk going back to the darkness.

Then one day he remembered “intruders” came he didn’t know but he innately knew that he had to get rid of them to prevent something bad from happening. However his fear of this darkness still allowed him to control his actions and instead of blindly rushing to kill them he bided his time and waited for a chance to strike. He quickly attacked the one that had the blinding light the light was too bright and annoyed him he quickly bite him and brought him underwater. After doing this he got a burst of energy.


After waiting a bit another burst of energy came and he felt himself gain more intelligence, and became larger after a while of getting used to this new form new information came which included language, that he was the mini-boss in charge of this dungeon floor, and that his life was currently tied to the dungeon.

What he also learned was that if he became strong enough he could lose the binding of the dungeon. He however learned also that he could be revived by the dungeon if he died if dungeon paid mana.

Getting used to his new strength he found a cave he found comfortably and set camp there. Then the Gargoyle came saying his name was Grey and that he represented the dungeon and informed the unfortunate news of the incoming group.

Even without the gargoyle telling him he would’ve attacked the group, knowing that this floor was his territory filled him with a sense of pride. Even though he feared death he also knew if he let those adventurers by they would probably beat the dungeon as they did it before.

Another unique ability he gained as the mini-boss of this floor he had a map of the entire floor in his head as well as the location of the intruders.

He couldn’t control the monsters which made him frown in fact the floor monsters would naturally flee from him but he was still quite happy. He would try to at least kill two people he wanted to break his record from before.

Feeling they were already about half way through HIS floor he decided to enter the water and attack them.

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