《Do Dungeons Dream of Goblins?》Entering the Dungeon


“So Beka why did you make a contract with the dungeon?” asked a young man who was wearing priest clothes and had long blonde hair, you could easily mistake him for a girl if it wasn’t the fact he was wearing priest clothes and holding a staff. His name was John Dune a level 9 priest who was 15 years old and already could cast high-level healing spells.

“Isn’t it obvious so we can raise our levels a bit more and scout the area, information is key to battle!” a girl with a giant sword on her back said. She was called Sara Hander a level 8 warrior wearing heavy-armor and was learning to use a secret sword style from her master. The sword she was wielding was completely blunt and look like a giant metal stick rather than a sword.

“Isn’t that a bit ironic coming from the person who enters battles sword swinging?” a large Bearman said. He was 7 ft. tall; however he was only 16 years old. Barry was a level 9 Shield Master he carried two shields. He was also equipped with heavy armor.

“Oh come on guys lighten up it’s not our first time destroying a dungeon, I do agree that offering that magic stone was a bit of a waste but Beka is the leader not me.” Shrugged Matt Boon, a level 7 Lightning mage, he was 16 years old and had short blonde hair. His eyes if you looked closely had little lightning bolts darting across. Holding a metal rod with yellow stone and light robes he gave a sort of carefree look.

“You can’t be complacent here! Even though we have been through 3 other dungeons before coming here this dungeon is supposed to have intelligence!” chided Beka she was wearing light armor that seemed it was made of bark, she was also holding two small swords that seemed to be extremely fragile as they looked like a couple of twigs fused together.


“Really it has intelligence that’s interesting…” said Matt

“How is that interesting it shows how dangerous it is we need to quickly destroy this vile-spawn” John said

“Which is what we are going to do but none of us know what’s coming up getting knowledge about this dungeon is the correct decision.” Barry said

“That’s exactly what we are doing so no more discussion and lets quickly take care of this dungeon!” Beka said

The group entered the dungeon and saw a swamp and an entrance to a ruined temple on the other side. However there was a giant pool of water in front of them and a pathway on the side


“Ugh a swamp this is going to be a pain hey Beka can’t you make a path using trees?” asked Sara

“There are no trees in this location so I can’t make a bridge across the water also the small plants in the area aren’t listening to my commands so we have to take the long way around.” Beka sighed

The group also sighed as they started to trudge along the swamp. Both Barry and Sara we extremely annoyed as their heavy armor made them sink till their knees along the wet path.

“Screw this I didn’t need this armor anyway!” Sara said then she removed the armor

“Wait don’t do that if you let go of armor in the middle of the dungeon the dungeon will take it!” warned Barry

Sara didn’t pay attention as she already removed her outer armor showing the chainmail she was wearing underneath her. The armor was absorbed into the floor and claimed by the dungeon.

“Eh how cares it was just made from basic iron not anything important.” Sara shrugged

“Yes Iron and created from a master craftsman!” chided John

“No use complaining over thrown armor let’s just continue we haven’t even met our first monsters and we are already having trouble.” Matt said

The group sighed as they started to trudge forward.

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