《Do Dungeons Dream of Goblins?》The Goal of a Lifetime


I spent a couple of days understanding how my monsters acted, I also discovered that monsters respawn naturally however don’t have any intelligence. I can guide them and order them to do basic tasks instead.

I guess it’s time to open the dungeon, Grey told me before I won’t be able to start collecting mana or improving myself if I don’t open myself up to absorb mana or lure adventurers in.

[Open Dungeon]

[Dungeon is Now Opening you may now absorb Mana from outside, Warning Humanoid creatures may now enter your dungeon, Every Humanoid you kill will net you some mana]

[Current Mana Gain per day: 100]

Wholly crap what the hell is this mana gain it’s so slow…

Hey Grey how do I increase the mana I gain?

“Tsk, let me sleep, well the mana per day is something that increases the more floors you have I think 50 mana per floor or something like that, but don’t worry your main income will be the adventurers that come and try to conquer you.” Grey said

Well doesn’t that mean Dungeons will constantly evolve and when they reach certain point became unconquerable?

“No you might think that but it’s hard for a dungeon to go past 100 floors and then there are the strong monsters who cost mana per day to upkeep, for example the Hydra after being bought drains 1000 mana each day to sustain.” Grey explained

Alright also what prevents high level people from just destroying me upright?

“That’s simple it’s by the treaty of the gods, if an adventurer is at least 10 levels higher than the Dungeon it can’t enter the dungeon. So right now you should only worry about low-level adventurers.” Grey said

How do I check my level?

“Isn’t that obvious say [Status], now that’s all I’m going to sleep an adventurer should probably come in a couple of days or so.” Grey said


Well this sounds interesting let’s try this out [Status]

[Name: None]

[Race: Dungeon]

[Alignment: Dark Gods]

[Level 1]

[Titles: [World-Traveler] [One who stunned Life off] [Death’s Toy]

What the heck are these titles well I can understand why I got them but what the heck do they do well I guess I should now wait for people to come. Also these things seem like a game how do people increase their levels anyway?

“Levels increase the stronger you are, if you train hard or gain combat experience your level rises, Apparently killing other creatures allows you to steal a bit of their soul and gain their experience, so the stronger your soul is the higher your level, of course demi-gods have souls with high-potentials, as if you overclock your soul with too much outside influence you can go mad and burnout too.” Grey explained

I get it so you can train regularly or battle and your level increase, there is also an RPG-like feature that when you kill creatures you also gain experience so then how do I level up?

“Isn’t that obvious? Gain more monsters, add more floors, and have more treasure.” Grey said

So I don’t steal people’s souls to level up?

“Of course not you don’t have a body really and the soul goes to the creatures that kill the other. Since you don’t directly kill them it doesn’t go to you.” Grey answered

So what if one of the monsters continuously kills people?

“They become a unique variant or evolve depending on the people they kill.” Grey answered

Alright but I kind of wish I could get a personal body to move around, having the dungeon as a body is nice and all but I kind of miss having limbs and a mouth…


“You don’t even know this wow, each type of dungeon you chose in the beginning has a certain way to get a main body you could say that the main purpose of a dungeons are to create these bodies for the dungeon core, of course in your case you chose ruins which means you have to create your own body, of course to create your body you need good starting material.” Grey said

Starting material?

“A body of an adventurer with high-potential don’t worry I can look at the adventurers that come and tell you which body to take, after killing that adventurer you would take their body to the bottom floor and start creating your new body by getting metals and magical items. Of course this is for the ruin dungeons if it was other dungeons like Crypt you would just mish and mash many corpses or a Water dungeon would take a living body and force them through a high density mass of water.” Grey explained

That’s a bit gory… but well I guess I have something to look forward to but who would have the best bodies to take?

“You would want another demi-god’s body at the best but don’t worries too much about these things if you find a better body you could always recreate it anyway.” Grey said

I guess I understand well it seems interesting so I shall see what shall happen!

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