《dungeon alive》the last one. ever.
Matt pov
With my new generals training I decided to play some of the mini games available to gods. The games are against other gods and give you skills that can give you the edge. I don't know how to fight with a sword, and I was an average shot with a bow on earth so I won't win anything in those games. The only thing I had any skill at would be the dungeon games but they were really hard. Like almost everything wanted to eat your core and you couldn't corrupt animals as easy, like even a common brown spider would take a few days unless it was a baby. Basically it was a large waiting game with anyone getting anything bigger than a dog being a absolute power house. You get mana when things die like normal but you also get mana from things living in you. You have to defeat other dungeons to gain skills but everything had a "mini dungeon" which would only allow one species to live in it. Like say an ant hole would be a mini dungeon. Also everything was a gradual evolution with every enemy you kill, or your animals kill, the killer would gain strength and slowly Changes would occur instead of all at once. There also wasn't levels for dungeons but a strength rating of 1-1000 every extra point was twice the strength of a dungeon one point below it. You didn't get a prime and dungeons had to be dug out with mana at a outrageous mana price. It was basically stacked against you but the entrance fee was only 1000 points so it didn't mean much to me and should be a fun way to get to build dungeons even tho I'm a god.
So with the mental press of a button I was teleported to a alternate reality where strength was much harder to obtain. My starting point was thankfully in an ant hill, the ants were weak black ants and I only had ten but the queen was pumping the ants out at a decent pace and it should only be only a few days until they hatched so I made the room 6 inches tall and 10x10 inches, almost doubling the size before making three more rooms with the last one being three times that size so the queen would have plenty of room to grow. With the lone soldier ant killing the worms and the worker ants taking care of the queen and eggs they then had a stable supply of food for a few days. Because of the killing the lone soldier ant grew from 0.2 to 0.3 inches long, which might not sounds like much but with the first ants always being smaller it's not a bad size, and all the worker ants are his old size now so the defence against worms is easier.
With my start set up I checked the real world to make sure everything was okay, which it was. Before focusing on the dungeon again. I didn't have much mana left after the room but I channeled it into the queen making her 0.5 inches long which should help with creating more, bigger eggs.
The constant worms being killed after coming into my territory was giving me more and more mana but it was taking a long time and I had it be pretty focused to make sure they were takin down with out any of the ants being hurt so I sent a message to Hunter to make sure that the new generals training was going good and I was able to give him the power to choose the monsters that would come on the floors because I was busy and so was pretty much everyone else. So he was the best choice, because he's been training a whole bunch and is probably the most skilled general, or even being, in my city despite him not having the highest level.
After that I just waited and watched as the ants slowly grew with each kill. The tunnel system and room system was slowly expanded by the workers while I carved out a 10x10x6 foot room and connected it to the first ant room using a runner before closing off the original opening and opening up one of the same size into the massive room which I had the workers put half the worms in.
One day later...
The ants are all larger now with the soldier being 0.5 inches and the queen being 1 inch, the workers were only 0.3 but it was all that could be expected because they didn't kill many things. The first eggs had hatched into larvae and we're slowly growing but it'd be another day or so before they became ants fully and even then they still wouldn't be fully grown. But I needed them to hurry because a colony of Pharaoh ants had been making raids on my large room food like which is supposed to attract bugs and make them stay not steal my freakin bait. I wanted to wage war against them but I dot. Have the numbers yet even if they are less than half the size of my ants.
I also have some moss starting to grow in the corner of the big room but I didn't have any herbivores it eat it so it was just slowly growing and waiting. I did however have some fire beetles eating some and hey slept there last night so I'm hoping that they slowly get corrupted and become mine because some of the big ones are an inch long. They would be a good addition to my forces because they have tough exoskeletons. They stayed away from the pharaoh ants because of their numbers but with time they may be forced to attack because the pharaoh ants were surprisingly aggressive, despite their soldiers being the size of my workers now. I can only guess the size of their colony is in the 1000's because they haven't sent more than a few hundred workers, and because the gestation period is longer out side of a dungeon by a very very long time the colony is probably only 5 months old. I did have only fly come in and lay eggs but most of them got eaten and she got killed by pharaoh ants so I don't have much hope for that batch of flys.
One day later...
The ants are finally old enough to help the colony and with the 200 workers that are only 0.2 inches long and the 10 soldiers that are 0.4 inches long the ant colony tunnels expanded drastically and they got much more food but they still didn't have to numbers to challenge the pharaoh ant colony, which was located so close to my dungeons big room that they built a entrance right beside mine. The first soldier ant was already 0.7 inches long and was defending the entrance to the ant colony single handed my from the pharaoh ant workers and soldiers that wondered in, providing me with a little extra mana for me, but nothing I could really do anything with because all of my starter mana was gone and I haven't gained enough back yet to add more rooms.
The queen was 1.1 inch long and and she was still pumping out eggs very fast. In another day or two I should have enough ants to take over the Pharaoh ant colony if nothing goes wrong.
Two days later...
Well something did go wrong but not super badly in the end. The original soldier got injured in battle against 8 pharaoh ant soldiers but he didn't die until another soldier cut off his head, he didn't seem sad though and it brought the new top soldier and up to 1.1 inches long. The queen was 1.5 inches long and didn't really move very much any more because her size didn't allow it so now she just pumped out eggs. The average soldier size now was 0.5 and the average worker size was 0.3 and with 600 workers and 40 soldiers.
The 8 fire beetles have come under my control to but they aren't worth risking in the fight so they won't be helping. I was wrong to assume I'd be ready by now I need more ants to do it.
Because I couldn't take on the pharaoh ants I searched what was around my dungeon that I'd need to conquer before expanding and adding another real room. I found a nest of 3 moles and a colony of carpenter ants that was very young, they only had about 100 workers and 5 soldiers but the smallest of them was bigger than my largest soldier. I didn't have the power right now but I should after I destroy the pharaoh ants. But that's going to need another day.
I also need to get this new room for more worms because it's gettin tight food wise in my ant colony.
One day later...
To attack the pharaoh ants I created a tunnel right into the pharaoh ants first room and sent in 3 soldier ants and 40 workers to basically just kill as many as possible in the colony and leave.
Only one soldier came back but it was 1.1 inches long just behind the biggest that was 1.2 inches. After that I sent in 100 workers to take all the eggs from the cleared rooms and bring them back to the main room where they were protected by 10 soldiers ants and 50 worker ants. After that I simply sent in the rest of the soldiers and 800 workers. They tore through the best killing any enemy hat started to gain more strength and then they captured the queen and it took 6 soldiers to drag her back to the main room before I could claim the mini dungeon that was her colony which gave me a good boost to mana and then I had them put her back in there and put the eggs back before they left again because we didn't need to guard her because she can't walk and anything that's hatched now or pushed out would be easily corrupted by my influence and wouldn't help her escape all they'd do was feed and protect her.
After all the fighting there was a whole bunch of dead bodies for food and I now only have 30 soldier ants left but the smallest is 0.9 inches and the largest is 2.1 inches. Which is good but the biggest soldier carpenter ants are 1.7 and the smallest is 1.2 while the workers are about 0.7 inches. They were enormous for ants but with my stronger force they would be easily destroyed so after a few minutes to rest I sent in all my soldiers Except the smallest which is guarding the queen. I also send a worker ant that had killed a supposing amount and was 1.5 inches long.
It didn't take them long to do the same to this colony as the last one because of the smaller numbers, I didn't loose any soldiers though because they were all used to fighting while these ants, though similarly sized, didn't have the same fighting experience.
After the fight my largest ant was 2.5 inches long and the smallest was 1.1. This was a serious power increase.
I also used the mana I got to create the tunnel to the next room.
2 days later...
Today I got a few questions from Hunter but I ended up just having him skip a bunch of levels because the new generals weren't having trouble in the training dungeon anymore. The next monster that was put in was a level 80 gryphon, which are pack animals but with the partners they should be fine. Each general is getting paired up with another general the pairs go as follows. Dog and cat, crab and ant queen, sparrow and scarab beetle, skeleton and golem, the lizardling's got put together because they took different paths, one is on the wyvern path while the other looks like it will be massive but stuck on the ground. I was going to do teams of three but the snake died so I had to break it up differently.
I also had Maxin send the flesh reavers out again because we needed to be stronger. They went after a city of humans which had a population of just over 5 million. I think it'll turn out well.
With the army doing good I went back into my dungeon.
I was surprised to see that the fly eggs that didn't get eaten from before had hatched and the larvae were eating in the middle of the giant pile of food. I instructed all my bugs to not eat them. I even gave each of them a little mana to help speed up their growth, they should be able to mate within another two days. I also closed off the entrance to the pharaoh colony from the out side. I was also surprised to see that the moles had raided my dead body stock pile. They were about 7 inches long though and were beyond my capabilities to take over and would result in heavy casualties if I tried to kill them head on. So two pharaoh ants per each mole went up and tried to climb in their ears, only one pair succeeded but that's still a massive step for me. I did have to leave the body there because i could not pull it back without risking my soldiers. I didn't have any carpenter Ants under my control because none of the eggs had hatched, so I couldn't even use them to do it. There was some bullet ants past the moles but they were well out of my league in terms of power, seeing as there was over two thousand of them and they are the largest ants in the world.
One week later...
My dungeon is going good, the moles are currently being hunted by an army of pharaoh ants and the bullet ants will soon be taken over.
I've had shit luck though because I made the entrance to my dungeon bigger and it's attracted many more beetles and bugs but I get daily raids by a feral rat. It was way stronger than I could take on at a full 2.5 feet long. I tried setting a trap for it but I just crawled out with ease. It doesn't hunt my bigs just takes the dead ones from the pile.
I also got a small family of bumble bee bats that are living in my dungeon, tho they have yet to be corrupted. They're all about an inch long because they are the smallest type of bat. They didn't eat to much but they did cull the over flowing population of flys that had sprang up lately.
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*** Let's get this clear now: the MC is a trans woman. This is not a gender-bender. It's set in a fantasy world but the exploration of identity and gender is reality-based. Not a joke, not a kinky turn-on. If this is a problem for you, please just act like an adult and look elsewhere for something to read. *** Rating breakdown, since that should be public info: 2 x 5*, 1 x 4.5*, 1 x 3*, no reasons offered. A human shaman and healer returns from several years with the mysterious shyani, accompanied by her shapeshifting puma best friend. A valued friend, from her previous identity as a male student physician, has acquired an old shyani book, and extremists will not tolerate its presence in human hands. But back in human lands, the question arises: which world does she belong in? Generations ago, human explorers found a continent inhabited by an utterly alien culture of shapeshifting weyres and the shyani, humanoids who prefer dusk and dawn. A truce of sorts was eventually reached: humans claimed the rich lowlands, and the shyani and weyres retain the highlands. Along the border, practicality often rules, but on either side, old grudges linger in some hearts. As a student physician, Corin tried to take his own life, unable to bear the countless tiny wounds inflicted over twenty-one years of lying to himself in order to be, or pretend to be, socially acceptable. At the last improbable instant, intervention came, in the form of a spirit fox, who led him away from the existence he’d known in the lowlands and into the highlands. There, a puma weyre rescued him, and a shyani shaman helped him find his true self and offered a rebirth, a life with no more lies, and an important role to fill. Now a shaman and healer in her own right, Vixen who was once Corin learns that the one human who mattered to her in her previous life, then a fellow University student, has come into possession of an old shyani book, and the more fanatical shyani and weyres will stop at nothing to reclaim it and punish Jared. Even though it means going back into the lowlands and facing Jared as a woman, she can’t bear to just look the other way. This should be a short visit, just long enough to see the book into the proper hands and make sure Jared will not be killed for having it, and then she can return to the shyani community that has accepted her as their shaman. And, of course, her feline best friend Dayr insists on coming with her. But Jared is now a Lord, with considerable wealth and power, and his response to her presence isn’t one she expected. After years living with the shyani, she sees everything around her from a new perspective, and that makes it difficult to keep to the plan of making as few waves as possible. As an honoured guest in a highborn house, with only Jared aware that she has ever been anyone else, Vixen finds herself questioning where she belongs: with Dayr and the shyani, who accept her gender without question but have to make allowances for her differences, or with humans, in the culture she grew up in even though her past would mean a major scandal? *** Trigger warning: there are scenes of Vixen's previous life, which include some difficult moments and culminate in an (obviously unsuccessful) attempt at suicide before she finds her true self and a better life. Please be careful! This is the ONLY reason for the "Traumatising Content" tag.*** Complete stand-alone novel, 96K words. Also available on Scribble Hub and as a free ebook.
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