《tale of a worm》Battle


(sorry,it's supposed to be updated this 1 pm,but there seems to be something wrong,hahahahahahahaha)

Seeing the prompts I hurriedly wake them up and told them the situation

After hearing the situation,queen hurriedly alarmed the hive of the threat

"Let's go"Lily said as she hold her daggers

"Hmmm"I replied as I ran towards the entrance together with them to see the situations and it's pretty grave

Skeletons come in waves.they are completely bare and some are even missing a lot of bones,but some of them wear armors or have swords in their possession

"This is bad"They said as they look at the marching skeletons

"They look weak,but we can't underestimate their numbers"I said

"What are we waiting for,attack!!"Lily shouted as she ran towards the skeletons and slicing them with her dagger which actually only destroyed them

Folowing her signals we charge towards the horde and it's pretty easy for the hive to destroy them as they are pretty fragile

I don't even have the time to kill one of them,I wonder how many exp they got

The horde continued and the hive just take care of it,I don;t even have a reason to stand there as when something appear,they will just ram into it

"Huh,do I even have to help???"Lily asked as she sat on the corner

"I don't think so"i replied as I shrugged my shoulders

"Huh,Hug me"Queen on the side said with a very sgy face

"What??"i asked

"I'm tired,I-I need some comfort"She replied as her voice got more quieter the more she speak

Seeing this,I just hug her,through it can be very hard,so I just hugged her horn

"ayiee"Lily squealed on the side as she look at us,nut before she can speak,we heard a loud explosion and there's dust and we can't see anything


The cloud of mist soon disappeared and we can see that on a distant,there is a huge skeleton standing with a hammer on his hand

His bones are all black


boss battle

please prepare

3 2 1 begin

After that countdown the skeleton start to move together with other skeletons

"Dodge!!"I shouted to lily as the skeleton ran towards her attempting to smash her into a pie

Apparently she heard my warning as she dodged it and attack it's joint,but it's too hard as it only scratch it

"Just how hard is that damn thing"She said as she jumped beside us

"Just dodge it's attacks and attack it's joints,we will try to distract it"I said as I ready myself

"Ok I will attack it on range"She replied as she took a crossbow from behind her

"Good"I said as I ready to dodge the incoming attack of the skeleton

Together with Queen,we moved sideward dodging the giant hammer,but there are still the huge impact as it throw us back

"Ran!!"I said to Queen as I tried to collect myself as soon as possible

Hearing what I said,she ran dodging the attacks of the skeleton

"From what i read from novels,there must be a core or something"i said to myself,knowing that that principle might not exist here as I still don't know the law of this world

"Here take it!!"Lily shouted as she throw a dagger to me and I catch it

Since my advantage relied on my digging skill and my biting power,I need to get close to it and try to disassemble it's joints

Keeping that though I'm just about to attack the boss,when I suddenly saw something above it's head

There's a health bar with number 20 on it


"Ohhh fuck,20 health bar"I said as I already know what it means,I have to make it reach zero before we can completely defeat it

"Damage it as fast as you can!!"I shouted as I dig through the ground,this time I feel like it's harder to dig and my sense of vibrations seems to become weaker

Ignoring all this,i continued to dig and when i'm beneath it I attacked it's feet mostly it's joint and it proves to give a critical damage as it took an entire bar

Seeing this,I climbed the bones as I want to target the spine as it's the weakest spot

The skeleton got irritated as it can't hit queen and from my and lily's constant attacks

I continue to progress up to the back bone together with inflicting damage to the joints of the skeleton which make it' move slower and slower as time pass by

It's health bar also continue to drop lower and lower

It did not took me that long to reach it's skull and stab the it's spine very hard that it broke some chunks from the dagger as well as my claw and it hurts like hell

I tried to keep my sanity as I keep on stabbing the joints together with my claw being injured

and at last we finally beat it as a notification appeared on my screen


You beat the first boss


30 glory points,3 levels and one common item

That's it???,i sacrificed my hand just for this??,My hive got attacked just for this???,My precious beetles got injured just for this???

"Calm down"Lily and queen said as they hold my back

"I'm ok"i said,just barely containing the annoyance on my voice

"How's the casualties??"I asked as I tried to calm myself down

"Some got injured,and some...."Lily paused for a moment

"They what??"I asked

"They died"Lily said with sadness in her voice

"Fuck!!!!"I shouted with anger and annoyance as I walked to the dead beetles

From their injuries,they appear to have died from something heavy crashing them into pie,definitely that skeleton

"Fuck it,I will raid this forest of skeleton"i said with burning anger

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