《tale of a worm》Fishing


This is lily

Spoiler: Spoiler

spoler,but the clothe she's wearing is part of the things she's looking for

After preparing the vines we finally weaved some good strong fishing thread and now all that's left are the fishing hook

"How about the fishing Hook???"she asked while weaving some thread

"Don't worry,i got it"i said as I take a thorn a sturdy stick then I tied them together in a form of hook,after that i took another one which is basically a thorn with the stick still attached

Source is google

"Are you sure that will be strong enough???"She asked as she pick it up

"Of course"I said with pride

"Huh,I don't know what to think about that"She say as she slap her forehead

"Hey don't look at me like that"I said

"Ok,ok,so whose gonna be the bait???"She asked as she look at me

"Fine I will think,Nahhh just take some worms"I said as I pat my Queen whose sleeping besides me

"So you will be the bait???"She asked while tying the fishing hook with fishing thread

"Don't even dare"I said while doing my own work

"Ok,This should be fine"she said as she show me her work

"Ok,That will be fine"I replied while finishing my own

"Ok let's get some bait"She said before digging the ground with unwomanly style

"Girl,You don't act like a girl at all"I said while looking at her

"Nahhh don't mind it"She said as she pulled an earthworm from the ground

"Actually I don't know what to feel"I said as i look at the worm on her hands

"Actually I don't know how you can hold a worm without freaking out"I said as i observe her face to see any kind of emotions

"It's fine,it's just a worm"She said as she pulled more worms and putting them on a leaf container she made by coiling leaves together


"Ok let's go"She said while taking the fishing thread with hook and i just followed her

"Just how long have you been out here in the forest??"I asked as I told Queen to land on her head

"Hmmm,Maybe a few weeks"She said while not minding us

"Ohh that's harsh,well what did you usually do???"I asked while My queen is snuggling on me

"Uhmmm picking berries and not soon after that i learned how to make traps"She said while continuing on walking

"That's hard"I said as i pat her and seeing this,queen pat her too

"Hahahahaha it's ok,actually your'e the first one to treat me liked this"She said while shaking her head as to hide some tears from her eye,but i still saw it

"Mind if you can talk to me later at night"I said,pretending not to see anything

"Sure"She said while smiling

After that we just continued on our way

"Ohhh man,this place sure is beautiful"I said while looking at the place all around me

The lake is crystal clear and there's flowers all around

"yes"Lily said while smiling,ignoring Queen whose dancing on her head

"Hahahahaha I didn't know that you like to dance"i said while patting Queen on the head

"Ok,Give me the worms"I said as I take my fishing hook

Hearing what i said she gave me a worm and i just impaled the poor worm towards the hook and so hes the bait

"Ok Give me a stick,a strong one at least"I said and she just gave me a stick and i tied the other end of the fishing Thread to it

"Ok,Here you go"I said as i gave it to her and after that i made my own one

Coming near the lake,I choose a preety deep place and asked her to help me impale the ground with the stick so the it won't get away and afer that i place the fishing which is rather long to the water


I know it's rather dumb of me,but what can you expect from a worm???

We spent the whole time fishing,forget me,i just sleep waiting for the notification,I'm getting annoyed now,my size is becoming an inconvenience and I can't do a lot of things because of it

And not so long after my sleep i receive a notification


You gained the skill "Fishing"


You gained the title"Fishing worm"

Effect:Plus 50% probability of catching a fish,plus 50 glory points


You completed the quest"Fishing"

Plus 3 levels

"Wow that's some nice reward out there"I said as i wake up,before riding on the back of Queen,then going to my rod

"Hahahahahaha didn't expect for you to catch a fish"Lily whose fishing on the side said

"How many did you catch???"I asked her as I continue on my way

"hahahahahaha 5"She said while showing me 5 white fishes the size of a palm

"That's a nice catch"I said as I take my catch which is the same type of fish,Through it's a bit hard so I asked Queen to help me kill it and somewhat it gave me a surprise


You got,fish gills.scales and fins

You may now mutate 1 hive member into a water type beetle

Success rate:50%

"Ohhh?"I said in surprise as the fish suddenly disappeared

"Ohhh what happened,i never seen something like that"Lily asked as she saw the fish suddenly disappeared

"It's nothing,let's continue fishing"I said as I add another bait

"Well I guess you have your own secrets ,I won't pry on it"She said as she continue on her own fishing

"Thanks"I said as I go back

And so we continued fishing,i gained 3 fishes and the other notifications that appeared is different from the first one,the other notification asked if I want to add the fish to the mutation so that i can mutate more and so i gladly add it

"It's already night"i said as I look at the sky

"Hmmm i think we should go back now"She said while picking up her fishes which totaled to 10 fishes

"Yeah,Actually i can teach you how to preserve fishes"I said as we landed on her head

"Really??,Thank you"She said while smiling

"Hahahahaha it's ok,no need to thank me,you are now a part of our family"I said while patting her together with queen

"Family??"She asked as she shake her head again to hide her tears and I just act like I didn't see anything

"Yes family"I said and she did not reply

"Hahahaha your'e so cute!!!"Not really minding lily I pinched the cheeks of Queen before hugging her,Hearing that Queen just make a happy clicking noise

And so we continued on our way

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