《tale of a worm》Fish


(Ohhh I forgot to add this warning,but everything here is fiction and not real knowledge in real life)

Next day

I got a bit confused on some things and don't know if I already assigned the stat points of Queen and since i got reminded of it,I put all of her stat points to intelligent

and about lily

We helped her a bit to build a temporary shelter where she can sleep while we build the main house

"Mister worm,What are you doing???"Lily asked as she look at me,sunbathing together with my queen

"Hehehehe sunbathing"I said as I lay on the back of queen

"Isn't it too hot"She asked as she sit near me

"It's ok I'm hot too"I said while laughing

"What???"She asked with confusion as she look at me

"Nope,you heard nothing"I said while turning away my head

"Actually i want you to help me with something,It's just that i don't know if you can help me"I said while patting my little companion

"What is it???"She asked as she lay on the ground

"Hmmm I'm wondering if you can help me fishing"I said

"Ehhh!! Fishing???"She asked with surprise

"What??,You think I will be the bait??"I asked

"Nope,It's just that i never though that a worm will have an interest in fishing"She said while laughing

"Hahahahaha that kinda rude"I said while laughing

"Ohh sorry,but when will we find thread,or a fish hook"She said while laughing

"Ohhh that will be easy"I said

"How so??"She asked

"You can just weave some thin vines together"I said

"Hmmmm I never though you know how to weave"She said

"Don't underestimate me girl"I said

"Hahahahahaha"She just laugh

"Ok I can help you find suitable materials"I said

"Actually I also want to ask for something"She asked

"What is it???"i replied

"When i escape our place I did not forgot to bring some stuff,but I lost them on the way here.can you help me after this????"She asked


"I can"I said

"Thanks,it's really important to me"She said wile patting me with her index finger

"Don't touch my head girl"I said while dodging her finger

"Hahahahaha ok,sorry,sorry"She said while laughing

"Ok,met me later,I still have some things to do"I said while laying on the back of my queen

"Ok see you later,I will still make some animal traps"She said before walking away

Looking at her walking away,I jump down the back of my pet and she just rubb her face against my face

"Hahahahahaha"I just laugh while letting her do what she wants

I opened my mutation chart to look for some useful mutation which I soon found,it's an insectioid set of arms

(i will post the picture,maybe tomorrow and also i already draw Lily,I draw her first because i can't draw a beetle)

It look like a bony fingers,only with 3 claws at the end,overall it cost me 15 points and the mutation made me lost my mind,but Queen did not panick or anything as she's already used to it

Soon later

After waking up,i spend some sweet time with queen while waiting for Lily to arrive

After waiting for quite a while,Lily soon arrived full of sweats

"ohhhh what did you do???"I asked her

"Nothing,i just set up some animal traps"She said while wiping up her sweat

"If you don't mind it,you can take a break before we go on our way"I said while pointing at the pace next to me

"Ohhh what happened to you??"She asked as she pointed at my new st of arms

"Ohhh this,don't mind it,it's just a mutation"I said

"Mutation???,"She asked as she sit next to me

"How much did your people know about us monsters????"I asked

"Hmmm,not that much,they only know that monster can evolve,but tey don't know the proccess"She said


"Ok,just keep what you will know about us as secret,i don't really mind if you tell a few things about us"i said as I continue on my sunbathing

She doesn't reply and just nob and take a rest

After a few moment our rest is finally over

"Ok,I will show you the materials"I said as I ride on the back of my queen as she started flying

"Ok,Are you sure you can do fishing???"She asked as she follow me

"Yes i can"I said with with pride

"Ok,if you say so"She said while shrugging her shoulder

Not minding her we continue on our way and soon we arrived at the vine i'm talking about

This vine is thin but strong and sturdy,really nice for making traps,nets and can also we used as thread,you can use it for a lot of things

It look white hairs growing on a tree,it usually grow on trees therefore coexisting with the tree,it have a potato like fruit that grow on its roots that contain a lot of water

"Hmmm i never seen this kind of vine before"She said as she inspect it

"Hahahahaha I's possible to use as fishing thread right???,i only need a few fishing thread,you can take some"I said

"Really!?!?"She asked with stars in her eyes

"Ohh yes,you can use it at making traps"I said as i tell Queen to land next to the plant

"Hmm thanks,the It's strong and useful,the problem is,how can we remove each vine??"She asked

"You can easily remove it from the roots,through you need to be careful not to damage the root as the root itself bear some fruits which you might need in the future"I said while laughing

"Something i might need in the future???"She asked while thinking

"Hahahahahaha don't ask too much,just help me weave some strong fishing thread,and i know it's really confucing why the heck will a worm want to fish"I said

"You got a point"She said

"Hahahaha ok let's hurry up"I said as I softly pull some vines


Why is mana and Magic separated and you need points to add to each of them,can't just the mana increase as the magic increase???

Well the mana and magic have different influence and needed to be balance

The more mana you have the more magic you can cast,but if you have low magic then the power of the magic skills you can cast will be weak

If you have high magic,but low mana,You can only cast a fireball at most,but if you have high magic stat then the power of the fireball will be really strong

What is hive exp store???

If a hive member or a group of hive members killed a prey then the exp will go to them,but if the whole hive killed a prey then the exp will go to the hive exp store

Health and Defense

The higher the defense,the lesser the damage will be dealt to you,high defense will reduce the damage dealt to you

If you have 1000 defense and only have 5 health then it will still be hard to kill you because of the defense,The enemy must first overcome your defense,defense act like a second health bar

If you have more questions then ask me

I don't know when I can reply,there are times where i can't use internet for a week or maybe a few days so i don' really know

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