《tale of a worm》Quest


Next day later

I woke up with a painful body,every part of my body hurts

Just lying there I waited for the pain to gradually disappeared and so it did after a few minute

Standing up I realized that I'm still on her back

I started inspecting my body and guess what???,nothing really change

The status are the same it's just that the race changed to worm+1 and the level changed back to level 1 with level 20 being the cap

Feeling my stronger body I opened the quest system,the only thing i haven't opened yet


Kill 10 forest lizards


1 level


kill 20 poison snails


1 level


Harvest 5 poison needle grass


1 level


Fish 10 dish from the cold lake


4 levels

In the below of each quests are pictures

Forest lizards look like your common lizard,it's just that their skin color is green

Poison snails are montrosity,The have a mouth full of sharp teeth,with green stuffs oozing from their body

Poison needle grass are what I should call dangerous,it's like stabbing the ground with needles and coating them in poison

The cold lake is that lake i saw from the start

i want to continue with the quest,but there is something important I must do

Using my access to their status board,I Pick 1000 and put half of their stats in strenght while other half in defense

The other 1000,I placed all their stats in agility,and now they will be strong hahahahahaha

Laughing out loud everyone suddenly look at me,and i just cough awkwardly

As for queen,i don't want to treat someone as slaves as i hate to play the role of a puppeter

"Queen,i'm going for a while"I said as i pat her


Hearing what i said,Queen just stand up,indicating that she want to come with me,but i just denied it as her hive needs her and she just accepted it with a sad look

Leaving the hive i walk on my way back to my previous hiding spot to give it a last visit ans don't think i already forgotten that bird,hehehehehe someday someday

I found a lot of things on my way,i also found 3 poison needle grass and when i'm thinking where to store them they suddenly disappeared and number three appeared on my quest,it seems like I don't need a storage

It did not took me that long to reach my previous hiding spot,Standing in front of my little secret hiding base i bow and gave it a last final look

After that i finally went on my way to find some forest lizard and it did not took me that long to find some,i also encountered some beetles whose a part of the hive and their doing well,since i have control over their status i will thing of a suitable evolution that will benifit the hive

Saying my goodbye to them i continue on my way into a rocky part of the forest,according to the quest they can be found here

They look like they will do good in a forest,but why are they living here when there are few trees here

Sighing as apparently it will be hard as i'm a worm,it's sunny here and there's too much rock ,I will die from too much heat so staying here is not good

Giving up on my quest as the place is simply not suitable for me i wake my ways to search for snails instead,but on my way back I found a somewhat large lizard that resembles a forest lizard,but it's bigger and have a more armored body


Hiding in a rock I observe the lizard and i found nothing really strange about it,in my speculation it seems to be a leader or something,maybe an evolved forest lizard

Ignoring the lizard i made my way back to the forest to search for some snails and poison needle grass

On my way i found some poison needle grass without encountering any snails through I managed to complete one quest

Seeing no snails here I decided to search the surrounding,but there's no snail,maybe I should go to the lake as there will definitely be snails there

With that in my mind I continue on my way to the lake where i found some snails,but not the snails i wanted,it apears to be a rare variant

Giving up i finally decided to go back,but on my way I sensed some weird vibrations in the air and soon I saw some green balls fly towards me

Having no way to dodge them i burrowed to the ground while tracking the vibrations and soon I managed to count how many there are,there are 30

From what I read,they seems to be weak,but they have strong poison and it's very lethal,they also attack in group

Feeling excited I burrowed to the ground before shooting out of the ground like a fish and biting the shell of the nearest snail before it could even shoot a poison

"One down"i said as i burrowed back to the ground before attacking another snail,but this time some bit of the green goo and it freaking hurt to the point that i abandoned that snail before digging back to the ground waiting for it to fade,it took 5 of my health and it hurts

finally the pain paid away and i continue my quest of killing them and so I managed to complete the quest while getting some extra rewards because of the extra snails

After that I returned to the hive while eating some berry on the way as I'm hungry to where i saw Queen greeting me with joy on her face

"Hehehehehe you really waited for me huh"I said as she rubbed her face toward me

and so the day passed like that

(Never did i though a romance between a beetle and a worm would be that sweet,It's pretty obvious already)

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