《tale of a worm》Evolve


Next morning

The beetle queen already healed,I named her 'Queen'by the way

"Huhhhh now let's check which one which one will i pick"I said as i look at the screen with three choices hovering in front of me

"Hmmm I'll pick extremely accidic spit"i said as the screen disappeared into nothingless as there is an additional mutation in my mutation chart

After that I opened my status screen

Name:nameless Race:worm Level:10/10(evolution available) status:slightly hungry Strength:16 Agility:30 Intilligience:6 Magic:0 Mana:0 Defense:16 Endurance:3 Health:5

Stat points:90

Skills Level level cap Bite 7 10 Dig 6 10 Echolocation 6 10 Vibration sensing 6 10 Improved smell 4 10 soundless 5 10 observe 2 10 Hard slap 1 10 Titles Cannibalism Fetus eater fast digger abandoned child Trapper Sneaky worm Taste of slap death slapper

(Author; I just noticed that i made an error on the status screen.sorry)

i assigned 30 to health,30 to agility,15 to mana and 15 to magic

Name:nameless Race:worm Level:10/10(Evolution available) status:slightly hungry Strength:16 Agility:60 Intilligience:6 Magic:15 Mana:15 Defense:16 Endurance:3 Health:35 Stat points:0 Skills Level level cap Bite 7 10 Dig 6 10 Echolocation 6 10 Vibration sensing 6 10 Improved smell 4 10 soundless 5 10 observe 2 10 hard slap 1 10 Titles Cannibalism Fetus eater fast digger abandoned child Trapper Sneaky worm Taste of slap Death slapper Evolution Slap worm Poison worm Digger Worm+1

Evolution look really tempting,but I should focus on the other in the meantime bfore evolving,so that the other evolution path will open

After that I opened my mutation chart

Mutation chart Mutation points:55 Mutations Eyes hard skin strong stomach extremely accidic spit Possible mutations Tentacles:10 Long Tongue:20 Improved eyes:25 Poisonous body:50 Armored body:60 Lesser magic core:50 Horn:10 Spikes:30 Poison:50 Poisonous hair:40


Hmmm what should I pick,The other choices are useful,but i think the Lesser magic core will help me the most

I told the other beetles to guard me while i mutate,Queen is already fine and moving,she just left a while ago,i don't know what she's going to do,but well i value privacy the most so i will not ask

Now that I'm sure i pick the lesser magic core.Suddenly i felt a sharp pain inside my head,it's so painful!!!!

The other beetle tried to approach me,but i told them that i'm ok and don't mind me

Slowly but surely i lost my consciousness

An hour later


I suddenly heard a clicking sound.Opening my eyes to look around I suddenly found Queen in front of me with a concern look on her beetle face

(I never though that beetles can look cute)

"I'm fine"I said as I stand up,i;m still in the same position I am when I lost consciousness

She just stand there with joy in her eyes as she rub her face towards me

"Hahahahahaha ok ok stop now"I just laugh,i want to pat her,but I don't have a freaking hand

Climbing on her back,i sit there as i look at the glory skill page

Glory skills page Glory points 100 possible skills Needle attack/60 points Penetrating bite/50 points Life steal/100000 points damage reduction/10000 points Please earn more glory points to unlock the next page,glory points can be earn by achieving some achievements

I don't know what to choose,I need something that I can use,Needle attack is not a choice as i don't have a needle,it seems like the only choice is penetrating bite

And so I pick penetrating bite,And I'm expecting pain somehow,but that did not come so maybe it's alright


Checking my status I found a skill written in red

Ok it seems fine,now open hive system

Hive system Population:2000 Egg per day:50 Normal/variant ratio:1 every 2000 Mentality:Hive mindset Coordination:Good Improve not able to improve Improve Required:2 juvenile queen improve Required:10 variants improve Required:5 queen improve required:1 greater beetle

Hmmmm that's interesting,now open hive mutation

Hive mutation chart Hive members(And others) can be mutated using parts of other creatures.the success varry on the skill level and also the level/stat/evolution gap Fuse level 1 Extract level 1 Combine level 1 ...... ....... ..... ......

So It means the hive can be mutated using parts of other creatures,but the creatture must not be too strong or the hive member too weak or else the hive member will die and also the success rate depends on the skill level

That's interesting,now the companion system

Companion system......Erroe,,,Erooooeeerrr system under construction....please wait......

What??????,That's weird,I guess you also have to construct a system,that's fine

"I think I will evolve first before picking a quest"I said as I Opened my status screen to see if there are new evolution path and indeed there are

(I will not include the stats,i will only show the evolution path as it will be too much if the whole screen is in there)

Evolution Slap worm Poison worm Digger Worm+1 Magic worm Greater worm accid worm

'Maybe there are some description???,Cause i will not know what to choose if there are no description and my comprehension sucks'I thought as i search and suddenly something appeared in front of me

Slap worm

A worm with powerful tail suitable for slapping

Poison worm

A very poisonous worm,known for being a great material in potion brewing


A worm specialized in digging,they have sharp teeth and known for eating flesh


An improved version of worm,known for having a vast amount o evolution path

Magic worm

A worm that developed a magic core and can cast magic,their meat are hunted for it being a precious material

Greater worm

The most common evolution of worm

Accid worm

A worm that developed accid in it's body

Hmmmm everything is interesting,all of them are great,but i will go for the one with the most potential

"Queen.can you guard me???"I asked queen whose sitting in the middle of the chamber

Hearing my question,queen hurriedly nob with happiness"

"Good girl"I said as I pat her with my tail

"Don't worry I will just sleep for a moment"I said while patting her and she just nob

After a while I finally decided to evolve

Let me know if there are something wrong

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