《Anime wheel of fortune》The animal


Kweet POV

With the wind hitting my face and the sword cutting through the air. The only thing that was going through my head was the death of this minotaur-like animal.

I finally collided with the animal in a boom. My sword barely made a scratch while my body hit the floor. With my wounds reopened and the wind knocked out of me. I get up and stare at the animal until I see Roomy and Tyreek landing on it. Then I start running right at it, so I could reach it when Roomy and Tyreek hits it.

My timing was right because once I got there Tyreeks sword was starting to go through the animal's back then all of a sudden the sword breaks. Tyreeks body still had a lot of momentum behind it so when he collided into the floor his body bounced a few inches off the ground

I ran to Tyreeks side while Roomy was smashing into the animal feet first.

When I got there I said “Tyreek, Tyreek!” while shaking him side to side. He woke up, and grabbed his ribs saying “That beast is as hard as steel”

I help him up and say “Ha I know, but we have to help Roomy because it looks like he’s getting tired. “ We run over there to provide him backup when all of a sudden a sword starts flying through the air like it would break the sound barrier if it was thrown any harder.

I turn around and see Troy standing on the wall with sweat dripping off his face. I look back at the sword and see that it got stuck in the animal's arm. The beast pulls it out and starts swinging it at Roomy till it disappears. Me and Tyreek finally got there and gave Roomy backup.


“Roomy looks like you were struggling” yelled Tyreek while he was running towards the back of the animal.

“Yeah I was, but my trusty wooden armor lets me take a few hits” yelled Roomy as he performed alchemy on the knuckle part of the wooden armor to make three sharp sticks pop out like he was the wolverine.

I rushed in towards the front of the animal to get his attention while Roomy and Tyreek finally charged in.

I shuffle left to dodge a blow and swing my sword right above the animal’s hip. The sword went only a couple of inches deep and I put all of my strength behind it.

All of a sudden someone screamed my name and I look up to see the animal swinging his fist at me at lightning speed. I roll out of the way but my sword is still stuck in the animal's body. However, Tyreek comes out of nowhere and cuts the animal’s calf.

While the animal turned around to deal with Tyreek. Me and Roomy made our move. I went for my sword while Roomy tried to stab the animal in the kidney, but his sticks weren't sharp enough and barely went deep enough to really damage the animal.

I pull out my sword and roll away because he turned back around to deal with the person who stabbed him. Roomy took a couple of hits, but the armor that he had on look like it had sharp spikes on it so every time he got hit the animal’s fist was always bloody.

I turn around and look for Troy, but he is nowhere to be found. Then the animal does the same thing that Chewbacca does(the roar). That's when I find out that Troy finally came in to help us.


I rush in and jump on the animal's back grabbing all the hair on it so I wouldn’t fall. Roomy and Tyreek were making little scratches on the animal, but every time Troy would strike the sword would leave a deep cut.

Troy yells “ Guys we only have a minute until my ability runs out then we will really be doomed so we need to kill it now.”

“ Okay me and Roomy will keep its attention. Troy, you go and chop at its legs till it falls then we will deal the killing blow” said Tyreek while he was barely dodging blows.

I keep on stabbing into its back until my sword breaks. I look at Troy who is swinging his sword nonstop at the beast calves. I decide to climb up even higher so I could grab its horns. I reach its horns and start to pull with all my strength. I give Tyreeks and Roomy a little breather until Troy screams “ I only have twenty seconds.”

Counting down in my head I grab onto the animal's horns and jump trying to pull its head down. It bends but not enough, Tyreek catches on and grabs a horn too. Eventually Roomy jump on and we only 5 seconds left

With the animal's body almost touching the floor Troy jumps into the air and stabs his sword into the animal's head.

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