《Anime wheel of fortune》Tseucsp


Tyreek POV

When Troy stabbed the animal in its head we all held our breath hoping it was dead.

When a couple of seconds passed I said “Guy’s you think it’s dead” while dropping my guard. “Yea, it is,” said, Troy, as he laid on the grass.

I open the store and see that I got 35k points waiting for me.

“Guys, you might want to buy everything you can from this anime because it going to change in two hours,” said Roomy

“Okay, and thanks for the heads up,” said Kweet

I immediately go to the Goku uniforms and find my blade regalia. I look at it for a couple of minutes, until I hit the button that said related and saw something called Probe Regalia. I click on it and look at the information. It says that the Probe Regalia allows you to turn invisible for one minute in base form. Another ability it stated was that if you fully understand the person you are fighting, fighting style and abilities you will automatically win. Oh snap that's kinda OP, so if I fight Troy I will automatically win because I know all his abilities and how he fight.

The second form is called Probe Regalia Mk II. The Probe Regalia Mk II cost 60k points, but it makes you have after images when invisible.

Ooh okay, I press the purchase button and click proceed to checkout. With the item bought, a strange light engulfs me.

When the light leaves there’s a uniform on my body that has 3 stars on the collar.

Roomy POV

When I saw gold light engulf Tyreek I knew that he bought something because it happened to me too. The light faded away in ten seconds and the only thing remaining was Roomy with a uniform on his body. I stare at him not saying anything because I'm figuring out the uses of that attire. Tyreek sees me staring, right after he disappears


I look around for Tyreek and all of a sudden I hear Tyreek's voice say “I seen you staring so do you want it the easy way or the hard way”. I stand still and push seeing if I were to touch it woul the he reappear. He does so that's one test done. jump back hollering “Are you gay!” He laughs and says “maybe”. Then proceeds to walk towards me in a real suspect way.

"Why you so serious," said Tyreek who fell to the floor

I walk away and say "Why you so gay"

Kweet comes out of a tree with some meat in his hand saying “Tyreek you're a fag” while laughing.

I snickered

Tyreek looking embarrassed says “Shutup I was just messing around”

Kweet say’s “OOKAAAAY, but now your suspect”

They both get into an argument over gayness while I walk away with a smile on my face


I enter the cabin still thinking about their funny argument.

Haha, that was funny, but time to buy all the upgrades I can before the store closes.

I open up the store and just look around until I see something called hand alchemy I click on it and saw that it gave me the ability to make hands pop out the floor and control them. The downside is that my hands would have to stay on the alchemy circle. Hand alchemy only cost 20k, so I bought it with the quickness. With that ability in the cart, I keep looking around and remember that Tyreek wanted some guns. I search them up and saw that a gold desert eagle only cost 5k points. I buy them, but because the closing of the store it gave me the knowledge of making ammo for free. The next thing I search for is snipers, I mean who wouldn’t want to quick scope someone like its black ops.


The sniper I find is a laser sniper rifle. I don’t know who had this in the anime, but who cares. I proceed to checkout.

The price came up to 30k. tck I bite my lip thinking That's almost all my points, but just think of how you can analyze people when they can't move because they are grabbed by hands coming out of the ground.

I spend it and the gold light engulfs me to.

Kweet POV

I open up the store and looked up enhanced durability with my 65k points…. The enhanced durability cost 100k I’M SLEEP. I mean I can’t even buy what I been saving for! Ugh, whatever I won't complain because I'm not a bitch

Troy POV

Laying on the grass is so comfortable. Like, making my ability last that long is a hassle. I mean fuck them with their weak ass animes hahaha. I make myself laugh sometimes, but its time to get even more OP. I sit up and activate the store. I scroll down and see a magic called Iron-make I click on it. When it opens up it says able to create things from iron even without being near the material. It also said that my magic power was too low and I could only use it two times and if I use it anymore I would collapse because of exhaustion. I buy it and it cost 37k points, but now I'm determined to collapse from exhaustion.

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