《The Contact Person》Book 1 Chapter 3: With great power, comes great fun: Part 4
Roy decided to get something which will enable him to travel long distances easily. But he couldn't get cars, or motorcycles since he will have to register them. He decided to get a electric bi-cycle for now. Those doesn't need to be registered and there would be no suspicion. The problem with electric bi-cycles was the limit of it's battery life. Roy decided to consult with Mike. And as it turned out, Mike had a schematic for a miniature particle converter which can take any kind of solid matter as fuel and can convert the matter to various type of energy. Roy asked Mike if even plastic garbage or airborne dust particles would do the trick or not. Mike answered yes. Roy decided to use the airborne dust particles as fuel as the dust particles would always be present in air.
Within a night, Mike created a blue and black bi-cycle for Roy using the garbage outside of his apartment. The bi-cycle had wide tires for better traction, a high powered motor and equally high output battery for better power and speed. However, the size of the motor and battery was small, so they would not raise any suspicion. Roy rode the cycle to gym. His personal instructor was surprised to see him since he assumed Roy will not come to the gym due to sore muscles. But ultimately he concluded that Roy must have had some muscle training before and didn't think much of it. And again, Roy gave it his all for two hours and came back home. After taking a bath and a hearty breakfast, he set out for office.
On the way inside, he noticed that Nila was intensely looking at him. So he went over to her and greeted normally,"Hey, how's it going?"
She blushed a bit, but managed to answer normally, "Same as usual. How about you?"
Roy suddenly felt a bit mischievous, "I have been lonely after, you know, THAT." He whispered shamelessly.
The blush on Nila's cheek deepened. She put an finger on her lips as an universal sign of silence and whispered back, "Shhh. Don't talk about that here. There are people around."
Roy only grinned at her and went on his way. On the way, he noticed Ash hunched over a desk talking to someone. He intentionally took the path to his desk which would lead him to her. Roy told Mike to gather some of himself to Roy's left palm. Roy was going to touch the girl and when he did, Mike would transfer himself to her and wait. Mike wasn't really sure why it would be necessary. After all, he already has the bots on her. He reminded Roy of this fact and Roy insisted on doing it. Mike relented and Roy could actually feel something gather on his palm. While passing by her, he quickly grabbed her ass with his left palm and gave it a light squeeze. Ash yelped and whirled around to see who it was. Upon noticing that it was Roy, she giggled and playfully hit him on his shoulder. The girl ash was talking with was a bit confused on what just happened. Roy laughed while pretending to be hurt due to shoulder punch and went to his desk. Mike mentally notified him that it was done.
He quickly checked his mails. His boss has approved of his request of travel. There was a mail from travel team requesting a list of documents for visa processing. He quickly gathered the documents, and sent the soft copies to travel team. He got a mail from his boss saying that he should read the product documentation as much as he could. And that they could not find any suitable candidate to assist Roy, so he would have to handle the client alone this time. Roy only grinned as he had no need to go through the documentation. He let Sam handle it. He focused on the more pressing matters.
As Mike was a part of his being, he concluded that even after being separated, they would be somehow connected. Mike confirmed that it should be likely, even though he had never tested the same. Roy explained his next grand scheme. He needed a long term visa, which would eliminate a lot of headache. But from the stories of his seniors there, they didn't generally get long term business visa for whatever reason. So Roy came up with the idea. Why not use inception on the person who was going to issue his visa? But here was the rub. For inception to work, Roy needed to be in close range of the target. And of course, Roy wouldn't know who would issue his visa. So how to do it?
The answer was simple. Roy needed something in between the guy and him which could bounce the inception signal. So he came to this conclusion. What if I left a part of Mike somewhere? Could he use inception through Mike? Like a long range receiver? Mike confirmed that theoretically, it should be possible. Roy left his desk and went out of the office to test it out. He already got a part of Mike on Ash. He walked to the parking lot to make sure that Ash was way out of his inception range. Then he got to work.
First 10 minutes were unsuccessful. Roy could locate the part of Mike he left on Ash easily enough, but was having trouble transmitting inception through him. After several unsuccessful attempts, he suddenly had an epiphany. Till now, he was sending his thoughts like a transmitter and Mike was receiving his thoughts like a receiver. But in theory, the receiver should be Ash. Mike had to act as a relay, not a receiver. With the sudden inspiration, he got to work and on the first attempt, inception was successful. After 5 minutes, Roy could see Ash coming towards the parking lot.
Ash noticed Roy and walked over to him, half running. He was sitting on a motorcycle. Ash came up to him and stood very close to him, even put her hands on his legs. Roy really wanted to play with her a bit, but he had to finish setting his plans in motion. He got up, bid Ash goodbye and left. She looked at his departing back and she thought, 'Damn it. I wanted him to grab my ass again, like he did this morning. I am getting wet just thinking about it. I wonder if he will come to my desk today too.'
Roy came back to his desk. Now that the test was a success, he directed Mike to follow the documents which he sent for Visa processing. When they would be ready for review, Mike would let Roy know and he would use inception. Mike followed the documents through the internet connection. How? Roy neither had any idea, not did he want to want know. However, if Mike could follow anything through internet connections, Roy could get some idea on how to use this particular trait.
The rest of the day was usual. Today, Roy managed to pry open Ash's legs. It seemed the need to feel his touch overwhelmed her embarrassment. Roy asked her if she had a boy-friend or not. When she answered no, he invited her for a dinner date and she instantly accepted. He also hinted that they would be doing something more than dinner. The anticipating look on her face told Roy everything he wanted to know. Roy didn't go to Prema's desk today.
After the office, Roy took Ash to the same restaurant as yesterday, when he and Prema had dinner. Towards the end of meal, Ash was refusing to meet his eyes and was eating very slowly. He urged her to finish the meal and then took her to a hotel. Ash asked why they were going to hotel instead of Roy's home. Instead of telling her that Roy didn't want her to know the location of his house, he told her that girls weren't allowed in his society.
They got into the hotel room. Roy stripped down to his underwear very quickly. But Ash was still squirming. Roy decided to help her out, and after a bit of struggle and giggling Ash stood naked in front of Roy, not a string on her. And though he kept her poker face, Roy was disappointed.
Nila's face was hideous, but her body had some proper curves and muscles to it. Her body was sexy enough to make Roy want it. But Ash? The ass she was so proud to show off, was just a blob of fat without any shape to it. It seemed they only looked proper since she always wore tight fitted clothing. Her upper body looked malnourished, he could even see her ribs. No breasts to speak of. Arms so thin that Roy thought they would break if she ever tried to pick up a brick off the ground. Her body looked dis-proportioned. When Roy grabbed her ass, it felt so wrong. Now Roy was in a dilemma. Ash was so unsexy, that Roy was sure he would not be able to get it up. Now he was regretting his impulsiveness. He mentally swore that after tonight, he would never, ever bed a woman who did not take care of their body.
As they say, people had most ingenious of ideas as times of desperation. And as it turned out, they were right. Roy had this idea. If her body was the problem, why not change it to someone else's? Roy instructed Mike to superimpose some porn stars image onto his eyes. So effectively, Roy would see the porn star, not Ash. And this did the trick.
Roy saw a redhead, sexy and petite girl standing in place of ash and instantly started having a boner. Mike warned him that since the image is superimposed and the porn star was healthier than Ash, there would be some discrepancies to vision and touch. Meaning if Roy touched her upper body, he would see that his hands were sinking into the flesh. If he touched her ass, he would see his hands hover thin air.
Roy decided to finish it as soon as possible. He instructed the bots in her body to make her aroused. Roy abandoned the idea of having a playful foreplay as that would do more harm than good to his boner. He quickly made her give him a blowjob to make himself hard, then instructed her to get on the bed on all fours. He grabbed her ass and felt a bit weird when he saw his hands grab thin air. Thankfully, he didn't go soft. Quickly entering her, he gave her a minute to get used to it. Being heavily aroused, she didn't feel much pain of her hymen ripped, and was instead aroused further by it. Roy pounded her as fast as he could. She came three times before Roy emptied himself in her depth. He instructed the bot to come back to him through him palm on her ass and then he separated from her. Then he instructed Mike to remove the superimposed image, now that the deed was done.
Ash calmed down some time later. She picked herself up from the bed and looked around, presumably for Roy. He was sitting in a chair after cleaning himself up. She asked with a hopeful voice, "So are we a thing now?" Roy looked at her with the most sad looking face he could muster and spoke in a low voice, "No, sorry. This was a one time thing. You're not really my type." She bit her lips and Roy could see her tearing up. She hurriedly went into the bath and shut the door.
Roy mentally slapped himself. He might be a perverted guy who wanted to fuck all the girls in the world. But he still was inherently a good guy. Hell, even in the computer games he played, he never explored the villain path. He couldn’t stand to act like a bad guy, even in a game. And now he had to act like a playboy so that Ash would not attach herself to her. Roy closed his eyes and massaged them a bit in an attempt to calm down. He cursed his inner soft self. Now that she was hurt, he would not be able to rest easy. Roy sighed and stood up from the chair. He made a mistake this time. In the future, he would be more careful at choosing his targets. He would choose those kinds of girls who would not mind one night stays.
What? He was a perverted guy at heart. Just because he made a mistake, he would not become a saint.
He stripped off the clothing he wore after cleaning up and knocked at the bath door, but no answer came out. He could hear the muffled sound of crying coming out. He knocked on the door a bit harder. It seemed she heard him this time, "I need a few minutes more. You can leave if you want."
Now Roy wasn't having any drama. He hated dramas and sob stories. The door lock could only be opened from the inside, but with telekinesis, it was no problem. Ash yelped when Roy opened the door and came inside naked. She hurriedly tried to dry her eyes and spoke angrily, which Roy could tell was fake, "Roy, get out. I am still bathing."
Roy strutted up her and she flattened herself on the wall, seemingly afraid of him. Roy looked directly into her eyes and said, "Bathing? While you are sitting on the toilet seat? Who are you fooling Ash?"
"Why do you care? I am not your girlfriend or anything." It seemed she spit out those words even without thinking, as she covered her mouth immediately.
"Ash." Roy spoke softly and put his hands on her waist. He slowly pulled her close to him and she didn't resist. Putting her head on his chest, she began to cry again. She put her hands around him and bawled her eyes out.
Some time later, when she calmed down, Roy bathed her in the shower, dried her with a towel and clothed her. She didn't say a word and let him do everything. Then Roy brought her to the park nearby and sat down on a patch of grass under a tree. Roy made her sit between his legs, her back on him and made her lean on him. Then he put his arms around her so that she won't get cold.
For some time, none of them said anything. Roy started to think that his plan might have failed. However, after what seemed like an hour, which was actually 3 minutes, Ash spoke softly, "You don't have to do this, you know? Comforting me, I mean."
Roy gave her matter a lot of thought in the last an hour or so. In the long time Roy worked in the company, he never saw her with a boyfriend. She always ate little, as if she was afraid that she would get fat if she ate more. She always put on make ups and took care of her looks. She always wore fashionable cloths. In fact, if she just worked out a little and ate properly, she would easily become a head-turner. Roy also noticed that she hanged out with a lot of people, but none of them seemed to have anymore than friendship with her. Perhaps this was the reason?
"Do you hate me comforting you? Someone who just fucked you, then told you that he doesn't like you?" Roy asked her lightly. He felt her body jolt. She turned to look at him and then pinched him as on his hands as hard as she could. Roy could feel no more than a tickle though. Seriously, just how low
"You want the men to take notice of you, don't you?" Roy felt her jolt again. She drew both of her knees in and put her hands around it, and then rested her head on them. Roy put his arms around her again. She was so thin, that Roy could actually put his arms all the way around.
She started talking after a minute or two, in a very low voice, like she is talking to herself and doesn't want Roy to listen. Roy wisely kept his mouth shut and listened, "I tend to get fat very easily. I was always the chubby girl in my school. Boys always made fun of me. But I didn't mind that too much. But when I got to college, and all of my friends got themselves a boy, and left me all alone. So I decided to become pretty. I started to eat less. Wore fashionable cloths. Learned how to wear make-up. But since I didn't know how much I should eat, I ate as less as I could, and now I am skinny. So skinny that the men avoid me. I am afraid to eat more. I was so happy the way you treated me tonight. The way you wanted me. I thought maybe I would have a chance with you."
Roy shook his heads. This is why India was so far underdeveloped. It was simply a lack of knowledge. This girl doesn't even know there are nutrition professionals who could get her the diet she needed. He pulled her closer strongly and whispered into her ears, "I am sorry that I can't be with you. But if I help you with your boyfriend problem, will you forgive me?"
She immediately perked up, "Why can't you be my boyfriend?"
Roy didn't know how to explain. He certainly can't tell her the truth. So he chose to give her a obscure and straightforward answer, "I have my circumstances. Please don't ask anymore, cause I won't answer."
She got miffed by his answer a little. But asked the second question that was on her mind, "How will you help me?"
Roy explained her that there are nutrition professionals and promised her to find her some contact. In return, he made her promise that she would follow the diet and work out. He dropped her at home. Before parting ways, Ash bashfully asked for a last kiss, which Roy refused, saying that she would only earn it when she kept her promise.
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