《Raimei no Henka》Raimei No Henka Chapter 14


Chapter 14:

Back in the prison.

His cellmate passed him a note, “This is the first time you talked so positively about Mari, but you never said that she was the one calling you, how come then?”

Hayato plops himself down into the stone hard bed, “Yeah I know, I am about to get to that part.” unlike how he usually told his story, his tone felt very melancholic.

Back in the past.

Me and Mari were just having a nice time, chatting about and laughing. But as all things do for me, it was cut very short.

From the entrance a large explosion was heard, I look at Mari “We need to go now.” she nods to me and we run out to the hallway.

“I hope it is not the what I think it is.” Grabbing Mari’s hand I telepo rt us to the main entrance of the base. Just to be greeted by a large cloud of dust. Hayato looks frantically around to see what happened.

“So this is where you filthy fucks have been hiding from us.” I knew that voice already, he had kicked my ass and nearly killed me. The dust cloud clears and we finally see eye to eye. “Oh, so this is where you ran off and Mari time for you to head home.”

The feeling of Mari’s hand shaking while I was holding it was very intense, I took out my daggers, pointing them at him, “What is it, couldn’t go on without me?” He laughs, “For sure, now time to for all of you to either turn yourselves in or…” he puts on black gloves, “Or die.”

Turning to Mari exhaled, “Take everyone out from the other exit.” then I looked at her brother, “Don’t even think about trying to skip over me to get to her.”


Behind him Mari runs off and a few foot soldiers chase after her, I thought she’d most likely be able to handle them easily.

“Hmm, I do not approve of you two.” In a moments notice he closed the gap between us, just barely I move out of the way. Slashing upwards I barely miss his chin, barely being expected with his damn ability.

I used a mark to move back a bit, unlike in our previous fight I was way more equipped with marks, “Can I ask you something, why did someone with your strength join the government? You surely could’ve evaded them.”

All he reacted with was a light chuckle, “Cause I don’t want to be scum like you.” He was way to far up his own ass, scum like me? I was fighting just to find my sister back then. “You don’t know the slightest thing about me.”

Teleporting behind him I try to sweep his legs but steps away from that attack, then after I threw one of my weapons at him but it only got stuck in the ceiling.

We engaged in close quarters fighting, I was aiming mostly at him ligaments and tendons, but if only it were that simple. He punched me deep into my solar plexus, making me buckle down, “But to tell you I know everything about you.”

Gritting me teeth I looked up at him, “What could you even know?” He just squatted down to be on my level, “You’re full name is Hayato Raiiki, your sister Yuki was the head of her volleyball team, your dad was the second-in-command at a law firm and your mother was a stay at home mom. But you ruined their lives by awakening. Your mother became a beast, killed your father, you killed her and made your sister run away in fear. So tell me doesn’t that sound like a piece of scum?” He grabbed my head and hit it into the ground.


“Shut. It.” He tried to not only physically overpower me but also to mentally beat me as well, but I had been through too much at that point, all I could do is get angry.

I grab onto his arm, “Got ya bitch.” using my weight I threw him to the ground. He merely kicks me and pushes me off. I even forgot to leave a mark on him.

He dusted himself off like it was nothing, “You seem to be in denial, but that is always what happens when people learn the truth about themselves.” Back then he was just a complete beast, but even knowing that didn’t stop me from reacting hastily to his provocations.

Grabbing one of my daggers I lunged back at him, this time he didn’t dodge but instead caught my blade, “Listen, I will be blunt with you finally. Join me.”

“What?” we disengage, he fixed his suits sleeves,

“I meant what I said, you could join me.” his words confused the hell out of me, last time we met he nearly killed me and this time he attacked the base where I was and now he is asking me to join him.

“Why would I even consider your offer?”

“Why not exactly? You are strong, unique and also you have a lynchpin which is your sister. She may be vital to the higher ups but they would excuse me anyway if I were to choose to do something. So, how about it?” he reached his hand out to me.

His “deal” was not a bad one, but could I really just give all these people up, for my own selfishness? Those thoughts that were swirling around in my head, I couldn’t make sense of them back then.

I reached out to grab his hand…


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