《Nagol: The Skeleton King》03 Bones Never Lie
Quote:Mal's Book of Revelations VOL 8 Chapter 16: The Third Prime Evil
The Skeleton King is a unique race created from the fallout of the Prime War when mages were more common and mana saturated the earth. The god of death Varian with his brothers Shadow and Plague found the world shattered and broken from the overwhelming force used by mages. using the magic in the land created a massive curse allowing undead to raise from the ground.
This quickly destroyed the living populations fearing for her children the goddess of Life, beseeched the god of Souls and Renewal to hinder the undead. The god of Souls and Renewal refused but the goddess of Light intervened asking her brother Shadow to create a unique race to quell the undead to allow life to flourish.
Shadow persuaded the other dark gods to allow a unique race to exist one that would become the Equalizer between life and death. The agreement allowed for one being to exist at a time, A being made of multiple Souls, able to control the undead to a finer degree than Liches, with the soul of a -Hero- and having lost everything before death.
These conditions have been met several times in history. The First Skeleton king was not even named as such, She was the Phantom Reave, a Dark Elf Who's story has been lost to time. Secant an Ogre/Orc/Human mixed creature whom tried to unite all living beings. Third was the Vampire Lord Whom was to be crowned King of the undead slain by his sister Lilith for being a pacifist, This is were the Title Skeleton King cames from.
The last Hero is unknown as the individuals history was erased We do know whoever it was happened to be one of the Carnax a bestial race that shares the appearance of humans but varies from time to time. Their stats are unique as Orcs are strong and humans are balanced Carnax seam to vary from God like strength to Inhuman Foresight.
The Skeleton King has always been slain when met in a Melee as They appear to be stronger than average but only by Exiling the Skeleton King will his undead minions dissipate. The Goddess of light has warned humanity to never Break The Sacred Orb of Binding. Other wise all the mana in the world will once again feed the undead allowing them to grow stronger.
~Mal The Wonderer
Feeling reinvigorated I began to created skeleton orcs until I reached my maximum C.P. consuming the fires again my C.P. and M.P. rose. I remembered what my grandmother had told me, I had the ability to create stronger undead. Thinking about it I decided to try and just have my undead fight each other for experience but that didn't work.
I was scratching my skull for some time until I remembered the soul fires. Using the fire from an orc I placed its fire inside of another orc, the result was interesting. the first orc dissipated while the secant orc skeleton flashed with a white light then returned to normal. Taking my armored gauntlets finger I scratched off some bone dust from the glowing orc and another idle orc.
H.P. (35)
M.P. (1)
H.P. (40)
M.P. (2)
I felt a mild joy as I saw the change, doing the same with human Skeletons I began to under stand why the Orc Skeletons destroyed them so quickly.
H.P. (10)
M.P. (15)
H.P. (12)
M.P. (20)
Weak, fragile, useless, I began to wonder what use Skeletal humans would have, I then thought about Wraiths and decided to conjure some, I conjured five of the wraiths and noticed their fire was a bit stronger than the Human and Orc skeletons. Each Wraith cost me 25cp, and they flew through the air passing through walls and even the ground.
I wanted to check the wraiths stats but when I tried the wraith would pass by my fingers, attempting to garner some information from the wraiths I attempted to close the book while it passed through. the book refused to give me information or the wraith was simply seen as a living thing?
I thought it was funny and chuckled to myself. Reaching out at the wraith I pulled its fire into myself, nothing happened aside from the wraith dispersing. I then tried to pull its fire into an Orc Skeleton, I was shocked to see the orc glow for a moment then implode on itself.
The bone shards splintered all over the courtyard dispersing into a steam like mist. I then had a Human Skeleton back away from me and attempted the same thing on it. The Skeleton glowed but then began to change until the skeleton was covered in a simple red robe and had a bone like staff its bones now had some skin and muscle rotting away.
Shocked I noticed this wasn't a Skeleton anymore but a Lich. Taking my book I took some of its dead skin rotting on the liches arm and allowed the book to consume it.
H.P. (30)
M.P. (150) 30/m
C.P. (300) 10/m
T1 -Lesser Fireball- (30mp) launch a fireball from your hand.
T1 -Lesser Lightning- (15mp) Shoot forth a lightning bolt at target.
T2 -Telepathy- (5mp+1mp/m) Communicate with another through the mind.
T3 -Raise Dead- (50mp+) Raise 5 undead to command.
-Undying Loyalty- Your Creator is your god and master your loyalty is unbreakable.
-Lesser Telepathy- You may only use telepathy to communicate with your Master and other Minions
Feeling proud of my work I began to create more liches until I was capped in C.P. then creating more skeletons I had the lichs raise more undead. after the work was done I consumed the Orc and Human Skeletons fires and found that they gave me double the raise in power.
Working on this project I soon had enough C.P to control a horde of 50 Liches. My M.P. regeneration even increased, my stats ended up looking like this.
- Skeleton King -
H.P. (250/250) 5/m
M.P. (1,550/1,550) 50/m
C.P. (4,000/11,500) 10/m
STR: 30
END: 15
DEX: 50
WIS: 50
INT: 50
CHA: 10
LUK: 0
-Conjure Bones- T2 (15mp+) Conjure enough bones for 10+ human skeletons
-Bone Cage- T1 (5mp+1mp/s) Conjure bones to create a bone cage
-Bone Spear- T2 (5mpX) Create Bone spears to impale your enemies.
-Control- T2 (10mp-100mp) Take control of undead creatures
-Rise Dead- T4 (50mp+) Raise up to 25+ corpses/bones into undead minions
-Conjure Spirit- T3+ (50mp+) Create 3 Spirit's
-Death Spear- T3 (150mp-500mp) Create a spear of death that raises a greater undead
-Siphon- T4 (10mp+5/s) Steal the life from a minion to survive
Undying Lord: Control of Undead and Spirits comes naturally Gain experience equal to minions
Death Bound Conviction: True Immortality unable to die permanently.
King of the Dead: Undead minions are permanent until death, undead you control can level up and evolve, 5x experience gain to undead minions.
Undead: Immune to Stuns/Snares/Fears/and death Magic.
Gods Blessing: You were promised happiness and joy, compensation has been given to you, Vengeance will be yours, Humanity has forsaken the gods and now you will show them what betrayal makes.
Hero: You are a beacon of hope, your hard work and dedication has given you this power, you will receive 50points to spend on stats every level, with this you are promised Happiness and joy along with the power to keep it.
Cursed: You are bound by a strong curse, you are different from others and luck seems to be a distant thing never to be touched you may never rise your Charisma or Luck Those whom befriend you are shunned.
Taking a breather until my stats maxed out, I than began to produce Giant bones, each lich could control up to Six giants so I decided to split them up, each lich would have 2 giants Skeletons (100CP), 6 Orc Skeletons (150CP), and 50 human skeletons (50CP), after doing this I had each Lich take their group out to a open space and had them dual with the forces they had.
just as any of the Skeletons were about to Die I would infuse their soul into another allowing myself to practice transferring Soul fires mid combat. I also decided to inform the Lichs that the loser would be used to infuse his counter part. after half an hour I had 25 liches at level 2 with undead around levels 5-10.
Liches gained 25 H.P. and 100 M.P. and 50 C.P. while Giants didn't level at all instead getting 25% for each Giant soul fire.
LvL.1 (75%)
H.P. (250)
M.P. (5)
H.P. (55)
M.P. (250) 30/m
C.P. (350) 10/m
T1+ -Lesser Fireball- (30mp+) launch a fireball from your hand.
T1+ -Lesser Lightning- (15mp+) Shoot forth a lightning bolt at target.
T2 -Telepathy- (5mp+1mp/m) Communicate with another through the mind.
T3 -Raise Dead- (50mp+) Raise 5 undead to command.
-Undying Loyalty- Your Creator is your god and master your loyalty is unbreakable.
-Lesser Telepathy- You may only use telepathy to communicate with your Master and other Minions
Feeling satisfied I began to produce more Liches and repeated the process until all my liches and giants were level 2. I began to feel restless only two days had passed and I had made so much progress, How much was a legion to the undead? I do remember that the undead needed four times the numbers of the living in most battles.
I never heard of Undead leveling up before, does that mean I don't have to abide by the same rule? I looked at the twelve foot giant skeletons, their massive bodies were stronger than normal their growth was terrifying.
LvL.2 (0%)
H.P. (350)
M.P. (5)
Each Lesser lich cost 150cp to control, while giving me an additional 300cp. I experimented with giving Giant soul fires to lesser undead, Human skeletons gained 50 levels Orc skeletons 25, Lesser lichs 5. the Wraiths I still could not see their stats. I debated whether or not to switch out the human Skeletons with some Wraiths.
after some thought I decided to add 2 wraiths (50cp) to each group now that the lesser lichs had 50 more CP. Each group was now comprised of 1 Lesser Lich, 2 Wraith (50cp), 2 Giants (100cp), 6 Orc Skeletons (150cp), and 50 Human Skeletons (50cp), 61 undead in each group.
I had one group higher level than the others with a level 5 lesser lich that has 550cp, 2 giants lvl 2 (100cp), 4 wraiths lvl ? (100cp), 10 orc skeletons lvl 15 (250cp), and 100 human skeletons lvl 25 (50cp). I would use this group as my personal bodyguards. I thought about naming the Lesser lich of this group, he was different from the others, He actually retreated and had a sense of tactical understanding.
Thinking about it I came to the conclusion that lichs were intelligent. They would never speak back to me but I could feel their reverence towards me. This particular lesser lich was the first I had made, I thought of a few names but none of them really stuck.
My experiment's confirmed 3 things of interest:
1. lesser Liches are intelligent.
2. Undead can be upgraded.
3. I only need to consume undead soul fires equal to my Maximum C.P. not all of my undead.
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