《Nagol: The Skeleton King》02 The First Step
The darkness was different, I felt something under me. looking down I saw bones, a field of bones around me. I saw 4 other fields but they were not like mine, a Forest, Desert, and a pool of blood. The last field a dark fog that reveled nothing. I could not move the bones under me prevented me from moving.
while trying to move I noticed I was human again with my holy armor. I could feel my heart pounding, the blood flowing. The forests bushes rustled and I turned to see a Dark elf woman. She wore a purple war dress, her eyes were silver and her hair black. She moved close to my field of bones but stopped at the boarder of her forest.
She lifted her armored hand it was the same gauntlet I had when I entered my spirit form. "Who are you?" she smiled at my question and spoke with a ting of amusement. "I was and always will be The Phantom, but to you I am the first Skeleton King. You have inherited my soul stealer." raising her gauntlet to show off its shine.
Turning her head towards the desert I followed her gaze and surprisingly a 12 foot tall Ogre armored in red armor stood his smile was sharp uncannily like a predator. His voice boomed with authority "I Gorgon!, Bone Masher From Red Lands! Next Skeleton King! You gets my Fury!" pounding his chest I could see red lines of lightning sprout out from his fists.
He turned to face the blood pool, I watched the blood pool ripple and a small boy came up from the blood. His eyes were red and his skin pail, I knew he was a Vampire Lord just from his white hair. His meek voice sounded like a frightened child. "i-I am n-Nadi, I was t-the third Skeleton King... You have my Passive control over undead!"
The child shied away from the darkness, unlike the other three The darkness parted and a woman walked out of its depths. Wielding the massive Dragon Mace, she moved unhindered towards me, she stepped on the bone field and continued to walk towards me, She flipped her golden hair back revealing her face.
I was awestruck she resembled my mother, She wore Holy armor much like myself and her blue eyes pierced my soul. "I am Holly, daughter of Vigil and Founder of The Order of Light, but you knew this already..." tossing the mace to the side she ran up to me and embraced me, she whispered in my ear "My Grandson..."
Something broke as she whispered to me, I felt a powerful shudder inside of myself, Rage, Pain, Joy, a few broken Memories. I gasped in realization that Coral was controlling my mind. My grandmother squeezed me tightly until the sensation of Corals control faded.
She released me and stared into my eyes. "Coral is a Spirit that has long since controlled the skeleton king, the gods don't know it but Phantom encountered Coral and was quickly controlled by it." Shivering she held onto me again, "Coral has controlled us since the beginning, I will give you my gift to fight its influence." Three items formed behind Holly. The black spell book from the throne room, The Black Claymore that resembles Vigil, and a ball of darkness.
Holly grasped the sword and gave it to me, "The sword can manifest 4 greater undead each will resemble one of us trapped here and we can use them to assist you in times of need for a single day every week." Lifting the spell book she opened it to a blank page handing it to me. "The Black Book contains all information from dead beings, all you need to access their knowledge is a piece of them or an item that they cherished."
She then turned to the black orb of shadows, she quickly thrust it into my chest tears filled her eyes. "This will allow you to hide your mind in my Aura shielding you from Coral, when you wake up Don't fight Coral. He has no attack spells and he is physically a glass orb. The darkness will slowly corrode his mind and allow you to control him. Do as he says for a time..."
The field of bones began to lift sending Holly back into the Darkness. She yelled as I was flung into the Air "YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO CREATE STRONGER UNDEAD!!! DO NOT FORGET WHO YOU ARE NAGOL!!!" The darkness took me again but I could feel it pulling me towards my undead body.
Feeling a searing pain I woke up on the throne. Coral was missing, but I knew he was close, Rage filled me as I thought about Coral controlling my great grandmother. I looked at my armored hands, I could feel my bones devoid of flesh. Picking up the book, I thought about my human body.
-Holy Knight-
H.P. (0/1,987,436,980)
M.P. (0/9,029,502,921)
S.P. (0/5,259,295,192)
LvL.999 (99%)
STR (1,500)
AGI (1,850)
DEX (1,850)
WIS (10,000)
INT (10,800)
CHA (150)
LUK (0)
T?? -Mercy- Take the suffering of others and give them your vitality. Mercy will reverse cast on those whom would harm you.
-Inept- You are unable to learn magic or even cast it.
-Hero- You are a beacon of hope for your people. Your hard work and dedication has brought you the gods blessing allowing you to obtain happiness and joy gain 50 stat points every level giving you the power to protect that which you hold near.
-Cursed- You have been cursed by the evils of the world, Every choice you make comes with pain and suffering. Those whom befriend you will meet a tragic end, you may not gain CHA or LUK.
The book opened to a page with my original status I felt amused by my status. I felt a pang of regret I was the first person to ever reach such a level. I was young and strong, but I took a closer inspection of my current EXP. I would never level up, I knew this for a fact. It would take 1,000 level 500's to even near the required amount to level up.
I was a skeleton Immortal I had time, Magic allowed humans to live past their normal life times. Its not odd to see 400 year old wizards. It would take them decades to reach T6 spells. Sam my oldest friend was one of the first mages and was considered a national treasure casting T9 spells left and right and some times a T10.
Closing the book I stood, grasping the sword hovering beside me. I stepped down from the thrones pedestal and descended the stairs leading to the two heavy doors. Pressing my hand on its obsidian frame, It slid open slowly. I walked passed the doors and continued to walk down the red carpet.
The green torches that lit the hallways flickered, large glass windows showed the outside courtyard and the eternal abyss surrounding the fort. I felt a strong pull to a pathway leading to a flight of stairs. letting this pull lead me I fallowed several minuets passed before I reached a large room with a Large map. 9 Continents filled its frame with a Black star on the largest continent that marked our location.
I sat down in a large chair in front of a large table. I looked at the table it held a smaller version of the map and had several black rocks and white rocks to depict troops. The table was not cleared off from the last time it was used. I saw 1500 black rocks with 690 white rocks. Apparently my grandmother was wining the war until Coral intervened opening up a weak point that was quickly exploited.
Finding a large book I began to read it, it was filled with tactical insight and arbitrary forms of combat specifically used to fight the living. Using a corpse division of children on the front lines, while having thousands of undead birds assault villages and letting the birds die over crops to pollute the livestock and grains, slowly weakening the population over decades.
Reading the books I felt disgusted but continued to read, one day I might need to use these tactics. I was half way through the book reading about using the corpses of insects and rats to spread plagues in water ways I felt Coral enter through the door. He opened and closed the door with a red tentacle.
Hovering over the map he swiped the rocks to the side into barrels with other rocks. "I have found a suitable location for you to obtain corpses, however I will require you to create half a legion before hand, please fallow me." Coral glided over to one of the many indents in the room, hovering over a silver platform.
Stepping into the indent I felt a surge of magic and soon found myself in a smaller war room. It had one indent with a silver platform along with a smaller scaled map. Coral lead me passed several passage ways until we reached a courtyard. The building was not the obsidian Castle I had previously been in but a small fort near the coast.
I noted the grime and dirt on the fort along with the scattered weapons and armor. Coral positioned himself in the middle of the courtyard, "Please create 1000 skeletons." doing as I was told I began to conjure bones resting in between to let my mana regenerate.
after I had casted Conjure bones 200 times I began to raise dead what peaked my interest was my C.P. went down as I raised the undead. "Control Points represent how many undead you can control at a Time each skeleton will require 1 C.P. Once you reach your Max C.P. you can sacrifice the undead to raise your C.P. by 500. and raise your M.P. by 50."
The 1000 skeletons stood at attention waiting, "Reach out with your mind and feel the undead, Will them to Die for you." closing my eyes I began to feel the control I had over the undead. I felt a flame between each undead, spreading my mind out I could see all the skeletons fires.
Clasping my hand I imagined the skeletons dying and pulled at the fires bringing them closer to me. the skeletons went limp and their bones began to disappear. I felt the flames rush towards me filling me until I felt a searing pain fill my chest. I opened my stats to see the change.
- Skeleton King -
H.P. (250/250) 5/m
M.P. (150/550) 30/m
C.P. (1/1500) 10/m
STR: 30
END: 15
DEX: 50
WIS: 50
INT: 50
CHA: 10
LUK: 0
-Conjure Bones- T1 (15mp) Conjure enough bones for 5 skeletons
-Bone Cage- T1 (5mp+1mp/s) Conjure bones to create a bone cage
-Bone Spear- T2 (5mpX) Create Bone spears to impale your enemies.
-Control- T2 (10mp-100mp) Take control of undead creatures
-Rise Dead- T3 (50mp) Raise up to 10 corpses/bones into undead minions
-Death Spear- T3 (150mp-500mp) Create a spear of death that raises a greater undead
-Siphon- T4 (10mp+5/s) Steal the life from a minion to survive
Undying Lord: Control of Undead and Spirits comes naturally Gain experience equal to minions
Death Bound Conviction: True Immortality unable to die permanently.
King of the Dead: Undead minions are permanent until death, undead you control can level up and evolve, 5x experience gain to undead minions.
Undead: Immune to Stuns/Snares/Fears/and death Magic.
Gods Blessing: You were promised happiness and joy, compensation has been given to you, Vengeance will be yours, Humanity has forsaken the gods and now you will show them what betrayal makes.
Hero: You are a beacon of hope, your hard work and dedication has given you this power, you will receive 50points to spend on stats every level, with this you are promised Happiness and joy along with the power to keep it.
Cursed: You are bound by a strong curse, you are different from others and luck seems to be a distant thing never to be touched you may never rise your Charisma or Luck Those whom befriend you are shunned.
The pain faded until I could think clearly again. The orb waited for another minuet until it spoke. "Undead minions can cost up to 5000 to control. I will now grant you information for Orc skeletons. Each will cost 10 C.P. to control and will require a modified conjured bones. Will your spell to conjure Orc bones instead of Human bones, note that you will only create enough bones to create 2 Orc Skeletons."
Something entered my mind a vision of a skeleton thicker and stronger than a Human appeared. I felt it was denser than normal and would take several hits from Iron weapon's before crumbling. Casting the spell I felt the bones weight hit the ground like rocks. Waiting for a few minuets until I had the necessary C.P., I than casted Conjure bones but this time creating human skeletons. I than Cast Raise dead on all 7 skeletons.
I opened my eyes to see two 6-7 foot tall skeleton orcs with five 5-6 foot tall human skeletons. I than ordered the skeletons to fight. The Orc skeletons demolish the Human skeletons with each swing. I noted that Orc skeletons were slower but still faster than zombies.
Coral waited until my experiment was over I could not read a Orbs mood but I felt he was amused. "I will return in a weeks time to lead you to your first conquest. you will require 10,000 CP, I will leave you with information on Giant bones and Conjure Wraith."
I felt dizzy as the information filled me, Wraiths were created from magic different from actual ghosts or revenants and cost 25 C.P., Giant bones required 2 simultaneous casts of Conjure bones and required 50 C.P., Coral flashed a red light and disappeared. feeling his connection gone from my own I began to raise my C.P.
I felt powerful and for the first time I felt good, looking at my stats once more I noted the new Spell Conjure Spirit.
- Skeleton King -
H.P. (250/250) 5/m
M.P. (291/550) 30/m
C.P. (69/1500) 10/m
STR: 30
END: 15
DEX: 50
WIS: 50
INT: 50
CHA: 10
LUK: 0
-Conjure Bones- T1+ (15mp+) Conjure enough bones for 5+ human skeletons
-Bone Cage- T1 (5mp+1mp/s) Conjure bones to create a bone cage
-Bone Spear- T2 (5mpX) Create Bone spears to impale your enemies.
-Control- T2 (10mp-100mp) Take control of undead creatures
-Rise Dead- T3+ (50mp+) Raise up to 10+ corpses/bones into undead minions
-Conjure Spirit- T3 (50mp) Create a Spirit
-Death Spear- T3 (150mp-500mp) Create a spear of death that raises a greater undead
-Siphon- T4 (10mp+5/s) Steal the life from a minion to survive
Undying Lord: Control of Undead and Spirits comes naturally Gain experience equal to minions
Death Bound Conviction: True Immortality unable to die permanently.
King of the Dead: Undead minions are permanent until death, undead you control can level up and evolve, 5x experience gain to undead minions.
Undead: Immune to Stuns/Snares/Fears/and death Magic.
Gods Blessing: You were promised happiness and joy, compensation has been given to you, Vengeance will be yours, Humanity has forsaken the gods and now you will show them what betrayal makes.
Hero: You are a beacon of hope, your hard work and dedication has given you this power, you will receive 50points to spend on stats every level, with this you are promised Happiness and joy along with the power to keep it.
Cursed: You are bound by a strong curse, you are different from others and luck seems to be a distant thing never to be touched you may never rise your Charisma or Luck Those whom befriend you are shunned.
Seeing the change in Conjure bones and Raise dead I smiled Now I could spend more M.P. to create more undead. feeling grateful that I wouldn't need to cast the spells over and over again I began to experiment....
Hello, this is Fellmore here, Thanks for the input from armocalypsis and BurningBookworm I will correct the errors I had in Chapter 00 and 01, If any of you see a problem with my grammar or spelling please inform me, I'm using RoyalRoadl.com as an outlet to improve my writing skills and grammar.
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