《Drak's Chronicle (old)》Interlude: chronicle system


After deciding it was time to go I called out “hey guide-guy im almost ready to head back.”

The door he left through earlier appeared again. “Almost?” the guide asked stepping through.

“Yes my only question for now is this, just before I woke up this morning I saw a blue box about a chronicle system? Did I imagine it and if not what is it?” I asked.

“Congratulations. To start of the explanation I have to start at the beginning. When worlds become davanced and populated enough they are inducted into the galaxy wide system. Nanites are introduced into the world to make it so the world can be populated by any of the other races in the galaxy. For instance most races dont breathe air with the same characteristics humans do. But with the nanites in the air and in every living thing that doesnt matter anymore and they take care of the conversion.

Something about the radiation from earth’s star did something with the nanites and made them attack any advanced electrical technology, mutate a lot of earths animals and plants and made some of the monster races that were introduced highly aggressive. Now it took us about 150 years to stabilize the nanite programming but in that time 90% of earths population died in war, from monsters or in the beginning it was just no clue how to deal with no technology. It took care of the rapid mutations but we have until now not found anyway to reverse a lot of the damage that was done or to stop the nanites from attack advanced tech on a large scale. Some things like the teleporter you came through are shielded from them but it takes a lot of power to achieve that.”

“So what does that have to do with the chronicle system.” I didnt much mind knowing more about history, as they say knowledge is power, but I wanted to get to my party.


“Im coming to that. Now with the world stabilized but almost worthless on the galactic scale, the administrators decided that in order to fund the research to fix earth it would become a source of entertainment. Highly skilled or interesting individuals get access to the chronicle system, everything you do and think of gets recorded and turned into books or movies for the masses. Now before you think invasion of privacy, the recordings cannot be accessed until 100 years minimum after your true death. As you will learn one of the benefits of the regular system is that you get a certain number of respawns from non-natural death. People dont know how many they have in their lifetime, or what decides how many respawns people get. With you having the chronicle system you have an almost unlimited amount, and you will almost certainly die of natural causes at a very old age. Unless you try and abuse the system.”

“So what do I have to do in return?”

“Just before your true death you will be teleported to a room like this and you will be able to edit or add notations and clarifications to the text. I would also suggest marking out bits of the story that might be boring for readers or viewers so the editors 100 years later have a bit easier time. One other thing to note is that the better the book or movie becomes the more money goes to the restore earth fund. To make sure that none of this will effect how you act this part will be temporarily removed from your memory, as the more natural your reactions are the better it makes the story. You will remember all this when the time comes to put it down on paper tho so dont worry. Until then all you will remember about the chronicle system is that that first introduction that you saw was a dream.”

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