《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 6: Contract


Chapter 6

Hakuya was carried to the infirmary by ten girls. Each girl pulled every part of his body and argued about who should carry him and he fell down each time they fight. Rize saw what the girls did to Hakuya and scolded them. Hakuya’s alone in the infirmary looking in the white ceiling. Rize came in the room.

“You poor thing! There’s no need to worry anymore! Onee-chan’s here now.” (Rize)

“I know it’s rude to ask a girl about her age but how old are you?” (Hakuya)

“I’m 24 years old now~ did you think that I’m the same age as you?” (Rize)

“Yeah, because you look so young.” (Hakuya)

Rize came near Hakuya and she took some medicines and gave it to Hakuya. He looked at Rize and stared at the medicine.

“Take that medicine, it should lessen the pain. I’m sorry for what the girls did. It’s just; it’s rare to see a boy in our school. The students here are all girls.” (Rize)

“Rare? What are you talking about?” (Hakuya)

“A mysterious virus spread in our world and. All the men were killed by this virus, even the demon king died from it but surprisingly the girls weren’t affected at all by this virus.” (Rize)

“No girl died from this virus? That’s crazy.” (Hakuya)

“I know. The current number of boys in this world is less than 150. Boys are now extinct in this world so, many girls try to get their hands on the first boy they see. Thousands of girls already asked Mr. Kirihara to marry them but he refused all of them.” (Rize)

“Oh, so that’s why the girls here are always like that. By the way thanks for the medicine.

“No problem~” (Rize)

Rize smiled at Hakuya but her smile suddenly disappeared when she looked at the window. Hakuya looked in the window and he saw that the sky has turned black but not just the sky, the whole school’s surrounded by darkness.

“Hakuya! Listen to me; I need you to form a contract with your swords right now.” (Rize)

------------------------------------------ Principal’s room

“*sigh* that was quick, they immediately found him huh? This is going to be troublesome. I think I should meet the visitor.” (Kazuya)

Kazuya went out of his room and called Veronica. He told her to evacuate the students to the school’s arena. Veronica did what Kazuya said and all of the students were evacuated to the school’s arena. Kazuya went to the location where he felt the tremendous power. He saw a girl with long black hair, her eyes was brown and she’s wearing a maid outfit.

“Hmmm, what is the business of a gorgeous maid with my school?” (Kazuya)

“Oh my, you’re making me blush Lightning Emperor~” (Maid)

“Just call me Kazuya. May I know your name milady? (Kazuya)

Kazuya winked at the maid and the maid licked her lips while looking at Kazuya.

“What a smooth talker you are Mr. Kazuya but I’m not here to flirt with you, you know?” (Maid)

“Well, what are you here for milady?” (Kazuya)

“Call me Maria. I’m here to get the demon king so if you kindly bring him to me, maybe I’ll leave your school alone. Is that a deal?” (Maria)

“I can’t do that Maria-chan~ he’s a student my school now.” (Kazuya)

“I asked you nicely but you rejected me. Let’s play Lightning Emperor.” (Maria)

“Geez! I told you to call me Kazuya. I’ll gladly play with a gorgeous lady like you~” (Kazuya)


Kazuya smiled and then he summoned Tempest. Kazuya charged at Maria but Maria mumbled something which stopped Kazuya. He felt pain running through his left shoulder and he looked at it and he saw that a black spear was impaled in his shoulder. He pulled out the spear from his shoulder. He jumped back at his original position.

“Tss.” (Kazuya)

“Is this all the Lightning Emperor can do? I’m disappointed.” (Maria)

“We’ll see about that.” (Kazuya)

“Ok~ let’s test your strength.” (Maria)

“Give me your best shot Maria-chan~”

“Hellsgate.” (Maria)

A giant gate appeared and demons came out of it.


“I don’t even know how to form a contract and you’re asking me to make one?” (Hakuya)

“I know this is a bit sudden but please ask your swords to make a contract with you now. They’re here now!” (Rize)

“Who’s here?” (Hakuya)

“Onee-chan’s here! I can feel her presence.” (Zeera)

“Onee-chan? A talking sword like you?” (Hakuya)

“Yeah but she’s stronger than me. She’s the original sword of the demon king, the demonic sword Gram.” (Zeera)

“T-The demonic sword Gram?! I heard that it was destroyed when the first demon king and first hero fought. It’s impossible to restore a relic!” (Rize)

“That was what the hero saw but Onee-chan can make a copy of herself anytime she wants.” (Zeera)

“I can feel two presences outside and they’re fighting right now.” (Lily)

“Hakuya! Please form the contract now!” (Rize)

“I agree. Onee-chan only knows that you’re the demon king but if she discovers that you’re the hero too, she will kill you for sure.” (Zeera)

“Don’t leave me behind~” (Lily)

“Let’s start.” (Hakuya)

“Lie on the bed and close your eyes. After that you will wake up in a dark place where there are two doors. Those two doors are for the two swords you’re going to form a contract with. Good luck~” (Rize)

Hakuya did what Rize told him. He felt Rize’s hands on his bed and he fell asleep. The two swords disappeared and Rize looked at the window.


Hakuya woke in a dark place and there he saw three doors.

“Rize said that I will see two doors but I’m seeing 3 in front of me.

The first door is a white door, the second is a black one and the third is a half black and half white. Hakuya’s instincts were telling him to go to the third door but he thinks that it’s a bad idea. He suddenly heard a girl’s voice.

“You’re late! I’ve been waiting forever!” (Girl)

“Hello?! Who are you?” (Hakuya)

Hakuya asked but there was no response. He heard the voice came from the third door so he came near it and opened it. He was now in a bedroom full of stuff toys. He saw a girl sitting on a bed while holding a stuff toy. The girl stood up and glared at him. He slightly blushed because the girl in front of him is really beautiful. She was taller than him, has snow white skin, blue eyes, Kissable lips, beautiful body but her most stunning point is her voluptuous breast. He wanted to jumped at her and bury his face on her huge mountains but he restrained himself from doing it.

“You’re late! Late! I hate waiting!” (Girl)

“Uhm, are you Zeera or Lily?” (Hakuya)

“I’m crystal, the infinite one.” (Crystal)

“I’m sorry; I entered the wrong room, bye.” (Hakuya)

Hakuya turned around and he didn’t see the door. He turned around and was about to ask Crystal where the exit is but he saw her in front of him smiling. He smiled and Crystal punched him in the face and she started punching him everywhere.


“Ouch! No! Please sto- Ow! Stop!” (Hakuya)

“Idiot! Idiot! You Idiot! You made me wait and you’re telling me that you’re leaving now?! Die! Die!” (Crystal)

“Ouch! I’m sorry! No! I’m really sorry! Ow!” (Hakuya)

The girl stopped punching him. She went to her bed and looked at Hakuya while tapping the bed and her left side. Hakuya went there and sit.

“Form a contract with me King.” (Crystal)

“King? I’m just a commoner.” (Hakuya)

“No, you’re the king that will rule this world.”

“I don’t really get you. By the way, you said that you’re the infinite one? As in the one that the people say when they’re about to summon their weapons?” (Hakuya)

“Yes but we are not called weapons. We are called relics and we need to form a contract with someone compatible with us. I am the first relic, so you can say that I’m the oldest one of all relics.” (Crystal)

“Wow! So you’re the strongest?” (Hakuya)

“You could say that.” (Crystal)

“I have to form a contract with Zeera and Lily quickly so I can’t form one with you.” (Hakuya)

“It’s been two hundred years since I found a human capable of using me. My last partner died 90 years ago. It’s really lonely being alone! Can’t you just make a contract with me?” (Crystal)

“*gulp* Ok.” (Hakuya)

“Yay! Now just stay still.” (Crystal)

“O-Ok.” (Hakuya)

Crystal walked near him and she kissed him in the lips. Hakuya didn’t expect this so he fell down while blushing.

“W-Wha-what was that?!” (Hakuya)

“The contract.” (Crystal)

“The contract is a kiss?!” (Hakuya)

“Yes~” (Crystal)

Hakuya’s left hand suddenly glowed and a tattoo which looked like a dragon appeared. He felt his strength increased. Hakuya smiled which made Crystal giggle.

“What is this? It looks so awesome! And I feel that my power increased.” (Hakuya)

“It’s a sign that you’re contracted to me. If you form a contract with relics, different things can happen. That’s the mark of the infinite. It increased your power a little but it can increase more but that requires the absorption of a high amount of magic from you and it has a time limit.” (Crystal)

“Am I going to transform into a cool knight?! A dragon?” (Hakuya)

“Maybe both ~” (Crystal)

“Awesome! Explain more Crystal!” (Hakuya)

Hakuya’s eyes were sparkling. He watched animes where the main character transforms when he/she uses their special move and he dreamed of it to happen to him.

“I’ll explain more later, they are waiting for you.” (Crystal)

“Oh shit! I forgot about Lily and Zeera! Gotta go! See you Crystal!” (Hakuya)

A door appeared and it’s the same door hakuya came in. He opened it and he is now in a place where the sky is Black and the surroundings are white. He saw two girls; the first one is a little girl. She has a long white hair, pale white skin, her eyes were black and she was wearing a white dress. The other girl is the same height as Hakuya, has long black hair, her eyes were golden yellow, her skin was white and she a sexy body which can make every man fall in love with her with one look. Hakuya came near the little girl.

“You’re Lily, right?” (Hakuya)

“Y-yes.” (Lily)

Hakuya turned around for a moment and he smiled mumbling “she’s too cute!” Lily came in front of him and she pulled his clothes while blushing. Hakuya swallowed all of the saliva in his mouth right now because of the cute scenery in front of him. He wants to hug Lily but he stopped himself. Lily Kept pulling his clothes and Hakuya felt someone hug his back, a soft feeling which made him feel that he’s in heaven. He turned around a saw the other girl on his back.

“You can’t ignore me! Meanie!” (Girl)

“Zeera?!” (Hakuya)

“Correct~ what made you took so long?” (Zeera)

“It’s a long story, so I’ll tell you later.” (Hakuya)

Zeera licked Hakuya’s ears while hugging him and pressing her two huge mountains against his back. Hakuya Felt the sweet sensation which made him a little horny, so he tried to escape from Zeera’s embrace but her strength is monstrous.

“You’re not going anywhere~” (Zeera)

“Please don’t do this to me!” (Hakuya)

“Don’t ignore me Hakuya!” (Lily)

Hakuya saw Lily pouted and was she was about to cry. He looked away because of her cuteness. “Holy Shit! Beast of the night don’t wake up on me now!” was on his mind because of Zeera, who was doing erotic things and because of Lily’s cuteness. Lily stopped pulling his clothes and Started hugging him too. Hakuya’s mind is about to go blank because of this two girls.

“Hey! Stop hugging Hakuya, you brat!” (Zeera)

“Get away from him you bitch!” (Lily)

Hakuya stared at Lily thinking “Did I hear it right? Lily called Zeera a bitch? That can’t be right.” Lily noticed that Hakuya was shocked by what she said because she acted like a little child. She grabbed Hakuya’s arm and dragged him away from Zeera.

“Hakuya~ Zeera’s mean to me!” (Lily

“Huh?! Me? Mean to you? You just called me a bitch!” (Zeera)

“I don’t remember calling you one~ right Hakuya?” (Lily)

“Well, I don’t really know....” (Hakuya)

Zeera pulled Hakuya from Lily and she buried Hakuya’s face between her breasts. Lily glared at Zeera but Zeera just grinned at her.

“Hakuya’s mine so vanish you brat!” (Zeera)

“You’re the one who should vanish! The world doesn’t need a bitch like you!” (Lily)

Hakuya tried to escape from Zeera’s embrace but he failed again. He is reaching his limits and the beast inside of him will wake up any second so he gathered all of his power and jumped. He managed to escape from Zeera’s grip but he saw the two looking at his lower body. The beast has awakened.

“Oh my! That’s really cute! Let me touch it!” (Zeera)

“W-Wha-What are you going to touch?!” (Lily)

“I need to form the contract quickly! I just need to kiss them but there is one problem, Zeera’s monstrous strength. If she manages to hold me down its game over so I have to do something!” (Hakuya)

SFX: Mission Impossible

Hakuya inhaled and exhaled. While Zeera was slowly approaching, he ran as fast as he can to Lily and kissed her.

“Mmmm~” (Lily)

Hakuya’s eyes begun to glow but he felt nothing. He faced Zeera ran in front of her and Zeera ran to. He kissed her quickly, crouched and he rolled under her feet. He saw a door appeared, he ran there and opened the door. A white light appeared and he fell unconscious.


“Hakuya! Hakuya!” (girl)

He woke up and saw Rize in front of him. He stood up and sighed.

“How long did I take?” (Hakuya)

“About 15 minutes. I have to ask you one thing.” (Rize)

“Ok.” (Hakuya)

“Why do you have the mark of the infinite? (Rize)

“It’s a long story. By the way what happened when I was asleep?” (Hakuya)

“The students were evacuated to the school’s arena, half of the academy is destroyed and strong demons appeared.” (Rize)

While they were talking, three girls suddenly appeared. Hakuya’s eyes widen when he saw them.

“Yahallo~” (Crystal)

“Hakuya~ did you miss me? Who’s this bitch? Not to mention, hers is bigger than mine.” (Zeera)

“You calling yourself a bitch?” (Lily)

“Shut up!” (Zeera)

“I’m not a bitch!” (Crystal)

“How did you three?” (Hakuya)

“Relics can transform into human form or any other form but some can’t.” (Crystal)

While was explaining, they heard a loud explosion. They looked at the window and they saw the scarlet guards retreating because all of them are critically injured.

“I’ll explain more later. Enemies are approaching.” (Crystal)

“Crystal disappeared while Lily and Zeera transformed into sword mode. Hakuya noticed that his right hand change a little. His right arm has gauntlet with two red orbs embedded in it but one thing he’s thinking about is what the change in his eyes is. He felt nothing and his vision is normal, it’s like nothing happened. He was about to ask Lily when the door of the infirmary was suddenly destroyed. Hordes of demons came in but the last one that came in was not a demon, it was a woman with black hair, who’s wearing a maid outfit. Rize came in front of Hakuya.

“Don’t use your relics. You might attract more. Remember, you’re the one they’re after.” (Rize)

“Ok.” (Hakuya)

“Receiving the blessing of the infinite! Lend me your power and Crush my enemies! Come forth! Gandiva!” (Rize)

Thousands of arrows appeared and it hit all of the demons killing them one by one. An armoured man carrying a large bow while riding an armoured horse appeared and it came near Rize. It took form of a bow. The maid they saw disappeared and Rize ran outside to see where the maid went.


“Fufu~ you’re really strong but not strong enough to defeat me!” (Maria)

“Well, I can’t really put a scar on your beautiful face.” (Kazuya)

“Thanks for the compliment~” (Maria)

The battle between the two continued and it nearly destroyed the whole academy. Kazuya’s body was full of wounds and so much blood was dripping out them. He tried to stand straight but the pain in his whole body was preventing him. Maria doesn’t have a single wound or even a scratch.

“Thunder Cyclone.” (Kazuya)

“Black Mirror.” (Maria)

A huge black mirror appeared in front of Maria. It produced a cyclone identical to Kazuya’s thunder cyclone. The two cyclones clashed but Kazuya’s thunder cyclone was overwhelmed by Maria’s thunder cyclone and when it was about to hit Kazuya, he smiled.

“Thunder Barrier.” (Kazuya)

The thunder cyclone disappeared after hitting the barrier. Maria walked towards Kazuya while laughing.

“Hahahaha! You’re really good! That cyclone was five times stronger than the one you released but you managed to depend against it. I guess you deserve the nickname lightning emperor after all. By the way, times up~ I found the demon king so bye~” (Maria)

“Like I’ll let yo-“ (Kazuya)

Two spears were hit Kazuya’s feet and he fell into the ground.

“She really got me... Hakuya the rest is up to you.” (Kazuya)

Kazuya was about to close his eyes when a girl suddenly punched him. He looked at the girl who punched him and it was Veronica.

“Ow! Vero-chan what’s that for? Can’t you see that I’m severely injured?” (Kazuya)

“I watched the battle and you didn’t fight seriously. Just what are you planning?” (Veronica)

“The new king should have experience in real combat or he cannot rule this world.” (Kazuya)

“King? Who?” (Veronica)

“You didn’t feel that the infinite has formed a contract with someone? I felt it and she was in the infirmary a few minutes ago.” (Kazuya)

“So you’re telling me that Hakuya formed the contract with the infinite?” (Veronica)

“Maybe~ hahahaha!” (Kazuya)


“Where did she go?” (Rize)

Currently, Rize and Hakuya were searching for the maid. They were walking on the hallway when they both felt a presence behind them. They both turned around and saw the maid. She was smiling at Hakuya and she started walking towards him. Her body was the same as Crystal’s so Hakuya’s nose began to bleed while thinking “why are all the girls here so beautiful? Why are they so sexy? Is this a test? If it is then please stop it!”

“I’m Maria and I’m here to free you milord.” (Maria)

“He’s not coming with you so leave now!” (Rize)

“Don’t get in my way human! I’ll kill you!” (Maria)

“Not if I kill you first!” (Rize)

“Let’s see about that~” (Maria)

Rize aimed her bow at Maria and started attacking.

“Blazing Arrows!” (Rize)

“Black Sphere.” (Maria)

A Tiny Black ball appeared and all the arrows were absorbed by it. It became bigger and bigger every time it absorbs her attacks. Hakuya noticed it but it was too late. The black ball is now huge.

“Will you let me take the Demon king or do I have destroy this place first and kill everyone?” (Maria)

“..........” (Rize)

“I won’t come with you Maria so please leave now.” (Hakuya)

Hakuya stepped in front of Rize and He glared at Maria.

“I can’t do that. My master said to retrieved you at all cost. I don’t want to fight but if you will make this hard to me then I have no choice.” (Maria)

“I won’t hold back.” (Hakuya)

“Hakuya! Don’t do th-“ (Rize)

Rize stopped when Hakuya glared at her. He looked her in the eye and patted her shoulders.

“Don’t you want to save the students? Do you want the academy to be destroyed? Just trust me ok? Go to the school’s arena and help the students there. Leave this maid to me.” (Hakuya)

“O-ok.” (Rize)

Rize started to run and but she stopped and looked at Hakuya.

“I am the one who the infinite chose; I am the king that will rule this world. My enemies will see heaven and hell. Come forth....” (Hakuya)

A black hole appeared at the right side of Hakuya and a black sword covered with chains came out of the hole while a white hole appeared at his left side and a white sword covered with chains appeared too. He pulled both swords out and when the chains broke, the sky turned black and the whole place where he is standing was destroyed. The black sword on his right hand emitted a black aura while the sword on his left hand emitted a white aura. Rize saw this and she didn’t believe how strong Hakuya is. His aura was terrifying; it was half white and half black. Hakuya looked so serious but on the inside he was screaming “I’m so awesome!!!”

“So you’re the hero too huh? I didn’t expect this.” (Maria)

Rize started running again because the battle is about to begin. Hakuya pointed both of his swords at Maria.

“If I beat you leave at once but if I lose I’ll quietly come with you.” (Hakuya)

“Hope you don’t regret fighting me~ some of your bones are gonna break but I’ll fix it at the castle so don’t worry.” (Maria)

Maria winked at Hakuya and she licked her lips. Hakuya charged at Maria.

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