《Army of the Fallen》The Fallen


Crater Valley, given such name due to the huge centering hole, through which lies the only safe passage from the "Untamed Land's" into the Kingdom of Florent. Normally the passage is used by high ranking adventurers to journey and explore beyond the kingdom in hopes of searching for treasures and miscellaneous materials that they can sell later in the capital. However, lately it has become a warzone between the forces of the Kingdom of Florent and the Hopgoblin tribes, despite the weekly patrols that were diligently sent by order of the kingdom it was still impossible to eradicate the continously growing population of the goblins whom could mate with almost any humanoid species in the world at an extremely rapid rate.

Then out of nowhere, somehow the goblins were smart enough to allow their numbers to grow so big that the entire monster subjugation platoon was forced into action, leaving a huge dent in the military of Florent. However it hadn't ended their, currently sighting some Hopgoblin remnants from the invasion three weeks ago is an adventurer group which has just newly arrived at the Kingdom in hopes of leaving behind their past and setting a name for themselves in Florent. They've taken on a quest from direct order of the royalty of Florent what awaits them now with the threat that they face.

"Hey do you see the enemy up ahead Katie."(Leeroy)

"I'd be a failure of a Ranger if I hadn't seen them before you."(Katie)

Katie said so while standing on the branch of a tree and taking aim at the opponents which were atleast 20 meters ahead of her.

"Alright now... Aaaaand, pop goes the goblin, hahaha."(Katie)

Stated the Ranger as she released three arrows from her bow. The arrows flew with precision striking one goblin in the head and piercing the backs of the others, the goblins fell to the ground due to the force from the push of the arrows. The final goblin just as it was beginning to turn around received another arrow to the head felling him instantly.

"Alright smooth as always girl."(Leeroy)

"And don't you forget it. "(Katie) 'High fives Leeroy'

" Ah bullocks seems I won't be getting any action from this guy's I knew they were to weak for us."(Chazz)

"Well I think it's better, and less of a hassle this way so keep it up Katie."(Jerry)

"So whose getting the ears, Tobi says not him."(Tobi)

"Not it."(Leeroy)

"Not it." (Katie)

"Not it. "(Chazz)

"Boohoo. Fine I get it I'll go."(Jerry)

Reluctantly going to retrieve the ears Jerry took out the knife that was in the sheath locayed on his hip, he approached the site with caution in case there were other goblins near and took one final look around as he arrived were the goblins layed motionless on the floor.

"Don't know if you were strong or not, but thank you for your sacrifice."

Jerry gave a small prayer to the goblins before getting close and cutting the ear off, of the goblin that had managed to turn around, he'd noticed something strange though, the monsters face was currently covered with maggots and it as a whole was rotting, he became disgusted thinking that the goblin might have a disease or curse and how it might spread to him. However he resolved himself to take the ear because he had to prove to his brother that he was a true man despite always being mistaken for a girl by every guy he met, he thought to himself that this couldn't stop him so he simply grabbed the lodged arrow in the head and begun cutting it's ear off.


A noise was heard something began moving behind him, something that should have been dead and yet wasn't. Sensing that his life was in danger Jerry quickly moved behind the corpse of the rotting goblin and there he saw another goblin however compared to the one that layed on the ground rotting this one was worse off as the rotting had been so bad that it's jaw was hanging loose. Stricken with fear Jerry began trembling as he watched the rotting goblin approach him while crawling, this made Jerry cry out effeminately.



Having a pleasant talk with Chazz about what type of wine and ale they'd be drinking tonight. Leeroy laughed merrily until he heard a girlish scream come from the direction his brother was at.

"Kat what's happening, is Jerry okay?!"(Leeroy)

"Shut up Im trying to aim, dammit... Hoooffff. "(Katie)


An arrow flew straight out from her bow once again across the treeline that covered her vision and directly into the back of the head of the goblin, leaving it's lifted left arm without any power and making it fall to the ground on top of the corpse of the other goblin.

"Ha, hahaha, hahaha, im alive. I was so scared *Sobs* Dammit I couldn't do anything. 'Why? I don't want to be the one getting saved all the time, I don't want to be a burden on big brother dammit' *continues sobbing*. Dammit stop crying Jerry they'll be coming here soon."(Jerry)

"JERRY, JERRY, JEEERRRRYYYY, Jerry! Oh gods thank you, your alright, right Jerry? What happened are you alright? Dammit Katie what happened I thought you took care of the Goblins."(Leeroy)

"Brother enough! Don't blame Katie I'm also an adventurer, it was my fault for not checking the goblin correctly, seeing if it was dead or not."(Jerry)


"Hold on there Jerry I've seen you checking corpses before and I know you can tell wether somethings dead or not. The problem is that this thing's have been dead for a couple of weeks and I'd say exactly three weeks."(Katie)

"Oy Katie lass, we all seen them bastards standing. What are you saying?"(Chazz)

"Tobi feels some bizarre and twisted magic here everyone, be careful."(Tobi)

"Oy lass what we're you talking about obviously it couldn't have been dead it was walking around without a care in the world."(Chazz)

"Look, im showing you the facts the corpse has been rotting for three weeks now, look at it's face you can even check its temperature and tell that it isn't even hot, a body that isn't hot after death isn't a living body."(Katie)

"Arrrr, what the hell is going on here?"(Chazz)

"Don't ignore Tobi fools, the magic is acting up again."(Tobi)

"What did you say Tobi, whats happening?"(Leeroy)

"Shhh quiet everyone Tobi feels something coming up again. Don't say anything and don't move. Tobi has never felt magic this ominous before."(Tobi)


Eerie silence filled the area that surrounded them, nothing could be heard with the exception of the flies that were flying over the rotting corpses that surrounded the area. No one moved or said a word, all following what Tobi had said because they understood the serious tone of his words.

1, 2,.. 5 seconds passed nothing had happened yet the group stayed put observing the surroundings in case anything happened yet nothing did.

"Something is wrong this magic wasn't used right now. It seems to have been used during a moment of great conflict, yes the recent invasion. [Oh Meras father of nature grant us protection from curses: Minor Protection]. "(Tobi)


" Ruaaa aaaargh. "(???)

Tobi casted his magic and another of the goblins got up as if reacting to it . It roared rather unintelligently like a wild beast and tried dragging itself towards the group, however it was instantly cleaved in half through the shoulder by Chazz's trusty axe Murmiir which had struck the ground and carved in quite deep unto the earth; it was a testament to both the skill of it's wielder and the weight of the weapon.

"Ha. Nothing to worry abou... Aaah fucks sake what the hell?! "

Thinking that the goblin had been taken care of, Chazz was gloating in victory until he was grabbed by one of the hands of the still living goblin which was attached to the left part of the torso, of the monster. Chazz was shocked, no rather everyone else was shocked as well, the goblin that had been cleaved in two and only had a small portion of it's body connected to it's head which by now should be dead but was not, it was still moving; and rather viciously too as it tried dragging itself on one arm separating its body from the other half which was still split by the axe, and giving a loud Roar as it did.


The goblins roar was so loud that they actually had to cover their ears as it finished roaring. The angered Chazz came back to his senses, picked up his axe again this time slashed at it's head.

"Ha again, you little shit try coming back from that."(Chazz)

"Shhh silence hear. "(Tobi)

" Huh?"(Chazz)

'Moaning in the distance'.

"Uhm guys I don't think it was alone."(Leeroy)

"Ruaaaaaaagggghhhh. "(Monsters)

" Shit, where do we run?"(Leeroy)

"Guys that passage over there is the only escape there is, everything else is just trees and mountains."(Jerry)

"Then it's onwards from here, everybody got their weapons on the ready."



"Re, ready"(Jerry)

"Ready. "(Tobi)

"Then let's charge with everything we've got, everyone saw how Katie took those two down with the head shot, well I think that's the trick to this goblins, focus on deep hits just in case."(Leeroy)

"Chargeeee!!! "


Charging through the shambling corpses of Hopgoblins and Kingdom Knights was no easy task for the group of adventurers. While Leeroy and Chazz focused on the front for defense, decapitating as many of the dead as they could, Jerry whom had finally gotten over the fear from before began focusing on support by picking off any of the ones who got past there defense, he skillfully inserted his knifes through their necks and up the brain thanks to the fact that none of the walking dead were actually capable of any fast movement. Meanwhile in the far back were Katie and Tobi whom were picking of far away targets with precision headshots and wide range magic.

"Tobi doesn't get it, even the kingdom soldiers are getting back up and attacking us they were all truly dead we checked that as well. Tobi thought It was only the goblins but it seems that whatever this foul magic is, it doesn't differentiate between species."(Tobi)

"Hyaaaaah, look it doesn't matter, what we've got to do is report whatever this is to the guild it's obviously a great threat seeing how they don't die unless we cut the head off or destroy the brain."(Leeroy)

"Fool, fire magic is quite effective Tobi will have you know."(Tobi)

"Tobi not the time, come on were almost at the edge of this passage the corpses shouldn't appear after this area keep going."(Leeroy)


"Ri, right waaa aaaah!!!"(Jerry)


" BROTHER!!" (Jerry)

Being grabbed by the ankle, by a dead soldier of the kingdom Jerry cried out again loudly for his brother to hear him, while Leeroy rushed at him as quickly as he could he was stopped by the army of corpses that kept surrounding Jerry blocking off any safe way for Leeroy to possibly go through as well as being stopped by Chazz and Katie. And then everything went black for Jerry.


Jerry's POV:

No way I was grabbed this can't be happening, the strength of this creatures is unrelenting, Oh my gods. I'm so scared, I'm so scared, so scared, so scared, scared, scared, scared. Aaaaaah it bit me dammit im scared again brother save me, brother where are you? There you are, yes please save me im not as strong as you please brother save me, please can't you see it's hurting me, no worse it's killing me. Brother please it hurts he's chewing my bone now Aaaaaah the pain is so strong brother I can't see you now, more are chewing on me now aaah it hurts, it hurt, hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts, no stop don't leave me brother please. Wait Chazz, Katie what are you doing? help him save me don't you see me im still alive, can't you see I'm dying because you're not doing anything, no; don't, don't, stop don't leave me, why, why are you leaving? No stop please Im dying 'sobs' I'm dying, im dying dammit, Don't do this you bastards please im begging , Im crying and begging please anything just anything please just dont leave me behind Im, Im, Im, im dead.


A black void filled Jerry's existence, in that endless void there was nothing but the howling of creatures which Jerry could not perceive, in this void filled with nothing but the howling and moanings of strange beings Jerry was alone. Despite hearing every now and then the strange noises from creatures which where there and yet not there, Jerry could do nothing but reflect on his life, how he'd been abandoned by his parents along with his brother, how they're every day life was a struggle due to the hostile environment of Nordstrum towards beggar children, how they were forced to do things and endure beatings from people who were stronger than them, how they'd bonded immensely through their hardships, the way they looked out for each other as best they could, the friends they'd made, and then the betrayal which followed, the intense pain of being eaten alive, the army that was devouring and clawing at him in all literal sense. The pain he'd felt by being betrayed by those he considered friends and family, being abandoned to be devoured by those creatures as a distraction. This were the thoughts that Jerry held and reflected while on this void. Hatred filled his being, the moaning and howling became whispers of corruption, twisting his thoughts he saw how weak that supposed bond they had was. Companions were meaningless, blood betrayed blood, it was not something he could accept and yet it happened. He began resenting the ones who live on and yet he could not, no he would have none of it. If given the chance of living again he would like to inflict the same pain that he'd gone through; if only he was given the chance; and then the darkness called to him.

"Join me"(???)

"Why should I? "(Jerry)

"Do you not resent, do you not hate, do you not think it unfair, your death."(???)

"I do, I resent those who live while I cannot, I hate all life that currently lives while I cannot, yes it was unfair, I trusted them wholly and this is where it got me. Where I to live again I would consume them so they could feel a fraction of what I felt."(Jerry)

"No, do not live, but rise while dead."(???)

"I do not care for your games creature."(Jerry)

"Become one who surpasses death, become one who resents and hates all life."???)

"Why should I, so I can be just like those that consumed me."(Jerry)

"Yes, do you not see, rise and cause chaos your very being will be non living a creature born out of death an Undead, undying, become one who has ascended life and accepted death so that you yourself can destroy it."(???)

"Fine then, I accept your offer. I will become like those who consumed me and spread despair to all living beings."(Jerry)

"Then it is decided, you will join those who have fallen from the grace of life, you will spread death throughout the land so now, I command you. Rise, rise from your death, consume and spread death to all corners of the world."(???)

"Hmmm, what the?"(Jerry)

After the mysterious entity commanded Jerry to rise he became able to see the creatures that were moaning. Dark entities filled with countless faces of despair over their dark ethereal bodies they wrapped around his very being encroaching upon his soul until suddenly he opened his eyes again. He stared at the world through eyes that were no longer alive, lifting himself up among all the other shambling corpses that surrounded him he looked around wih his head slightly leaning on his shoulder, his movements were uncoordinated and disoriented, his right leg was chewed on to the bone making him limp amd shamble as he walked, his chest had been clawed out exposing his thorax which had been slightly consumed revealing his non beating heart, his gut barely hanged onto his intestines and overall one could see that he should not be walking due to the seriousness of his injuries.

And yet he did, just like all the other creatures that shambled around him he was no longer alive and had given up his soul due to his hatred, a hatred which consumed his mind damning him to walk around despising life and wishing to consume it. Because of that he walked forward, he kept on walking forward or more like limping forward as he neither had the muscle to support a normal walk nor the intelligence to do so yet he still stayed up limping forward. Why? Because of one thing, the one piece of instinct the darkness had imparted on all who accepted it. Hatred and hunger, hatred towards the living and a hunger to spread themselves by consuming others and because of that Jerry kept on limping until he could perfom this once, twice, or infinitely it did not matter to him for he only had that one final instinct that was indoctrinated into him while in the void. Because of this he hungered, and because of this he hated.

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