《I am a genius so I don't need a strong cheat to survive》Chapter 2: Job hunting! Your first job is important to build your foundation so choose well!
Today, I walked around the village together with Falay. I decided to cut my hair short just in case there are soldiers looking for me around here. It was hard for me, since I really love my long and silky hair, but this is for the sake of survival and besides, my current hair is supposed to grow quickly so this should be okay. I also stored my cut hair since its mana gathering function was still working, making my engineer spirit to awaken.
Anyways, the important part is that the walk only lasted less than a hour.
Yup, way too short. The village is incredibly small, with only fifty small houses so its natural that the tour ended that quickly.
The few families around here sustain themselves with their own small farms, to the point that the only shop here is the one connected to the only administrative building here, the Adventurer Association branch office.
For a village that is only a few days from the capital on carriage to be this small is weird, but the most abnormal thing is that huge mansion near the forest. I still don’t know how Rechia managed to get a house that big in a village as small as this.
That only shop in the village sells some healing potions that cost around five thousand Wion and some camping equipment which are at least ten thousand Wion. It doesn’t sell a single book. I asked for the price of a book, but they are not only difficult to get, but they are also very expensive, a single book of elemental magic costs around fifty thousand Wion.
Moving to the branch office, I found that there are some jobs that anybody can do as long as one registers himself as an adventurer.Those jobs are similar to the quests that appears on games like gathering materials or killing some beasts or monsters, but the jobs a newbie without a guild like me can take are only the ones that gives a few thousands Wion as a reward, definitely lower than Rechia’s salary.
The one that gives the most amount of money is the goblin hunting quest which gives me three thousand Wion for each thirty goblin that I kill. Actually, If I were to hunt ninety goblins per day then my monthly income would be better than me becoming a maid, but even if I could somehow manage to kill that many monsters per day, it would be impossible for me to carry that many corpses with me each day.
I was tempted of trying to live as an adventurer, but those books that Rechia offered me are too good to refus, thus I had no other choice than to return to that mansion and accept that disgusting job. But I am definitely returning after ending my job to join as an adventurer, since registering oneself as an adventurer gives one an identification card. The only reason that I didn't joined yet is because I need to pay an initiation money and because I want my identification card to have my real name, Song Eun-Ha, instead of Wys.
When we returned to the mansion, Falay went to look for Hugo while I walked towards Rechia's room which is on the second floor, only to fall into a hellish situation.
"Why do you look so resigned? This is an incredibly high pay job you know?" Rechia amusedly asked.
“It’s because of that uniform you had prepared. Don’t tell me that you made me go outside only because you wanted to prepare that crap," I angrily said in Talkian.
Yup, I can speak some basic Talkian now. Falay was surprised by my quick learning, but this feat was mostly thanks to this wonderful ring, the communication ring. But right now, I could care less about this ring, there is a more pressing matter right in front of me in the form of a dreadful costume.
"How rude, this is a lovely uniform" Rechia said with her eyes gleaming a dangerous light.
Right now, me and Rechia are on a her room doing my job interview.
What she is showing me as one of the condition to work is a shameless maid costume whch barely covers the chest and is just a few centimeters of exposing my navel.
"What uniform?! That's almost the same as underwear! I am not wearing that thing!" I said in a loud voice which sounded more high pitched than I wished.
Yes, that thing is an obscene thing that I only saw in a special kind of shop and... in Carla's closet for some reason.
"I am not going to let you work if you don't wear this," Rechia said while releasing a creepy aura.
"Why!? I can work perfectly without that crap!" I immediately complained with some disgust in my voice that I didn't even tried to hide.
"Because this way is more interesting", Rechia said with her usual huge grin.
"I am not doing this," I stated and turned around to leave this room.
But before I could touch the door, Rechia said "So you are not interested in the slightest about my books?"
"Let me have a look on your library before saying anything more," I said supressing my desire to run away from that pervert.
Hearing my answer, Rechia got incredibly happy and led me to her library.
The key to open that lock was hidden inside her bosom. I have to admit that it was sexy in how she took it out, if only her personality weren't like that...
When she opened the door, I took a peek inside.
The amount of book stored here was almost the same as the one in a small library. Is not that much, but considering how expensive those books are, this place is amazing.
"Hehe, impressed aren't you?" Rechia said smugly.
"I don't know how to read so I don't know how precious this is," I said trying to hide my surprise.
"As a gift, I will teach you how to read, then you can decide if is worth it to work here," Rechia said confidently while walking towards a set of chair and desk.
That's going to be useful. I thought that she planned to make learn to read by myself to make me work here longer.
"Thank you," I said and followed after her.
Rechia sat down on the only chair disponible here and took a notebook and quill that was on top of the desk. Then she proceeded to write a bunch of letters that I recently saw on the Adventurer Association.
What surprised me is that those letters are similar to Greek. Not only their spoken language, but for even their written language to be similar can't be coincidence.
After Rechia finished to write everything she read out loud every single letter while pointing at them.
"Rechia, can I borrow some paper and ink?" I asked after she finished reading.
"Each bottle and notebook is going to be discounted from your wage," Rechia said with a joking tone.
Well, only her tone was joking, but I am sure that she is being serious.
"Hey, weren't you going to cover my living expenses too?" I asked defiantly.
"Those tools are expensive and they definitely are not living expenses. Don't worry, I will only charge five thousand per notebook and ink bottle, which is cheap," Rechia said smiling.
Haa, in a country where books are scarce is obvoius that paper and ink is going to be scarce too.
"I still haven't accepted the job," I said annoyed while walking around the room.
Rechia just smiled and followed after me.
This library really has a little of everything, well everything except cooking book. There are tidily organized by their subject. Since my Talkian is still at the basic level I won't be able to understand technical books so I guess I have to stick with the picture encyclopedias and some novels, being the latter her main collection.
Seriously, half of this library are novels. At first I thought that they were history books, but with the first three books that I thought were history books, Rechia said "That one is so romantic that I almost cried," and "Nice taste, this is the best love story that you can find," and "I want to read this one again, let's read it together in your free time okay?"
Doesn't she has any other novel that aren't romantic?
Anyways, after walking around the library once I reached my decision.
"Haah, okay. I will accept the job," I said with a resigned voice.
"I knew you would say that," Rechia said with a triumphant voce.
How I hate that voice.
"Your room is the same one that Falay prepared for you. Your work uniform is on my room, but before going you have to sign this," Rechia said in an office lady like voice and took a scroll from the desk.
"Is that perhaps a..." I wanted to say contract, but I still don't know that word.
"This is a contract, something like a promise that you are going to work for me and I am going to pay you. Don't worry there is nothing weird, I made it just in case some law enforcers comes here," Rechia said casually.
Looking at that scroll I can see that it is indeed a normal piece of paper without any magical gimmick.
"Can I read it please?" I asked casually to avoid her seeing my doubtful state.
"Of course, in fact that's the norm before signing. Is a relief that I don't need to teach you that, ah but can you read already?," Rechia said incredibly happy.
As if you would teach me something properly. I wanted to say, but she did teach me about the current war state and how to read so I swallowed my complains.
I took the contract and tried to read it. There were many technical parts which I had to ask Rechia its meaning.
I know that is dangerous to trust in someone I barely know with stuffs like this, but I feel that she doesn't lie.
Yes, Rechia hides a lot of stuffs, but I don't think that she lies. It's just a gut feeling, but I trust my insticts.
The contract in summary stated my wage, my free time, my rights as worker and Rechia's rights as the employer.
The duration of this contract are twenty seven days. My wage is two hundred thousand Wion as promised and the meal and lodging are included. My work time is from 07:00 to 13:00 then from 14:00 to 26:00. I am allowed to rest in the middle of my work time if I don't have anything to do, but Rechia can order me to do something even on my free time. This world has twenty seven hours per day. The first thirteen are the morning hour, the fourteen hour is the noon period and the last thirteen hour is the afternoon. This nation's laws forbid to make someone work on the noon period. Rechia can't order me to do crimes or stuffs that would harm me, unless is related to the uniform she showed me today. I tried to say that making me wear that stupid maid uniform is going to damage my mental health so she made that special clause in an instant. That reeks of illegal practice, but I don't have any money to get a lawyer nor do I know the laws of this nation. Rechia also can't order me to do anything sexual as long as it doesn't involve that stupid maid uniform. That part of the uniform was written as a special clause after I mentioned that thing is an erotical and fetishist costume. I am free to use any tools that she provides me and if I lack a tool she needs to provide me with one or offer me a different solution without the use of that tool.
Besides the maid uniform thing, the contract seems safe so I signed it. Rechia also signed and then she split the contract in half from the thin side, revealing that the contract was in fact two pieces of paper stuck together.
"This is your copy, now get to work," Rechia said with a huge grin.
"Understand boss," I replied in a polite tone of voice.
I am her servant now so I am going to try to be polite. Work is work after all and more importantly I don't want her berating me for not doing my job properly and then imposing other strange things to me as compensation.
"Boss? Hmm, it doesn't sound right. A maid shouldn't call the employer boss," Rechia said while stroking her chin.
"Then what should I call you? Milady like what Falay does?" I asked.
"No. Only my personal attendant is allowed to call me Milady," Rechia said thoughtfully with her eyes closed.
Personal attendant? Just what is Falay and Rechia's relationship then? Maybe is the thing I imagined before?
"I know!" Rechia said interrupting my dirty thoughts, then she continued what she was saying with a excited voice "Master. Yup, a maid should properly call their master Master!"
"Is that your fetish, Master?" I asked feeling a little disgusted.
"What happened with your polite tone from before?" Rechia, no Master asked with honest curiosity.
Is she really wondering the reason?
"It's just difficult to be polite when faced with such a perverted master like you Master," I honestly explained with a strained smile, trying my best to be polite.
"A maid is not supposed to talk towards her master like that," Master said without seeming to care about my tone of voice.
"A man should not be a maid in the first place," I quickly rebuked with a tired voice.
"A man should not be as pretty as you in the first place," Master said, imitating my tone of voice.
She is definitely making fun of me.
"I wll start with the job immediately. This house is big and I noticed that is dusty so I need to start quick," I said to stop me from exploding form irritation.
"Of course it is dusty, this house is to big for Falay to clean alone," Master said as if it were a matter of fact.
Then you should have hired someone before! Ahh, that's why she hired me. But are two people enough to clean this place? I know that I can clean this place using modern tools, but it should be too taxing for the average person.
"How did Falay managed to take care of her farm while making this place to look presentable?" I asked curiously.
"She has mastery in some basic elemental magic so she can clean faster than the average maid. She is a really special kid" Falay answered proudly.
Cleaning with magic. I see.
"Master, teach me how to use elemental magic too. The contract states that you should give me the tools to work right?" I asked calmly, hiding my excitement.
"You should ask Falay for that. I am a master of healing magic, but I suck in every other field of magic while Falay is loved by the spirits to the point that there is no magic that she is weak against. She should be more suited to teach you than me," Master said without showing any hints of joking.
I don't even know what spirits are, but from the way she said it, Falay must be something like a wiz kid.
"I understand Master. I will ask Falay to instruct me on this," I answered and turned around to leave the place.
But before I approached the door Master said "Wait," stopping my actions.
"What is it Master?" I asked with the most polite smile I could muster.
"Receiving instructions of how to use magic is part of your work, that means that you need to don your uniform," Master said gleefully.
Almost! I was almost able to slip away!
After that Master lead me to her room and gave me my new work uniform. I gurdgingly wore that shameless costume and applied some make up to hide my original face since I definitely don't want my real face to be seen together with this kind of clothes.
It goes without saying that I kicked Master out of her room when I was changing.
"What... What is this!? This is so cute!" Falay squealed in a high pitched tone.
"Fufufu. As expected of you. You really understand my sense of fashion, Falay." Master said with a mix between proud and happiness.
"Hinata-san. Is wearing that kind of clothes your hobby?" Hugo said without even looking at me.
"As hell it is! This is part of my job!" I angrly berated to Hugo in Japanese.
Hearing me, Master was just laughing while Falay was feeling a little apologetic from her earlier actions.
Since I was still using the ring and I wasn't trying to block anyone, Falay and Master should have understood what I said.
"Job?" Hugo asked a little confused.
"Ah yeah, I tried to avoid mentioning it to you. I accepted to work as a maid to pay for our medical fees. You should pay me back with interst okay?" I said while rubbing my forehead in annoyance.
"Erm... didn't we agreed to null the medical fees?" Falay asked as confused as Hugo.
"I am just joking around. He would realize that I am lying by himself so don't worry about it," I calmly explained it to Falay in Talkian.
Hugo looked confused since he couldn't understand what I said.
"Anyways, why the hell are you here instead of resting on your bed?" I said in Japanese in a scolding manner towards Hugo.
"I feel that I won't recover quickly if I keep sleeping. I need to move my body around to heal faster," Hugo said as if he was making some excuses towards a teacher.
"And that's why you are working here in the farm?" I asked getting irritated by his answer.
Is it my idea or lately I am doing nothing more than getting either annoyed or irritated?
Right now, the four of us are in the little farm that has been taken care by Falay. After I finished my preparations for work, I and Master went to look for Falay. The first place we decided to check on was in the room where Hugo was sleeping, but neither of them were present there. I sharpened my senses the most I could and heard some noises on Falay's farm. There we found Falay watering her vegetables while Hugo was cleaning the henhouse.
"I wanted to stop him, but Hokuto insisted in helping," Falay said guiltily, but a moment her face showed some anger and approached me and then she said "That's right! His name is not Hugo, but Hokuto! Do you know how embarrassing it was that I kept calling him Hugo without knowing that it was just some silly nickname?!" in the same scolding tone that she used towards Master
"Ah that's right. I keep calling him Hugo so I kinda forgot his name. Well, he will get used to it," I nonchalantly replied to her.
"More importantly, you two should reflect on your actions. Hugo you are injured so you should rest and obey the people nursing you, not bother them. Getting your wounds worse by trying to look cool in front of a girl is plain stupid. And Falay, no matter how much he insisted, you shouldn't have let Hugo to help you. Hugo's wounds could have been opened again and is not sanitary at all to make an injured person to clean a henhouse. Even if the language barrier makes communication difficult, transmitting and understanding simple things like stop and rest should be easy," I scolded Falay and Hugo in a serious tone in my scolding position where I place my hands on my hips.
"You are right, sorry," Falay apologized after I finished with my scolding while slightly bowing her head.
"Urg... sorry," Hugo also apologized and imitated what Falay did.
I don't want to hear their apologies, but that those kids understand what they did wrong. I even held back my urge to punch Hugo after his idiotic actions because I am thinking about his injuries.
"Okay, you should relax too Wys. Those two are truly reflecting on what they did. Besides Hug... Hokuto is healing faster than an average person so I am sure that this little event won't worsen his current condition," Master said while patting my head.
"You are the one who needs to reflect the most Master," I said while getting away from her, since it feels gross to be patted by a pervert like her.
She is the one who healed Hugo, so she is the primary responsible for his health.
"Eh? Did you just call Rechia-san Master?" Hugo asked with great surprise.
"Stuff happened and I am now working under a pervert who has a fetish of dressing boys in this kind of costume and gets excited at the prospect of being called Master by maids," I answered without a hint of emotion like a machine.
Hearing what I said, Hugo got stupefied, but he decided to not ask anymore after seeing my face, making me wonder just what kind of face I am showing right now.
"You shouldn't call your master a pervert and also, I already planned on checking his condition. But before anything else, aren't you forgetting why we came here in the first place?" Master said while taking another soul sealer from her pocket.
That's right, I almost forgot because of that stupid stunt that Hugo did, but I actually came here to ask Falay to teach me magic.
"Falay, can you give me magic lessons? I need them to clean the house more efficiently," I asked with my polite tone that I use for work restored.
"Me, teaching you? You are already so good at controlling mana that I don't think that I need to teach you," Falay said showing some embarrassment.
"Magic? Are you going to learn magic Hinata-san? Can I also learn too?" Hugo asked excited.
"Stop dreaming when you can't even control your own mana. I have another kind of lesson waiting for you," I said a little arrogantly.
Hugo got a little shock from what I said, but he recovered quickly. I guess that he already understood that is impossible for him to use magic.
"Also, stop calling me Hinata-san. I already told you that Hinata Kuroko is a fake name. My current name is Wys," I said towards Hugo.
"Wys sounds way more fake than Hinata Kuroko," Hugo said with a voice that showed that he didn't believe me.
"You just said your current name, so that means that Wys is also a fake name?" Master asked amused by something I couldn't understand.
"A problem with that? I only planned to hide my name for a few days, but I am definitely not revealing my true name while wearing something like this," I irritatedly said to Master.
"Your need to improve that mouth of yours if you want to be an excellent maid," Master said with a playful voice.
Grr. I almost forgot that I am already working. This contract is only for a month, I need to endure and absorb as much information as I can to avoid lengthening my working days.
"Cough. Falay, the only magic I can use is the one where I create a barrier. I wish to be able to produce water and heat too with magic and Master told me that you were the one suited for teaching me," I explained after recovering my cool with a fake cough.
Water and heat. I know that heat can be made since I was almost killed by a huge heat ball and if someone was able to create a flame tornado with magic, then creating water should be possible too.
"Eh? You are only able to create barriers? With that control of yours, I thought that you were already able to do some advanced level magic, let alone elemental level?" Falay said surprised.
As I thought, my ability to control mana is abnormal for a beginner, but I never thought that it would be so good to the point that people could misunderstand that I am already an incredible mage.
"It hasn't been too long since I came here and it is true that magic doesn't exist in my former world so I have only practiced for three days. I didn't had time to learn magic properly after all," I carefully explained to Falay to avoid further misunderstandings and some baseless expectations.
"That level of control in just three days... I see, that's why Milady told you to make me teach you. Leave it to me Wys." Falay said hitting her chest with determination while showing a face that looked as if she understood something.
"Okay I am counting on you," I said to Falay with my natural smile.
That figure of her looks reliable so my smile naturally appeared. Seeing me like this, Falay's face got red and her eyes shined with excitement.
Is she falling for me? As if that would happen. I am not that dense and I am already used to that kind of look. That's the kind of look that people show me every time I smile naturally, they see me as if I were if I were a little innocent girl who needs to be protected. That's one of the main reason of why I was always more popular with guys than girls, dammit.
"To start, gather mana on your hands," Falay said in a motherly voice.
I decided to ignore the fact that a younger girl is treating me like that and just followed her instruction. I gathered a small amount of mana on my hands, making sure to avoid any useless leakage.
"Good, that flow is really beautiful, like a pure and calm lake," Falay said impressed.
"What is a beautiful mana flow?" I asked. I have been curious about that term for a while now.
"Mana flow is as what it sounds, the flow of mana. When an average person releases his own internal mana it chaotically spreads to the surroundings, but mages are able to control their mana in a smooth flow to be able to shape magic. As the flow is more controlled, the shape of that mana flow looks more beautiful, at least for me," Falay explained looking dazedly at my hands.
Her actions are interesting.
"Can you see mana with your eyes?" I asked.
"Yes she can, but that is because she is special. It should be impossible for a normal person," Master proudly answered in place of Falay.
"And I guess that the reason she is special is a secret too right?" I asked with an ironical voice.
"How smart. You are already understanding how this work," Master answered happily.
"Is it a secret for you too Falay?" I asked gently, trying to hide my annoyance since Falay is not at fault.
"I know why I am special, but I am not allowed to reveal it yet," Falay answered apologetically.
"When you can reveal it?" I asked surprised this time.
So there are things that she knows but can't reveal, that means that when she says that she doesn't know, she really doesn't know.
"I can only reveal it to the people who already knows why I am special," Falay said looking more apologetically than before.
"Calm down, you don't need to feel bad about it. Just continue with your lesson," I said with a calm and comforting voice.
What she said is plenty enough, with what she said, I know that I am able to figure out the reason without their help or she wouldn't have said the word yet.
"Okay, I will continue," Falay said a little more energetically.
Then Falay approached until there was only a single step of distance between us and started her lesson.
"Well, now that you have gathered mana, infuse it with an element. Since you want to learn to create water or heat things, then try to infuse either water or fire element. Since you are just a beginner don't try to mix them because a rough handling could end up as a dangerous explosion.
Infusing with an element? What is that?
"I don't understand. Can you show me an example?" I honestly asked.
I am not ashamed to ask when I don't understand, I know that there are times when is better to realize stuffs by oneself, but I also know that there are times where one needs to ask quickly.
"Hmm? Can't you just infuse it? Like this?" Falay said confused while gathering mana on her hands.
After she gathered a small amount of mana, the mana started to feel hot and I could see that some strange things were gathering on it. Looking at those things more closely I understood that they are fire spirits.
Those spirits gathered in a huge amount, maybe that's why Master said that Falay is loved by the spirits.
"Sorry, I saw what you did, but I don't know how you did it," I explained.
"Hmm, I just infused an element... don't tell me that you can't feel a single element inside you?" Falay doubtfullly asked.
"The only things I can feel in my body are my soul skill and mana," I answered a little stiffly.
Uhh, I can feel where this is going to go.
Hearing what I said, both Master and Falay got speechless with their faces showing shock. So Master can also make a face like that.
"Hey Wys. Are you sure that you can't feel a single element on your body?" Master asked seriously.
"Yeah, I am sure. Is it weird?" I asked with some fear.
"Well, it's not impossible, but extremely rare, to the point that is treated as some myth by some people. Furthermore, people who are naturally good at handling their own mana have at least one element which their affinity is very high. In fact, it wouldn't be weird if someone with your level of control is loved by the spirits like Falay, but your case is almost a miracle," Master explained with a face that clearly shows that she is confused.
"Maybe Wys elemental affinity is so low that he can't feel anything... that's probably wrong right? It is impossible for someone with that level of control to not feel an element," Falay said confused as well.
"In other words, I am truly an existence out of the norm. Does that mean that I can't use a magic besides the one that relies on barriers?" I said a little dejected.
"It only means that you ended up being someone more special than what I initially thought," Master replied with her usual grin, without any sign of the confusion she showed before.
"So, is there a way for me to learn different kind of magic?" I asked with some expectations.
"Wait a minute! I can only understand half of the conversation, but are they going to teach us magic? If that is true then Hinata-san, please translate as best as you can!" Hugo excitedly asked.
"The lesson is just for me. Just be content with the fact that I am talking in Japanese now and don't interrupt anymore." I coldly replied.
Seriously, he interrupts in the worse timing possible.
Hugo looked dejected by my answer, but didn't opened his mouth. Good, it seems that at least he is trying to avoid being a bother.
"Don't be so harsh Wys," Falay said while pitifully looking at Hugo's sad face.
"Okay, okay," I gently said, but without trying to sound apologetic at all.
In response, Falay looked at me with a scolding face. On the other hand, Master was looking vexed, glaring daggers at Hugo.
Heh. I guess that she really is jealous that Hugo is getting so much attention from Falay. This is fun, I am getting some urges to make fun of her.
"I have some books back at the library that explains ways for people with low elemental affinity to use magic. I will give you this day for you to practice magic, but starting tomorrow you are going to do your job properly since I am going to buy the proper tools okay?" Master said with an unhappy tone.
She is clearly still annoyed at Hugo, but I need to refrain my urges to tease her. She is giving me the chance to learn magic after all.
"Master, I know how to read and already grasped the basics of Talkian, but there is no chance for me to understand complicated words," I explained with a serious face trying to suppress my laugh.
"That is easy to solve. Falay, go with Wys to the library and help him study. You don't need to clean the house today since I had already planned for you to teach Wys spirit magic instead of your usual work. The only difference is that you are going to help him study structured magic instead, which is good for you too so give your best," Master quickly ordered.
"Thank you very much," I said with sincere gratitude.
Is a little suspicious that she already had made plans of teaching me magic, but for some reason, I don't feel that her secret agenda is harmful.
"Ah right, before I forgot. Hugo, make sure to rest properly and listen to your doctor's order. I don't think that you are stupid enough to not understand simple words like sleep and rest right?" I said.
After that, Falay and I headed towards the library while Master and Hugo went to that big room where Hugo was sleeping.
"Uwah, isn't this too fast? I don’t feel like I have taught you anything," Falay said surprised.
"Hehe, I guess that my mana control was more incredible than what you expected," I triumphantly said in Talkian while making a donut shaped mass of water to float on top of my hand.
It has been a few hours since I and Falay entered the library. Falay found the appropriate books quickly and we started my magic lesson immediately.
There were only five elemental level magic books and one intermediate level magic book. I obviously started reading the elemental level books, which weren't too long so I was able to digest them in a single hour. All the technical words were translated by Falay and I memorized those words immediately so I didn’t need to ask again for the same term.
From what the elemental level books stated, there are two main branch of magic. The spirit magic and the structured magic.
The magic that Falay uses is the spirit magic. That kind of magic works by infusing a chunk of mana with an element, which attracts a spirit corresponding to the element infused. That spirit shape the gathered mana and forms the magic imagined in the caster’s mind. Depending on the amount of elemental affinity; the amount of mana used and the input from the caster at manipulating the mana differs from mage to mage.
Now, what is an element? I sincerely don't know. Fire element helps to make fire magic, but fire is simply hot concentrated air so fire element should be a part of heat and air element, but they are not only different, but heat element doesn’t exist.
There are a lot of different elements, but the most important ones are fire, wind, air, earth and water. Seriously, what encompasses earth element? Dirt has a lot of different materials and is counted within earth element.
So confusing, I hope that my inability to understand the elements is not the cause of the lack of elements inside my body.
Well, anyways, the magic that I am studying is structured magic. This kind of magic moves a certain chunk of mana in a specific pattern to create an phenomena. It originally started by people who wished to make magic that they don't have a good affinity with and to make it possible those mages imitated the pattern that the mana takes when the spirits aids the caster at casting magic. Because of its origin, structured magic is also called fake magic.
Structured magic allows for anyone to be able to use any kind of magic, but spirit magic is far more popular and I learned the reason in the hard way.
In the elemental level books; there were some patterns to make a handful of dirt, a simple water ball, a cool breeze, and a warm air which I refuse to consider a flame. Those patterns are called magic formations and the ones drawn on this book seemed simple at a single glance.
The shape for the water ball was a circle with three wrinkled lines on the center, which immediately tried to make, It was going good when I was making the circle, but the real difficulty came when the time to make the wrinkles came. I had to make the circle to float and make the wrinkles with another chunk of mana. This was like trying to write on someone's face while balancing a broom with the tip of your finger.
And the worst part was the activation step. To activate it, it was similar to the barrier making, but instead of imagining rejection, I had to imagine the water ball, but as an added difficulty, I had to make the wrinkles and the circle to rotate in different directions while connecting them with a thin thread of mana. This step was similar to writing while beating eggs and pressing specific switches with my nose.
For some reason, the book said to concentrate mana on the hands, but since I could release it from any part of my body I didn’t follow that step.
It took me near an hour to get the feeling of this trick and when I finally managed to materialize a thumb sized water ball I felt incredibly exhilarated.
Before drowning in an accomplished bliss, I analyzed the water ball.
From what I felt, the magic formation gathered the water in the surrounding air making its shape. I didn't cut off the mana connection from me and the water ball which was slowly consuming my mana. I was able to move it the same way as I move my barriers, consuming more mana as I make it go faster or making it to go far from me. I wasn't able to change its shape, no matter how much I moved it. When I cut off the connection, the water ball fell to the ground.
Since I got the hang of it with the water ball, I tried to do the other magics and it took me ten minutes to make the other magic formations.
All the elemental level magic are based on a circle with some drawings on its center and the process to materialize it is the same.
For hot air, A.K.A. fire, the drawing is a four leaf clover. The materialization was that the mana liberated a huge amount of energy, heating a small volume of air to the point where I could see a small orange torch. If I use more mana, the size of the fire grows, but the temperature is the same. My Appraisal only let me know that what is floating near me is a fire, but my own theory is that this magic formation gathers combustible components from the air as long as I keep supplying it with mana.
For cold breeze, the drawing is a whirlpool. This is simple, it just releases an adequate amount of energy to push air.
For dirt, the drawings are a pair of square of the same size, one inside the other. This one gathers carbon in the air and solidifies it.
The most complex one to understand is the fire magic and is also the one which consumes the most amount of mana.
There are specific magic formations to change the shape of the magic, like shaping it in the form of an arrow or a disc. I had to make some specific drawings on the border of the circle.
Before trying those patterns, I quickly read the books again to find a common point. I got the feeling that there is a common base for the shaping of the magic.
And as expected of me, I found their common point and I immediately proceeded to make a magic formation not present in the book, what I had in mind was a donut shaped water and it was obviously a success.
I was so engrossed with my magic studies that I failed to realize that Falay was completely silent the whole time until she opened her mouth due to her surprise which lead to this present state.
"Indeed, your mana control skills are more incredible than what I expected. I don't understand how someone with such fine mana control like you doesn't have a single elemental affinity," Falay said with amazement while passing her finger through the water donut.
"How is related the mana control with elemental affinity?" I asked while making a ring sized fire donut while still maintaining my water donut.
"Is because people with high elemental affinity are helped by the spirits to control their mana," answered Falay.
"I see. Does that mean that is difficult for a human to manipulate mana to my level without the help of the spirits?" I asked with a relaxed voice.
I wish to be able to use magic in any situation so I need to get used to make magic formation and controlling the magic while doing mundane things in a totally relaxed state. This conversation is also part of training for me.
"Not only for humans, for every person, no matter which race it is, it is near impossible to reach your level of control in just a few days without the help of the spirits. I guess it wasn't an exaggeration when you said that your mana controlling ability was pure talent," Falay answered while laughing a little.
In the middle of her explanation, I managed to make the fire ring, which I placed in the hollow part of the water donut. Then I proceeded to read the intermediate level book.
"Wait, aren’t you advancing too fast? Your mana should be running low by now" Falay asked a little worried.
"Don't worry. I have been using a minimum amount of mana to do magic. That's why I kept the size of the magics small," I answered without stopping to read.
The intermediate level book has patterns and theories about more offensive oriented wind magic.
There wasn’t any pattern that let me change the shape of the magic already formed, but there were patterns to make set automatic movements. To do it, I had to make another circle on top of the magic that I wish to materialize and draw another drawing between those two circles.
Making the circles too far apart is a waste of mana so I need to make them as close as possible, this makes the difficulty to rise to a whole new level.
What I want to try is making a pair of thin wind discs that rotates by themselves, but…
“Urggg,” I unconsciously let out a strange moan.
“Fufufu, it seems that you are having a hard time,” Falay said as she giggled.
“What is so funny?” I asked a little vexed.
I know that I shouldn’t try to vent out my frustration at her, but I couldn’t help it. Failing at something is too stressful for me.
“Nothing. Is just that I am relieved to see that you can also have hardships like a normal person,” Falay said happily.
“I am not a normal person though,” I said in a joking tone.
I am a hero summoned from another world so technically I am not a normal person.
“You know what I mean. I was incredibly surprised when I saw you making magic formations that weren’t explained on the books,” Falay said with a fake angry tone.
“Then you are going to get even more surprised, just wait for a pair of hours and I will show you an amazing stunt,” I cockily said.
“Then what should I do while I wait for your amazing stunt?” Falay asked with a teasing tone.
“Didn’t Master told you to practice structured magic too? Practice together with me” I said with a strained voice.
I almost lost control of my mana since I got too distracted by the conversation, but I managed to recover my rein of it with some concentration.
“Looking at you, it seems that I will only be a distraction and besides there is only one type of structured magic that I need to study,” Falay softly said.
“Only one type? Does that mean that there is an element that you don’t have affinity with?” I asked relaxed this time since I recovered the control of my mana now.
“It’s not that the affinity is weak, rather this particular magic requires a lot of input from the mage itself and it is near impossible to use it if one doesn’t have an affinity to begin with,” she said as she slowly closed her eyes.
“What kind of magic is that troublesome?” I asked.
“Healing magic,” Falay curtly answered and started to release mana from her hands.
Hmm? Now that I think about it, every time I see someone using magic, the caster in question releases mana from their hands and the book also said to do it from there.
“Can I interrupt you for a second?” I softly asked.
“Of course,” Falay answered with a strained voice.
It seems that healing magic is really difficult. I underestimated its difficulty since Master could do it as easily as waving her fingers.
“Why mana has to be released from the hands?” I asked.
“Because is quicker and easier this way…” Falay slowly answered, but she stopped in the middle of what she was saying and suddenly opened her eyes.
“Wait. You weren’t releasing mana from your hands for training reasons right?” Falay asked with a strained smile which was not formed due to her concentrating on healing magic since she stopped pouring mana.
“Well, it was for training since I thought that it will be better if I could release it from any part of my body, but it seems that it is not normal to be able to do it this easily right?.” I answered while scratching my right cheek.
“Of course it is!” Falay yelled while showing a frustrated face for the first time.
If she reacted like this, then it means that my talent is really outstanding. I don’t feel any difference from releasing my mana from my hands or other part of my body. Being a genius in this area too, what a great feeling..
“I am not going to be surprised by your magical skills anymore, even If you tell me that your mana level is at rank 20,” Falay said after she exhaled a small sigh.
“From how you are saying it, rank 20 is something really high right?” I asked.
“Ahh, I forgot that mana measurement is not explained in those books. Mana amount is measured by rank, a high amount is marked by a high rank and like you guessed before, rank 20 is a high level of mana amount. Milady said that there are only fourteen people in the whole world that is higher than that rank,” Falay said with a kind tone.
It seems that whenever Falay explains something, she tends to talk in a kind manner. She is going to be a good mom in the future.
“Now I am curious about what your mana level is. I want to see the glow of a mana sensor of a rank 20,” Falay said with a tone that changed from kind to childish.
Urg, mana sensor. I remember that when I touched it, its glow wasn’t as bright compared with the other guys.
“Don’t raise your hope too much. I already touched a mana sensor and even with my lacking knowledge about magic I could tell that it wasn’t anything impressive,” I said with a dejected tone.
“Really? When did you touch a mana sensor?” Falay curiously asked.
“When I was still at the castle that kidnapped me. The mana sensor was many times duller when compared to the other heroes,” I answered.
“Maybe it was really high, but it looked dull because the other heroes mana was at an impressive level,” Falay said with a hopeful tone.
Maybe she is right. I was comparing myself with guys that are supposed to be heroes after all
I stood up, with the intermediate book on hand without stopping the magic that I was still trying to do and said, “Okay, let’s find out at what level my amazing mana rank is!” with an excited tone.
“Hehe, I am getting excited too. There should be a mana sensor in the storage room,” Falay said cheerfully.
After that, Falay guided me towards the storage room while taking the chance to explain me everything about this house since I am going to help her with the cleaning and tidying starting tomorrow.
The storage room was on the second floor, on the farthest room starting from the stairs. The storage room seems like a place filled with junk but thanks to my Appraisal I know that this room is filled with a lot of useful tools.
There were a box filled with spirit gathering stones, a one use flare that activates when one pours mana, a shield that can manipulate light, etc.
I don’t know much about this world, but I know that those stuffs are expensive and rare. I wonder just how rich Master is and just how she got this amount of money.
While I was frozen in place observing all those useful looking tools, Falay retrieved the mana sensor by herself. When she touched it, the room was quickly illuminated.
From the brightness alone, I could tell that she is at a similar level to Blair.
“Here it is Wys, try it!” Falay said with her eyes shining more than the mana sensor.
“Falay, what is your mana level?” I asked with a gentle tone.
“My mana level is rank 13. That is the level when one is considered an intermediate level mage,” Falay proudly answered.
I am feeling sorry for her now. She was getting all excited about the prospect of seeing my amazing mana level.
While I was feeling conflicted about how to tell her the harsh truth, she shoved the mana sensor towards me.
I guess that it is better to show her the truth sooner before her illusion goes bigger.
With that thought in mind, I touched the mana sensor. When I did, I felt how the mana that I was so painstakingly controlling to make my rotating wind discs was trying to enter my body again.
Oh? This is interesting. So a mana sensor has this kind of function too.
The glow of the mana sensor was duller than when Falay touched it, but it got a little bit brighter when I released the control of it, but nonetheless, its glow was still on the dull side.
Looking at the mana sensor, Falay’s semblance froze.
“So, what level is this?” I asked in the gentler tone I could muster.
Wait, why I am the one who needs to console the other party? I am the one receiving the bad news.
“That’s the glow of a rank 7, the level of an average elemental level mage,” Falay answered with a face that seemed as if she couldn’t believe it.
Yup, I expected something like this. I mean, if I weren’t at the level of an average magician, my Mana Bullets wouldn’t have been able to hurt that girl.
“How much mana do you have left compared to your total amount?” Falay asked with a tiny bit of hope remaining on her.
“I still have almost my total amount of mana left. As I told you before, I was using the minimum amount of mana that I could,” I calmly and gently answered.
“That means, that your mana amount is one of an elemental level mage. I don’t know if you are talented or not,” Falay said with an utterly disappointed face.
I am also disappointed, but considering the spells that were described in the intermediate level magic book were weaker than the one that the green haired girl used against me, I guess that if my magic was enough to damage her then my mana amount is more than enough. It doesn’t require too much firepower to end a life after all.
After checking my disappointing mana level, we went towards the courtyard to keep with our magic training.
It took me around four hours to finally be able to make my spinning air discs. The next step is to set the initial speed for both the spinning and the launching, which requires another circle with more drawings in it.
By the way, while I was controlling my mana, I also took a glance at what Falay was doing. I can’t look directly at mana like Falay is supposedly able to do, but with my mana sensing skill I observed Falay’s magic formation.
The magic formation for healing magic was really complex, with layers of circles on top of each other in a three dimensional shape, making me understand why it is near impossible for someone without its elemental affinity to use this kind of magic.
We only stopped our magic training when my body was begging for food.
“Falay, isn’t already time to eat?” I asked with a refreshing smile while wiping a drop of sweat flowing from my forehead.
Controlling mana while doing my best to avoid useless mana leakage takes a toll on my stamina, making me feel as if I was training my body.
“That’s right!? Milady must be starving by now. Sheesh, she should have come asking for food instead of waiting until we realized it by ourselves,” Falay said with a casual voice.
“Let’s clean the sweat from our bodies and proceed to the kitchen. I am officially working here so I should do my job properly,” I said and headed towards the house.
Besides, I don’t want to be told that because I am not doing my job properly I need to wear more stupid costumes.
“Wait, you are letting me cook together with you right?” Falay asked a little shyly.
“Of course, I did promise you that I am going to teach you a few recipes,” I answered with my natural smile.
Cooking, and starting tomorrow there is also cleaning. I would have never expected that I would change my job from researcher with engineering skills to a magical butler… no a magical maid. Well, at least I got the chance to learn magic which is more fun than what I thought. Making magic tools seems fun too.
But I can't forget my objectives. I need to study summoning magic first, my main clue for returning home.
- In Serial47 Chapters
The Helena Chronicles
Espers are really no different than humans; they look like any normal human and in general behave like any normal human. However, there are a few key differences. The max life expectancy of espers ranges from forty-five to fifty. They naturally have a knack for mathematics and are extremely intelligent in general, this is because their abilities rely on the subconscious and conscious calculations. They also have a mysterious energy source they call Focus that is generated naturally by all espers. The continent of Elestveeve is populated by three major factions, each a governing force. On the west of the continent, there is the Noble Houses that subscribe to the Deity Faith. The Houses ruling with the Deity Faith as council since the religion's founding four-hundred years previous. Controlling most of the northeast is WITCH, an organization ruled by powerful espers; claiming the mysterious Genesis as their capital, they are a whispered myth among much of the continent's less technically advanced residents. In the southeast you have Tech City, a towering monolith of a capital with four sky layers and metropolis' leveled deep underground; it is a city brimming with technical advancement and cyber integration. Each faction contends with one another for their evolutionary ideology, by devout religious worship to receive miraculous gifts, unique genetic lineage to obtain ESP, and technological integration to become something more than human. Helena, a young genius and esper, awakes in a dark room with only fuzzy memories and the company of seven other children. She must determine how she got there and how to get back to where she came from. Warning: Due to time constraints, I don't have the time to keep up on my three stories; therefore, Helena will need to go in a stasis chamber until I can find more time to write between work and life. I love my first girl so much! however, it seems she is the least popular among the fans (the poor girl T_T). This world is much bigger than my other two novels and I'm not giving up on it, but simply having to put her on ice.
8 164 - In Serial10 Chapters
Slaves to Armok: Rebirth of the Shinerock - a Dwarf Fortress story
Bomrek is a dwarf who has hired on a troop of six other dwarves set to travel to a rumoured colony far to the south. Tales of silver, gems and other riches surround this place, but will it be what the people whisper about? Their arrival reveals the sad truth of the colony. Standing before rubble, the seven dwarves must make the hard decision: stay and rebuild or return to safety? This story is based on Tarn Adam's a.k. Toady One's famous free video game "Slaves To Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress. The language, creatures and rough setting are taken from the game, but the characters, story and exact world are all my creation. Please support Toady One. This story is being published on RoyalRoad, Inkitt and Wattpad.
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Celestial Trinity
As a former foster kid who ran away from home, Jesse's life was anything but ordinary. Things take a turn for the extra-ordinary when he develops supernatural powers and is whisked away to the world of Araphel by people calling themselves "The Hallowed". Finding friends and a purpose in life was all he had ever dreamed of. However, his happiness is short-lived as an ancient evil threatens both his new home as well as his old one. With his new allies, Jesse stands ready to fight for his future and for the future of everyone in both worlds.
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Six of Crows One-Shots
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Tenali raman
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