《I am a genius so I don't need a strong cheat to survive》Chapter 1: To trust or not to trust. If you want to trust someone, get some information first.
"Haa, haa, haa," I was breathing accelerated due to suddenly waking up from a nightmare.
Those ridiculous events must have opened some old wounds… wait a moment, weren’t those events part of the dream too?
What I am seeing right now are a wooden ceiling that I haven’t seen before and two girls near me.
Yup, that stupid summoning, that reckless escape and that fantasy battle were reality. Just looking at those two girls I understand that while the nightmare was well, a nightmare, those ridiculous events that happened before I fell unconscious were absolutely real.
The cute girl is a human around sixteen years old looking at her body shape. Her nose, lips and ears are average, but combined with her round cheeks and rosy white skin, it makes her face looks like a cute angel and younger than what her body apparent. But the most surprising attribute of her are that the colors of her shoulder length hair and big round eyes are fantasy like silver.
However, she is not the reason of why I realized that I am not on Earth, since it is possible for humans on Earth to have her features. The one who is the main proof that I am in a foreign world is the mature lady.
Her model like defined face, her alluring white skin and gorgeous body, her long and wavy black hair and her sharp dark brown eyes would make her look like a human, a sexy human, but still a human. Yet I can recognize with a single glance that she is not a complete human thanks to my ability. She is similar to the green haired girl I fought before, but only in the part of her needing mana for survival.
That green haired girl was a primate like me, but this sexy lady in front of me is a mix between a primate and a feline.
Seriously, what happened with evolution here? A cat and a monkey aren't supposed to have descendants.
The only thing that I can understand from my observations are that my Appraisal is real and still working, and that I am in a world where humanoids which aren’t human exists.
"┆ ┇ ☼♦▀┐ ┓┗ ▌ ┊╱" said the young girl with an angelical smile interrupting my thoughts.
I obviously couldn't understand a thing that she was saying since I don't have my ring so I just stiffly smiled back at her.
"┆ ┇ ┈﹄█ ▌▐░▒ ◥▆▇ ██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀┐ ┓┗┛ ┳⊥└┘∟┈ ┊╱" said the mature lady towards the young girl in a scolding tone and then she showed me a communication ring as if she was offering it to me.
That ring didn't have a trap or anything like that so I took it with my right hand.
I was expecting some pain since I was injured, but surprisingly the only difficulty I got moving my arm was that it felt heavy. I couldn't feel any pain.
Ah crap, I took it without showing any signs of fear or anything like that.
"▇ █☼♦▀┐ ┓┗ ▌┌─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀┐" (How do you feel? Is there some pain remaining?) asked the young girl after she saw I took the ring.
I feel much better than before I got blasted by those guards at the city, but I don't know how should I answer her since even though she looks like a cute little angel, she can be a dangerous enemy. Having a non-human by her side doesn't help me to clear my doubts towards her.
I don’t even know if I should be acting surprised or not, since I don’t know if this ring or this method of communication are something common or not, making me have no other choice besides staying silent.
Since I wasn't responding, the room got silent.
"███╳¯– —▆▇ ┇ ☼♦▀┐ ┓┗██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌─┼ ╞┗ ▌ ┊╱◠◡" (Hmm? Don't tell me that the ring is broken or something like that?) asked the mature lady after a few seconds of silence.
Should I say something? But, I don’t know a single language from this world; I just have to hope that these two girls aren’t knowledgeable about foreign languages to the point that they think that whatever I say is something said in a faraway land’s language and not something from a foreign world.
That’s right! I still haven’t tried this.
(If understanding what you are saying is the power of this ring, then the ring is working. It’s just that I can’t talk), I said mentally towards the two girls while rubbing my throat and showing my poker face, a peaceful and small smile.
Please, work! If this doesn't work, I won't have any other choice than trying to speak with an Earthian language.
I prayed to the stars, since I hate the god of this world and my prayers were listened, I was able to send the message without talking but.
"▌▐░▒ ◥▆▇ ██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌─┼ ┌─┼ ╞┗ ▄" (Hmm, a sad attempt of lying), said the mature lady with a grin on her face.
Geh, I was seen through so easily.
My face cramped a little when she immediately saw through my lie. Even though I considered the impossibility of communication, I never expected that my lie was going to be so easily exposed.
"჻ ┌─┼ ╞╞╟▌▐▀☼♦▀┐ ┓┗██╳¯– —≡჻ ╟▌▐▀☼♦▀" (Don’t be so rude milady! I apologize for the rude behavior from my master, I believe in you), said the young girl, first scolding the mature lady and then slightly bowing to me while sincerely apologizing.
Ohh, so bowing like that is a sign of apology here. Noted.
Also, it seems that I managed to fool the young one. Maybe what the mature lady said was a bluff, I shouldn't have broken my poker face so easily.
"╟▌▐▀☼♦▀┐ ┓┗█▇ ██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌─┼ ┌─┼ ╞┗█╳¯–" (You may have good acting skills, but your lack of knowledge made your lying attempt to fail. I as the one who healed your wounds, have complete knowledge about your condition. Hihi), the mature lady said amusingly widening her grin and she even haughtily giggled at the end.
Is this a bluff too? Yup a bluff. Is a bluff! Don't be fooled by that Eun-Ha!
More importantly, did she just said that she was the one who treated my wounds? Then what about Hugo? It will be a real pain if he ends up dying after all the crap I had to endure to save him.
I started to look around the room to look for that idiot.
The room is a big one made out of wood, there are wooden furnitures which includes a few chairs, a loncase clock, some small tables and two beds. I am laying on top of one of the beds, while in the other one, there is a black haired bandaged guy sleeping.
I can't recognize his face since it is completely bandaged, but my appraisal tells me that he is a man.
(I am extremely grateful for treating my injuries. I apologize for being so sudden, but is the one sleeping over there a young man with the same ethnic characteristc as me?) I said mentally again in an attempt to convice them that I really can't talk.
"▐▀☼♦▀┐ ┓┗█▇≡჻ ╟▌▐▀☼♦ ██▇ ██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌─┼" (Haah, you don't need to keep that stupid act), said the mature lady while moving her right hand towards my neck.
I know that her hand is approaching, but I can't move as quick as I wish, making me unable to avoid her hand that is slowly approaching my defenseless neck.
When her fingers made contact with my neck, my entire body froze, but instead of doing something brutal as what I expected, her hand started to glow a warm and green light which for some reason felt very comfortable.
Eh? What is she doing? I was sure that she planned to kill me now. What a misleading move she just made. Now my back is drenched in my own sweat.
"┌─┼ ╞╳▐▀☼♦ —≡჻ ┌─┼ ▆▀┐ ┓,┗██╳¯– ▇ ┇ ☼♦▀┐ ┓┗██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌─┼█≡჻ ┌─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡▇ █≡჻ ┌─█╳჻ ┌─┼ ┗█╳╳▐▀☼♦ —" (As expected, you can talk, but it is commendable that you can communicate so well without talking, your mana and thought control must be superb. And about your question, I don't know what that guy's facial features are since his face was almost completely burned, but I am sure that he is your companion since he is a proper hero after all), the mature lady said in a teasing voice while using the hand she used to touch my neck to point towards that bandaged guy.
She know about us! Don't tell me that we were captured? No, that's not it, those guards at the gate tried to kill us so they are definitely not one of them. That green haired girl also tried to kill us so these pair of girls aren't her comrades either. Are they a third faction?
Also, is that guy really Hugo? I can't see his face, but I know a certain way to confirm it.
The problem is that there is a chance that they see what I am about to do as something hostile and kill me on the spot.
What should I do?
In my current condition I can't move quickly and it will take at least three seconds to deploy my Mana Bullets.
"┓┗██╳¯– —≡჻ ┗██╳¯– ▇ ┇ ☼♦▀┐ ┌─┼█≡჻ ┌─" (Relax, milady is just messing with you. We are not planning to harm you), the young girl said with a warm smile after seeing my serious face.
Ah... She is right. I need to relax.
They treated my wounds and asked first how I was feeling instead of demanding me to fight in a war or something like that. They aren't my enemies, not yet.
"Then, could you let me use a bit of my mana to confirm something?" I asked in English in an audible voice this time.
"┼ ≡ ┗჻ ┌─█╳჻ ┌─┼" (Huh, finally feeling like talking? Go ahead and confirm that guy's soul skill) The mature lady said with an smug face.
Just from her voice and words I can trust that this mummy is Hugo, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.
I released an insignificant amount of mana and moved it towards the mummy. Once my mana approached the mummy I was unable to move it no matter how much I tried.
That's definitely Hugo's ability. Unless his soul skill is something incredibly common, then there is no doubt that this black haired mummy is Hugo.
"Is he okay?" I asked a little worried.
"╳¯– ▇ ┇ ┓┗██ ▌¯– —≡჻ ┌█╳¯– —██╳¯– —≡჻ ┌█╳¯– —≡჻ ╟▌▐▀ ☼♦▀┐ ┌─┼█≡჻ ┌" (Yes, he is fine. He should be waking up in a week more or less and his face should be restored in a month. His injuries were lighter than yours, but his special conditions makes him more difficult to heal than you), answered the mature lady while stroking her chin.
"What you mean by his special condition is his soul skill right?" I asked just to make sure.
"█╳¯– —≡჻ ┌█╳¯– —≡჻ ╟▌▐▀ ☼♦▀┐ ┌─┼█≡" (That's right. I had to use some expensive stuffs just to be able to use healing magic on him and even then the healing was stopped midway), answered the mature lady.
As I expected, Hugo's ability can't differentiate between friendly or harmful magic and from what I heard, it seems that healing magic needs to have mana close to the target.
"Was I healed with magic perhaps?" I asked curiously, even though I knew the answer.
"◤ ┛ ┳⊥﹃﹄ ┌┐└┘∟ 「」↑▆▇ ██◥▆▇ ██■" (That's obvious. With your injuries, the only choice for survival was a powerful healing magic.), the mature lady said as if it were something trivial.
Eh? Survival?
"How was my condition?" I asked fearfully.
"┛ ┳⊥﹃﹄ ┌┐└┘∟ 「」↑▆▇ █〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═╓╩ ┠┨┯┷┏ ┓┗┛ ┳⊥█" (Most of your bones were broken and many organs were severely damaged. It was a miracle that you managed to survive the operation. Your stamina is really something), the mature lady said excited this time as if she was telling an interesting story.
Considering all the damage that I took, her report is believable, but why does she looks so excited by it? Well, at least from her words I can infer the reason of why my body feels so heavy. Her healing magic must have consumed my own energy.
"▆▇ █〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═╓╩█■▓" (Do you think you can trust me now?) asked the mature lady with her annoying teasing tone.
"Not yet. First could you tell me how did you know that we were heroes and why did you helped us?" I asked calmly while trying to get up from the bed.
My body felt heavy like lead making it difficult for me to move. The young girl aided me after seeing my struggle and thanks to her I managed to raise the upper half of my body.
"Thank you, erm..." I tried to thank her, but I don't know her name, making it a little awkward.
"█▀┐ ┌¯♦▀┐" (It's Falay), said the young girl
"Thank you Falay," I thanked her properly this time.
"█ ▌╳¯– █—≡჻ ¯– —≡჻ ╟▇ ██╳≡¯– ▇ ┇ ┓┗██ ▌¯– —≡჻ ╟▌▐▀ ☼░▒჻ ╟▌▐▀ ☼♦▀┐" (Isn't it proper etiquette to present yourself after the other party introduced herself? I am Rechia Windys by the way) said the mature lady with her smile that didn't vanished from the start.
"I am Wys," I said curtly as my introduction.
"░▒ ◥▆▇┬├─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠ ██■▓" (Is Wys your real name Kuroko?), Rechia asked casually.
"If you already knew my name then why did you make me introduce myself?" I said irritated.
"┗┛ ┳⊥﹃﹄ ┌┐└┘∟ 「」↑↓█ ┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠╱╲╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿"(Is because the Kuroko Hinata that the kingdom is looking for is supposed to be a girl with red eyes, so I thought that the name is also a fake), Rechia explained happily.
So I am a wanted man now, no, I am a wanted woman. Embarrassing myself with that stupid act wasn't useless after all.
"Wait, how do you know that I am the hero Kuroko Hinata?" I asked seriously.
She just said that Hugo's face was unrecognizable and that the kingdom is looking for a red eyed girl.
"◥▆▇ "(Se-cret), Rechia answered while waving her finger in front of her grinning face.
I want to punch that face right now.
"Is it also a secret the reason of why you saved us?" I asked suppressing my violent urges.
"「」↑↓╱╲╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩▒ ◥▆▇ ██■▓ 回□〓≡╝█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿"(Nope, that's not a secret. I saved you two because it seemed interesting), Rechia answered with a face that seemed as if she was having lots of fun.
That didn't answered my question at all. I am sure that she is doing it on purpose to make me mad. Decided, I am going to leave this house tonight.
"≡჻ ╟□╝▇ 回〓██▓≡ █ ▌▐╳≡¯– ▇ " (Stop making fun of him milady! He is an injured person!), Falay shouted angrily.
"▌▐▀▄ ◠╱╲╳¯– —"「 回□〓」↑↓╱╲╳ "(Ah, that's right, I almost forgot because of how lively he is. Falay, bring his dinner here), Rechia said without any hints of remorse.
"╝█ ╲╳≡▌¯□〓▐– " (Understand milady. I am sorry Wys) Falay said with a resigned voice and left the room.
Dinner and not breakfast?
"For how long have I been sleeping?" I asked to Rechia.
(For a full day. I found you two early in the morning and now is almost two hours until the day ends) Rechia answered my question after looking at a longcase clock that is placed at one of the walls of the room.
A full day. Well, considering how badly injured I was I should be happy that the recovery took only one day.
"Another question. It wasn't a coincidence that you just happened to find us right?" I asked without tiredly without any expectations of getting a straight answer.
"▓≡ █ ▌▐჻ ┐└┘∟ 「」↑↓█ ┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ╟□╝▇" (Yes, it wasn't a coincidence), quickly answered Rechia.
"Ah?" I let out a stupid sound because of the surprise I got from getting an answer.
"↑↓█ ┴┬├─┼ ┐└┘▐჻ ▌" (It was fate for us to meet this way), said Rechia to finish her explanation.
Grrr. I feel like an idiot to have my hopes raised. In this few minutes that I have known her I already understand what kind of person she is.
"▨▩▒ ◠╱╲╳¯◥▆▇ ██■▓ " (What's the matter? Do you not believe what I just say?), Rechia asked with an amused look after seeing my annoyed face.
"How can I believe you if you haven't answered a single question of mine properly!" I yelled angrily.
"「」↑▆▇ ██◥▆▇ ██" (Let me guess, you don't believe in fate right?) Rechia asked with a knowing face.
"As if something like that could exist. The future is made with the present's actions," I answered her question without looking at her.
In response of what I said, Rechia smiled and said "回□〓≡▇ ██■▓╝█ ▌▐" (How fitting of you).
Why does she look so happy from hearing my answer? What does my answer fit with me?
Whatever, even if I think about it I am not going to get a clear answer anyways.
After that, I tried to get more information from Rechia, but the only thing I managed to get was that this house is on the border of a nameless village close to the capital, that me and Hugo are being officially treated as missing in action heroes and that this world is named Wifrahl.
"Hmm? Wifrhal? I am sure that the kidnapper said that this world was named Koiera or something like that," I voiced my doubts a little confused because of the contradicting information I just received.
When Rechia was about to answer, Falay opened the door with carrying a tray that had four plates with vegetable soup inside, a small basked with brown bread and four sets of tableware on her right hand.
From the smell I can deduce that the food is not as tastier as the one I ate at the castle.
"∟ 「—≡჻░▒▓ ▤」↑↓█ ┴┬├─┼" (Excuse me, here is the food), Falay said while approaching us.
It seems that these two intend to eat here.
Falay tried to use her left hand to lift a small table.
"Wait a moment, I'll give you a hand," I said while releasing a good amount of mana.
"▐▀▄ ◠╱╲╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓↑↓█" (There is no need, you should just lie on your bed and rest), Falay said a little panicked.
Rechia didn't say anything and just looked at me with her smiling face that I have been suspecting that it is her pokerface.
I ignored Rechia's glance and extended my mana to the table that Falay was trying to lift. I placed the mana under the table's surface and made it into a barrier.
Now I only need to lift it.
Hnr. Grr. It is more difficult than I thought. It was easy to make my mana rifle to float, but lifting something heavier than air is a little more complicated.
Well, complicated but not impossible.
I focused my senses on the barrier to make it's movement more smoother and after ten seconds I managed to lift the table and move it near me. The amount of mana and control needed to move things is higher depending on its weight.
I think I got the hang of it, let's try with a chair for Falay.
I made another barrier under one of the chairs of this room and made it move like the table. Controlling two barriers at the same time requires more concentration, but I think that I can get used to it after one week of practice.
It took me fifteen seconds to place the table and chair between the beds that me and Hugo are laying on.
If I think about it, it will have been faster if I just let Falay do it by herself.
"「╱╲╳↑▆▇ ¯– —」↑↓█ ▀▄ ◠≡჻░█▓≡ █ ▒▓┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌" (Your mana flow is beautiful. Milady, it seems that the legends about the heroes' world don't having magic was wrong), Falay said amazed by what I did.
Huh? A beautiful mana flow? What does that mean? I need to learn those concepts quick since magic is one of my weapons now.
"Hahahahahaha" Laughed Rechia while holding her face with her right hand.
Eh? That startled me. What is wrong with her?
"▇ █〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═" (As expected, you are really interesting), Rechia said without stopping to laugh.
Judging from their reactions I can infer that what I did is not something that a beginner should be able to do.
But there is something more important than their reactions right now.
"Rechia, what do you mean by interesting?" I seriously asked.
Is as if she already knew something about me. Depending on her answer there is a chance that I can find a clue to return home.
"—」↑░█▓≡ █ ▒┴┬├╳↑▆─┼ ╞▓┴↓█ ▀▄ ◠" (It will be boring if I tell you the answer right away), Rechia casually answered with some tears on her eyes and tried to sit on the chair I brought for Falay.
That bitch.
I moved the chair aside just before she took a seat, but she didn't fell down. It seems that she expected that.
"That chair was for Falay, if you want to sit, bring your own chair," I coldly said to her.
"」↑╝ ∟ 「—≡჻░▒▓ ▤╚╔↓█ ┴┬╔╗ ╬▒┴╱╲╳↑▆▇ ¯– ┬├╳↑▆" (Don't be childish, besides I know that you can figure it out without my help anyways), Rechia said looking down at me as she sit on my bed.
I got a sudden urge to kick her, but that would truly be childish and furthermore dangerous.
"Falay, do you know why Rechia has knowledge about my world?" I asked to Falay with a calm and mature face. Sadly, my non-manly voice can't make a mature voice to match my face.
My voice is not girly, it's just non-manly.
" ¯– ▀↓█—」 " (Erm, sorry) Falay apologized while slightly bowing her head.
After apologizing she shyly looked at the chair that I laid for her and she only sit down after Rechia gave her approval.
" ▒┴▀↓█—」 ▒┴┬├╳↑▆─—」▄█↑├ ▒┴┬▄█▒┴┬├" (Don't bother asking her. She doesn't know the answer), Rechia said while taking the tray from Rechia and placed it on the table.
I don't know if she is telling the truth or not, but for now I don't have any other choice than to trust her.
For now, lets satiate my hunger.
I took one of the plates and spoons and tried to eat. Since my body feels heavy I aided my arms supporting them with some barriers.
"▆▇—」 ▒┴┬├╳↑▆─—」▄█ ¯– —」↑↓█ ▀▄ ◠≡჻░█" (Don't force yourself, here let me feed you), Falay said in a caring voice.
She took the spoon from my left hand and she started to feed me while saying "Ahhh,"
It's a little embarrassing to having a young girl feeding me, but is better than wasting mana in pointless things like this. My earlier display was some kind of experiment so it was okay.
"Ahhh" I obediently opened my mouth and let out that childish voice.
Wait, I have a feeling that my voice is slightly more high-pitched than before. It must be my imagination.
I stopped that depressing train of thought and put the spoon on my mouth.
Salty! I expected some saltiness since Appraisal also gives this kind of information, but I didn't thought that it would be this salty.
My face cringed a little, and Falay who saw it got a little depressed.
So it was Falay who made the dinner and it seems that it is the norm since Rechia is eating it normally.
"Ahhh," I said to make her feed me again.
" ▇—」 —」↑↓█ ▀▒↑—」" (You don't have to force yourself to eat it) Falay said with a troubled face.
"I am not. I want to eat. I admit that it is a little salty for my taste but is not a bad taste," I said to Falay with a slight smile.
I am not lying. I know the dread of a truly disgusting food. This soup compared to Carla's original recipe is like comparing heaven and hell. Is she eating well?
Well, Falay didn't cheered up from my words, but she continued to fed me.
Her earnestness made the food more enjoyable, but not less salty. Of course I didn't tell her that and just kept eating with a joyful face.
"Hmm, what should we do with the fourth soup? It doesn't seem that Hugo is going to wake up soon," I said after finishing half of my food.
Incidentally, Falay hadn't eaten a single bite yet. It seems that she plans to eat after she is done feeding me.
"」 —」↑↓█ ▀▄ ◠≡჻░█▒█ ¯– —」↑↓█ ▀" (So Hugo is his real name. I can nurture Hugo him with magic), Rechia said with a relieved look after she finished her meal.
It seems that she used the bread to mitigate the saltiness of the food, but she still didn't enjoyed it that much making Falay more depressed.
"I thought that healing magic doesn't work on him." I said after drinking another mouthful of that salty soup.
"▒┴┬├「—≡჻░▒▓ ▤╳↑▆─┼ ╞▓" (I didn't said that it doesn't work, but that is difficult), Rechia said with a smug face and then she threw a dice sized cube which can seal a soul towards Hugo.
That tiny cube exploded with a small flash and at the same time Rechia enveloped mana around Hugo. An instant later, the mana was used to use some kind of magic.
So there is a way to counter Hugo's soul skill, but if I remember right, she said that she used some expensive items to heal him.
"░█▒█" (Done), Rechia said with an accomplished voice.
"How expensive was that cube and what is its effect?" I asked out of curiosity. I made sure to ask for its effect too.
"▄ ◠≡჻░█▓≡ █ ▒▓┴┬├─┼ ╞" (That's a soul sealing bomb, soul sealer to make it short. As its name implies, it can seal the soul, but it only lasts for a two seconds. As for the price, it is around, one million Wion), Rechia answered lightly.
From what she said, I think that she doesn't know what my soul skill is.
"﹃│ ┃ ┄ ┅ ┆╬═╓╩ ┠┨┯ ┇ ┈﹄ ┌┐ ┓┗┛" (By the way, the average monthly income for the men in this country is around thirty thousand Wion), Rechia said arrogantly.
So that tiny cube which effect lasts for only two seconds costs thirty three month worth of salary from the average men.
"How many days have a month here and how much is the staple food here?" I asked to understand the rough currency of this country.
"Falay," said Rechia.
"╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧ 回□〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═╓╩ ┠┨┯▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽" (A month, except on the first month of the year which has twenty nine days, the odd months have twenty eight days while the even months have twenty six days. This staple food which is this bread here cost around two hundred Wion), answered Falay with a proud face.
If a family has four people, only one of them works and they survive only with this bread, then they will have eight thousand and four hundred Wion remaining, or forty two bread.
If one lives by himself without spending much then that person can amass quite a fortune.
"I see, that thing costs five thousand bread, is not as expensive as what you made it sound," I said towards Rechia
"」↑↓█ ▀▄ ◠≡჻░█╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿◤ ▒█ ¯" (How many soul sealers did you think I used to heal him? The number is over one hundred), Gretia said arrogantly again.
So she used at least fifty thousand bread. Now I think that it is a little expensive. I am not going to pay her back. That's Hugo's debt not mine, besides we never asked her to save us so she doesn't have any right to make us pay for her medical treatment anyways.
"Ahhh," I said as a signal to Falay that I wish to keep eating.
After my plate was finished, I also ate Hugo's portion. Falay got a little more cheerful after seeing me eating a second serving to the point that she wanted to serve me her portion of the dinner too, but I kindly refused saying that she needs to eat too.
"◥▆▇░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿◤██■▓▩█ ┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌ 回□〓≡╝ ╚" (That's right, if is true that your world doesn't have magic, so how are you so adept at manipulating mana?), Falay asked with some expectant eyes.
"Pure talent," I said nonchalantly.
What else can I say. That's the only explanation that I have besides the fact that I am a hero, but I feel that the right answer was talent. I have always been dexterous at controlling my body after all.
"└┘∟ 「」↑↓╱╲╳¯– —" (Haha. You are as self-confident as milady), Falay said with a slight laugh.
It doesn't feel good to be similar to that woman.
When the meal was finished, I headed towards the bathroom with Falay's help to wash my mouth and do my other mortal necessities. I obviously made her stop helping me after I entered the bathroom.
My current clothes are some loose white pants and loose white shirt, no underwear and was Falay who clothed me. She was the one responsible of taking care of our bodies while we were unconscious, including the cleaning. In my case, she used water magic, to clean every nook and cranny from my body, but Hugo was different. Since is impossible to control mana around Hugo's body unless one use some expensive tools, she had to wash him manually.
I don't know if Hugo is lucky or not for having a cute girl like her to do that for him, but I decided to stop thinking about it and observed the bathroom.
As Falay explained before she left, the bathroom is equipped with some magic tools that can create water if I pour it with some mana. There is even a toilet to expulse residues outside the house that works with water magic tools. I want to dissemble these magic tools to understand its mechanisms, but I have to endure it for now.
After I finished everything I needed to do in the bathroom, I started to think about my current condition.
There are only two women living here. They are rich. Their relationship is akin to a master and her servant. I don't know if they are to be trust, but I think that they weren't lying when they said that they saved our lives. That bandaged guy is probably Hugo and he still needs more treatment. If what they said was true, then I am dangerously close to the capital. If they are not lying, this world is named Wifrhal and not Koiera. They don't have a security measure to stop me from escaping. Even if I escape, I don't have money nor sufficient knowledge to live a normal life. Falay's food is edible but the taste is not that good.
Let's endure that annoying woman for one more night. Also I will give Falay some cooking lessons.
I left the bathroom after reorganizing my thoughts and returned to the room I was staying at, which was located on the first floor, the same as this bathroom.
My body felt a little better and lighter now, I think that I am going to have a full recovery after a good night of sleep.
When I entered the room I was staying at before, I found Hugo lying on his bed and Rechia still sitting on the bed I was assigned, but not a single sight of Falay.
"Where is Falay?" I asked while walking towards the bed.
"⊿◤██■▓▩█ ┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌ " (She is preparing your room), Rechia answered with her usual carefree voice.
"You are giving me a room to stay at?" I asked suspiciously. I still don't know what she is planning so is normal for me to act like this.
"█■▓▩█ ┴┬├─▆▇—」 ▒┴┬├╳↑▆─—」▄█ ¯" (You don't have anywhere else to stay at after all), said Rechia as if were something obvious.
I can camp in the forest, but I am afraid that I am going to get ambushed again. But on the other hand, there is nothing that guarantees that I won't be ambushed here either.
"I just remembered, but you still didn't tell me why the kidnapper said that this world's name was Koiera while you said that the world is name Wifrhal," I asked with a voice devoid of hope.
I am sure that she is not going to give me a clear answer.
"■▓ ◥▆▇ ██■▓ 回回□〓≡╝ ╚" (By kidnapper you are referring to your summoners?), Rechia asked amused by my words.
"Of course, what else are they if not kidnappers," I answered annoyed while leaning my body towards the wall.
I still can't forgive them for the crap that they did. If I was just a few seconds late, Carla would have been the one kidnapped to be used as a war weapon.
"▦▧▨▩█ ▌█ ┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦ ┊╱╲╳¯– —≡჻╔▀▐▀▄▽⊿◤┷┏ ╳¯– —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿┓┗┛ ┳⊥≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿◤ ◥▆▇ ﹃﹄ ┌┐└┘∟ 「」↑↓╱ ◥▆▇ █" (Hahaha, you are right, summoners are no different from kidnappers hahahaha. Well, to answer your question, Wifrahl is the word use to describe the whole world, while Koiera is the world that Wion believers use to call the world. They believe that the only intelligent being supposed to live in the world are humans and the other intelligent species are invaders. For them, the sole existence of other intelligent species endangers the world. In simpler words, Koiera is the world where only humans lives while Wifrahl is the current world), Rechia explained to me in great detail with a slow speed to make sure that I can understand.
I got speechless due to Rechia betraying my expectations, or rather my lack of expectations.
"█■┴▇▓ 回┬├─▆" (Did the shock of the revelation make you speechless?), Rechia said with a teasing voice.
"No, just the surprise of you actually answering my question," I said with a honest face and voice.
From her explanations I understand that Talkians are a bunch of selfish racists who plans to eradicate everything that is not human. Well, only if what she is saying is true.
"Then those demonic forces that the kidnappers wanted me make to fight against, are they just non-human intelligent species?" I asked.
" ▩█ ▌┗█■▓▩█ ┴▐▀▄▽⊿◤┷┏ ┓┬├─▆▇—」 ▒┴┬" (Yes. To be more precise, they are probably referring to the Demon Federation Lorran, a group of allied countries which populations are mostly demons. Currently those two superpowers are at a huge war in the continent for dominance), Rechia explained.
A war. That damn kidnapper actually wanted me to fight in a war of conquest. I have the feeling that they are using their religion as an excuse for war.
"How different are demons compared to humans?" I asked without even trying to hide my rising anger.
In contrast to my boiling anger, Rechia was looking happy for some reason.
" ┴▐▀▄▽⊿■▓ 回□〓≡▇▓ 回┬◤╟╗ ╬═╓╩ ┠▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀ ┷┏ ┓" (It depends on the race, but the biggest difference is that most demons have a mana core inside them, similar to monsters), Rechia answered joyfully.
More strange things, monsters and mana cores. I guess that monsters and animals are different.
When I was about to ask more questions, Falay appeared from the door.
"▇ ██■▓ 回□" (Oh lucky, I was just about to look for you Wys. I prepared a room for you to stay at), Falay said happily after clapping her hands once.
"Thank you very much Falay," I said with a warm smile.
Looking at Falay heals me from the stress that Rechia constantly gives me.
"▐▀▄─┼ ╞╟♀ ..۩ ۩๑๑ 」▌▐▀↘↙♀ ▐░▒۩۞ ۩ ▌ ┐└┘╚" (Where are my thanks? I was the one who provided your room and also the one who asked Falay to do it) Rechia said with a fake pouting voice.
"Before going to the room you prepared, do you mind if I stay here to chat a little more?" I asked Falay keeping my smile and without bothering to look towards Rechia.
Seeing me ignore Rechia, Falay gave a slight apologetic glance towards Rechia. I hope that I finally managed to destroy the smiling face of that annoying woman.
"۞ ۩ ▌ ┐└┘∟「 」▌▐▀↘↙♀ ▐░" (You should join the chat too Falay. Right now Wys is going to talk about his former world), said Rechia without showing hints of displeasure due to me ignoring her.
" 回□〓≡╝►◄ █░▒▓ ▌回□〓▧▨♨◐▐▀↘↙♀" (Really!? I'll join too. Knowing about the world of heroes, lucky me!) "Falay said with a radiant face.
How did my plan of learning about this world changed to them knowing more about Earth? Oh well, it is worth it if I can see a cute face like that.
"In exchange, tell me everything I ask about this world too okay?" I said warmly and proceeded to walk towards the bed I was sleeping at before.
Falay followed after me and Rechia gave some space on the bed for us to sit. I was reluctant to sit near Rechia, but the chair is too cold so I endured it.
After the three of us took a seat on the bed and we spent all night conversing about the two worlds and before anyone realized it, morning came.
Since we were talking about another world inhabited by species with human-like intelligence, I decided to omit the nature and talked about the different cultures on Earth and they did the same, talking about the different cultures that exist here in Wifrhal.
Falay was surprised by the fact that Earth lacks mana and that humans are the only intelligent species there. On my part, I was surprised of how many different species got the same abilities as humans. I also tried to explain to her that other animals are as intelligent as us but in different ways, however all I got was that she called my world crazy for thinking strange things like that and getting ridiculed by Rechia. I believe in gender equality, so I am going to kick her ass without holding back someday.
By the way, because Falay hadn't travelled too much and Rechia only described things vaguely, it ended with me being the one who talked the most out of us three.
I talked about all the places I have travelled back on Earth filled with nostalgia. Sometimes Falay's eyes were shining from interest and at other times Rechia was looking at me with dubious eyes.
Nonetheless, I didn't forget to make them tell me about the things that I was curious about this world and the three of us had fun telling stories about a lot of things.
From our long chat, If those two are not liars, I learned a lot. The most important points were:
This world has only three continent: Alra, Gestra and Qulra. Alra and Gestra has around the same size while Qultra is just a little smaller than Alra and Gestra together. Alra's population is mainly composed by humans and demons while Gestra is mainly populated by the beastkin and Qulra has a mix of almost all intelligent races of the world, which includes elfs, dwarves, dragons and more. As a sidenote, Gestra has the most dangerous monsters. The most dangerous monsters are on Gestra Talkia is in the south region of Alra, while Lorran is on the east region of Alra. My appearance resembles the ones from the Shigley or Euthan. Shigley is a huge empire and Euthan is a small kingdom allied to Shigley. Those two nations are on the North side of Alra. Euthan is a large archipielago that has more than twenty big islands. Between Shigley and Lorran is located a city state focused on research, the Research State of Xat. Xat is famous for having different academies and laboratories, leading in many academic fields. The technology of this world has evolved very differently than Earth because of the presence of mana. For example, they don't have guns but instead, they have tools that increase their mana control. Finally, there is an organization that is spread all over the world and it isn't affiliated with a specific nation. It is called the Adventurer Association and it is a group of different guilds that does odd jobs, like monster hunting or exploration.
Most of what I learned was from Falay, since Rechia only explained stuffs vaguely saying that it would be better if I found those things that I am curious of by myself. I don't know why she is avoids giving me straight answers, I hope that it isn't for the sole sake of annoying me.
The only thing that I got from Rechia was that there are dwarves, elves, dragons, beastkins, and much more including a few races that didn't exist in Earth's literature. One of them are Shuk, some kind of metallic people. Demons are people from diverse races whose only common point is that they have a mana core inside them. Apparently it is impossible for a non-demon to produce a child with a mana core.
Sadly, Falay's knowledge about the world is lacking and she is only knowledgeable about things on Alra so I couldn't get detailed information of anything.
One interesting trivia that Falay knew was that humans were considered part of the beastkin and there are some scholars who keep that theory and calls the humans as apekin.
Now, about the monsters.
They are beings whose intelligence is not like us and have a mana core inside them like demons. I guess that demons are something similar to monsters with human intelligence.
Monsters can be anything, from plants to human shaped beings.
What I clearly got was that the evolution tree of this world is a huge mess, as if someone was playing a strange game. It is nearly impossible for such many species that are different from each other to acquire the same skill of sharing information and knowledge to others and create a civilization.
To be honest, I wished to keep asking more questions, especially the ones related to reproduction. It seems that there is a chance for people from different species to have descendants but I didn't understand under which conditions that phenomena could happen. I tried to ask them, but before I noticed, Rechia was already asleep while Falay was nodding off, fighting between the real world and her dream world.
They said that they were taking care of me and Hugo for an entire day and I kept them up for another day so it is natural that they are tired.
"Sorry for keeping you up until now," I sincerely apologized, doing the same slight bow that Falay does when she is apologizing.
"▐▀↘↙♀ → ←■▓ 回" (It's okay. It was fun), Falay weakly answered with a faint voice.
"Just sleep," I gently said and softly pushed her so she lays down besides Rechia.
"░▒▓ ▌▐▀" (I need to make breakfast), Falay said while trying to fight back.
In response of what she said, I gently said "Good night" and pressed the pressure points on her head that induces sleep.
She started to lightly snore under a minute, showing just how tired she was. I definitely didn't do it to avoid her food.
I stood up from the bed and covered the two girls sleeping with a blanket.
Hmm, I learned a lot, but the most important thing was that I managed to grasp a basic level of Talkian language. I guess that I am already ready to escape.
I walked towards the exit of the room, but I tripped over nothing. Luckily, my reflexes were good enough to avoid me falling down.
I guess that my body is still tired. I should rest for at least one day before leaving. Strangely, I don't feel the danger that I felt from those kidnappers at the castle. No, far from that, I actually feel safe here.
This is weird, there is no way I can trust them, especially Rechia who is keeping an awful amount of secrets.
Should I stay here until Hugo wakes up? I want to at least make sure that the guy I saved risking my life is okay.
Anyways, what is certain is that I am not leaving today, and that I am going to give my body a good rest.
Let's head to the room that Falay prepared for me...
I don't know where it is and the bed I was using is occupied now.
I feel that I can squeeze my body between them, but I don't want to be near Rechia. And forget about the bed that Hugo is sleeping at, I am not going to share my bed with a guy.
Arg, let's just look for the kitchen and prepare some light meal, I need to eat anyways.
Once I decided what to do next, I left the room and started to look for the kitchen. In the middle of my search, I started to twirl my hair out of frustration because of how big this house is.
"Waa! Where is the damn kitchen!" I let out such a yell which sapped the energy that my body is lacking.
Isn't this house a little too big for two people to live? Maybe there are more residents besides Rechia and Falay?
At the end, it took me almost thirty minutes to finally locate the kitchen. It was near the bathroom, the last place I decided to check.
Why the hell is located there!? Do they not think about hygiene at all!?
Once I entered the kitchen, I realized the reason for its closeness to the bathroom.
These two rooms shares the same mana line that procures water and heating and the kitchen has a barrier that acts like a quarantine.
Stupid otherworldly common sense.
My irritation level was getting higher and higher and my tiredness was probably a big factor to it. But the thing that was the icing on the cake was...
"Empty..." I muttered shocked.
Their refrigerator only had some flour which quality is lower than the ones that I am used to deal with.
Just what kind of breakfast can I do with this!?
"Kokkyo!" I heard the cackling of a rooster just before I started to rage around.
If there are roosters, then there should be hens too right?
The kitchen has two doors, the one from where I entered and another one at the other side. Judging from what I can see from the window, that other door leads outside and when I opened that door I found more than what I was expecting.
There was a little farm with many vegetables, chickens and a pair of cows.
Fresh ingredients... Can I do it? Yeah, of course I can. I should be able to prepare something decent now. No, something spectacular. Move body, move!
I forced my tired body to move while thinking a few recipes on my head. I am getting hungry already.
A few hours later...
"█■▓"(What is this!?), Falay and Rechia said at the same time with their eyes shining and spoons moving at an alarming speed.
"Soufflé," I answered without any energy left.
"◊ ◊█✪ ██■█▇ ┓┗┛ ▓ 回□♣▣█△▽"(This, this blessing from what I grew. My hard work wasn't a waste), Falay muttered to herself with some tears on her eyes.
"〓≡ ◥▆▼△﹃﹄ ┌┐└ ██▄█▌▐ ░▒ "(I am more impressed that you kept that farm until now), Rechia commented with her mouth full.
Falay and Rechia are noisily eating the egg soufflé I made after securing eggs, milk and vegetables.
Those two woke up and came here while I was in the middle of cooking, making me realize that I spent a considerable amount of time gathering the ingredients.
Gathering was more difficult than what I thought. I guess it was a really bad idea to force my exhausted body to do that kind of farm work.
I was so tired that after collecting the ingredients that I made this dish with lots of silly mistakes. I am feeling bad that they are enjoying so much with such a failure.
I don't have any right to call Hugo an idiot. I decided to not escape since I was tired and what I just did was to over exhaust myself for some food.
Those two finished the meals in an instant and Rechia went to get one more serving while Falay approached me who was sprawled on top of the table.
"♠✚ ✪♣▣▤▥▆▇░▒▬ ♦ ❣▦◊█△▽⊿█■▓" (Wys, could you teach me how to make this? I... I won't reveal the recipe to anyone, so please. I am begging you), begged Falay with desperate eyes while clinging to my arms, rocking me back and forth.
Is it my idea or Falay has a big complex about her own cooking?
◘▼【】 ┱┲❣▦░▒▬ ♦◊◦☼▪▫☼♦▀ ░✚ ✪△▽⊿◤ ◥▆▇ " (I am also asking you. Please teach that child that recipe and a few mores too. I will void your medical fees, seriously), Rechia also asked me with a serious tone that she hasn't shown up until now.
I see, Rechia has suffered a lot from Falay's cooking. Maybe the secret of their fitness is that they don't eat much because they suck at cooking.
"I am not going to teach a failure like that. Let me sleep a little to show you real cooking okay?" I said lethargically after mustering the little amount of energy remaining on me.
"┯┷┏ ░▒▌▐" (Is a promise!), Falay said enthusiastically.
"Bring, sugar" I muttered and closed my eyes.
Now, just let me sleep.
I am so tired that I feel that I could literally die from exhaustion. This is the first time that I felt like that after not sleeping for only one day. I guess that healing magic consumes a great deal of the patient's stamina.
And before I realized, I entered the dream world.
"Hnnn" I moaned while stretching my arms.
I am now in an unfamiliar room with wooden walls and ceilings. The bed is a comfortable one made out of feathers.
The room is big enough to have walking place when there is a single bed, two desks, two chairs and a closet placed on it.
One of the tables is clearly meant to be used to apply cosmetics on one's face considering the big mirror on top of it. Was this room previous owner a woman?
I stood up and realized that I am not feeling tired anymore. I folded the blankets of the bed while enjoying my refreshed body.
I looked at the window, and I saw the sunset.
I slept a lot didn't I? How careless of me.
I wonder what hour is it. I don't even know the time measuring system of this world, I should ask Falay for it, I bet that Rechia is going to be vague.
I left the room and started to look for Falay. I know that I am on the second floor after I looked through the window so the first thing I needed to do was to find the stairs to go down.
I found the stairs at the end of the hall. There is a spiral flight of stairs that goes up and another one that goes down. This house is really big. I guess that this should be considered a mansion.
I feel that Falay and Rechia are downstairs, but I was curious about the upper floor so I went to the third floor.
What I found was a single door that locked with a big padlock.
This room smells suspicious.
Sadly, the padlock has a scary alarm system. If one tries to force the lock without the matching key, it will sound a loud alarm ring and release a strong electrical shock to its surroundings.
Observing more carefully, it seems that it recognize the matching key from its mana frequency. I didn't know that each mana has its own frequency and I obviously don't know how to change mine either so I won't risk it by forcing the lock. I should ask Falay about this room once I find her.
When I decided to turn back, I felt someone going upstairs. That person's steps are as light as a cat, I guess that is Rechia.
And without betraying my guess, a grinning Rechia appared around the corner.
❣✚ ✪△▽⊿◤ (Have you rested well?), Rechia asked in a curious voice.
"Yes, I am feeling as fresh as new now," I answered energetically to show her that I was good.
"┓┗▆▼△▽⊿◤ ◥▆┛" (You have a really convenient soul skill), Rechia said with a voice that dosen't seem impressed at all.
Is she talking about my appraisal? No, she shouldn't know about it.
"Are you talking about my fast regeneration?" I asked witha bitter voice.
"◥▆▼△▽█■ ▓◥▆▼△▽⊿ ┱┲❣✚ ✪△回□〓≡ ▄█▌⊿◤ ◥" (It was stupid to try to hide it from me. I found it when I was treating you. In fact, your quick stamina recovery was one of the big factors that saved your life), Rechia said with a teasing voice.
As I expected, she truly believes that my soul skill is my abnormal recovery rate.
"Since you know about my soul skill, can you tell me about that room, or more specifically, what are you hiding behind that door?" I asked casually.
"└ ██■▓ 回□" (That's just my personal library. The books here are not only expensive, but also rare so I need to at least do this to avoid losing any of them), Rechia answered with a proud voice.
Books. If all the third floor is used as her library, then there should be a vast number of books there.
"Can you let me see them?" I asked humbly.
(Of... let me think about it), Rechia answered while stroking her chin.
What the... I am sure that she was about to agree with my request. In fact, I felt that she wanted to boast about them.
(For now, let's head downstair. You promised to teach Falay how to cook right?) Rechia said with a beaming smile and led me to the kitchen.
For some reason her smile sent chills down my back.
"Kyaaa!" We heard Falay's high pitchen scream when we reached the first floor.
The two of us dashed towards the source of the voice. Rechia's face was incredibly frightening.
I don't have any duty in helping her, but it will leave a bad taste if the one who nursed me back to health were to die and I did nothing to save her.
I had prepared four Mana Bullets, all loaded into rifled barrels ready to fire in the middle of the run.
Since I was faster than Rechia I reached the place where Falay had screamed from, the room where Hugo was still sleeping.
I didn't slowed down and when I was near the door I jumped and opened the door with a right kick.
What I saw was a fully bandaged guy kneeling down and a blushing Falay who was covering her chests with her two arms.
"Hey, you are Hugo right?" I asked in Japanese with a threatening voice.
"Hinata-san, please help me! This is a misunderstanding!" the bandaged guy said with a crying voice.
Yup, that guy is Hugo.
I decided to ignore him and went towards Falay.
"Are you okay?" I asked in Japanese so Hugo could also understand what we were talking about.
"▇ ██ ╞≡჻╔╗ ╬╱╲╳¯╩▐" (Sorry, I know that it was just an accident, sorry. I was just too surprised), Falay said apologetically while slightly bowing towards Hugo.
...Just what the hell happened here?
"Falay!" Rechia yelled with a concerned voice when she finally entered the room, but after seeing this scene, her face transformed from that frightening look to a confused one.
Yup, I undesrtand her. I am as confused as her.
For some reason, those two are apologizing to each other, but they are so panicked that neither of them can understand the other's intentions. The language barrier is not being helpful at all.
What I can understand is that Falay is not in any danger and that the scream is related to why the two of them are apologizing.
Well, to be sincere, I do have an idea of what happened, but that's too far-fetched to happen in reality.
"One of you, explain it now," I asked in a commanding voice this time.
"╦ ╠ ◠◡╭╮█" (Nothing!)
Falay and Hugo answered at the same time.
Something definitely happened and looking at Rechia's glare towards Hugo, I am sure that she wasn't fooled either.
"─┼█▌◄ █░▒▓ ▌▐▀▄─┼ ╞▐ ░▒▬ ╞▤▓ ▤▥▦▧▨ ۩╔█■ ▓╩╦ (More importantly, is great that this person is up too. He woke up sooner than expected. Now, lets go to the kitchen to eat something nice!), Falay said at a quick speed and stiffly ran towards the door that I had destroyed.
I hadn't failed to notice that Falay's face was as red as a tomato.
Hugo, just what the hell did you do.
Also, it seems that Rechia also noticed that red face and she started to glare daggers towars Hugo.
Is that jealousy? They were supposed to be in a master servant relationship right?
No, I should stop my wild imaginations now.
"That's right, didn't you said that he should be waking up in around a week?" I asked casually towards Rechia.
Hearing my question, Rechia's angry face disappeared and she started to stroke her chin.
"█■ ▓回□〓░▒▓ ▌▐▀▄─┼ ↘↙♀ ▐░╔█■ ▓╩▥▦▧▨□〓≡╝↘↙♀ ..۩▒▬ ╞╟╚▧▨♨" (I admit that I couldn't do a precise estimation due to his constitution, but my rough estimation was one made considering a normal person. I guess that heroes are really out of the norm people), Rechia said with some interest hinted on her voice.
For some reason I think that Hugo is just a special case.
"Hey Hugo, can you walk?" I asked roughly towards that guy who was starting to stand up.
"With some difficulty, but yes I can," Hugo answered tiredly.
Hmm, it seems that he is still not fully recovered.
"You are Hinata-san right?" Hugo shyly asked.
"That's my fake name, but yes I am," I answered a little pissed because of his tone of voice.
"You know, you look better without make up," Hugo said while looking to his side.
He is an injured kid. He is an injured kid. He is an injured kid.
I had to use all my willpower to stop myself from firing Mana Bullets at him.
"Shut up and follow us, we are going to eat," I said more coldly than what I wanted and left towards the kitchen.
Rechia did the same as me and headed to the kitchen.
Since Hugo is lacking energy, I walked slowly to avoid leaving that guy behind. He is so troublesome.
The three of us were in complete silence until we reached the kitchen.
"Hugo, that other door is the bathroom. Wait a moment," I said and entered the bathroom.
Inside, I filled a few buckets with warm water and called Hugo inside. I just remembered that all the tools in that bathroom work with mana.
"Do all your needs and then go to the kitchen," I instructed and left the bathromm to go the kitchen next.
Inside the kitchen, I found a disaster.
The scent of burnt food lingering in the air, bins full of eggshells and pots with a disgusting mix of vegetables milk and eggs. If it weren't for my appraisal I would just see it as if it were a mass of industrial wastage.
And the culprit of this chaos is the blushing girl holding a kitchen knife chopping vegetables so tiny that they are about to turn into dust.
"Stop it!" I yelled in a panic.
"Wys?" muttered Falay.
"Were you perhaps cooking since I slept until Hugo woke up?" I asked with some fear mixed in my voice.
"╔█■" (Yes), answered Falay a little ashamed.
"Let me take care of the rest. Just watch and follow my instructions okay?" I said in the gentler voice I could muster.
"╔█■" (Yes!), answered Falay excited.
Thus, my little cooking lesson started.
Originally, I planned to bake some pancakes, but I feel that I should do an egg soufflé again.
I explained in great detail every step of the recipe while I was showing her an example slowly. Falay did her best to imitate me and she slowly go the hang of it.
I think that the main reason of Falay's awful cooking was the lack of a good teacher.
Ah, for this time's soufflé I used butter. Before going to sleep I stored milk in the fridge and now was ready to make butter with it. Well almost ready.
I used Barrier magic to separate the cream and milk, magic sure is useful.
When we finished, Falay's eyes were shining with some droplet of tears on the corner of her eyes.
"۩۞ ۩ ▌ ┐└┘∟「 」▌▐▀↘↙♀ " (I made a tasty dish... I finally did it!), Falay said emotionally.
"It was fun right?" I said with a smile that sprouted before I knew it.
"╔█■□〓≡╝↘↙" (Yes! Thank you very much!), Falay said happily.
"Woah, this looks good," Hugo said amazed.
"Kya!" Falay let out a cute surprised scream.
I noticed that Hugo entered in the middle of cooking, but Falay was so focused that she only noticed him now that she has finished.
"Step back pervert," I coldly said.
"I already said that it was a misunderstanding!" Hugo yelled in panic.
I ignored him and simply stared coldly at him, which made him return back to his seat where Rechia was giving him icy glances.
Seriously, just what the hell did that guy do. He reacted very strongly to the word pervert.
"Now that the dishes are ready, let's serve them," I said with to Falay with a forced cheerfulness.
Falay just silently nodded and then we put the dishes on the table.
This tastes good. The softness of the egg together with the crunchiness of the vegetables mesh up together nicely.
"Oh, this tastes good," Hugo commented happily.
This guy's mood swings way too fast. One moment he is depressed, at another he is panicking and before one knows it he is happy again.
Falay sent me a questioning glance after what Hugo said.
"Ah, that guy just said that it tasted good," I explained to Falay.
Hearing what I said, Falay's face was radiant.
"╭╮█■ ▓回□" (I also think that this tastes great!), Rechia quickly said without properly swalloing her food.
Uwah, her eating manner sucks. Such a waste to someone as beautiful as her. And I know that this is not a cultural difference, since in comparison to Rechia, Falay is properly swallowing before saying something.
"▀▄─┼ ╞╟╚╔╩╦ ╠ ◠۩۞ ۩ ▌ ┐└┘∟「 」" (Milady, don't eat like that in front of guests. Look even though Hugo is has just woken up, he is properly eating), Falay said embarrassed after she saw my disappointed look towards Rechia.
Hearing what Falay said, Rechia quickly swallowed what was on her mouth.
I found one of Rechia's weaknesses, yay! Ah, but Falay is going to have a hard time in finding a boyfriend at this rate unless she and Rechia are...
I gave one look towards Falay's angelical face and stopped that train of thought.
That is definitely a one sided love. It's impossible that such an angel would be together with that devilish woman.
"What are they saying Hinata-san?" Hugo asked confused by that little exchange between Rechia and Falay.
What a bother. I need to translate everything, but there is something that is bothering me a lot more than that.
"Hey Hugo, how are you so calm?" I asked a little perplexed.
I have been dragged too much into those two girls pace, making me lower my guard a lot, but Hugo who has just woken up should be terribly confused.
"Huh? Isn't it obvious? I mean we are finally safe," Hugo answered with a confused look.
Why is he more confused by what I just said than the current situation?
"Do you realize that you have just met with those two strangers right? How can you feel safe around them?" I asked astonished by his answer.
"That's because they saved us. I really thought that we were going to die back then, but that lady... Lecha-san if I am not mistaken carried us back here," Hugo said with a small smile.
Then after that Hugo's face got stiff and he suddenly stood up.
"Thank you very much! I don't know how I can repay you, but I will definitely do it. I am really grateful that you three helped us," Hugo said while bowing in ninety degrees with the most serious tone I have heard from him until now.
Why is he including me there too?
Seeing Hugo acting like that, Rechia revealed a satisfied grin while Falay's face got red again.
" ▤▥▦▧▨╔█■ ▓╩╦ ╠" (It's okay, I know that it was an accident and I am also at fault for hitting you so hard for a mere accident so you don't need to keep apologizing, please just forget it!), Falay said panicking
It seems that while Rechia understood what Hugo meant, Falay completely misunderstood.
"Falay, Hugo is not apologizing, but thanking you." I said with stiffly.
Hearing what I said, Falay's face got even redder which made Hugo's face red too and Rechia mad again.
Ah, this is awkward.
"Cough. Hugo, did you perhaps meet them before falling unconscious?" I asked awkwardly after a forced cough.
"Ah, ah yes. I managed to recover my consciousness and dragged us outside the river and luckily I found those two girls. I remembered what the word for help was, well actually that is the only word that I knew so I kept saying that," Hugo said like a machine.
Wow, he did a really good job then.
"You are more sturdy than I thought," I said honestly
"Haha, well, that was because of you Hinata-san. You used your own body to protect me from the river's debris and rocks," Hugo said apologetically.
I don't remember doing that at all. I bet that it was just a mere coincidence, but there is no need in telling him that.
But, hearing what he said, it is really a miracle that I managed to survive then.
" ┊╱╲╳┌┐ ┓┗┛ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈﹄—≡჻░" (Wys, can you tell Hugo that he doesn't need to be so formal in thanking us?), Falay said a little more composed than before.
"Hugo. Falay, the cute girl, is saying that you are being a bother by being so grateful, so chill out. Ah, also the sexy woman is not Lecha, but Rechia," I said to Hugo with my usual smiling poker face.
"Eh!?" Hugo exclaimed shocked.
"┈ ┊╱┓⊥﹃│ ┃ ╲╳" (That's not what I wanted to say!), Falay yelled a little angrily towards me.
It's the same meaning anyways.
"═╓┳⊥└┘∟ ╬═╓╩ ┠∟┈ ┊┓┗┛ ╩ ┠" (Hey Wys, tell that bastard that he owes me hundreds of millions Wion), Rechia said angrily.
"No way. Even though Hugo was the one who begged for help, you were the one who decided to help without asking anything in exchange. We don't have any duty in paying you back," I said with a bank executive tone.
Hearing what I said; Hugo and Rechia's face froze in shock.
Was it that unexpected what I said? Look at Falay, she didn't reacted at all from my words.
"Hey, Hinata-san. Even though they didn't asked anything, isn't it ethical to try to repay them?" Hugo carefully asked.
"You won't be able to say that if you know your actual monetary debt," I said to Hugo. And then I continued.
"Besides, you said that you helped us because it seemed interesting. On top of that, you also said that you were going to cover the medical fees in exchange of me teaching Falay how to cook," I said with the same tone I had before.
"█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿◤ ◥▆▇ ██" (That's right milady. You can't force money out of them when you helped them only in a whim. Besides you even said that it was fated for them to live right?), Falay said in a scolding tone.
The words that came out of Falay's mouth had a huge impact on Rechia, making her eat without looking towards Falay.
Hugo's ability to make people angry is indeed powerful, he can piss people off even when they don't understand what he is saying. It even reduced that annoying woman to that state.
Ah, I can't forget about that important piece of information because of my happiness.
"Falay, what did you mean with us being fated to live?" I asked seriously, eliminating that stupid tone I was using before.
"█■▓▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿◤ 回□〓" (Erm, milady says things like fate or destiny from time to time whenever she does things on a whim), Falay said a little apologetically.
"▨▩█ ┠┨┯┷┏ ┓┗┛ ┳⊥﹃﹄▌▐▀▄▽⊿" (Didn't I said that you shouldn't bother asking her? She barely knows anything), Rechia said smiling.
It seems that she had already recovered from Falay's attack, and as expected, she is not willing in sharing important bits of information.
"I don't lose anything in trying anyways," I answered with a resigned face.
Rechia revealed a smile looking at me, as if she took delight in my suffering.
"■ ▓回□〓▧▨♨▀▄─┼ ╞╟╚╔╩╦" (Ah, by the way. What do you plan to do now?), Rechia asked with that creepy smile she showed me before in front of that door.
What to do... looking at those two, I know that escaping is no longer a problem so my next step should be.
"Getting a job. I can't do anything without money," I honestly answered.
For some reason, Rechia's smile widened more after hearing what I said.
"▨▩█ ┴┬▇ ██■▓ 回□〓≡╝ ╚╔" (I see, can you do other housework besides cooking?), Rechia asked a little excited.
"Of course, there isn't a single kind of household chore that I can't do," I said a little boastful.
Even Diana, the headmaid of the Zaichik’s family acknowledged my skills, there is no doubt that there is no one better than me in housework.
But why is she asking me for that? I am having some bad feelings about this.
"Are you going to recommend me to some place where I can make use of those skills?" I asked swallowing the fear that was appearing inside me.
"─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀ ▄▪▫☼♦▀ ██■" (Aren't you sharp? Yes, and the place I recommend you is here!), Rechia said dramatically while extending her arms.
Ah, that was her plan. To tie me here using work. Well, if she is saying work, then a salary is a must right?
"I am having some bad feeling about this, but what is the job you are offering and how much is the salary?" I asked a little curiously.
"█▆▇▒ ≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥◥▆█ ┴┬├─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀ ▄▇ ██■▓ 回□▀▄ ◠◡╭..." (Heh, I am glad that you are interested in it. Your pay is two hundred thousand Wion per month. You are going to be a live in maid, so you don't need to pay for living expenses, which include food, shelter and hygiene. Also...), Rechia said without holding her excitement anymore.
"No way. I know that the salary is high, but I am not going to be a maid," I immediately responded in English, interrupting her speech. My pride won't let Hugo to even have a hint about what this conversation is about.
I would have think about it if she had said butler, but she clearly said maid. She should know that I am a man so that was on purpose. She is just making fun of me.
"□〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═╓" (So fast! At least let me finish!), Rechia said with a sad voice that was obviously fake.
"Why should I when you are just messing around with me?!" I yelled angrily.
"▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩█ ▌▐▀▄" (I was planning to let you enter my library though), Rechia casually said.
...That is actually tempting. So that was what she was aiming at.
Right now, I believe that they haven't been lying to me. It's just a gut feeling though. And if they have been telling the truth, books are something rare around here, that means that a book is a real treasure trove of knowledge, the thing that I am seriously lacking now.
"What kind of book do you have in there?" I unwillingly asked.
"█■▓ ჻░▒▓ ▤回□〓≡╝"(A lot, from encyclopedias to adventure novels), Rechia said with a triumphant face.
Encyclopedias, that should be useful.
"Do you have some magic learning book in that library too? Especially the ones related to summoning magic?" I asked without hiding my hopes and expectations.
"├─┼ ╞╟「」↑↓╱╲╳¯– —≡჻▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫" (Yes, I also have them, but they are only on the elemental level. The books containing more complex matters, especially the ones related to magic are only found in academies), Rechia said with some grudge mixed in her voice.
"Don't tell me that there is some ban on books here?" I asked with some fear.
"─┼ ╞╟▌▐▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼▤▥▦▧▨▩█回□〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬═╓╩" (Yes, to the point that I had to illegally acquire the only intermediate level magic book that I own), Rechia explained without even trying to hide her grudge now.
"█ ▌▐▀▄▽⊿◤ ◥▆▇ ██ " (Milady, you shouldn't talk about stuffs like that so openly), Falay said in a panic.
"┏ ┓┗┛ ┳⊥﹃﹄╗ ╬═╓╩ ┠┨┯┷┏ ┓ ┌┐└┘∟ 「」↑" (Don't worry. Hugo can't understand what we say and Wys is smart enough to not disclose what I have just say so casually right?) Rechia said with her usual smile which returned befre I knew it.
"That's obvious," I crudely answered.
If I were to reveal something to put her down, I am not going to use something like a book that can be burnt easily, but something more substantial, like the fact that she is not completely human.
"↑↓╱╲╳¯– ▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀ —≡჻░▒▓ ▤▥▦▧▨▩" (So Wys, I even have some illegal books, so are you interested in taking the job now?), Rechia asked with a face that says that she had already won.
"Let me think about it. I am going to look for other job alternative first," I answered and finished my meal.
"└┘∟ ▀▄ ◠◡╭□〓≡╝ ╚╔╗ ╬「」↑▆▇ ██" (Fair enough. Falay, accompany him tomorrow and give him a tour around the village), Rechia said without losing her triumphant smile.
"▀▄ ◠◡╭▪▫☼♦▀" (Understood milady), Falay answered with a warm smile.
A job huh. Before accepting, let's try to find something better and make sure that I am not being deceived first.
By the way, in all this job related conversation, Hugo looked completely confused since he couldn't even grasp what we were talking about.
- In Serial29 Chapters
The Hammer Effect
Power, Power, Power. Everyone wants it. No one wants to lose it. It corrupts, It performs miracles. It causes untold devastation. Power, the aim of all madmen. The thing that allows them to enable their impetus. I want power, and with where I'm going, I'll need it to ensure my survival, after all there's much of it up for the taking.
8 119 - In Serial11 Chapters
Trust No One
Liberty Gray is excited. She finally has a chance to catch a killer! Octavio is nervous. What if the killer goes after him or his family? Milo's job just got more complicated. Why do they have to find this killer? Corey is worried. The kids being there was his fault, wasn't it?
8 105 - In Serial10 Chapters
Lightfall 4: Darkest Sinlight
Darkness descends over Ardjia, that newly discovered beautiful gemlike planet and its many hundreds of starlane jump points that the Syndicate, the Identic, and Ardjia herself are all too willing to commit murder to control. What is the darkest sin of a world of dark energy users? Where blood is the currency of truth, of power, of life itself, where living sacrifices have their hearts ripped out and offered to the gods atop ancient pyramids, what could possibly be considered a dark blasphemy? Lord Lightfall and the undisputed King of Sunset Highland face their own darkest sins while trying to stay alive and bring the dark ka culture of Ardjia up out of the gravity well and out into the Intergalactic Identic all the while trying to maintain a bit of integrity amidst an array of awful choices whose consequences may come to affect millions on Ardjia if not billions throughout the Identic.
8 107 - In Serial9 Chapters
Wielder of Forms
Wield the Forms. Define the Infinite. Gods err, and must break our world to save others.This is a story of one who survived, one who never should have, and those that travel with her. How these survivors endure a changed world, and are made to change with it. What they must do for power, and what is sacrificed to obtain it. The Forms are the key. All things are a Form, are fragments of higher Forms, and are comprised of lesser Forms. The Forms are all, and all Forms are connected - each a piece of creation. To survive, they will learn the Forms. To endure, the Forms will change then. To gain power - power beyond all mortal ken - they must Wield the Forms. Wield the Forms. Define the Infinite. This is a work in progress. Writing for this novel is currently performed during brief snatches of free time, mistakes are inevitable. I am more than happy to take advantage of free editing, so please, editorialize away; I'll take it all on board. I'll be going back to clean up chapters I've already published fairly regularly, and I'll do my best to let all of you readers know whenever that happens. Updates at least once a week, most likely on Tuesdays and/or Fridays.
8 181 - In Serial69 Chapters
Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!
Will use (M/n) for make name instead of (y/n) ((Your name)) for those that are girls so they can use male names, and for my male peeps reading this ^^Also (D/n) for Demon Name~~~~~~~Will go along with the seasons. Where it starts will be posted with in the first part~~~~~~~(M/n) is a well known demon in both Hell and Heaven. He did his own thing, which more then likely weren't all that good. It all landed him as a wanted man. He goes to Earth to find a new life, but he ends up with the Winchesters, helping them on hunts, and with info. Only for many demons they encounter to want his head. Now labeled as a traitor, an enemy amongst demons and angels. How will it all end? I got no idea, you just gotta read it~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING: If your a fan of Supernatural then you know there is a rollercoaster of emotions in the series. Sadness, blood, some gore(depends on the episode I guess)((I will be watching the episode as I write, so i'll put the needed warning the chapter needs)) swearing and yes...there will be male on male action in this fic. The reader is in no way innocent, if you know what I mean *winks*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COVER BY: DarthTalek~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENJOY!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Supernatural (c) Rightful OwnersYou (c) Yourself
8 145 - In Serial57 Chapters
Our World
Just find out
8 54