《Thank you, Mr. Robot》Chapter 3: Unwilling companion


Even though on the outside Artisia looked calm and composed while proposing the quest to Alfred. But in reality she was far from calm.

´Please agree to this, I will never get another perfect person like this as a champion candidate. And I even messed up my first encounter, I really hope he doesn't think I'm some sort of incompetent goddess.´ Artisia thought while panicking internaly.

She was also slightly annoyed at a certain gnome giggling to herself behind her throne. She could faintly hear Liz say:

˝You really are trying hard to get this guy, acting so ˝divine˝. Well I guess your normal self would in no way convince him to accept being your champion. You slipper goddess, hehehe.˝

Suddenly Alfred stepped forward and shook Artisia's hand. ˝I accept the quest and the possition of your chamption, though I do wish to know a little bit more about the details of my mission. As well as a few things that have been bothering me.˝

Artisia beamed, put her other hand on Alfred's and started shaking it up and down. ˝This partnership is going to be so much fun, I just know it. Pleasure working with you Alfred.˝ She then jumped back a bit, noticing she might have gotten too enthusiastic about all of this.

Little did she know that Alfred didn't even worry about her enthusiasism, all he thought about was ´Her hands were so warm.´ while still feeling a bit of warmth on his right hand.

˝Sorry about that, I was a bit to happy about getting a chamption after all these years.˝ Artisia said blushing slightly.

˝Also about your quest, all it really entails is traveling the world, from time to time getting a minor quest from me to assist, recruit some worshipers. Sometimes I will also give you quests that will require you to work with champions of other gods, but those will be few an far between.˝


Alfred thought for a few seconds and then replied with a nod.

˝Those terms seem acceptable, I was going to explore this new world anyway. May I also ask a few more questions regarding my current situation?˝

˝No problem, I will answer to the best of my abilities.˝ Artisia answered with confidence.

˝Thank you. I would like to inquire if you know the reason I can suddenly detect temperature fluctuations with my body. I was previously incapable of this, and there don't seem to be any visible modifications made to my body. When we shook hands before I was able to detect your warmth through my hand. Do you know the reason for this?˝

Alfred was keen on discovering the reason for this weird new sensations. If he had human eyes you could see his eyes were brimming with anticipation, sadly he does not so he just stared at Artisia for a bit.

˝Ah, that's an easy one. It's because of the mana that merged with your body when you were transported to this place. You seemed to be a mechanical contruct before, yes?˝ Artisia asked just to make sure.

Alfred noded in confirmation, so she continued her explanation.

˝You are now no longer fully mechanical, you are semi magical. Basically all your components have been infused with mana. Your plating has been turned into mana metal so it acts as some sort of mana skin, you will be able too feel temperature fluctuactions, touch and even pain. Though it's still harder than normal skin, it's made of metal after all.

You should also be able to regenerate your body with the use of certain spells. Is that explanation enough, or should I go a bit more in depth?˝ Artisia was intrigued by this sudden development, she wondered what kind of special evolutions he would be able to unlock thanks to his mana infused body.


Aflred just stood there for a few minutes. Then walked right up to Arisia and gently carresed her face with one hand, and his own with the other. She turned beet red and started muttering ˝What are you doing Alfred?˝

He moved his hand away and said: ˝Apologies if I have caused you emotional distress, I was merely trying to determine the difference in my ˝skin˝ and yours. It seems yours is smooth and warm, while mine is rough and cold, though not as cold as that crystal.˝

˝Oh, don't apologize, your touch was actually quite nice, and in no way causing me distress. So about my explanation was it enough?˝ Artisia managed to say after calming down a bit.

˝Yes, it was quite enough, thank you. It took me a bit of time to run some diagnostics, but this mana has truly changed my body down to my core. Though I do have to get used to these new sensations, I do believe they will benefit me in the future.˝ Alfred said while continuing to touch parts of his body.

˝Any other questions I might help you with?˝ Still slowly recovering from the up close interaction with Alfred.

˝I do have one.˝ Alfred pointed behind the throne. ˝Who is that person hiding behind the throne.˝

˝An excelent question. Come out here Liz! This is important so hurry up!˝ Artisia was grinning at Liz, sending shivers down her spine.

´I have a bad feeling about this.´ Liz thought to herself as she slowly emerged from behind the throne. She was 127 cm tall, black hair tied up in a ponytail, blue eyes and pointed ears. She wore a blue mechanics outfit and her body looked just like a shrunken Artisia, just slightly more plump. For some reason she was constantly yawning.

Artisia decided to introduce them to each other.

˝Liz, this here is Alfred, as you probably heard he will be my champion from today onwards. Alfred, this little one is Liz, she is a gnome and one of my subordinates.˝ Artisia smilled at Alfred and then said: ˝Also your travel companion, so try to get along.˝

Alfred decided to initiate hanshake with her and said ˝Looking forward to working with you.˝

Sadly he did not get a response from Liz, since she was busy shaking Artisia while yelling.


Artisia pushed Liz away and put her hands on her shoulder. Leaned really closely and wispered in her ear:

˝Oh, are you not happy that this dumb slipper goddess finally found you a great mission. I mean being the lifelong companion of champion is a great honor.

And look, he's even a construct, so who knows, he might even live forever. Try to work hard, this will be an excellent experience for the both of you.˝ She gave her a few pats on the shoulder and turned away.

Completely ignoring the now sobbing Liz, Artisia beamed at Alfred and said.

˝So are you ready to do the champion ceremony and be sent off to Terra?˝

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