《Convergence of Night》Chapter Fourteen


I smiled, and began a series of short distance ports to force myself to run faster than I ever thought possible, faster even than Phil. In the blink of an eye I was in front of the man, and shifting all the energy into my upper body I grabbed his arm and crushed it. I felt his bone fracture, and break as I squeezed with all my might. Strange, I'm pretty sure that the density of bone was pretty darn strong, and there was no possible way that I could ever exert enough strength to break bone...

Ah whatever, I'll just chalk it up to another one of the benefits of my new, enhanced ability. After all, I did feel a lot better ever since I got out of that compound. What happened at the end was still a blur, but what I do remember was that I was able to use my ability like never before. Porting that quickly and that precisely was not possible before, and I was certainly not this strong. I shrugged, and kept squeezing. I wasn't sure if he even felt the pain because he tried to punch me with his free hand. I intercepted it with my left and broke that too. I think he felt that one though, because the scream he gave was beautiful.

“Ugh, must you be so loud?” I said, groaning, “I mean, it's the middle of the night! You'll wake up the neighbours!”

I couldn't help laughing. I felt my heart beat faster, felt every nerve in me scream with joy, like I wasn't alive until that moment. I still saw the hatred in his eyes, they weren't filled with fear yet. I had to fix that. I had to show him the same fear that he made others feel because of his selfish, arrogant attitude.

I shoved the man down and with a heavy stomp I crushed his left leg.

“Fuck! Stop... stop!” he pleaded. Ah, there's the fear I was after! But not enough.

“Hm... Why should I again?” I destroyed his right leg as well, “Wasn't it you who attacked me?”

“I'm... I'm sorry! Look, I was wrong, ok? Please... please stop!” There was tears in his eyes now. The anger and stubbornness that once marked his face was all but gone, replaced with absolute hopelessness and terror.

“Ah, well I suppose I can stop... but you seemed to have destroyed our ride home!” I said, putting on a deep frown, “But no worries, I'm a kind guy. I won't leave you here to die. I'll take you back myself!”

I grabbed the broken Phil by the hair and dragged him along the road. Walking back would take a while, but I was quite enjoying the fresh air.

“He won't forgive you, you know.” a thin smile appeared on Phil's face, “He's one of our leaders, you know. He doesn't forgive anyone who touches his servants, and I've been in the family for 8 years!”


“Oh, we'll just have to see about that!”

The trip back took a good half hour, but I barely noticed the time pass. When I reached the front I kicked the doors open and ignored the gawking people inside. I calmly strode – all the while dragging Phil – to Roberts office. I slammed the door open and threw Phil inside, scattering some papers.

“What the hell is this?” Robert said. I guess the man can lose his cool.

Before I could even respond Phil crawled towards Robert and said, “He attacked me, sir! I was just joking around and he attacked me!”

“Well...” I responded, “weren't you the first to strike?”

“Phil, is this true?” Robert said, his face unreadable.

“I... I was just joking around! I grabbed him a little, thought I'd scare him and show him his place. I didn't mean to actually attack! I swear!”

I didn't expect Robert's next move, because he exploded in anger and kicked Phil so fiercely that the papers in his room were sent aflutter. Phil crashed into the wall outside of the office with a heavy thud.

“Master...?” Phil said pathetically. He wasn't dead somehow, so he must be pretty sturdy, I'll give him that.

“Do you know what you've done? Do you know how how great an offence this is?” Robert roared, I've never seen the man so angry before.

He leaped outside and kicked the downed Phil in the stomach again.

“I... I don't...”

“You dared attack the Lord of the Night!? The Lord of our people!? You... you...” He kicked the downed man again.

Phil coughed up blood, “Lord? Bu-but he doesn't exist! I thought he was a rumour... please, I didn't know!”

“I think you should stop there, Robert.” I interjected, stopping the the angered old man from continuing his assault, “You're scaring the servants.”

“I'm sorry my lord, but this offence is unforgivable! As the sire of this fool I am responsible as well; I shall accept any punishment that you see fit.” He knelt down before me, face to the ground.

“Oh, don't worry about that. You didn't do anything wrong, and to be fair I was playing around too much with the guy.” I said, pulling Robert back up.

The master reluctantly nodded. He faced his stunned servants and shouted, “Someone take this disgrace and lock him up. I want full security on him 24/7, and this place cleaned up. I'll see to him after.”

I saw a flurry of action and a couple of the bigger butlers went to pick up the bloodied and bruised man from the ground, dragging him away. Phil looked to be unconscious at this point, and I can only imagine what kind of treatment he was going to receive after this. Maybe Robert's place had an underground dungeon or something to put people like him away; it would certainly fit the whole vampire thing.


“So,” I said, “what's gonna happen to him?”

“He shall await a trail, and then executed for his offence, my lord.”

“Isn't that a little harsh...?” I said, feeling a little pang of guilt, “I did provoke him back there.”

“It matters not, my lord.” he said with a deep frown, “He has disgraced us all with his actions. There is no compromise. I thank you for following regulations and not killing him off right.”

“Do you need me there for the trial thing?”

“If that is possible it would be best, my lord, but your presence is not strictly required.” said Robert, before turning around,“If you'll excuse me, my lord, I have to deal with the implications of that fool's actions.”

“Of course.” I said, nodding.

“Before I forget,” he added, turning back, “If you wish, my lord, you may ask any of the servants to guide you around town. They will not fail as Phil has.”

“Oh, sure, thanks. But Phil kind of threw your car at me.”

The master brought a hand to his face and sighed, “My apologies, my lord... I'll have another car ready for you at the front.”

He mumbled something else under his breath and left.

I looked at the gawking onlookers and noticed that Elizabeth was among them. I gave her a little wave and casually walked up to her. When she saw me she froze up, and her whole body tensed up. She gave me an awkward wave back, and when I approached the other servants quickly fled around us. I could see that she was more frightened than usual, the fear in her eyes were clear. Good. She, at least, knew to fear the predator.

What was I thinking? Why did I...

Excruciating pain erupted in my brain, blocking off any thoughts I had; I put my hands to my head, rubbing my temples. I shook my head, forcing the pain to subside... what was I thinking before? I felt like I was forgetting something...


“Um...” the sweet, quivering voice of Elizabeth said, “d-do you need me for something, my lord?”

“Oh, yes.” I said with a wry smile, ignoring the feeling of unease I had earlier, “you are to guide me around town tonight, if that is not too much trouble.”

“Of course, my lord.” she answered, “I-It shall be an honour.”

“Are you afraid, Elizabeth?” I asked, placing a hand on her delicate cheeks.

Her eyes lit up like a frightened animal with that question, I saw her lips waver and her body shake. Her beautiful eyes locked onto mine, and I could see that she wanted to escape me at all costs, but she won't disobey me. If I wanted to, I could do anything to her, and no one would stop me. I could take her, right here and now, and no one would bat an eye, and if I wanted, I could rip her throat out just as easily. She was my property, completely and utterly mine. At that I chuckled and grabbed her hands gently, leading her away from the crowd of onlookers.

“You should get dressed,” I said, “it's awfully cold out there and I wouldn't want something... bad to happen to you.”

Her only response was a slight nod.

The visit to town was rather uneventful, and my guide was more reserved than usual. Elizabeth and I went to eat at a 24 hour burger joint and all the while she kept to a respectable distance from me, I didn't mind it as much. After that was some sight seeing, although there wasn't much to see in the little town of Cinderford. By the time we got back to the manor it was almost dawn.

I retired to my bedroom and bid her a good night, and only then did I realize that she has stopped calling me by my name and returned to using my title. Why have I not noticed – or stopped her – earlier? I didn't ponder on the subject for long, and eventually sleep took over.

That night I was plagued by nightmares of death and desolation. I saw in that land of dreams a sea of uncontrollable chaos, pure and untamed. I saw mutilated bodies uniformed ghouls drag a body down into the void, all the while the face of a crying, broken being haunted my vision. The landscape before me was blinding, painful. Yet in that chaos I laughed. I laughed a terrible, terrible laugh that pierced the very fabric of reality.

I awoke from that laughter, my head pounding with the worst headache I've ever had. I rushed to the washroom and threw up.

“Fuck...” I muttered.

I dragged myself downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, chugging it down in 2 gulps. What the hell is wrong with me?

“Is my lord alright?” said a voice, I turned around and saw Robert standing over the kitchen table.

“Yeah,” I said, “just feeling a bit sluggish I guess.”

“Shall I get my lord some nourishment and send for Elizabeth?”

“No,” I answered; just thinking about her made my head throb, “I'll be better in no time, don't worry about it.”

“As you wish, my lord.” he said, “Oh yes, the lady Sable is now awake; she was instructed to rest in her room until you saw to her. She seems to be doing well.”

My eyes lit up upon hearing that, and I immediately dismissed Robert and rushed to Sable's room. Sable! I almost forgot about her, but just hearing that she was alive and well made me feel better. After everything that's happened she was the one thing that made me feel... human. I knocked on her door and upon hearing a response, went in.

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