《Re:elemental The Greatest Spark [Hiatus]》Chapter 6) The Paladin


A cold pressure was constricting around me, every fibre of my body on edge telling me that if I made a move I would be immediately struck down.

The pressure not relenting I heard the clearing of a throat from behind me.

"Hello Xen" *ptui* spitting as he said my name, I would have been offended had I not been in such a situation.

"I had expected you to be more...fearsome but seeing you in person has kinda ruined that expectation, if not for my divine lord Natas (May his divine spirit guide us) and his heavenly angels guidance you would have been a more prominent threat" a moment of pause halts his speech, *Clang* the sound of two pieces of metal being slammed together.

"But in the name of the heavenly divine being I shall destroy you for what you are hell-spawn, you shall not bring another age of fire!" his voice growing more fierce with every word.

Fuck, I'm really really fucked right now, there's nothing worse than being at the mercy of a religious fanatic, gathering the courage to turn around my worst fears were confirmed, in what I could only describe as a paladin.

A tall white man stood proud, shining white armour matched by his tower shield and mace, standing in confidence, as if a mist a constant golden aura of light shone from him giving him a holy appearance.

What worst was that he wasn't alone, a ragtag of 10 or so men fitted with leather armour and a mix of weapons stood behind him, as if in prayer they knelt at him, a mix of emotions ranged between them betraying their lack of experience.

"How did you sneak up on me?" I called out trying to buy some time.

"Oh, so you've not retained your memories, I see? good, this will make things so much easier; Now, Prepare yourself evil!" with that he gave a signal, his henchmen as if on cue sprinted into a mad dash towards me.

The pressure relenting I found myself able to breath again, with enough distance between us it gave me enough time to prepare for the first assault, the fastest of the group came running ahead, raised sword sword that was ready to slash, with a quick jab from my spear it pierced his neck, his sword falling to the side while clenching his neck, soon falling to the floor.

His buddy took the opportunity to slash at me, with a glancing blow I felt a sting of pain, at the same time he gave off a yowl of pain, his sword burned brightly steam coming from his hand, "You idiot he's got a fire shield use the water charm to protect yourself!" the paladin shouted.

*Fwoosh* before he could react I sprayed him in fire his cries of agony ensuring he won't get back up again, while his buddies circled around me, a misty haze surrounding their shivering weapons, graining in confidence it was a shame that they didn't know about my little trick.


With a cry their assault began, launching themselves at me, they all attempted to attack in a bid to get around my defence, swords, maces, even a pole-arm all aimed at me but they were all for naught, before they could even step into range I had released my all my Absorb spears, aimed in all direction a chorus of stabs, gargling and cries of pain resounded, blood spurting in every direction, I didn't stop with just one stab either, I didn't give my spears a second of rest before they repeated their action, more and more blood spewed forth as the survivors got caught in the merciless assault.

Within seconds they were all dead, blood stained the once bare ground, the once loud group reduced to only 4 but something was off...shit.

With a blinding light that radiated from the paladin, he had stood there chanting.

"Oh divine lord, I ask you for your guidance, let those who seek to harm your creation be judged and those seek to sour your name be struck down, grant me, your lowly servant lend my blade so that you can strike down your divine judgement!" His voice echo'd powerfully, his once stone cold face released a grin, a shiver down my spine I knew I was royally screwed.

With elegance he lifting his mace into the air "Divine Punishment!" *ZEEEEEE* screamed from his mace.

As if the gates of hell opened gravity increased dramatically, struggling to even stay afloat the ground shook around me, in horror I watched as the once cloudy amber sky turned brightly yellow as something of pure light came hurdling from the heavens.

Its target me, the pressure it exerted as it drew closer was unbearable, with no time to dodge I took the full brunt of the attack.

Searing pain coupled with the infamous Dinging was all I had time to register.

A moment was all it took, a quick blink and the once blinding light was all but gone, replaced with nothingness "...." I was back in the darkness, alone again...










"Am I dead...?"

In the empty void not even my voice echo'd, forever expansive yet devoid of anything and anyone.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, foolish soul, do you not understand the body your inhabiting..." caught off-guard I choked down a scream, its overwhelmingly deep voice sounded out piercing me to my core.

Suddenly two orbs of fire shone in the void, as if eyes staring into me, his gaze alone could have struck me down I paled at the though of what it wanted from me.

"Our body has lots of potential, all you have to do is give it a little, juice, watch little soul I wouldn't want to make this a routine"

The void clearing up, instinctively I knew I only had a sliver of HP left...suddenly without warning my body started aching, my body unresponsive something started to happen.


Before the paladin could even lower his weapon I felt mana welling up into my body, without even a warning my body launched multiple spears into the remaining men, striking deeply into their chest their face twisted with agonized screams.

As if on cue the warmth came rushing in and in turn the victims started convulsing, their once warm features quickly turning pale, their body drying up until only what I could describe as instant mummification.

The paladin looked on with horror "Monster! nobody can withstand the lords judgement!" his once calm face twisted in shock and anger as he lift his weapon again.

"Divine Punishment!" the paladin once again launching his attack.

Before he could finish his sentence I felt the shift of mana inside my body, twisting and turning as if a violent sea, suddenly changing into a hurricane.

Elemental Fire Hydra Form Unlocked

Forced Transformation into Elemental Fire Hydra Form

A thick blast of smoke arose from my body, but I could clearly see what was happening, my instantly vision elevated, a suddenly a feeling of indescribable power started coursing through my uncontrollable body and with it the once vacant feeling of limbs was back

Instinctively as if this was natural to me I knew exactly what I looked like, 16 metre long, as wide as a car and taller than a house I completely dwarfed the paladin, my body covered in ruby red scales, with four legs and tail like a lizard.

My long neck being half as long as my body lead to my head, resembling that of a dragon, two twisted horns and ruby red eyes, the most fearsome feature being my fearsome jaws, with its triple set of razor sharp teeth.

I felt the paladins attack landing directly on me, the once fearsome destruction it brought was rendered useless on my scales, watching as the paladin nervously cover himself with his tower shield, preparing for an assault, unsure of whether his attack was successful or not.

"Now watch, this is how you really fight" the mysterious controller giving me no choice as I felt the surge of power being redirected to my new mouth, a huge flame swelled deeply inside of my body, its intensity escaping my jaw as small geyser's of flame.

Suddenly a blast of wind fanned the mist away revealing the paladins worst fear, his face instantly turning white as he saw the monster before him "Divine lord protect me" the paladin incapable of action abandoned everything except his shield with a mighty thud he buried it one quarter into the ground, sloping it to defect in an attempt to negate our attack.

Suddenly with a great huff we began our assault, in a move of overwhelming power the fire inside blasted forth like a laser beam of condensed fire *FeeeeWOOOOOOO...SH*

Aimed at the paladin the beam of condensed fire blasted at him, directly hitting him it continuing unabated into the beyond flying off into the distance, so blindingly bright that the once amber sky turned back into daylight and without mercy continued its onslaught for 10 seconds.

The attack dying off my body felt heavy, devoid of strength it weakly stood, for a moment everything was silent.

"Listen well little soul this world isn't as it seems, you won't last long in this world so get stronger, it won't take long for them to find you..."

As if on cue my body started glowing of red embers, chunks of flesh disappearing into nothing but ash then nothing , my body reverting back into my ruby body, my vision slowly reverted back to how it once was my control gradually returning, I stood there marvelling in both shock and awe at the scene that was before me.

Despite the paladins greatest efforts he was no more, not even a trace of him was left along with everything else in the beams path, molten rock and dirt mark the path of destruction as does the endless smoke of the forest, a path of clear destruction making its way towards the centre of town

Despite everything that had happened I had yet to feel an ounce of disgust for my actions, my body felt cold and devoid of feeling, what type of monster am I?

I had mercilessly killed to defend myself and yet being once human I hardly felt anything.


Title Acquired (Lord of True Death)DescriptionTo kill does not mean to destroy just your enemy but also his everything

- Grants immunity to fear of battle

When Equipped

- 20% increase combat power

- Constantly emits killing intent (High) that targets friend and foe alike

Title Acquired (Lord of the Crystal)DescriptionThe king has risen

His land will grow

The heavens shall open

And his subjects will sing his glory

- ????

Warning Evolution tier has been reached forcing evolution


Authors note:

What a long chapter, Depending on the poll results it might be a wee while before we get to the actual evolution.

I'll be frank, I had originally planned to make it evolutional changes to the character in big increments but I somewhat find it flawed with this type of character design, I mean I could make it a big change such as make him into a golem or something but I also want to retain a somewhat "realistic" approach to design (i.e. Golems are slow).

on the one hand my original idea was to make it so each evolution tier would give him a transformation, each evolution granting him alternative forms I.e (Golem, Wolf, etc) but his normal form changes gradually.

or I could in a way write a traditional evolution in which the character literally goes from one monster to another, or in this case core

in both evolutions he'll gain the same skills, etc, the only difference would be that it'll change a few ways the character interacts in combat.

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