《Bloody Wonderland》Character Introductions #2



i wrote this in a hurry because i'm going to type out Act 3 tomorrow~!

so, going to introduce the ALIVE characters who appeared in Act 2 briefly~!

XRanked in the top 5AppearanceHe wears a black suit, black tie and black leather shoes.

also wears a Guy Fawkes mask.Ability???

AiX’s right hand woman.AppearanceShe wears a black bicker leather jacket, and black leather pants.HistoryShe used to work as a teacher in the school--perhaps she’s the only survivor of the school’s workforce?AbilityShe is able to cut pretty much everything, but is that all there is to it?

MidaAlso ranked one of the top 5AppearanceHe wears leather due to the fact that he can’t wear anything else. he hates the color black so he dyed it white.Abilityhe turns everything he touches into ashes, except for wire, wood and leather.

ShihoRanked in the top 5, she found Mida troubled and they both decided to work together.AppearanceShe has red crimson hair. she wears a black dress, black socks and black make up. pretty much a goth?Abilityits only known that she has super human strength, but perhaps more?

JayRank 47Appearancehe has blue hair. while his eyes are also blue....he only wears the student uniform and wields a twin swordsAbilityhis ability is speed, he can run up to the speed of light.

AlexRanked 48AppearanceShe has shoulder length white hair. her eyes are ice-blue and she wears a kimono.Abilityshe is able to see the future. but she cant see Light or Wolf’s futures.

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