《When Death walked the world》Chapter 24


Ainz just didn't seem to be able to catch a breather. He just finished rewriting the memories of Evileye after returning to the camp, however something already called his attention. He could feel an immensely powerful signature rising on the east, and he knew that thanks to his luck it was inevitable to encounter that being. He would much prefer not to fight strong foes, however if he must then there is nothing he can do, but fight.

He glanced down to his makeshift HUD screen in the bottom right corner of his vision. He made a spell that allowed him to view his stats as if he was still in his game, this allowed him to accurately gauge his Hp, and other improvements to his status. Hp was 1,3%, that wasn't too reassuring.

He thought about ways to evade the coming disaster however this feeling of oppression was much like that of Cthulhu. His hopes plummeted; he couldn't run away from this threat. Even if he could, this abnormality would probably destroy the world, and he couldn't let that happen.

He could feel the earth under his feet shaking, though the children didn't pick up on the faint sound they knew that something wasn't right, as their instructor, namely himself had stopped midsession and stared off to the distance.

He glanced back at the children while the gears in his head turned on speeds unheard of. They weren't ready, they were pretty strong considering their age, however they didn't have the chance to level up, he only brought Rachel along last time, and even she was only a little over level 50. She couldn't support him in the battle that is certain to take place.

He mentally commanded the undead, to clear out the captives from the place and get into formation. The weaker of the undead, namely the elder liches were to escort the children to their new home. He would have instructed the Death Knights as well, but due to their passive ability to survive a single hit, they would come in handy in the coming struggle.

Rachel watched as their master froze staring into the distance. She didn't know what had happened, but if the master paid such attention to it, then it could be nothing good, nothing insignificant.

She saw as the master glanced their direction before he stepped forth and cast his spell. {Gate}


A tear in space opened behind her and the rest of the kids, she looked at him questioningly. Was this a test? However, before she could think of anything else, the ground shook. Heavy steps caused turmoil in the gathered as unearthly sounds slowly became more and more audible.

"Go. Go now and finish your training so that you may be of use to me. You will be safe there, and don't forget the name of Ainz Ooal Gown!"

When the elder liches made them go through the portal, she caught a hovering monstrosity in the air greater than any dragon she read about up until now.

Ainz watched as a shadow flew through the air, coming to an immediate halt a few dozen meters in front of him. The figure was garbed in golden cloth, he wore a hood, and a mask obscured his face. A pendant with an ominous yellow sign hang in his neck. It gave him the chills, but he figured that it must be a magical artifact of great importance. Though, he wore cloth that covered his entire body, it couldn't hide the family of similarly colored tentacles oozing out from under him.

A realization hit Ainz. This was the Yellow king standing in front of him. He knew this, because after the encounter with Cthulhu he made it a priority to memorize the lore of all beings that could be more powerful than himself. He patiently waited for the king to declare his intent, though he already had a rough idea of what is about to happen.

Gentle breeze blew in this sunny summer day, as the animal's voices died down in the vicinity, and the sun moved to eclipse. Finally, even the wind died down. Then, unearthly sounds resonated in the air, as the yellow king spoke. Ainz could see some greenish salvia dripping from under his mask as he did so.

"You, you are the one who murdered Cthulhu my half-brother, are you not?"

Ainz sighed, though he didn't need to, ever since he had become an undead this human motion had seemed to stay deeply engraved into his character. He spoke.

"Indeed, Yellow King. It was indeed me that ended that pathetic worm. However, he forfeited his own life the moment he decided to intrude upon my domain, an offense not so easily forgiven."


The ground shook in the unearthly laughter.

"HA-AHAHHA-HA! Is that so? I do not believe you possess the sufficient strength to kill him."

"So… you do not mind?"

"Oh, don't misunderstand me, I still don't believe you could kill him. Afterall even for me it took a millennium to prepare an army to send Cthulhu back to eternal slumber."

It was Ainz's turn to laugh, a millennium? Don't joke with him. He overcame that monster in after a century of preparation, and he wasn't even amassing forces specifically against him.

"HA-AHA-HAH! You surely jest, that brother of yours was a whiny bitch. After 3 days he succumbed to me, and I didn't even need my trump card! HAHAH-AHAHA!"

Ainz used his most natural laugh, which also happened to be his most evil one.

The air froze over in the vicinity as the form of the yellow king deformed, and soon a massive monstrosity floated in front of him. A black, shriveled, flying monstrosity with tentacles tipped with razor-sharp talons that could pierce through skulls with ease.

The unearthly voice of Hastur had distorted beyond human comprehension, but thanks to Ainz's high perception he was able to decipher it.

"He may have been, but still… He was mine to kill!" The monstrosity roared, as he moved his tentacles armed with talons to slice up the undead.

Ainz teleported a couple of death knights in the way of the attack. He couldn't allow himself to be hit even once. "Oh, come on man really? Are you that mad? I mean, normally you would thank me for removing an obstacle from your way…" He was broken out of his train of thought as several tentacles all around him burst forth from underground with their only aim to impale him.

"Not happening!" Ainz shouted, as he cast greater teleportation and reappeared a hundred meters up in the sky.

While he waited for the beast to fly and catch up to him, the gears turned inside of his skull and he devised a plan to achieve total victory.

Evileye watched as the captives were murdered one after another by an elder lich hastily moving through the chambers. When it was her turn, she killed the undead, and released her chains. She was glad that the elder lich had left the door open, as she had no confidence in herself that she could forcefully open such an enchanted item.

She finally reached the surface level after carefully sneaking around the basement looking for a free passage. She moved through the final door and she was free. She looked around to gauge her surroundings, while she tried to formulate a plan of escape. However, what came to view had broken her determination, as she made a double back from the sheer shock of witnessing such a thing.

The Feaster from Afar, a black, shriveled, flying monstrosity with tentacles tipped with razor-sharp talons that can pierce bone like paper.

Standing in front of it is a skeleton, the same undead that she witnessed destroying the Demon God King. The same terrifying dark aura oozed out from every bone of his, while he held the same sinister golden staff.

This would be a battle of monsters. A battle of monsters, where it will be decided who reigns supreme over all of the world. Evileye could only hope that these monstrosities destroyed each other, however she wasn't so naïve to believe in such a convenient outcome. She only had so much time till the battle reaches its climax. Only so much time to resolve herself to join a battle of the gods…

She saw when the skeleton disappeared from the face of the earth, she looked around but could not find him. The answer soon came to her, as the monstrosity flew high up into the air.

The clouds obscured much of the action, however the continuous flashes of lights in all the colors one could imagine proved that there was very much a battle still raging high up in the heavens.

A few hours passed, but she never grew bored of watching the fireworks. The night sky gave such a background that in the flashes of light, she could observe two beings of various shapes and sizes going at each other.

One trying to evade, the other trying to close the distance. When she focused more, and looked closer she could also see hundreds, if not thousands of little dots flying in every direction, she thought it must be the underlings of the respected opponents.

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