《The Human Soul》Chapter 7: Hierarchy pt 2- Bottom feeders


Self-defense testing: Slaves’ tournament

Thabo: “The white hallway again, then into that coliseum. This is bad I haven’t properly healed from my injuries yet…”

-Not much I can do about it now though, so better just suck it up there’s my opponent- Thought Thabo.

Out of opposite sides of the arena two men walked in. On one side was Thabo but on the other was a tall man with slightly tanned looking skin, his hair was messy and he wore an old dirty pair of black long pants and white vest with no shoes on. The man held a knife in his left hand. He had a long, tired looking hoarse face. His eyes felt devoid of all life as he stared at Thabo at the opposite side of the hall.

Thabo: “W,Wha…WHAT!! A person! HEY!!! HEY YOU!! W, Who are you! Wait I don’t want to fi- “

Test restrictions: All forms of communication between participants has been revoked. Language barrier formed. If no winner is found within given time period. Both participants will be killed and punished.

-Shit, I should’ve expected that, no way they’d let us talk it out right- Thabo Thought as he looked at the man with an endless amount of questions filling his mind.

Then without delay the man lifted his hands and began shooting energy bolts at Thabo whilst steadily circling the outer ring of the arena with practiced movements. They were obviously low power, and aimed for either Thabo’s head of legs. They released just enough pressure to lightly burn and push a normal human back a foot or two. Thabo zig-zagged in order to avoid the shots but that didn’t work as the mans’ aim was good and there were no obstacles in sight. Thabo then strengthened his body and the pelts he wore with magic.

-Shit, fighting a human is so different to fighting a beast. He’s obviously shooting weakened energy bolts to conserve energy, but his also shooting a lot of them accurately to keep me at bay. He switches between thermal shots aimed at my head and vitals, to pressure shots aim at my legs when I move. This fighting style is pretty well paced for him. Worst part is if I try to get closer he increases the energy and compression of his shots. I get them feeling that if he didn’t worry about stamina he could shoot a mana bullet (attack that copies the effects of a real gun and bullet). - Thabo thought.


Thabo sped up a little and poured his energy outward. He then strengthened himself again and began charging towards the tall man. The Tall man responded with stronger shots and then as Thabo was 100 meters away from him he gathered all his energy into the tip of his index figure and pointed it at Thabo. -idiot obviously a newbie- the man thought.

Thabo stretched his ran to a halt and steadily began backing off without turning away from his opponent. -figures I couldn’t get closer, but at least now I’m sure he won’t shoot that thing unless his sure it’ll hit- Thabo thought. The Tall white man looked irritated as he reabsorbed the energy he was compressing and resumed his suppression steady fire strategy.

-This kids annoying but his getting more and more injured by my shots, he won’t last long I’m sure – The man thought.

The two began circling the arena again. Repeating their previous actions until.


At some point acid shot out of the floor close to where the Tall white man was standing and covered his left hand.

Tall white guy: “! @@$ & *)(_ )()(*(&^ $$%$%!!”

-Hmp Finally I thought I’d never get to use that one. I’m glad I always save materials from my monster fights- Thought Thabo. But that probably won’t work again. He’ll focus on sensing my magic energy and staying clear of it now. I can already tell his dodging my other traps now, man this guy recovers fast.

5 minutes later…

-This is bad, I’m losing here, I’m obviously losing. Ah shit time to get desperate. - Thabo thought

Thabo turned to face the storm again. This time prepared to win or die trying. He poured more magic into his body and began running at full speed towards his opponent. He ran and ran ignoring the energy bolts that flew at him. Then when Thabo felt the flux in magic power from his opponent he grabbed the pelts on his body and tore them off. He took out all the fluids (acid, poison etc.…) he had gotten as well and in one fluid motion set them a light and threw them out with all his strength.


-Shit…! - the Tall white man began charging his strongest attack and saw Fur pelts and liquids on fire flying towards him. -if I can’t see then neither can you amateur!!- the man thought. Experience had taught him one thing. That this plan would only work if he stayed in the same spot. He ran to the left. If Thabo didn’t know where he was no surprise attack would come. But luck was just against this man today. Because as he had run to his left, Thabo had circled around to his right. Out the smoke to two met eyes and both immediately tensed up. The man turned and charged his attack whilst Thabo ran faster than he ever had. Just a few meters away from each other the man’s attack fired. Thabo dove to the side barely saving his life as his shoulder was pierced and his left arm nearly torn off. But Thabo didn’t waste any time as he took the knife from his side and closed in on the man. The man counter with his own knife but didn’t stand a chance against the enhanced Thabo when he himself had no more magic left to create lasers or laser weapons.

Thabo’s knife pierced the man’s chest and the force of the hit even crushed bone. After a few more stabs to make sure he was dead Thabo rolled to the side to catch his breath. He quickly looted the corpse of anything useful before he stood up to read the new notification.

Victory! Soul points added to account. New rank 17 067 473 105.

Ah I just killed a person didn’t I? Well since he was in hell he was technically already dead. Plus, he’ll just like revive won’t he. So it’s not really the same as murder right. No it’s not really murder. Though that’s not the problem here. The problem here is I don’t feel anything about it. I’m actually more worried about not having a proper and direct method of attack. Like really I got no laser beans and stuff. All I have are imprecisions and last minute tricks. But did Hell do this shit to me. I don’t really care about this guy. I looted his corpse without batting an eyebrow. Since I figured out how to use magic I’ve felt a lot of the powers Hells system gives off. And one of those is a psychic signal to I assume every slave in it. I don’t know exactly what it does but I guess memory manipulation and emotion agitation whilst suppressing our humanity would be an appropriate combination for Hell. I better start practicing z-type soul based magic so I can resist some of this shit I guess.

1 week later…

So I fight humans all day huh? Then I switch to monsters the next day. Luckily I didn’t lose once. Maybe I’m a genius or maybe I’ve got the Devils luck. Any way killing doesn’t bother me in the slightest anymore. Even when I saw some women in the mix. One was hella attractive though, especially when she fought with her clothes torn. Anyway I’m building some good equipment now. Some decent clothes and even a sword. I think I get the no sleep thing now cause I kinda just circulate my magic all deeper in my body and I feel a little bit better though I’m sure it won’t last. I mostly eat monster meat now after I fry it with magic. Going to the toilet is still a problem though. I kinda fell like I’m doing it in public now but fortunately I don’t stay in the same place for too long.

Think I’m getting used to the routine now. I only died once in the past week cause I was too tired to heal myself during the “Medical” Tests. I’ll focus a lot more on that to fix this issue quickly it’s getting in the way of my performance and I don’t have time for it. Damn another day in Hell…

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