《The Human Soul》Chapter 6: Hierarchy part 1- Human rights


Authors note: Sorry for the late release, but at least i learned how to use a table!

First Kill!! Rewarding soul points---error soul link sealed, see Administrator for assistance.

Ah damn, thought so that’s why it’s so hard for me to use magic and why I can’t learn any spells or martial arts skills. Hells’ admins have removed my connection to the great source of magic [Eden]. Now I’m a computer with no wifi. The only way I can get anything back is if I… oh wait here’s a message.

Administrator Zain

Sup, so basically I’m supposed to tell you your magic’s been sealed and shit. But like don’t worry you can’t draw power from the magic plains but you can still convert natural magic right? Yeah that wasn’t a question. Anyway the higher up you move the more of Hells’ seals you’ll be able to remove and you can’t really level up till then. So that’s all really. Oh I’m the admin in charge of this block, Zain, remember it, I’m like basically your God. well I’m not the real one but for you it’s good enough.

Hi, how are you, good and you, great thanks for asking. Curtesy is truly amazing isn’t it Zain? No, you don’t think so? Well the rest of the world does so try it out sometime. Anyway as you can tell I’m being hindered. Why I can’t say really Hell just has this weird custom of torturing people but it’s nothing much. How they expect me to win fight after fight with these seals only God knows. Plus, I still haven’t gotten back into shape nor solved any of the problems of my bodily needs. I’m tired but the “Self-defense” testing will probably go on for a while till I switch to the next form of torture. Oh a laser light like thing just got rid of the lizard, but left all the blood stains cause clearly they look real cool. Oh looks like my next fight is up right now. What? No break? No Medics? No water even? That’s cruelty, that’s Hell! Hahahahaha ahhh I’m really funny right. No focus. Enemy. Fight. Looks stronger, like from lizard person to crocodile person. Wonder what I’ll do now.

Crocodile person: “RrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaaR!!!!!!!!!!!”

The humanoid crocodile charges at Thabo. Energy sabers appear in both its hands. Thabo collects some debris and forms a rough weapon and shield.

-hmm… I have an idea- Thabo thought.

Knowing he had little energy left Thabo decided to take a risk with something he hadn’t trained. Once again energy poured out of Thabo, this time clearly weaker and slower, but he wasn’t targeting the enemy. He was targeting himself. The concrete under his feet sake in and raised a little till it had reached knee high. Then he forced the remainder of his energy into and aura like form around his body that strengthened the bonds of all his being and weapons together. It wasn’t much but it was some protection and these reptiles were the dumb type to charge in without thinking so being immobile wouldn’t be a problem.


*Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! * *Bang! *

The creature swung its sabers at Thabo viciously. Skin tore, muscle shook, bones broke, blood spilt. There was some defense, but Thabo just couldn’t handle the creatures’ onslaught. In just a few seconds, not even half a minute, Thabo looked like he was about to fall over and die. Though this creature didn’t realize just how merciless Thabo was. He quickly grabbed onto the creature with his left arm, then threw his right hand down his throat. [Alchemic masters] Thabo was well aware of what people had called those with his type of magic in the past, so he knew resourcefulness was always key to victory for him.

He pulled his hand out his throat and vomited directly on the creatures’ face. And as his bodily fluids left his body so did the last of his magic power. The vomit without any food mixed in just seemed murky but relatively colorless. The liquid glowed slightly as chemical magic was added to it. And so the vomited stomach acid became more acidic and potent. As Thabo fell unconscious he saw one last message.

Both contests dead, draw, no points exchange.

Thabo woke up back in the stadium. He knew relatively how the system worked. You had to go through challenges in order and receive a passing grade before you can face the next challenge. But if you died you’d have to wait a set amount of time before you revived. This was more than enough punishment as every second wasted bought Thabo closer to his new entrant protection running out and him being permanently enslaved.

In front of Thabo now there was a different face? His new opponent had green skin a huge green head and even larger eyes. Its fingers were long and swollen at the tips. It was short, only 120cm. its nose was flat as a board and its mouth was always open and didn’t look like it had a tongue.

The creature just stood still in place and began to breath more rapidly when it saw Thabo. It breathed almost as if it was having a panic attack, but Thabo had a bad feeling. He then held his breath and ran towards the creature at full speed. But before he could reach it, it held out its right arm with its index finger glowing it then burst open and spurted green glowing liquid at Thabo. He stopped in his tracks and rolled to the side out of the way.

-possibly colorless poison breath and acid figures, its material type for sure, irritating- Thabo thought.

This opponent though was an easy match up for Thabo though, he placed his hand on the ground and poured energy into it. In a few seconds he lifted a section of rock out and threw it at the little green monster. The monster tried moving out the way whilst pouring acid on it but the rock connected and knocked it down. Thabo at this point was already right in front of the creature with a sharpened, hardened rock in his hand. In one clean hit he severed its head off cleanly. He then ran 100 meters away before he began breathing again.


Thabo: “*pant**pant**pant*…damn…*pant* that wasn’t even funny bro *pant* what if I died huh “

After a few seconds he ran back and collected the body.

-Keep what you kill- Thought Thabo.

He held the body in his hands before.

Kill registered. Souls points transferred. Transfer failed. Soul points saved to account. Rank increased to 17 097 505 305.[table]

Good the laser came and only took the head. I can keep whatever I can hold then. I’ll use this acid on my next opponent.

3 hours later…

Like I thought my magic is amazing when I have materials and weapons to enhance. Now at least I’m not naked anymore but this werewolf skin is itchy. Oh well beggars can’t be choosers right. I still have a headache from those spirit wave attacks the warped pixie shot at me but my condition isn’t too bad. Seems strengthening my body with magic really does work but it burns like shit. Increasing all the energy in your body is clearly suicide you’d only burn your insides into mesh. I wish I had a martial art or magic circuit that would channel energy more efficiently or at least without the risk of killing me but like I thought beggars can’t be choosers. Looks like combats done for the day so what now?

[table]B-type user special: Magic crafting

Ok… better than being killed right…?

4 hours later…

Hahahah Lol as usual the devil knows how to have some real fun. I have been struck forming and deconstructing all sorts of weird stuff. I don’t even know what type of technology this is but if I make one tiny mistake *Buzzzzzzzz* I get electrocuted how fun, really this place is making me into a masochist you know. Devil are you an S or something? Anyway I’m getting tired again. Death usually reliefs that but I can’t afford that luxury anymore. I don’t know when my time will run out.

B-type user special: Medical/bodily modification training

That should be helpful.

7 hours later…

Fuck I won’t die here! Never! Fuck! This is bullshit, so your laser cuts parts of my body and you order me to stick them back on? That doesn’t even make sense… I’ve lost and reattached fingers more times that I can count… you can’t even really give punishment on this one its torture itself. Oh thank God I’ve stopped the bleeding. Now I need to disinfect the wound cause no doubt they’ll release bacteria again. Ah now I look like Frankenstein or was it his monster? I can’t really remember… hold up I can’t remember much right now… holy shit my memories are fuzzy at best. I can’t remember my parents’ faces!!!!! What the FUCK!!! At least have some fucking common decency whoever did this!! Some lines just shouldn’t be crossed!! Fuck if I ever get out of this heads will roll…

Ok next

Common class: Magic theory, application and history

Let’s just take it one challenge at a time for now. Focus on what’s in front of you. Advertisement Previous

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