《The Human Soul》Chapter 3: The real world


What time is it! Lecture time, it’s our vacation! What time is it? Magic time, schools’ out in the house!!

Anyway seriously though it’s so amazing how I don’t get punished for the magic related training, oh well not training really more like attempts to awaken me. So we’ve been going through a number of methods to awaken me to spiritual energy or magic. Focusing my attention of magic energy, injecting magic into my body even flowing magic through me etc...

Ok so some of those methods themselves hurt quite a bit and should be considered punishment no even torture in and of itself but that’s a good thing. Huh? Why is it a good thing? Well I’m glad you asked. Remember how I said magic doesn’t react to anything? Yeah well by that I mean anything and everything. Know how there’s like 4 phases of matter? Solid, liquid, gas and plasma. Well natural magic exists in the 5th phase, corporeal! Meaning it doesn’t even really physically exist as ‘matter’ in fact most scientists refuse to associate it as such.

Anyway as you now know from lecture time magic can only react with the soul. There’s a bit more to it but I’ll get to levels of spells and such later. Actually the fact that I could see magic my first time is a pretty amazing. If you were to point most people to an orb of magic power, they wouldn’t see anything. Those who can see it is only because their souls ‘sense’ the magic which then converts to… well let’s not go into detail for now.

Anyway at first the thing was barely even visible to me. Like first time I just kinda accepted that magic was there cause the system message told me so and why wouldn’t I believe it right? But after a while I actually felt there was something there then began seeing a light there. So now I’m in stage 1 of awakening, sensing magic. Well I’ve actually been in this stage for a while now so yeah, but I may be moving to the next stage soon, reacting to magic. When your soul can actually ‘activate’ itself and contact magic power. I know that cause the magic started to move when I was doing staring pract- I mean meditation training, sorry system message honey I slipped-up a bit there.


Anyway I have a six-pack now! Yeah all that trainings working pretty well you know. I’m taking it pretty seriously you know. Well you would too if your ass was literally on the line, but it’s still an achievement!

The only shame about my day is I don’t know how long I’ve been in here you know? Like I never get to sleep and don’t have a watch so I don’t have any way to when one day starts and ends. I wonder what my family’s……. No! Never mind! Be gone evil demon thoughts! BE gone!

Anyway back to reality. Things should move faster once I can use magic it seem pretty awesome you know like according to what I’ve learnt everything we think is empty space is actually filled with magic. Now that’s a lot of magic power really. The real issue is more towards tapping into it really…

3 months later…

I. AM. AMAZING. I can finally react to the magic/spirit energy consistently. Ah I wonder if I’ll get a prize. Oh look there’s a new message on the wall! YES! I DID WIN! No wait should I be happy about passing a test that took me… maybe years. Let’s not think about that right now time to read.

Trial of the mundane and false truth

“Everything your told is just opinion not fact, everything you see is perspective not truth”

Congratulations on passing the first true test of Hell, the trial of the mundane. A normal person would never have gotten this far and you can be proud of that. In fact, most simply suffer eternally in pain from failing the physical trials. But you have overcome your normal human mindset and seen a bit of the truth of existence. Now that you have reached this level of realization all your life support mechanisms are to be disarmed. You will now live with not only your own strength but also your own power and knowledge. Good luck and have fun.

Ah damn this seems bad… like really bad, the suits coming of, the one that always heals and feeds me. I feel like I’ve been kicked out of home after graduation though... oh no what’s this? My body feels heavy! My body’s changing! Somethings filling me! M…magic! Why? What’s it doing? Shit no! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!


My body’s fat now. I’m fat now. Plus, I have a headache, and I’m fucking tired, like when the fuck was the last time I slept… shit… *passes out*

[On earth]

06:00 *alarm rings*

Ah noooo let me sleep some more. No Monday go away, I hate you argh, school. Ok let’s get up before my mom shouts at me again. Ok first toilet, brush my teeth, ok bath now, good I’m good now change clothes. Should I wear the red shirt or the blue one today? Argh school uniform was sooo much easier, ok now food I need to eat food.


“Go brush your hair, hurry up before your transport gets here”

“Yes mom…”

Still moody huh? Don’t know why She’s taking it out on me though. I’m not the one who went out drinking then didn’t come back home… damn that stupid big brother. What’s he even doing….

Mom: “Your transports outside! Hurry up! Finish your food and get out the house already!”

“Yeah I’m going just hold on…”

Mom: “Don’t you dare talk back to me! Why are you so slow! Your brother was never like this!”

“HONEY! STOP! That’s enough! Simphiwe here take a sandwich and eat it on your way to school, and here’s some money for lunch”

Simphiwe: “Thanks Dad…bye”

Well she’s still in a mood I guess, I mean she was real strict before but this is just too much, ah there’s Mac let’s sit at the back.

Mac: “Sup Sim you look pissed, your bro still missing?”

Simphiwe/Sim: “Yeah I really think my mom’s losing it now”

Mac: “How longs it even been now? Like a month?”

Simphiwe/Sim: “Six weeks and 4 days to be exact, but hey who’s counting.”

Mac: “…………. Well I know something thing that’ll cheer you up”

Simphiwe/Sim: “What?”

Mac: “Check this out *pulls out phone* there’s this new kick ass gaming company, and guess what game they just released!?”

Simphiwe/Sim: “A new game would be awesome, but the way my mom is right now she won’t buy me anything like that”

Mac: “Yeah slow down, slow down I’m getting there just guess what type of game their release! No at least guess the platform!”

Simphiwe/Sim: “PlayStation? PC? X-Box? What does it matter?”

Mac: “Cause it’s not on any of those dude!! I said it’s a new company! Ground breaking technology! It’s virtual reality dude!!! Like the whole ‘go inside the game shit’!!! And their new games called underworld!!! They say you’ll feel real pain and everything!!”

Simphiwe/Sim: “What!! For real!!! Lemme check!! Wow it’s for real! Look at this pod thing, is this what you use!?”

Mac: “Yeah Sim pretty cool hey!!!”

“Hey are you guys talking about that new game company”

“The virtual reality one?

“Is that story even true?”

“Yeah I heard it on the news!”

“No way its true! My dad says no one on earth is even close to that type of breakthrough yet!”

“Nah my brother says it’s possible their a German company with like top secret research and stuff!!”

Simphiwe/Sim: “Dude this is so cool but how are we gonna buy one?”

Mac: “Don’t stress I’ve thought about that already. We’re gonna win one! Well more like your gonna win one!”

Simphiwe/Sim: “What?”

Mac: “Dude you’re the best Callofduty player in the neighborhood, maybe even the city”

Simphiwe/Sim: “There’s a competition for one?”

Mac: “And look at that he’s super smart to!! They’re gathering experienced people for beta tests tournament style and you and me are entering”

Simphiwe/Sim: “That’s pretty cool! Ah… but it says here you have to be over 18 to play, says they’ll even check for ID’s”

Mac: “Don’t stress about that, that’s the best part, listen here I Know a guy who…”

He’s going on again, can’t stop him now really. Oh well it sounds really fun I really wanna play that game!! And this may be our only chance at it. But why’s this game called Underworld?? Is it like Hell or something??

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