《I Came, I Ran》Level Up!


As soon as the boy entered, it felt like he just went ahead and entered the Abyss. He saw nothing but darkness around him, and strangely enough, when he looked down to the rest of his body he could see perfectly clear, almost like his vision went back to 20/20. Then the boy saw the eyes.

Instant exit back to the hallway.

‘What kind of fucking abomination lives in that room?!’ The eyes that the boy saw made him live through the entirety of three nightmares, and possibly more if he hadn’t exited at the time he did. So, the boy performed “innie minnie minnie mo” again, and chose the first door on the left.

In the room, which was colored a plain brown all over, was a marble stand containing nothing. The marble stand stood there, bare and uninteresting. But the boy, not one to leave behind such a curiosity as nothing, came over to the stand. The boy inspected the object from all sides, and then thinking something might be underneath the stand, pushed it over.

As soon as the boy touched the stand, the room changed to color to white, and he heard a disembodied voice say: “New Individual Found. Processing Potential and Power Level...Potential: Ruler of The Rite, Power level: Demi-God. Attaching...” As the sentence finished, the table started to morph around the boy hands, the boy himself frozen for a moment.

Regaining his senses, the boy tried shaking his hand, but found the marble froze his whole arm, as it refused to move. The boy tried to move back, but the marble thing struck without being seen, as it froze his legs in place by engulfing them as it did his hand. The boy, unable to move, resolved himself to the mercy of the stone.

After a moment of not moving, the marble thing started to climb the boy almost like water would if you were to enter it. The boy let it climb, as he himself regain control of his limbs the more it climbed. After five minutes of a turtle-like climb, the stone thing fully disappeared into his clothes, weightlessly moving about on his back.

‘Why must it fell like a few hundred spiders moving on me...’ The boy, very uncomfortable, moved out of the room, which returned to its plain brown, and headed back into the hallway. Upon exiting, the door behind him closed on its own, and disappeared in the most sci-fi like manner possible. “Wow, it's almost like space time collapsed in that one space for that moment...”


The boy then went to the room directly in-front of the recently disappeared one, the first door on the right. Upon entering, the boy felt like an astronaut. It was like he had just stepped in actual space. The boy saw stars and the black spaces between them, and in the middle of it all, there floated a perfectly still knife.

The knife looked to be a chef knife, the blade containing an entirely different star system, which moved around, showing different colored stars and other very beautiful things. The boy started tried to walk through space to get to the knife, but to no effect. So instead he got into a laying position, and using all his limbs, shot himself into the knife.

The boy shot right below the knife, and grabbed it. As soon as his hand was around the knife, the boy felt instant regret.

The boy felt like his head was just cracked open, like an egg that was just thrown into a skillet. A rush of continuous, seemingly endless knowledge kept on pouring into the boy’s head, further killing his brain. But then, in the nick of time, the stone thing came from his back and wrapped the boy’s head whole, somehow stopping the flow of information.

The boy then felt the marble crawl done his hand, feeling like a few hundred spiders were making their way towards the knife. Upon finally reaching it, the marble consumed the knife from the boy’s hand, and retreated back to its spot on the boy’s back. Gaining his vision back, the boy saw a message.

[Congratulations! You have acquired two of the six Relics! You have:

???: It was once said that the White Thing was the pet of a powerful being, a being that could end the universe with the White Thing. But, the White Thing saw it was being used, and killed its former master. After that, it had found many masters over many years, searching for its creator.

“???” renamed to ‘The White Thing”

Edge: The Goddess Carmira, responsible for time and the death of everything, created this weapon to cut down her enemies, and end all that couldn’t be ended by regular means. It is said in an ancient text that everything that ever died is kept in the blade, and that is what gives it the power to give the knowledge of all that it has taken. Holding this item will kill an unworthy wielder.]


The boy sent away the message before noticing that the room had changed from space to pure white, almost like it just turned into the negative abyss. The boy, his head still feeling cracked, searched for the door, and got out as soon as he found it. He heard the room disappear behind him, as he sat against the wall, eyes closed and resting.


The boy woke from his rest, the head pain gone away and the White Thing still feeling like a few hundred spiders on his back. The boy slowly got up, and had an epiphany. “I can now kill the abomination!” Although the knife had nearly killed the boy, it also could now allow him to murder the abomination.

Slowly, the boy walked in-front of the room, and felt the marble rush down his back and to his hand, covering his hand in a slight layer. He then felt something go above that layer, as the marble placed the knife in his hand. ‘At least my skull is feeling like it was just smashed...’ The boy breathed in and out, before heading into the room again.

The boy felt as if the abomination knew his exact plan, because as soon as he entered, its stare was already upon him. The boy saw nightmares, horrors, abominations in those eyes, and he couldn’t move an inch. That is until the White Thing decided to help again, as it wrapped around his eyes, blocking off his vision.

Now that the boy couldn’t see, he relied on sound to guide him to the abomination. However, almost like it knew this, the thing didn’t move, nor did it make a sound when breathing. The boy resorted to his last option; swinging and hoping to hit the thing. The boy heard a quickened breath for one moment, throwing the knife in the direction of the sound.

He struck true, as he heard the abomination make the most wretched of noises. Not one to waste an opportunity, the boy jumped toward the noise, and felt himself latch onto...fur. ‘No wrinkly, absolutely irritating skin?’ The boy, slightly surprised, reached up with his hand as fast as he could to the top of the creature and found it to getting thinner.

‘I am on the neck...’ The boy shifted slightly around the jumpy thing’s supposed neck, and started to squeeze. The abomination, realizing its position, started to jump into the walls of the room, hoping to bash the boy off itself. To its demise, the marble skedaddled to and around the boy’s arms.

Unable to lose his grip, the boy waited out through the pain of having the rest of his body bashed against the wall. After three minutes, half the strength of the thing was lost, and boy only felt his entire left sized was bruised and maybe broken in a few places. The boy doubled down on his effort, squeezing harder; and it payed off. The abomination finally fell, the sound of its breath leaving the air, and its body slumping to the ground.

The White Thing retracted back from the boy’s eyes, leaving a pure white room in vision. ‘Why does it have to such a pain for the eyes...’ The boy stood, and looked at the creature he had killed.

It was a completely black stag. Its horns were white, milky and pure. ‘Why does the author have such a hard-on for black creatures...’ The boy grabbed the stag corpse by the horns, and started to slowly drag it out of the room. Once finally out, the boy dropped the head of the stag, and heaved from the weight of the giant thing.

[Congratulations, you have killed a Relic and have guaranteed two level ups! You are now LVL. 4 and have the ability to pick a new ability! You are now need 5000 EXP to level up again and are at 0/5000. Please choose from one of these skill’s:

Gait of Janus: Time is a relative thing. No matter how fast or slow, all see time differently. King of Time, time is absolute to you, as you are it and it is you. You gain an active ability that allows you to walk at a far faster rate than normal. Scales with level.

Brush of Time: The world is your playground, your battlefield, as you have created all of it. You paint the world as you like, with the color of your actions or the paint of your enemies. You gain the passive ability to incorporate the aspect of time into your fighting style. Scales with level.]

“Gait of Janus please.”

[You have selected Gait of Janus. This is an active ability, and will drain your stamina with use. Good Luck!]

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