《I Came, I Ran》Outclassed


The hunter was nude. She wore a bronze-looking amulet with a large red bead in the middle of it. She had a milky-white mohawk, almost like a rockstar from a punk-rock band. She was ripped, muscles on almost every centimeter of her body, a bow dropped beside her and arrows scattered all over. The hunter had no clothes, showing scratches and bruises all over her, and a purple area around her neck.

The boy fiercely blinked, readjusting his eyes and seeing the hunter scramble for her bow. “Oh no you don’t!” The boy jumped onto the hunter just as she was to grab an arrow and nock it into her bow. Grabbing onto the boy, the boy smashed his head into hers, and ripping the bow from the hunters stunned body. Then, swinging the now like a club, the boy broke the bow on the hunter’s head, dropping her.

Using the top side of the bow, the boy brought it around the hunter's neck, and pulled backwards. The hunter started to choke, and brought her hands to the piece of the bow, trying to pull back. But the boy only pulled harder, rendering the efforts of the hunter futile. This continued for half-a-minute, until the hunter finally stopped struggling, dropping her hands to the ground.

The boy sighed, getting up and going to retrieve his amulet. Upon finding it, the boy saw the string that held it together was whole; almost like it was never ripped. The boy tied the amulet around his leg, and went back to the body of the hunter. ‘Wonder what she had on her...oh fuck off.’

Upon looking back, the body of the hunter was gone. The boy only saw the broken bow, all of the arrows disappeared alongside with the body. The boy, about to break the closest tree in half, remembered about the doe corpse. The boy ran to the corpse, finding it there and letting out a sigh of relief.


Grabbing the doe by the head, the boy started to drag it again. He hoped to find a river soon enough.


‘Where is that good damn river?!’ The boy’s anger grew with every passing moment he couldn’t find any river. He was getting smelly, and it was getting dark, meaning that it would be easier for the huntress to find him in the dark. ‘She is definitely still alive...why can’t people stay dead?’

The boy, tired from dragging a body through an entire forest, laid on a tree, putting the doe corpse beside him. The boy knew that it’s smell and his would reveal his position to anything with a nose within five-hundred meters, but the boy wanted to rest. The boy looked to the stars, and closed his eyes.

Waking up, the boy couldn’t move his arms or his legs. He tried moving his appendages, but found himself tied up. The boy felt rope in his mouth, preventing him from speaking. When the boy opened his eyes, he saw a skinned deer corpse and a woman attending the food. The boy's mouth started to water, before noticing a problem.

The women attending the doe corpse was not the same as the one the boy had supposedly killed. This woman was almost the same in appearance, but her mohawk was almost as black as a star-less night sky. The boy, watching the other women, made a plan. The boy started to make noises with his mouth, attracting the woman’s attention.

“Chi ru.” The women said without even turning her head to the boy. The boy stopped, analyzing the women, before making random noises again. “Chi ru.” Said the women, slightly more annoyed with the boy, but paid no attention to him. The boy did it again, this time making the woman turn her head and say the same words once more.


This went on for one more time before the woman finally stood up, and headed to the boy. Upon arrival, she lifted the naked teenager up by rope around his legs, bringing his head up to her waist level. Then, spinning him like a wheel of fate, she reversed his position so he would be facing her. “CHI RU!”

The boy looked back and forth between the woman and the food, trying to motion with his eyes to feed him. The woman, not understanding what the boy was wanting, confusingly dropped him back on the ground, and went back to tending to the food. The boy, extremely hungry and thirsty, decided to take the situation into his hands.

He started to worm his hands out of the tight rope, as the spinning and dropping of his body had loosened them slightly. He intently watched the women, making sure she wouldn’t notice him very slowly escaping from the rope. After ten minutes, the boy got his arms out from the rope, and took it off his body.

Sitting up, the boy quietly took the rope off his feet, and lastly off his head. Walking over to the women, she had heard him approach. She jumped up at a speed the boy almost couldn’t see, and got into a combat stance. The hunger of the boy made him uncaring, as he approached the cooking food over the fire without the least bit of hesitation or want to fight.

The woman, slightly tense up by the approaching figure, kept her fists up and ready for use. But the boy made no moves toward her, just went straight for the meat. He reached for the super-hot meat, burning his hand and ripping off a chunk of it. The hunter, extremely confused about what the boy was doing, slightly let down her guard.

The boy, now having an extremely hot piece of meat in his hands, started to gorge himself on it. Paying no attention to the confused and slightly disgusted look of the woman, the boy gorged himself like a savage, and when the piece of meat he ate was finished, he went and ripped another chunk for himself.

This happened until a third of the doe meat was gone, with the woman trying to stop him several times, but failing as the boy tried to eat her every time she got too close. Once finished, the boy stood up, and looked around for his one possession. The boy noticed the amulet laying on a bag of stuff, and headed towards it.

The woman, realizing that the boy was heading to retrieve his loot, got in-front of him. The woman said some un-understandable garbage, so the boy went around her and grabbed his amulet. Turning around, he was met with a fist into his face. The boy flew back several meters, breaking into and through a tree.

‘Jesus...she’s too strong...’ The boy got up, completely dazed and reeling from the hit that almost knocked him out. Activating his power, the boy saw the woman coming at him at an almost regular speed, while he was still moving in slow motion. The boy, completely defeated by just one hit, raised his hands in surrender.

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