《I Came, I Ran》JailBreak


The boy was pacing around in his cell, trying to formulate a plan to get out. He looked through his bag, several times, but only found trinkets and coins that would not help him escape from a locked jail cell. The boy, almost hopeless, dropped down on the bench once more, but then felt a slight prick in his chest.

The boy reached into his chest and took out the dagger he had placed in there. A smile came to his face as a new, dangerous plan came to his mind. The boy walked up to the jail cell with knife in hand and drew his arm back as far as he could and struck with all his speed possible. The boy cut through one bar of the of what he guessed to be iron and got the blade stuck in another.

He took out the blade, before going in and trying again, slashing in the same spot and cutting through the half-cut bar and cutting another one whole. He did this process till the knife broke, and at that point, it already got through the entirety of the top of the bottom half of the jail cell door.

"Hey, how strong are you?" The girl in the darkness didn't respond; this annoyed the boy, so he repeated himself, but yet the girl refused to talk. The boy, now angry, put on the amulet and suppressed another urge to scream before looking into the darkness where she was hiding. The boy saw her sitting figure in the shadows, sitting in the middle of the wall.

He went over to her, seeing that she was getting out of the way. But he followed, which thoroughly surprised her, the moment of hesitation to try and escape getting her caught.


The girl didn't speak, she just stared into the boy's eyes for a moment, and then came out of the darkness. The boy also tried his best to not show his eyes and ears were reeling from him screaming.

The girl was nearly naked, save for a few, loose-fitting white clothes, which were almost see-through. But the most noticeable thing about the thief was that she was albino. Her eyes were a bright pink, the shade of a ballet slipper. Her hair was a deep white, reflecting almost all the light that was in the cell. Her skin was white, very white; but to the boy, it was like he was looking at a sun.

He took of the amulet and confirmed that he was in fact looking at an albino. The boy also saw that she was showing him her arm, he inspected it, and saw that she was jacked in her arms. The boy didn't even bother to look at the rest of her body, he just pointed to the bars he cut and said: "Push on them as hard as you can."

The girl sighed and went to the cell door. The boy then laid down on the bench and proceeded to watch as the girl was slowly bending the bars over, until an hour and a few breaks later she finally bent the bars so much they could both get out. The girl went out first, and then came out the boy; he went straight towards the exit.

But before the boy could go upstairs to the actual battlements, he heard someone behind him, walking slowly and trying to step at the same time as the boy. The boy turned back, and saw the thief girl following him, her body in a lowered state, crouch-walking. He sighed and just continued.


The boy pulled on the door but found that it didn't want to open; so, he knocked on the door and waited, much to the girl's worry.

"What are you doing?! They'll know that we-" The girl suddenly stopped talking, as she and the boy heard someone walking down the stairs. The girl quickly melted into the shadows, and the boy stood at the door. Soon enough, the door opened, and the boy saw a guard, and activated Eyes of Chronos.

The boy saw the guard with his head down, it slowly lifting up, the man still not sent he prisoner. So, the boy shot his fist into the guard, and saw that his fist was going slow as well. Just in-case, the boy also shot his other fist into the gut's stomach at a slightly slower speed. The boy then deactivated the ability and saw how both fists smacked the guard, him stumbling over the stairs and falling onto them.

The boy then stepped over the dazed body, making sure to give it a good kick on his way up to thoroughly knock out the guard. The boy calmly proceeded up the stairs, and found that he came upon another door, which wasn't locked, so he pulled it and went through.

On the other side, the boy saw three guards playing some game and putting coins on a table. The boy smiled, they still hadn't heard him walk in. The boy noticed an empty chair, meaning that the guy that went down also probably played with them. Before doing anything, the boy looked around the room and noticed nothing could be used as a weapon.

Then, one of the guards noticed the boy and drew his weapon. The other guards first recoiled back, but then looked to where the other guard was staring and saw the boy, they also drew their swords. The boy sighed and bolted to the closest guard.

The guard tried to cut the boy with his sword, but was unable to, as the boy just went under his blade, punched his knee twice and then nailed the unarmored guard in the stomach. The boy was about to send the final punch to knock out the guard, but then felt a swing incoming. The by barely dodged a sword which cut into the thigh of the guard he just pummeled, forcing the man to scream out and faint from shock.

The boy then grabbed the arm of the guard who just cut into his friend and pulled as hard as he could, forcing the guard to use the sword as a cane, cutting deeper into his unconscious friend, and sprawling onto the ground. The boy then ducked his head, just in time for another guard to miss his strike and overshoot. The boy then spun on his heels and shot and uppercut into the guard that overshot, hitting him on the chin.

The guard stepped back a few steps, allowing the boy to get up and punch the closest guard back down to the floor, kicking his head into the floor, making sure he was unconscious. The boy then spun on his heels again, just in time the last guard to do a battle cry and cut across the chest.

The boy yelped out in pain, and clapping his hands on the guard's head, effectively stunning him for a moment. The boy then, with pure rage, kicked the guards left knee, breaking it with an audible crack, dropping the man onto his knee. The boy then punched the man in the face, stunning him once more and allowing the boy to break the second knee.


The man completely dropped to his front now, his face hitting the hard, wooden floor. The boy then sat atop the man's back, grabbing his head. The boy, having a firm grip on the man's life, ended it by snapping his neck. Finished with the last guard, the boy grabbed one of the wooden chairs, and smashed it on top of the unconscious man's head, giving the man brain damage.

Once finished, the boy saw the albino thief walk out of the darkness, absolutely horrified. The boy could only feel the large amount of pain within his chest, so he looked around for something that would help. In the wall near the table with all the money, he saw a bunch of bottles laid out on a cupboard. 'Clouding the brain clouds the nerves...'

The boy walked over to the cupboard urgently and opened a random bottle. He downed it in one go and got a sudden and explosive headache; but the pain still didn’t go away. The boy then grabbed another bottle and opened that one as well. As soon as the stench hit his nose, the boy's vision turned black.


The boy opened his eyes to find darkness around him; he desperately hoped he wasn't trapped in his mind again. The boy used his hands to try and remove the darkness, all the while bringing his body up. He didn't even need his hands, as the boy discovered he was only buried in a small layer of ash.

The boy, after noticing he was completely blackened by all the soot and ash that was on him, also noticed that he was naked. 'Something probably burned all of my clothes off...' The boy then looked around, and saw only ruined remains of buildings, blackened, most of which were ash and soot. The boy got up from the ash pile and looked around once more.

The boy saw nothing new, just more ash and soot in all of the remains he could see. The boy then looked up in the sky, and saw that it was dark, almost like a volcano exploded and released everything it had into the sky.

The boy walked around for some time, seeing if he could find anyone or anything in the rubble. The boy did find some coins; this reminded him of his loot. The boy now panicking because all of his stolen possessions had disappeared, ran back to the original remains he had emerged from. He found nothing there; no bag, no money, no trinkets.

The boy depressingly went back to looting but not before hearing a tinkle coming from below him. He looked down, and saw the amulet, meticulously tied around his foot and clinking every time he took a step. The boy sighed; 'Out of all the things to survive, why this?'

The boy, now without clothes or loot, had to figure out what he wanted to do. But before he could even sit down and start to think, he heard something off in the distance. It was like the sounds coming from the slightly burnt forest completely stopped. The wind wasn't blowing, no animals or critters could be heard, and the situation eerily reminded the boy of the dream he had not too long ago.

The boy then heard a low growl coming from all around him; 'NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN' The boy knew who most likely produced the growl, and he really didn't want to encounter the wolf a second time; but fate was a cruel bitch. The boy saw the exact same wolf come out from the tree-line he was looking at, maliciously smiling. But it did not move, it stood there, staring into the boy, drilling a hole through his soul.

Suddenly, the wolf turned back, and left in the ever-darkening tree, the boy sighed when he no longer saw it; this wasn't a good start to a day. The boy then noticed that the sky was brightening, the dark clouds fading away. Then, he heard a branch crack from the tree-line opposite to the one the wolf came out from, the boy spun around near instantaneously.

The boy had no weapons, but still got into his combat stance. He saw that his target was...the albino thief girl, but apparently some of her clothes had been burnt off, she had a collar around her neck that had a meter of chain loosely hanging off it, and she was dirtied black, almost completely camouflaging her pure white skin.

She looked at the boy, extremely frustrated; it was then that he knew he had done something wrong, but he didn't know what it was. She started to approach him in this angry, almost enraged walk; by this time, the boy had relaxed back to his naked, normal form. He had noticed that she was slightly looking to the lower portion of his body when walking.

The girl was finally upon the boy, and she stared furiously at him, before trying to slap the boy with a palm that was faster than what the boy could see; but then his eyes changed. He suddenly saw everything around him was far, far slower. The boy easily saw the palm swinging up and towards him, so he just moved his head out of the way.

The girl was surprised by the boy’s action, so she tried to smack him again, He did the same thing, dodging out of the way from the other palm. The girl, realizing that he was easily dodging all of her strikes, just stared at him furiously, angrier then before. There were few tense moments between the two, before the boy finally started up a conversation.

“Nice collar, where’d you get it?”

The girl finally reached the breaking point and sent a lighting fast punch towards the boy’s stomach; all the while screaming at him: “YOU PUT THIS ON ME, MOTHERFUCKER!” The boy, even though his vision turned slow again, couldn’t move out of the way of the incoming punch, it was too fast for him. So, the boy counter-attacked instead, by punching her right in the collar.

Both the punches connected, the boy keeling over and the girl stepping backwards while clutching her neck. It was the boy who regained his composure first, he straightened his body and looked to the girl, who held the collar in her hands, staring at it dumbfoundedly.

“Well, there you go, it’s off. You can go now, now shoo.”

The girl looked up and stared at the boy for a few moments, before dropping the collar and heading off in the opposite direction. But just before she disappeared into the tree-line, the boy yelled out to her; “Remember this, I always remember those who owe me due’s.” After this, the girl stopped, but then continued, disappearing into the forest.

The boy looked around and decided to go into a random direction towards the mountains he saw looming over the village beforehand. But as he made his first steps, he heard something in the distance. He stopped, and paid close attention; galloping, someone was riding here on horses at an incredible rate.

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