《I Came, I Ran》Drunk and Stupid


The boy awoke tired; so, he went back to sleep. The boy then awoke again, and feeling less tired, got out of his bed. The boy then checked on his gains, and finding nothing stolen, went downstairs to the bar. There, he waived to the young lad, who waved back, and headed off to the adventurer's guild.

Upon arrival, the boy went straight to the drop-off booth, to see if the tusks he had collected were worth anything. He went up to the receptionist and took out his tusks. Surprising everyone in the line behind him, and the receptionist.

"What can I get for these?"

'Um...we first have to measure everything. Their quality, their weight-"

"Okay, go ahead and do that; where can I wait while you do this?"

"Um...just over there."

"Alright, I'll be waiting."

The boy then went over to a table that he was pointed to and waited. Thirty minutes later, the girl came out with a spreadsheet, and the boy came over just as she was about to call him.

"Well, after everything we have calculated, we can give you nine Qatos and sixty Rujas." The boy didn't understand how much "Rujas" were in a "Qato", but he knew that he only had twenty of the "Ruja" coins left, and that it he could only stay for four more nights if he didn't get this money, so he gracefully accepted the coin bag that he was handed, and his coins in the bag before storing it in his bigger bag.

The boy, collected all of his things, and went off back into the bar. He walked outside of the building just fine, but then something strange went off in his head; almost like a "you are being watched" warning. The boy kept his calm however, and just kept on heading towards the bar, making sure to visit a few alleyways along the way to try and shake off his watchers.

This didn't work, because no matter how much alleyways he had visited, he just couldn't rid himself of the feeling. The boy gave up after that, and dejectedly went off to the bar, wanting to get a drink; he hadn't had one of those in a while. The boy entered the bar, and before anything, went to lock his stuff upstairs, making sure that the door wouldn't just open with the slightest touch.

Going downstairs, the boy came up to the young lad, and asked him for a beer. The bartender looked at him funny for a moment, before the boy explained that he wanted a light alcohol. Upon receiving the drink which looked like a less viscous and drinkable caramel, the boy took a sip and hated it; bit not one to waste food or drink, he downed it all in one go before paying and going back to his room.

Upon arrival, the slightly tipsy boy heard someone other than him in his room. The door was slightly upon ajar, but not broken. 'Shiit, I forgot there is lock picking in this world...' The boy then tried to silently go in, trying his hardest to lightly step on the floorboards. The boy, as he entered, heard some metals clinking together, meaning that the thief freshly entered.

The boy saw quietly picked up the cupboard, miraculously not being noticed by the thief, and tiptoed to the them. The thief, even when the boy was above them, was still too focused going through all of the boy's valuables, not realizing that their doom was imminent. The boy then swung downwards with all his might onto the thief's squatting figure, smashing but not breaking the cupboard onto the person's head, knocking them out.


The boy then picked up the heavily smashed and cracked cupboard and placed it back into its place. Then, grabbing the figure of the thief by the legs, he started to drag them out of his room; but then he remembered to loot them for their valuables. The boy looked through the thief, finding a few coins and other shiny things, which he all placed into the into his bag. Then he dragged the body out of his room, making sure to lock it before leaving.

The boy dragged the unconscious figure face down the stairs, hearing their head smash against each of the stairs, and thoroughly confusing the bar workers. The boy went up to the young lad and asked him how to hand a thief over to the local authorities. The young lad stumbled through his directions before the boy finally got him.

Before the boy went to hand in the body, he asked for a shot of the bar's strongest alcohol. The young lad looked to a senior worker, who just quickly nodded. The boy then saw how the young lad practically ran to the back, probably to a storage room, and brought back a bottle with a dark green liquid. He uncorked the bottle and poured one shot of the stuff into a shot glass.

The boy watched the liquid flow down the glass, almost spilling over the edge. As soon as the lad was done, the boy smiled a "thank you" and downed the glass in one go. He instantly felt the effect of it and coughed as if he suddenly contracted pneumonia. But when the boy asked for the price, the lad said it was on the house; after re-confirming, the boy went off with the body, dragging it to the battlements where most of the guard's resided.

The boy dragged the body face-down in the dirt for a few, hazy hours before he finally found the building that fit the description provided to him. He knocked on the door, maybe a bit too hard, but that didn't matter, because a guard came out anyways.

"Hollo, I brong yu a thefe!" The boy said, almost excited, like he just won some sort of medal. The guard looked at him strange, before seeing the body he dragged around for the last few hours, all dirtied. The man then looked at the boy strangely, taking a few seconds to study his face; and consecutively realizing 110% wasted.

"Yeah, thanks...we'll take it from here." The guard reluctantly said to the boy and saw how his smile only grew larger. "Alroight, hire ya goe!" The boy exclaimed, as he jerked the foot of the body forward, prompting the guard to take it; the guard reluctantly did so. A soon as he grabbed the foot, the boy spun his heels, and headed back to the bar. But before he took his first step, a message came in front of him.

[Salutations comrade! You have defeated a foe of higher skill and level than you, and have received 100 EXP. You have levelled up, and now can choose a skill. Which would you-]

"Tammoruw, we du dis tammoruw."

A few hours later, and a few circles around the town, the boy made it back to the bar, only to find that transformed into an orchestra again. The boy complained to himself, before going in again, plugging his ear's and going through the drunken crowd to his room. Surprisingly, the boy didn't start any fights, just barely managing to find his way through the crowd.

Upon reaching his room, the boy found that it was still locked, so he fumbled with his key for a few seconds before being able to open the door. Once in, the boy nearly closed the door on himself, but stopped just before he could by crushing his hand in-between the door and the doorframe. Once thoroughly in, the boy locked the lock on the door, and dropped on the bed, falling asleep like a baby.



The boy awoke with a massive headache, and he didn't want to get out of bed. But then the boy had an epiphany; he could try and reach the inner sanctum of his mind again and spend the day in there. But before he could even try a method of getting in, the boy was met with a message in front of him.

[SALUTATIONS COMRADE! You have leveled up and can now choose a skill. What would you like to choose?

Eyes of Chronos: Time is seen differently by all, no matter how fast or slow. King of Time, you see everything as it was originally intended. You gain the passive ability to see time in a slowed down state whenever you please. Scales with level.

Gait of Janus: Time is a relative thing. No matter how fast or slow, all see time differently. King of Time, time is absolute to you, as you are it and it is you. You gain an active ability that allows you to walk at a far faster rate than normal. Scales with level.

Brush of Time: The world is your playground, your battlefield, as you have created all of it. You paint the world as you like, with the color of your actions or the paint of your enemies. You gain the passive ability to incorporate the aspect of time into your fighting style. Scales with level.]

The boy thought over his options, and decidedly, wanted to get all three of the skills. But the boy had to choose, and in his current, slightly average situation, there was one clearly logical answer that would give him a boost during combat.

[You have chosen the "Eyes of Chronos" skill. As you are now level one, all your abilities are now going to be modified. Devils Luck changed to Clockwork Fate.

Clockwork Fate: Fate is a machine. A ruthless, merciful machine that always adapts to change, never changing its course for one being. But for Time, creator of the machine, it's for it that it is most chaotic. This is an upgraded version of Devils Luck. All effects are tripled.

Good luck!]

The boy, happy that he received something new, re-seated himself on the bed. He tried to do his best lotus position, but the discomfort in his legs was unbearable; so he settled for a cross-legged position instead. The boy, completely oblivious on how to meditate, laid his hands on his knees and tried to empty his mind.

'Empty my mind, empty my mind, empty my mind...HOW THE FUCK DO YOU AN A MIND?!' The boy, thoroughly annoyed that him entering his own head wasn't working, tried to empty his mind in a different way. He tried to not think. At first, when the boy truly emptied his head of his thoughts, there was a deafening silence; it almost drove the boy to insanity, but his persistence drove him through.

And just as the boy thought he could enter his mind prison again, someone knocked on the door, kicking the boy out of meditative state. The boy practically yelled out, before rushing the door, and swinging it open, nearly making a hole in the wall. In-front of the door, the boy saw the young-lad.

"Um...hello I am here to inform you the guards are looking for you downstairs."

The boy, quelling his rage, thanked the young lad and dismissed him. The boy then sighed, packed up his things, making sure to put the coins with the coins and the other things with the other things. Through his organization, the boy stumbled upon the jade amulet again, and sighed. It would most likely help him if there was a fight, but it would also make him see colors that were never intended to be seen by a human.

After some decision making, the boy decided to put on the amulet. Upon being hung around his neck and left there, the amulet changed. It's bright, polished jade color became an ethereal blue. And then a message popped in-front of the boy.

[Item ownership discovered! Item being modified...item modified: Amulet of Awakening turned into Riteful Amuelt.

Riteful Amulet: When Time returns to its rightful place, and all the dues are given to it, then it shall be as it wills. This amulet lets you travel to your own dimension, if you wish to create and manage it. It also gives the user tripled the effects of the previous item.]

The message disappeared almost as soon as it appeared, but the boy was able to catch one word; "triple". And because of what he was seeing, he figured that it most likely tripled the effects of the amulet, making it far more potent. The boy was now seeing colors indescribable, shades that only mantis shrimp should see, and the sound and light around him was different; it was colored.

The boy fought the urge to rip the amulet of his chest, and quietly got up, hiding it in his slightly dirtied shirt. The boy then prepared a weapon he stole last night from the thief in his vest. Fully prepared, the boy got his things and headed out, making sure to lock the room behind him. The boy calmly headed downstairs, squinting his eyes, trying to not see as much; but he did notice his eyes were slowly getting used to the color overload.

The boy went downstairs and saw the guards, who then turned their bodies and saw a strange boy with black eyes. The boy however, saw two rainbow creatures; all the color on them was so vivid that he could only describe them as rainbow creatures. But the boy recognized that he was looking at the guards, so he waved at them before turning and starting towards the exit.

"Stop right there, under-investigation scum!" One of the guards yelled at the boy. The boy reeled from this, clutching his ears and closing his eyes. Apparently, the amulet also increased the quality of his hearing, so now he heard normal sentences from up close as screeching; and the colors that the words gave off were so bright, so flashy that the boy thought he would have a seizure just looking at them fly all around him.

The boy, no longer wanting to experience over-sensitive hell, took off the amulet as fast as he could without ripping the string that held it. After the amulet was off, his eyes returned to normal, and he turned around, seeing two very fearful guards trembling, with their swords out.

"How can I help you?"

"We're here to ask you to come with us to the battlements!" The guard stumbled through his words, all the while still trembling.

"All right, but I get to keep all my stuff."

The boy then got in front of the guards and left with them. One of them did try to grab the boy by the hand to lead him forward, but the boy slightly growled, making the guard shoot his hand back beside him. The trip didn't take long but left a sour taste in the boy's mouth. 'Did they have to parade me like a captured trophy?'

The boy peacefully was led into and through the building, enjoying its minimalistic and slightly militaristic interior. He was led to a jail cell and motioned into it. Knowing that talking his way out would be near impossible, the boy went in and sat down on a bench.

"Proud of what you've done? Because of you, now we're both going to be executed!"

The boy, entirely too surprised at the sudden voice from the shadows, nearly threw his dagger into the darkness; but he stopped himself at the last moment, for he could most likely guess who it was talking.

"Well you shouldn’t have tried to steal from me then."


"How in the nine circles of hell was I supposed to know what the hell you were? And did you say "execution"?"

"Yes, you buggering egg, "execution"! DO you think that they're going to reveal my existence and that I'm a criminal?! In your fucking dreams!"

It was then that the boy realized just how much he had fucked up.

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