《I Came, I Ran》First Blood


The boy wasn't prepared for what for came next. Koran had thrown his spear into the boy, but he had felt it moments before it happened, so he dodged out of the way the spear the moment it was going to leave the merman's hand. And rightfully so, as the boy did not even see how the spear had flew through the air past where his head was, and pierced the neck of the ranger, instantly taking her out before she could even dodge.

The group then looked to the dead girl, and then back to the boy. All of them had a look of rage upon their faces, but they then saw that the boy was staring off into the distance, as if he was seeing something they weren't. And he was, he got a "notification"; as he had grown to classify them.

[Felicitations! You have proved that you are one lucky son of a bitch, but your luck always brings you negative consequences after you have used it. You're lucky, but your luck always come at a price. You have gained the passive Devil's Luck.]

'So, the second one come appears. What the hell keeps giving me these?' The boy absentmindedly thought to himself, all while both the group of girls prepared to attack him with the Merman, who pushed his hand outward with an open palm. The spear, almost feeling this gesture, started to violently push through the ranger's neck, until it was out. It then that it flied in a half-circle around the group and into the merman's hand.

The group did not seemingly care for the demonstration, as they had started to charge the boy. This brought the boy out of his trance, and he prepared his extinguished torch. The boy then realized that he was just holding a flimsy club, so he threw the weapon aside and prepared his fists. The boy knew best how to fight barehanded, and he would prove so.

The barbarian came swinging in with her axe, with the rogue missing behind her, and the sorceress in the very back preparing a yellow ball of energy. The boy knew this ball would do serious damage, so he would have to keep an eye on her at most times through the fight.

The barbarian decided to leap horizontally toward the boy, preparing her axe to cleave him from gut to gut. But incredibly, the boy saw this move coming, so he ran into her, and just at the last moment before he was about to get cleaved, he slid onto his knees under the girl, surprising her and allowing him to punch in the her in the breasts and the stomach.

The girl made a loud grunt before sliding down onto her legs, and locking eyes with the stopped boy, who was also looking at her. But then the boy felt three things coming at him, and he knew that he couldn't dodge all three, but he would try.

At nearly the same time, there came a throwing knife flying from the darkness aimed for the boy's throat. Very close by, a ball of crackling yellow energy flew out from the sorceress' hands, and the spear of the merman flew toward the boy's head. He could only dodge two of the three projectiles, and he choose the least deadly one to strike him.


The boy jumped from his spot allowing the dagger to strike him in the thigh. The projectile whizzed down below him into the barbarian girl, shocking to a seizure, and the spear flew into the darkness. Upon landing, the boy heard something striking stone, and realized that the spear was stuck in stone. Excitedly, the boy approached the sorceress, running at her.

The sorceress, upon seeing impending doom run at her, turned and tried to flee. But she was slow, as she was a mage and wasn't physically fit, luckily for her, she was saved when the rogue threw a knife into the boy's shin, making him fall over. He then turned around to see the merman charging him, a jade sword in hand.

The boy rolled away from the coming strike, seeing that the sorceress had stopped and started to prepare another spell, which looked to be a darker shade of yellow. The rogue nowhere in sight, the rolling boy turned his attention to the barbarian, and saw that she was getting up; this was not going to end in his favor. If the boy wanted to survive, he would need to up his game.

So, the boy did just that, spinning around mid-roll and sweeping the merman's legs with his leg. The merman, surprised by this sudden and fast strike, fell over onto his bac, allowing for the boy to kick him in the head with his other leg; knocking the merman warrior unconscious.

With one opponent down, the boy swiftly jumped up and pulled the dagger out of his shin, all the while paying attention to the angrier, stronger barbarian that was charging at him, and to the shadows, in case the rogue threw something at him or decided for a sneak attack. But then, as the barbarian got within range of fighting, the boy heard booming sound coming from behind him; the sorceress most likely released her spell.

It was a larger, amber colored ball of lightning, which the boy guessed would outright kill him if he wasn't careful. So, the boy dodged, allowing himself to throw the knife towards the sorceress. But as he did that, the rogue threw another one of her daggers, striking the boy in the shoulder. He yelped out in pain and felt the adrenaline course through his veins faster than before.

The boy didn't see if the knife connected with the sorceress, he had to deal with another problem right now; the barbarian. She was charging at him again, but she seemed faster this time, and stronger too, as evident by her bulging muscles. The boy grabbed the throwing knife out of his shoulder and readied it in his hand.

As the barbarian was about to try and decapitate the boy, a knife came out of the darkness. It was then that the boy, at a near impossible speed, turned and threw the knife where the other knife came through. He heard a scream on the other side a moment later, meaning he had hit something. He then returned his attention to the barbarian.

She was too close now, starting to swing her axe at the boy's neck. He dodged it by bending his back, but the axe still came and cut his forehead. The boy didn't notice the cut, he just lifted his body back up as he was sending a punch into her face. The barbarian wasn't able to get her face out of the punch in time, but she still got her face out of the way as much as she could.


The punch hit her on the front most side of her left cheek, and her mouth, before flying off to the left. The boy in turn stepped back, as to not be open to more avenues of attack for the barbarian. The boy quickly glanced around him, assessing the situation. The merman was still unconscious, and the sorceress was laying on her back, a knife in-between her eyes. Blood was spilled all around her head.

That counted three down, and two more to go. The boy turned his attention to the shadows, figuring out a way to take the rogue down. Then it came to him; the boy would need to draw her out. So, he would have to find the torches, which were on the corpse of the sorceress. But for now, the boy would have to deal with the barbarian. And from the look of things, he cannot afford to get hit by one of her strikes.

The barbarian came just after the boy finished his thought. She was swinging her axe again, aiming to cleave the boy from head to toe. But he would not allow for that to happen, so he side-stepped the incredibly fast attack just barely so. But this attack left the girl surprised, as she knew she had grown stronger and faster since his last attack; him dodging this one humiliated her, angering her even more so.

So, she pulled her axe out of the ground; or so she tried. She had discovered as she pulled, that it was stuck in the ground after her last strike, and that she couldn't pull it out without spending time to do so. Noticing her struggle, the boy slammed his fist into her gut, making the barbarian slightly keel over. He then uppercut her in the chin, sending the girl upwards; but yet, she still did not fall.

So, the boy kicked her in the knee, hearing a slight crack as it bent the wrong way. With girl screamed out in pain, but only fell to one knee. She did try and punch the boy away, but he dodged her punch so it would only graze him. He then hit her in the face again, with the hopes that this blow would finish. After the impact, the girl swayed for a bit, but yet she did not fall. So, the boy delivered the same blow, but with the other hand, finally dropping the striking the goliath down.

Now only one was left for the boy to take care of. The rogue was still hidden in the shadows, but she had forgotten that the sorceress had torches all around her. The ran to the corpse and found the extinguished torches; this is not what he had planned for.

Suddenly, the boy felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He screamed out and was knocked onto his back by a foreign force. It was the rogue, and she had snuck up on him.

"Your luck has run out, boy. You know, it's funny, I figured you had a luck-based class only after you killed Essan. She was a damn fine mage, but sacrifices must be made to kill the greater evil. And, clever you, thinking you can smoke me out by getting rid of the darkness; but the torches run on mana, which was supplied by the mage you had killed.

The girl smiled and leaned into the boy, revealing a malicious smile below her dark hood. The boy knew what this meant. She then whispered in his ear, harshly, aiming to break his ear-drum.

"I always love watching people like you struggle, so please darling, scream for me while you die!" With the last word spoken, the girl came up, and pulled a large dagger out of an unseen back pocket. She lifted the dagger high above her head but was unable to bring it down.

With something wrong, the girl felt around her body and looked at the boy, seeing his arm near her neck. She traced his arm with her hand, and found it holding something near her neck. It was at that point that the boy let go and let her feel the thing that stopped her from speaking. Then, exhaustedly, the boy said;

"...You can die for me, darling."

After his words were spoken, the girl finally realized what had happened. The moment the boy ran over to Essan's corpse, it wasn't for the torches, it was for the knife stuck in her skull. He knew that she would attack him in her hubris, waiting until she was completely distracted, before finally delivering the final strike. It was...brilliant.

The girl could not speak, instead she gurgled her own blood before falling over to the side. The boy, after laying there for a large amount of time, got up and headed over to the merman. His sword still laying by him, the boy picked it up and decapitated the humanoid. It was then that a message appeared over his head.

[Hail you! You have completed the first floor of the Devil's Blood dungeon. You have earned 500 EXP for defeating five foes high above your level and your current skill, also receiving items for single-handedly taking out the boss. If you want to continue down the dungeon, go through the hole, if you want to get out, please lie down on the floor and wait for discharge.

Items Received:

Amulet of Awakening- The amulet that Koran of the First Blood wore during his lifetime. It is said that wearing the amulet will open the eyes of the user, letting them see the world around them in a new light.]

The amulet was dropped in front of the boy; but he didn't even have the strength to bend down and pick it up. The boy dropped beside the amulet, dragging his hand over it and grabbing it. With his last vestige of strength, he brought his hand onto his chest, fainting away from consciousness.

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